Whole Nation

Chapter 85: Like fire in June (4)

A group of more than ten fat people rode on the tall Supor horse (the Lida family was smuggled from Rui Erdian), although there was no armor piercing,

   But the special long battle knife on the waist and the sturdy guard behind the fat man show that the fat people are not good.

The caravans passing by on the mountain road try to avoid the fat men, who are not from the group of cavalry. Occasionally, some caravans that dare to pass by the fat horse team are also large caravans with dozens of mercenary guards. Naturally, they are not afraid of fat men. More than a dozen people

   It took more than two hours from Zhivading to the southern exit of the Sambuga Hills,

  Fat guys are quite satisfied with this speed of travel,

   "To be rich, build the road first!"

   This slogan that is very loud in later generations actually implies a deep truth,

  The unobstructed roads are the blood of a region, and the blood circulation is not smooth. This region is destined to fail to prosper. It is inevitable to build a road that connects the four counties in its own area.

   The wide road surface not only attracts many caravans, but also connects the three regions of Samoir, Zhivadin, and Jerbo into a smooth triangle

   Light infantry stationed in the Samoor stronghold, cavalry stationed in Zhivading, heavy infantry stationed in Jerbo,

  The three areas are like an inverted triangle, centered on Zhiwading, a commercial city with extensive roads and abundant material storage, connecting the other two places.

  As long as the enemy appears on either side, the reinforcements and various materials on the other side will arrive within half a day. This is the iron triangle defense system envisaged by the fat man.

   This time I went to the Djerbo area, the fat man was not just for the alchemist’s fire, another important reason was to visit this Samboga mountain road, which is related to the lifeline of the iron triangle

   Time is getting more and more urgent, and even a slight slack can lay hidden dangers for your future

  The sun has risen high into the air. The hot June noon made the fat man sweating, and his clothes were soaked. He had to find a cool place to rest and wait for the hot noon to continue.

Fatty and others found a lush and tall tree to sit down at the crossroad of Jerbo to Zhivading and Samoer. The dense and wide canopy of the tree covered the surrounding area of ​​more than ten meters, forming a piece of more than ten people. Shade of rest,

Seeing the unidentified group of fat people crouching on the side of the road, the caravan passing by was more cautious, the speed of the horse slowed down, passing carefully by the side, and a pair of vigilant eyes stared at the fat man, because this guy is obviously a group of people head,

   Everyone else just stood in the shade and looked carefully at the passing horses and horses,

   He alone, unscrupulously unbuttoned his shirt, revealing a white flower belly, sitting in the shade of the tree fan, obviously looks like a country rich man

  If not everyone knows, the thieves robbers who eat mixed food on this mountain road are all cleanly beaten by the Samo recruits who came out in actual training, and they turned around and ran away.

   Accidents always happen in unexpected places,

   In the afternoon, the sun began to weaken, just took a nap, the fat man stood up, patted the weeds on the buttocks, and dozens of guards around him were also putting their saddles on their horsebacks.


   Three gorgeous carriages suddenly stopped in front of the fat man. The first car stopped very quickly. The two horses in front almost wiped away from the fat man.

   The carriage stopped suddenly and brought a gust of wind to startle the fat man who was resting. Several guards immediately ran over and blocked his body in front of the fat man, clutching the knife handle with his palm.

   "Hey! You mountain people, do you know the city of Zhivading?"

   There was no movement on the first carriage, and there was no apology for almost hitting people

   Then the second carriage curtain opened, revealing a arrogant girl with a pretty face, wearing a white lace cap worn by the noble maid, and looked at the fat man and others with disgust.

   The girl did not apologize for the rashness that almost hit the person just now. Instead, her eyebrows were pursed slightly, and she seemed to be tortured.

   "Mountain people?"

   The fat man was stunned by the girl, and dissatisfied touched his white belly with his right hand, feeling too cheap.

  Although he was stained with a lot of ash on the road, it should be different from ordinary mountain people. Who has seen mountain people riding a precious Suporma with a steel sword?

   You should be a mountaineer with at least the respect of being a leader of a car bandit. It is called the mountaineer directly, which hurts the fat self-esteem.

   The eyes of the fat man who liked the yin turned, not only did he not show any dissatisfaction on his face, but responded with honour.

   "In the city of Zhivading, the little one just came from there. For the road to Zhivading, the little one can touch it with his eyes closed, but..."

  The fat man didn't continue to say, his face was looking forward, and his eyes looked at the girl's face,

   The white-hatted girl's face was flushed by the fat man, and she scolded the fat man angrily.

"What do you mountain people want to do! We are the noble guests of your lord in Riva Cheze, the abominable Satsuma fat man who sees us to be polite, and I ask you the way is the honor of you untouchables! Squeaky, I immediately cut your head!"

  The fat man pretended to be taken aback by the threat of the girl, and he touched his neck worriedly, and said with a smile

"You are going to cut our heads, then we dare not say more! As for the city of Zhivadine, you can look for it slowly, this Sambuca hill is said to have 999 roads, the suicide Isa The Marquis committed suicide just because he walked into the fork and could not turn out of the mountain. You have many people. You should be able to find the way if you turn around. You will arrive in ten days and a half months.

"you you,......"

  The white-hat girl was fat and speechless, and her eyes were almost angry, and a soft female voice sounded from behind the white-hat girl.

   "Tillyni, stop fooling around! Missed Miss's big event! Be careful, Miss punishes you again"

   next to the arrogant girl showed a beautiful face with elegant temperament, the fat man looked at his heart,

A girl about seventeen or eighteen years old, wearing a maid's white lace cap on her head, and long, soft black hair draped on her round and fair shoulders. A pair of watery eyes seems to be able to **** the human soul out of the car. Out of a white and elegant hand, holding a dazzling gold coin

   "Kind people, I apologize for the rudeness of Tiliani just now, I hope you can tell us the way to Zhivading~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This gold coin is just my apology!"

   "Well, this is almost the same! Since it is so sincere, I accept your apology"

The fat man wiped the slobber of the corner of his mouth with a smile, took the gold coin with a smile, took the opportunity to touch it in the fair-scented hand, very soft and soft, and the scared girl withdrew her hand in panic, unexpectedly. The fat man even wipes oil

   "Go along this mountain road and you will reach Zhivadin City!"

   Fatty man pointed at the broad gravel road behind him with a smirk,

   The two girls didn't expect the answer to be so simple, especially the arrogant girlishness almost faintly passed out, as the maid of the noble Miss Martha, who had been idle by these mountain residents,

   stretched out a finger of Bai Shengsheng, scolded at the fat man's nose

   "It's that simple, you dare to ask for a gold coin to ask for a way!"

   The fat man with a dead skin blew his face at the gold coin in his hand, and put it in his jacket pocket comfortably, revealing a sneering expression.

   "Why don't I dare to take my own labor income? It doesn't matter if you are willing to go around the mountain a few more times. The June Sambuca hills are very nice!"

   looked at the far carriage and turned to the right side road, Lidakus asked puzzled

   "Sir, that road seems to be for Samoor, and the one on the left is for Zhivading. Didn't you forget the way you came when you came so fast?"

   "Zivadin? Do they mean to go to Zivadin? I obviously heard Samoa!"

   The fat man glanced at Lidacus with a wink, and looked at Lidacus with a chill

   "I have long heard that the fatness of Samoor fat is small like a pinhole, and now it seems that this is not a rumor that it is empty and windless!"


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