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: 828 Mecca Offensive and Defensive Warfare (6)


   Mecca offense and defense

   "The other party's resistance seems to be very firm!"

   Hearing the excitement from the direction of Mecca, the two General Nords riding on the warhorses glanced at each other with some surprise

   "What to do, conventional psychological tactics seem useless!"

   Crimson Aldo murmured in a low voice. According to his expectations, if the defenders of the Mecca city under their own psychological tactics for adding soldiers, even if the fighting spirit is not broken, at least it should be frustrated.

From 7,000 to 60,000, this gap is not so large. Unless the commander of the other party is a very nervous guy, it is time to order the abandonment of Mecca. Thousands of lifeless sacrifices are here, just to delay the day. Time, this will not have much impact on the entire battle situation,

According to intelligence, the main force of the Falcon dynasty is still resting in the north, and the battle with the Dongting people has just shown that the Vikya Falcon, known as the first general in the mainland, is only focusing on the northern area, but it is close to the border. The Warisian Legion, who has recently taken an aggressive stance, seems to intend to go south,

But on its front there is Nord’s 100,000 army, and only 30,000 or so Valisian, even if the God of War is reincarnated, it is difficult to take advantage of it. On the contrary, the situation in the Dorok Mountains that has been suppressed is somewhat different. Mysteriously, after occupying the northern mountains of Dorok, the Falcon Army transferred the Caesar Sauron Army, one of the main legions, to the Dorok area. This is undoubtedly the same as inserting a sharp pointed knife into the hinterland of the Dorok. ,

The excellent record of the Falcon Army in the northern region has led to a lot of differences within the Doroks who have previously relied on the Nord Kingdom. They are completely dependent on the Nords and become a barrier against the Falcon Dynasty. There are still reservations. Like Ai Lei and several other areas in the north, they are only nominally vassals of the falcon dynasty. In fact, they are more like the alliance of the falcon dynasty. It’s too close,

  His Majesty Agrork launched such a large-scale battle at this moment, why not hope that he can break the plan of the Falcon dynasty's gradual encroachment on the blockade with the marvelous soldiers,

   Now everyone can see that the falcon dynasty is in full swing, not only unifying the central and northern parts of the mainland, but also bringing the most brave Kugits of the mainland into his group,

  As long as there is enough time, the Falcon dynasty with absolute advantage will easily crush a shrivelled peanut, crushing the squeezed Nord kingdom in the south.

   Rather than sitting still, it is better to let go, as long as Mecca is captured, the Nord army and the main fleet attacking from the sea will sweep the entire southern coast of Wikya, and eradicate the foundations of the Falcon dynasty.

   Crimson Jordo still remembers the scene when His Majesty Agrolk handed over the sword to himself when he set off.

"Crimson Erduo, your crimson clan has been royals for generations. In times of crisis, the kingdom has been chopped up and down. Now the country is in crisis. The falcon dynasty is aggressive, not only controlling the central and northern parts of the mainland, but also the southern sea. Under its control, I will give you the last power of the kingdom, I hope you can be like an ancestor of the family, into an indestructible Nord war axe, and slay a **** road for my kingdom!"

   "Order the attack! What are you still hesitating?" The voice from the ear interrupted Crimson's thoughts,

"Anyway, in the situation of disparity in strength, I still choose to defend, and the other party is a respectable person! "The chestnut-haired Noras rarely shows a trace of dignity. "Order the attack, be kind and be kind, it is also regarded as A respect from the other party! Otherwise, we will look down upon our Nords!"

"It seems that this can only be the case!" Crimson Eldor shook his head with a sigh, and then ordered with solemn face "Command, each flag group attacked in sequence from left to right in groups of three! Who First climb to the walls of Mecca. The first contribution of this battle is his. No matter how much the loss is, you must take down this fortress before sunset today."

As the entire row of bugles sounded, the three Nord army queues lined up on the left of the formation began to move forward. The huge siege cars lined up in a row, and the roar of the drums of the battle revealed from the thick fog in the early morning. Like a giant body, under the siege vehicle is a dense queue of infantry,

  Nord infantry, like the infantry of the Falcon dynasty, has always been known for its infantry formation. Compared to the messy formation of the porters used to fill the moat in the front, the regular army in the back looks orderly and the queue is neat. The queue advanced in a scattered line. Rows and rows of archers, swordsmen, bayonets, and shields were well-organized. The dense queues almost filled the long and tidal flats in front of Mecca.


Seeing the black line formed by the Nords flowing over the long **** in front, the Mecca defender raised Ruandi high in his hand, and the 2,000 infantry crossbows on the city's head immediately pulled a strong bow string, followed by Falling down with a high hand, the crossbow arrows poured onto the head of the front row of Nord infantry like the continuous heavy rain. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Assault!" The Nords shouted with shields and rushed forward. The porter in front threw the soil bag in his hand into the moat. Anyone who immediately leaned against the wall of the city wall waited for the rear siege troops to rely on it. Come up

"Shoot, don't let anyone come up!" The Wikia crossbowman on the head of the city almost saved even aiming, and rushed up to tens of thousands of people, just shooting, shooting, shooting, row after row of crossbowmen With continuous and intensive shooting by hand, the body of Nord soldiers under the city became a ring belt around Mecca city,

   But the Nord army was still advancing, rushing over the moat and rushing under the wall, but there, more terrible disasters were waiting for them. As usual, the arrows and rain continued to pour, and the falling rocks under the city head smashed them into meat, dumping hot oil on their heads, the city walls were oily and steep, and it was difficult to climb, and sometimes they climbed up and cut Spears, people will fall to the ground from a height,

The same is true of Mecca, the main city, not to mention the small fortresses outside the city, not to mention the fact that these small fortresses have more than a hundred garrisons, and only a few fifty or sixty. Their duty is to guard the main city walls. Dead end,

  Because the Nord came too quickly, the soldiers in the fortress did not come and evacuate,

   Facing the swarming army of Hwannold, despite the desperate resistance of the small fortress, it was still quickly like a rock covered by the tide, billowing from the inside of the fortress

  One hour after the fierce battle, all the small fortresses outside Mecca city were broken, and the defenders were all killed. The main forces of the Nord army began to encircle Mecca. The shocking offensive and defensive battle of Mecca officially began!



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