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: 808 The North Wind and Clouds (6)

808 North Wind and Clouds (6)

Baozi sincerely thanks: Xiaoqiang's Xiaoqiang voted 2 monthly tickets; he should be kind to read books.. reward 100 coins;

On the wilderness of the ancient millennium, heavy snow like goose feathers fluttered in the wind, falling on the **** bodies of the soldiers on both sides. The battle flags diagonally inserted on the ground were dyed white by the snow, and the blood above was vaguely visible. Stacked corpses form a clear black line on the battle line between the two sides. Tens of thousands of corpses turned into white ice in the extreme cold. Some people and some war horses, like a huge one drawn in this cold world crack

In this wilderness less than 5 square kilometers, countless cavalry were wriggling, twitching, and bleeding. [Go and read, go to www.93m] The black armor of the Falcon Army and the black leather armor of the East Court soldiers are now mixed together, and it is difficult to distinguish who is who. The scene is almost like a hell,

There are fierce fights everywhere. The rain of arrows was flying overhead, and in front of him was a bright metal reflection, countless swords and swords, and spears prodded. The blood beneath my feet oozes into the ground, soaking deep into the soil,

Bloody nose. The shouting of the soldiers, the screaming of the dead, the groaning of the wounded, the rude screaming of the cavalry, the roar of rage, the sound of the steel knife splitting the bones, the clang of the weapon impact, the gasping of the wounded, the warhorse Hiss, all the sounds are mixed together, and the huge sounds are clearly heard until a dozen miles or more.

This is the battlefield, the battlefield where you live and die. At this time, the situation on the battlefield is already very clear. The forward of the Falcon cavalry has been deeply embedded in the Chinese army array of the Dongting cavalry, and is facing strong resistance from the Dongting people.

The situation of the Dongting people is also very bad. Although the left and right wings were adjusted in time and the troops were quickly concentrated in the middle, the disadvantages in the troops were slowly exposed as the intensity and time of the fierce battle increased.

The Falcon infantry who came from the two wings together had already defeated the resistance on the outer side of the flanks, so that the Dongting people had to panic and turn around.

The East Court soldiers fought very bravely, and the situation was irreparable, but before receiving the order to retreat, they still stood on the front line of the collapsed corner, forming a dense queue to deal with the cavalry impact, on their wings , 40,000 Falcon infantry are forming a shield like a copper wall and iron wall, pressing towards the middle,

The heavy shield soldiers and pikemen are at the forefront, and the entire row of dense crossbow shooters is behind. From the gap between the queues, the bright spears are sticking out, densely like a forest; the crossbow shooters are behind the shield, pouring out like hail with a violent and powerful shot. Arrow clusters.

Surrounded by three sides, except for the Motu City where the Dongting people are backing, the Dongting Army has no retreat.

The fat man pushed off the snow-covered hood sent by Mao Monaqing, and said coldly, "The soldiers are still fighting. How can I block my face because of the cold? This will make the warriors of the Falcon Dynasty chill!"

"Your Majesty..." Mao Mona Qing's face was a little white because of the cold. Like a fat man, she turned off the hood on her head, and her hair was still whitened by the heavy snow like goose feathers.

In the afternoon, the white snowflakes falling in the sky stopped, the earth was vast,

The Falcon flag stood on the front line from beginning to end. In order to overwhelm the Dongting people's last will to resist, the fat man ordered to put his 5,000 guard cavalry under his command into the battlefield, and 5,000 well-guarded guard cavalry. , Like a flooding river tide, rushed towards the team of Dongting people, shouting to kill the earth and earth,

"Must win!"

A huge cry rang through the battlefield. The guardian cavalry's fanatical cheers, even the ground trembles slightly in the thundering thunder-like horseshoes

"Block them!"

Wumu, who had been fighting for half a day, was already in a state of embarrassment. In order to make up for the lack of strength, he had to take his 2,000 black armor bows to ride on the defense line to take on the role of fire brigade.

40,000 Dongting elite is now less than 15,000 people, three quarters of the squadron have been disabled, and the number of people who can still fight is absolutely less than 7,000. The others are wounded soldiers. At this moment, even He himself didn’t know what to stop the most elite cavalry,

The short distance of 100 meters is only ten seconds for the galloping horses. The falcon guard cavalry known as the falcon claws has hit like a hurricane,

"Kill" the cavalry of the two sides collided heavily, the horseshoes raised by the war horses stepped on the ground, the scimitar of the Dongting cavalry collided with the sharp sword in the hands of the falcon cavalry, the falcon cavalry was like moving forward together The squeezed guillotine, one team rushed in, the second team pressed in, the third team. . . ,

The two sides collided like two long steel walls hitting at a high speed. After a while, the side that had the upper hand struggled to wield a weapon and smashed any blocking objects in front. No one has ever seen it. There is such a terrible thing in the world. attack!

On one side is the elite Dongting who swears to die, on the other side is the Wikiia Falcon Cavalry with the determination to win, and the horses are heavily hit together. "Papa" shield, armor, weapon, body, because the distance is too close , Everything that can hit, has become a powerful weapon to attack each other

Inspired by the guard cavalry, the exhausted falcon cavalry broke out. They did not care about the arrow on the head like rain, the sharp scimitar in front of them squeezed, countless shirtless roaring soldiers rushed up, the horse pushed the horse, People push people, squeeze desperately, rush desperately, as if they are looking for death on purpose.

The warrior was full of arrows, and he shouted straight at the sharp spear with his chest, using the body as a shield, and stuck the spear of the soldiers in the east court. The horse in the back immediately filled his vacancy, swooped forward, and used a bayonet to poke and poke from the gap in the shield towards the east archer in the back;

Both sides killed their red eyes, brandished **** swords, heavy tomahawks, and chopped shields that blocked their progress, and even violently kicked, slammed their heads, and used their heads to slam the thin cavalry shields of the Dongting cavalry. . Under such a huge pressure, the huge wooden shield used by the Dongting formation to block the arrow clusters also clicked, and was knocked down by the violent falcon cavalry, even the Dongting soldiers who were supporting behind were pressured Underneath.

At this moment, an obvious gap appeared in front of everyone, because the reserve force was almost exhausted, and a huge gap appeared on the left side of the east court.

"A must win! A must win" The huge cry of the Falcon infantry pressed on its wings rang through the battlefield. The soldiers cheered enthusiastically, and the Dongting people shouted in panic: "Block the gap!"

But everything was too late, and numerous black armored infantry spears emerged from the gap, densely packed. As if to have received an undead blessing, he rushed straight up, and the crowd was turbulent, just like rushing all the waves of the waves, moving forward,

The Falcon infantry shouted the slogan "Must win!", and with the long lines of guns in their hands, they pushed everything facing the block. All the weapons that could be used, such as lances, spears, and crossbows, were all Swelled up, attacked like a shower. Almost instantly, the Dongting people's last line of defense was penetrated. Thousands of Dongting cavalry in front of this torrent were already falling over.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much though though I'm sorry

"Oh, the big picture is set! The East Court is over"

A fat smile finally appeared on the fat man's heavy face. Under his cold eyes, the Dongting remnants who had been completely crushed finally gave up the last line of defense and slowly retreated into the Motu City behind them.

In the evening, the fat man asked the chiefs of the Kugit tribes to be found. At this moment, the fat man has completely conquered the chiefs of the Kugit tribes. The eight Kujit tribes headed by the old Lesuk are directly given by the King of Khan. Instead of directly entering the account, I waited outside the camp to respectfully wait for the call,

The cold night of the wilderness is about to come. At this moment, a raging fire has risen in the tent, but outside the account is a cold wild wind that can turn people into popsicles.

In order to reduce the non-war losses that may be suffered when fighting in the cold, the falcon army attacked with heavy winter clothes and a lot of wood for fire, but here is hundreds of miles away from the base camp controlled by the falcon army The distance, a short period of more than ten days can still be made up, if the supply problem occurs, the casualties of the Falcon Army will be very huge, which is also a big problem that fat people need to consider urgently.

War is as important as logistics, food is better, but in this wilderness, there are too few things that can burn fire. Fat people have even sent a logging team to Moa, a hundred miles away from the front. To cut down wood in the woodland, but that bit of wood is really a lot of money for the army of more than 100,000 people, and it may be harassed by Dongting cavalry.

Hearing the report of the guard outside the door, the fat man opened the account of the big keeper and greeted the leaders of Kujit. On this issue, the old Lesuk seemed very disappointed.

He raked his body, picked up the wooden stick in his hand and braved the sparks in front of him, and thought in his eyes, "Your Majesty King Khan does not have to worry about this problem. We Kukits are masters of the prairie. The severe cold in the prairie wilderness has a long way to protect the cold. If we can't find the wood, we will use air-dried horse dung, cow dung and the like. In addition to smelling a little, it is even easier to warm than wood!"

"Using horse dung?" The fat man froze for a moment, and then showed an expression of enlightenment. Yeah, he had seen the herdsman's house in the past, and he burned horse dung and other things in the tent. At that time, he thought it was nomadic. It seems that the customs of the nation are indeed a way of survival forced under the harsh environment, and they are also secretly lucky. Fortunately, they brought 40,000 cavalry this time. Otherwise, this problem is really not easy to solve.

"Now our army has surrounded Motu Regiment~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don't know how you think this city should fight!" The fat man turned around and began to ask about Motu's situation, West Kugit and Dongting The people have been fighting for more than ten years, and both sides are familiar with each other.

According to the fat man’s idea, he proposed to attack Motu, which should cause the tribal chiefs to gladly support, but who knows that the voice has just dropped, and the Kugit people who have just looked relaxed all of a sudden, their faces changed suddenly, and no longer. Words, some even lowered his head to his neck,

Duo Weiyan stopped talking next to her, her mouth slightly opened, and finally there was no bite,

"Oh, is there any problem?"

After a while, under the increasingly bright eyes of the fat man, old Lesuk had to wrinkle his old face, revealing a bitter smile that was comparable to bitter gourd.

"Your Majesty Khan, it’s not that we don’t want to fight, but as long as the Kugits know, although the ice city Motu is not high, the defense is not very strong, but if it is in the winter, it has more troops. It’s not possible to fight in a short time! If your majesty has to fight, it’s better to wait until next spring!”


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