Whole Nation

: Seven hundred and thirty-five crazy (2)

735 Crazy II

Baozi sincerely thanks: Leng Yu sees 1 monthly ticket for Spring and Autumn; 1 monthly ticket for Sun and Moon Mingxin;

In many legends of the Dorok Mountains, the beautiful Aaron Basin is a unique treasure in this huge mountain range.

From the mouth of the Harun Mountain to the east of the Palawan Plain, the East Dorok Mountain Range, which stretches for thousands of miles, is like a wild river, and it gradually rises to the eastern mountain area, forming a wonder of the Dorok Mountains. The two main mountains are even the last. Turning around in an area called Aaron, forming an extremely rare inner mountain basin,

The terrain is also uncharacteristically, and it may be affected by the severe cold and snow outside the large mountains.

Strangely showing the trend of high in the east and low in the west, the Rhine River, the largest river in the east of the galloping and turbulent, originated here. The countless small tributaries it formed also flowed from the Aaron Basin to the surrounding mountains.

It quietly flows into the surrounding lush mountains, turning into hundreds of miles of waterfalls and quicksands, vibrant emerald forests, and countless creeks leaping between the mountain streams like elves

The basin has a warm and refreshing climate, and the magnificent mountain scenery and beautiful water villages coexist. The random scenery is enough to make people feel emotional. It is said that from the millennium dynasty, the Ikadiva who established the center of earth **** in Palawan, Aaron is likened to the most beautiful back garden of the Icadian dynasty. It is the benefit of the high nobles of the Icadian dynasty in the hot summer and the summer.

There are pure and pure lakes here, there are countless people's attention, beautiful scenery enough to clear up all troubles, there are vast pastures that allow nobles to hunt, show their skills and compliment each other,

There is an Aaron woman who makes people love to travel back and forth, like a fairy in the forest -_) It is said that in each generation of the king's favorite concubine of Akkadian, there are always Aaron women, they are like the Ikadiva dynasty The eternal scenery in the file leaves countless beautiful people with emotions. It has the most beautiful scenery, the freshest air, the most beautiful lakes, and the most beautiful women

Many wealthy and wealthy dignitaries from the center of Icdiva have chosen to choose the most beautiful lake views here, construct luxurious and comfortable villas, and lead their families to play when they are free. It is said that the people living here have a particularly long life. Hence the name Aaron Icadía "mountain paradise"

There used to be a saying, "Without Aaron, there would be no Dorok"

The developed water system has created a completely different landform in the Aaron region and other mountain areas. There are no cliffs with sharp edges and no magnificent snow-capped mountains like giant dragons.

There are hundreds of miles of small lakes scattered like dots. Under the sun, these bright and clear lakes shine with the sun, like the stars on the top of the sky, dotted in the green basin in the mountains. , The various white waterfowl leisurely rise and fall during the period, or leave a high voice, turning into a beautiful sky arc

Dorok’s culture is also different from other places. Because it is blocked by tall mountains, the transportation here is quite inconvenient. This also causes the various ethnic groups in the mountains to be independent. They have built their own cities in the mountains and divided their forces. Scope, there is not much management relationship with each other, only when confrontation or union is needed, representatives of their own tribe will be sent to discuss important matters,

Three hundred years ago, in order to fight against the northern advance of the powerful Southern Nords and the eye-catching Ruidians,

After some consultations, the Dorok cities felt that if they continued to disperse in this way, they would one day be eaten by the Nords or destroyed by the powerful Ruidians. After nearly a month of hard negotiation,

Finally, after learning that the Sri Lankan army was gathering at the border, the leaders of the tribes unanimously agreed to establish the Dorok city-state alliance. Each city-state elected a prestigious general speaker to rule, and all other tribes have 3 Named Speaker, which is divided into Upper Dorok Parliament and Lower Dorok Parliament because of different regions and customs. The city-state joint meeting of Upper and Lower Dorok is held once a year, and the General Speaker’s Meeting is only held once every three years.

Now it’s Aaron’s most beautiful season of the year. The triennial Dorok City-State Conference is also held in Aaron, the center of the Doroc Mountains.

The streets of Aaron were full of people, and the cries of "Down with Tyrants, Down with Tyrants" cried out on the Morskaya Street in the central block along the way.

The children screamed and whistled past the shouting crowd, full of women dressed in Dorok samurai costumes. They wore gorgeous and luxurious mail armor, sitting in a carriage parked by the road, holding in hand With a symbolic bow and arrow, the heroic look is like a warrior returning triumphantly from the battlefield,

In fact, these women are not warriors, but some of their ancestors are because of the harsh living environment in the mountains, many Dorok women are half citizens and half warriors. Although there are still few women to join the army, But the Dorok woman has never forgotten the original ancestral training, and now puts on these dresses with the smell of historical relics, just to tell all Dorok people that the horn of battle has been blown

On the windows on both sides of the street, on the roof, and on the granite steps leading to the noble villas, there are also people. These tens of thousands of people are looking at the thick black smoke from the Falcon Dynasty business alliance branch. The building emerged. From the broken window on the second floor of the building, people could be seen running around, throwing bundles of paper from the heights. These papers were flying like flowers and butterflies in the air, and there were already human heads below surge,

"Down with the tyrant, we have to fight"

A roaring sound like a sea tide came from the place where the paper fluttered, closed the door of the carriage, and cut off the sound outside. The President chose to speak with satisfaction to a slightly bald middle-aged man opposite

"Rocks, as the speaker of the Aaron region, you did a very good job. I really didn't expect that the Aaron people will be boiling before the meeting is held. This will play a vital role in our proposal to establish the country. I believe Many speakers who sway left and right will choose to be on our side"

"I won the prize. I only did what the Dorok people should do." The bald middle-aged noble responded with a serious face. "Because I know that only the way of the Lord Speaker is correct. I Dorok. It is imperative to establish a country. This is my millennium plan of Dorok. Even if the Yalun people discover that I deceived them, I believe they will understand this painstaking effort."

The multi-choice sound stopped, picked up a glass of water from the carriage table, and gently blew the steaming heat above it. The gray temples did not eliminate his sturdy and fearless momentum, but instead had a few more years of steady and settled Awesome temperament

"Aaron has been in peace for hundreds of years. I was still worried that the speakers in various places would be influenced by the Yalun people and stand on the stand against the establishment of the country, but now" his solemn voice stopped and suddenly changed With a tone of ease, he said, “I’m afraid that it’s the turn of those opposition parties who are worried. At the time, they chose to discuss this important proposal in Aaron, which should also be the plan, but now, hehe, to be honest, I’m curious, how are you? Let Aaron in a pool of standing water turn into a boiling volcano?"

"Nothing, I just told them, the pearl of Aaron, my pride in Dorok, Miss Bosha Huali was innocently detained by the mean and lascivious Falcon Falcon." The bald middle-aged nobleman's fingers bounced rhythmically on the table , Said with great confidence

"Is the excuse Miss Bosha Huali?"

The selective face sinks slightly, and the smile on the corner of his mouth comes to an abrupt end. As the chairman of the Dorok Castle Council, he knows more about the Miss Bosha Huali than the self-righteous Speaker Aaron. Many, the Bossa family is one of the best in Aaron,

But few people know that the true strength of the tulle family is not indicative. This family, which has inherited thousands of years of glory, is the head of the dark world of Dorok, although the predecessors of the Bosha family had to do because of some special events. Choose to retreat, but the shadow behind it is still not a small area speaker can provoke

The middle-aged bald aristocrat obviously didn’t notice it enough. With a sly smile on his lips, he proudly nodded to the selective and respectful nod and said, “Lord President should know Miss Bosha Huali’s prestige in Aaron, she Not only the daughter of the former Aaron Speaker Bosha Yage, but also the goddess in the hearts of many Aaron young people, but also rescued many poor and helpless citizens, and some time ago, there was a performance group going to the Falcon Dynasty Miss Bosha Huali was invited to participate, I just let out a little wind, and the Aaron people were completely irritated."

"Performance troupe? You're sure it's not wrong. Why did Miss Bosha Huali go to the troupe?"

This time it was completely foolish to choose more. He looked at the middle-aged man with bald head in surprise, wanting to confirm the truth of this statement,

Does Miss Qianjin of a top-family have a relationship with the kind of drifting performance group? As Bosha Huali, do you need to participate in such a performance group?

I'm afraid she just stood quietly in the center of the street. With her peerless posture and light tone enough to eclipse the world, it is enough to make the whole city crazy. The name of peerless voiceless is a god-level idol in Dorok. The presence

"It is said that Miss Jie Jielin, who has the soul of a dancer, personally came to invite" the bald middle-aged man said cautiously. In fact, he was not sure, because too many things were judged by words and words, and they were more selective. His eyes were sweating obviously under the hot eyes

"The Soul of Dancer, Mejie Xilin, this is no wonder." Many choices nodded in a sudden enlightenment. As the head figure of Dorok's political arena, the name of this Miss Mejie Xilin is irresistible.

Dancer's soul? No, very few people know that this top dancer with unparalleled dance skills, beautiful posture like a moon, who can coil her body like a snake at any time, is actually one of the few masters of the top killer organization Doroc Cloud, if She came forward in person, even if the Bosha family is arrogant, there is no possibility of rejection,

It is said that the retired ancestor of the Bosha family was once one of the three heads of the cloud of Doroc, and had a deep relationship with this line of Mei Jiexilin,

It was also because of the full guarantee of Master Mei Jiexilin that he was able to withdraw from the Doroc cloud without any harm in the two-to-one choice. Although he finally died in dystocia, the friendship of the Bosha family has always been in mind.

"What did Mei Jiexilin go to the site of the Falcon dynasty?" Many choices could not help but create some uncontrollable associations. At this time, the adjutant outside the door lightly knocked on the door of the carriage. "Master, the city-state council will be held. "

"Rocks, you did what you should do, now it's my turn to fight"

With a sigh, I stood up from the seat, patted the shoulders of a bald middle-aged man, and snorted in my mouth. "This meeting is very important. Is it possible for Dorok to realize the millennium dream and become a The unified kingdom is here, no matter whether it is successful or not, I am very grateful for what you have done for Dorok. Even if there is something wrong, I will try my best to take care of it."

"Thank you, Speaker," the bald middle-aged nobleman stood up and pulled the door to give it away, said in his mouth, "I believe that this time will be passed. As far as I know, the Vedic representatives who should have attended the meeting this time were met on the road. The assassination is said to have been done by the Doroc Cloud. I believe this is enough to shock the opposition. The Doroc Cloud is our patron saint in the Doroc Mountains. If the news is true, I believe that the speakers will know who to choose."


He chose to sigh with complicated eyes. As a politician of iron-blooded style, he was not willing to believe what the Dorok Cloud is the patron saint of the Dorok Mountains.

He believes that only with an army of excellent weapons and strict discipline can Dorok be able to stand on the mainland’s capital and assassinate, but they are all things that can’t be put on the table.

He waved his hand to the coachman. The carriage door was closed behind him. Locke on the carriage would get off in a secluded place to avoid attracting the attention of others. As a responsible speaker, he must keep himself A fair, selfless image, even if some things are well-known, must have a serious look on it,

This is the politician, their weapons are brazen, their brazenness is their armor, when they stand on the political stage, they are fighters, they may not be justice and purity, but they definitely have their own ideas,

Politicians are not bureaucrats. Politicians have their own ideals, their own goals, and their own revenge. The biggest difference between bureaucrats and politicians is that politicians serve as officials to achieve their own ideals and goals. Being an official is only a way to achieve their revenge. But just to be a big official, to be an official

After walking for five minutes, he chose to stop in front of a huge white granite square building. He appeared to be the "chairman of the blood", and soon caused some changes on the scene, gathered on the ladder Many people turned their backs, and the voice of En En even stopped for a moment,

"Good morning, the Speaker of the Speaker of the General Assembly", some salute to him across the distance, and some show a disgusted look, as if seeing him is like seeing an enemy that must be killed

Others are standing far away, neither intimate nor estranged, surrounded in groups of three or five, only after he walked up the steps, he glanced at his back in a hurry, it seemed to be in the hot eyes Thinking about

"Real Hall" is the name of the Dorok City Council,

At the forefront are the 64 huge towering marble columns of the main door corridor, representing the 64 tribes of the Dorok City State, and then the neat 30-step stone steps representing the 30 areas of Dorok.

Three huge arches in a row are flanked by twenty-one knight statues who have left the name of bravery in the history of Dorok. The huge arch in the middle can enter 20 people side by side. The top of the hall is a hollow ceiling , Can make the voice of the argument in the hall good echo,

It gathers the greatest creativity and imagination of the Doroks. Standing there is like a dreamlike building. Although the inclined hall eaves are stacked but not messy, with the gods and beliefs of all ethnic groups, it is very suitable for the overall solemnity. Great, if music sounds like a magnificent boulder symphony,

This is a combination of the top architectural skills of the entire era. The Dorok people have spent sixty years to build this great building that can represent their own people and unite the will of the various ethnic groups in the Dorok Mountains.

The first superintendent was the famous architect Marquis Fedorisa. When he took over the project, the young noble genius architect was only 27 years old, but he didn’t finish it until he died at the age of 54. One third of the sketch of the building, at the moment before the temporary, his only last words were "Oh, great", and then died with regret

The second supervisor was the great painter Ranco Fedo. After examining the sketches of Fezerisa carefully, the talented painter thought that the style of the building was problematic. Too many details would not take another 30 years. After the completion, the painter boldly modified the sketches, cut the decoration on the edge of the hall and the outer wall, and shortened the corridors and flower halls that need to be strengthened, but the decoration in the hall is extremely pursuit of perfection.

Thirty years later, the painter's modification finally allowed him to see the completion of the last ceiling of the hall in the sound year, but his most important interior decoration was no longer able to complete it. He died in a terrible time. Epidemic, some people said it was because he completed a great work that should not exist in the world, it was the patron saint of Dorok who summoned him

The last supervisor was the daughter of the late painter Runkofido~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Because she had been helping her father build the building, she revised the interior again based on her father Runkofido’s sketches.

Then I hired all the artisans, painters, civilians, homeless people, officers, soldiers, and even 15 speakers from the time to let them draw the most beautiful things in their hearts.

In this way, this great building that embodies three generations was finally completed three years ago. On every stone, every corner, and every colored wall, you can see the miracle of the artist’s genius exercise. Posture, so that the entire hall of the meeting will always run through the creed “true and eternal” Dorokh believes

And now, the gate of this great building is slowly opened in front of the pale choices, and a translucent light shines from inside,

"Dorok I'm here"

Choose two hands clenched into fists, like a test taker who greeted the exam, stepped on the hall steps in front of him, the heavy hall door opened in front of him, and gradually engulfed his thin and firm figure

735 Crazy II

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