Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred and seventy

As the deep winter approached, the sky of the old king of Eero gradually became more gloomy, more depressed, and more unpredictable.

When all the forces of Baro in Southern Europe basically reached the end, the Marquis of Kentham also had a bit of the future owner of the old king of Eero. He resumed his active posture and held continuous banquets to expand Kentham. The influence of the family expands the relationship between the Kentham family. Most of the royal families who came to visit may not come to observe the ceremony, and more wait for the so-called Eero new royal family to be ugly in a gesture of contempt.

"I heard that the heir to the Kentham family is a woman?"

"I have also heard that the Kentham family has a son, why would a woman be the heir to the family, that is, the future Lord of the Eloi royal family?"

"Oh, this is something weird, don't you know that the royal family of Kentham's house was obtained by this woman?" The key to the Kentham family's becoming the royal house of Erow is even a secret in the south of Erow. No, the birth of the woman who was born in the Kentham family, secretly contacted the high-level empire in the north of Erow, and did not know what medicine the high-level empire took wrongly, so he sold the Eroy royal family to the Kentham family.

The subsequent empire went south and the woman from the Kentham family supported and counterattacked the alliance of the princes in the south of Erow. Various rumors of the news have long been ascending to the position of the Eroy royal family with this time. The focus in the old kings of Eero was undoubtedly focused on the woman from the Kentham family,

Atelis, the name is now the focal point of the entire King Eero, and all forces are doing their best to investigate the intelligence of the heir of Kentham, especially about the woman’s every move during the King Eero How did you connect with the high level of the empire? Which one of the empire is behind the full support of the Kentham family?

The dignitaries of various countries also suffocated, on the surface they paid respect to the empire, but secretly thought about how to make the empire overturn on this matter. The empire was in full swing. They had to bow their heads to send people, but if it was to support the empire, then also No, if the empire can establish a royal family at will, what is the nobility of the royal family, this is a major issue involving the interests and reputation of multiple royal families, and the example of the establishment of the royal family this time, the next time, is It’s not that another royal family has to be set up. The royal family’s worries are not unreasonable. They have to consider whether they will directly support a royal family if they make the high empire unhappy one day.

This kind of thing is no joke!

Under the iron ride that conquered everything in the northern empire, they naturally dare not say clearly, not to mention that the empire has just displayed its decisive domineering in Central Europe Baro. The Rila and Bionians fought for the sun fortress. It is the power of the country that invested more than 400,000 troops, but the final decision on the ownership of the Sun Fortress is only a sentence of the Empire’s Special Envoy Prais. Prais said that the Sun Fortress belongs to the Kingdom of Harvey, and the Bionians have to endure Withdrawing from the Sun Fortress with grief and anger, the empire’s hegemony in Barrow in northern Europe is evident, and now the empire’s move to establish the new royal family of Eero, although the content is different, is essentially the same

The empire said that the Kentham family was the new royal family of Erow, and no one dared to stand up and say no to the empire!

But the Kentham family is only a small lord of the region. Now they want to stand in the ranks of the royal family of Opel and want to be side by side with the royal family. They are also unconvinced. On the surface, they naturally come to congratulate, secretly, all It was a sufficient means. To crack down on the Kentham family in this ritual, it is best to make the ceremonies of the new royal family into a laughing stock. Even if the empire wants to pursue it afterwards, at most it can only be said to be The Kentham family did not scramble, the mud was unable to support the wall, all kinds of undercurrents surging, and finally when the imperial envoy Prais arrived at the capital of King Erow, he was suddenly silent.

The dark-haired youth and Pudamia sit on the second floor of a building on the south street of the old king capital of Eero, diagonally opposite is the branch of the Imperial Business Alliance in the king capital of Eero. During the celebration, it is not open, but it is open. The door, the Kentham family also made a **** capital in order to allow King Hero to accept their own ownership. In addition to the fifteen consecutive days of VIP banquets, the performance group was invited to perform in the civilians. During the splendid and lively time, a large group of about 100 women in various colorful costumes gathered in the street to perform songs and dances to help and cheer on the drums and songs, which attracted the people who had originally rested in the house. The streets are also impervious to water

"This time the new royal celebration of Eero, my sect of the country also wanted to send people to participate, but in the end it was still a good decision not to come, lest everyone get embarrassed when they get it"

The Pope Pudamia's pretty face was covered with white sand, like a swan protruding from a plain yellow gown and slender and clean, and her neck satiny like a brocade. It was the capital of King Eero, and the Temple Army of the Commander-in-Chief of Pudamia broke the capital of King Eero and looted it, causing the death of more than 30,000 people in King Eero and the displacement of more than 100,000 people. In the heart of the Wangdu people, this beautiful female pope is a complete demon. If a child is disobedient, he will call out Pudamia, and the child will immediately come back, and Pudamia itself I don’t want people to know that I’m in the old capital of Eero, so I simply masked with white sand

It was because she hid the pretty face in the veil that the dark-haired young people paid special attention to this part that was previously neglected. In fact, the black-haired emperor never tried to watch her with a head-up attitude. When his eyes moved from her delicate chin to her two pieces, which seemed to contain rich feelings, but he never refused to reveal it. When Xi Yi's lip balm, he took the pastry on the table and handed it over. "It doesn't really matter if it's coming. What is happening in the confederate's country now? I believe you know better than me. You suddenly disappeared, and the confessions in the confederate country have become a mess , If it was not for Varisian to dispatch 5,000 people to sit in town, I am afraid that all the holy capitals would become deserted capitals,"

"I won't go back." Putamia took a deep breath. His white fingers took the pastry. The entrance was crispy and soft, sweet and salty. The ham had a prominent fragrance and was oily but not greasy. It was the best. After nodding his head, he asked, "This time you deliberately put the Kentham house on the front desk and let the Kentham house become the target of the royal family. Once the Kentham house really becomes the laughing stock of the whole continent because of this, The face of the empire will also be dull, are you not worried at all?"

"Oh, what to worry about, from the west coast, the empire expanded all the way, when did someone need to give his face?" The dark-haired young man smiled indifferently, his eyes seemed to be able to pierce through the heavy walls of the street below to see the performance, and looked straight into the opposite. The branch of the business alliance, the divine rebellion said, "The fact that Kentham was promoted to the royal family of Eero is to see the attitude of the royal family. As long as the royal family sends people, the others are not important. It’s enough to prove the empire’s influence on the entire Obaro. It’s the same as opening a store and doing business. The opening of a new store can attract many people with identities. It represents the strength of this store.”

"The shop opened..." Hearing the parable of the dark-haired youth who didn't blush, Pudamia couldn't help but chuckled, and the beautiful incomprehensible said, "You compare the empire to a shop, to Kenta The Mu's house is the displayed goods, so who are the customers of this shop and who will be interested in the goods from the Kentham house?"

"The guests of the empire are any people who want to become a party or want to establish a country, and as long as they can pay the price to satisfy the empire, the empire can help them."

The corners of the dark-haired youth's lips are slightly warped, revealing a sly smile. "The empire has proved that a small lord of South Erow can be placed in the Eroy royal family, so naturally they can be pushed to the desired position. With the example of the Kentham family in front, someone will naturally come to the door, which is much more convenient than our own bragging there."


Putamia’s charming eyes rounded the drum, and the ridicule brought by the corner of her mouth had now become an unparalleled shock

This is really terrible. She is the pontiff of the ecclesiastical country, and she is the lord of a country. Both her vision and perception are first-class among the monarchs of South Europe. Only listening to a few black-haired youths, she immediately realized What terrible connotation is here, the empire is showing the strength of the empire to the entire Obaro, the black-haired youth is right, these royal families and representatives of various parties who came here with a joke At the moment when he arrived at the old king capital of Eero, he was already on the platform for the empire, and was promoting the influence of the empire, but these people were still at a loss.

Any country has ambitious generations, the existing royal family also has its own lurking enemies, and those new rises, although there is a certain territory, but there is still a considerable distance from the true founding of the regional forces, in the eyes of other royal families Here is the laughter of the Kentham family, in their eyes is an example of a live pheasant changing to a phoenix. With the Kentham family live sign, it is really no need to worry about the empire. These ambitious ambitions and The forces will come up on their own, and the most terrifying thing for Pdamia is that these people and forces cover the entire Obaro continent. Regardless of the Barrow in South and North Europe, the empire only needs to choose a good supporter to easily move the empire Tentacles extend to any country, any angle, as long as there are ambitions, there are eyes of the empire

Pudamia has been able to foresee that within ten years, the entire Obaro will be written by the Empire

The dark-haired youth looked at the performing crowd on the street and suddenly rioted around the front corner. A team wearing Martinli's armor style horses was coming from there. The banner in front indicated that it was the Ansili home of Martinli, Martinli who had always been riding Yaren, this time there are four or five carriages,

"Is the Empire also inviting the Martini teeth?" Putamia's pretty face was as cold as a layer of frost. The Order and Martini were deadly enemies, although the Martinis were defeated in the Holy Order. Fled back to the country, but the blood of millions of sect members is not so easy to forget

"I can be sure that the empire did not invite the Martini people to look at the other party's banner. It should be the Ansili family of one of the three major groups. It may be the carriage of the Silver Fox himself." The black-haired emperor also frowned slightly. The Ansili family Has Silver Fox come to King Hero? The intelligence department has no news at all.

"Not a silver fox, it should be another general of the Ansili family, Locario. Only his flag will add a shield under the lightning logo of the Ansili family."

Putamia showed her intelligence ability to know Martini teeth, she stared at the flag of the Ansili family that gradually passed by and said coldly, "Lokario is the most famous general of the Ansili family except the Silver Fox. Compared with the silver fox's unscrupulous way of doing things, this Ansili family general has always been known for its fierceness. He has at least the blood of 200,000 people in my religious group. Help me arrange it. King Hero killed him"

"You don't want to kill him if you want to kill him, but I can't stop it now. When the ceremony is over, on the way back, you can kill as much as you want!" The dark-haired young man smiled wryly. This Locario is also too big. The Patriarch of the Patriarchate will hide in the capital of King Hérault and sit on the second floor along the street. Otherwise, there will be a lot of convergence. Don’t look at the Martins’ defeat in the Holy City, but the Martins’ sweep in front The majesty of the Harvey Kingdom and the Order of the Order is still enough for Martin Liya to lift his chin to the sky in front of other forces. It is the Emperor of the Army, not the Order, and even now, Martin Liya In the central part of southern Europe, it is still the same as the overlord~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now in southern Europe, who is still eligible to dare to stand up in front of the empire

With this alone, it is enough to make the Martins proud.

"Your Majesty, an urgent secret message sent by Aden’s side, the Aden Navy suddenly left the entrance to the Gulf of Aden yesterday morning, and headed east." A guard in casual clothes came up from the stairs and bent down, whispering in black Said in the ear of the youth

"The Navy of Aden is dispatched!" The dark-haired youth stood up fiercely, and his breathing stopped slightly. It seemed that Dustron's attack had worked. The Navy of Aden really seemed to smell the **** wolf pack, desperate. Pressed up, as for the authenticity of the information, the dark-haired youth did not doubt much

Because the information comes from the Red Dragon Hall of Aden,

I don’t want to see the royal family of Aden become the emperor. The Red Dragon Palace of Aden is definitely one. Even if 30,000 people of the Red Dragon Knights of Aden are destroyed in the hands of the empire, the Red Dragon Palace will secretly join forces with the empire to prevent King Aden from becoming an emperor, because King Aden becomes On the day of the emperor, the first thing to deal with may be the Red Dragon Palace!

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