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  Fei Ze camp,


  Innumerable sharp weapons are slashing and killing, both sides of the battle are gritting their teeth, blood is bleeding, there are swords and swords everywhere, the battle line is completely smashed into blood red,


   "Go ahead, kill them all!"


"Stop them!" The cavalry on both sides had rolled a lot of people after several hedges. The screams continued, the weapons slammed, the sparks splashed, and the red eyes have been killed, just like the hatred will be killed. The enemies of the Fezers have been completely chaotic,


No one noticed the mound hill 100 meters away. The Emperor's gaze was passing through the snow drifting in the sky and fell on the front of two cavalry. In the distance, the two cavalry were like two ferocious irons. Crashed together, the countless bright red rolled up suddenly, a sneer in the corner of the mouth


"Your Majesty, do you need to launch an offensive?" The commander of the Empire's Northwest Army, Clorisat, stared at the chaos in the Fezer army and couldn't help asking the emperor. Fei Zejun was completely messed up. On pressure, it is expected that the last point of King Fezer will be completely destroyed in World War I!


   "Offense? No need to spend that effort"


The emperor gave a cold look. "In fairness, the old King Fitzer was also quite capable, but unfortunately he was born out of luck. If he had digested it for another ten years after unifying the monarchy, Fitzer might be able to have the empire The capital of World War I, but now, the noble army assaulted the capital of the king, but it completely destroyed the capital accumulated by King Fezer, and even if the king was not angry, it was estimated that it would not survive for a few days. Prince Albert, who has the ability to become an imperial resistance, is afraid that he will soon be ruined."


  "As for King Fezer, the empire did not want it at the beginning, and now it is too hot to swallow, and it will be settled!" The emperor's voice paused and his mouth smiled.


"Your Majesty, if you don't take it at this time, I'm just afraid..." Hearing that the emperor didn't want to win the capital of King Fitzerall, Crolisat's face hesitated for such a wonderful opportunity. , Just give up. It is really a pity that although King Fei Ze was looted by the nobles of Northland, but there is still the heritage of a king. Is such a large piece of fat, does the emperor not be greedy? Even if there is not much money to take, at least the hundreds of thousands of king capital population, the craftsmen and technicians in the whole city, as a king capital, that is the essence of a country, why don’t you want it?


   "What anxious! It's already coming to the mouth, so there is no shortage of such a month or two!"


The Emperor glanced at the somewhat dazed Korissat, how could he not know the thoughts of this confidant, and smiled indignantly, "The Northland nobles succeeded in sneak attack, and Fei Ze's situation of complete division has been destined to strip the king. The aura of the capital, the so-called king capital, is just an isolated city that has destroyed most of it. The wealth is almost completely taken away by the nobles of the king capital. The rest is the ruins of the city, just the resettlement of the refugees of the city. , Is a big question, even if you don’t think about what political factors, such a ruined, capital-hungry king, do you want?"


   "This... This kind of king capital is indeed better than not!"


Hearing the emperor’s words, Crois Lisart’s face appeared a sudden, self-deprecating smile, indeed, King Fezer is already a phoenix that is not as good as a chicken. Whoever gets the king is carrying a heavy weight on his back. Big burden, in such cold weather, I don't know how many people will starve to death, there is not enough food, and there is only one development in the end, that is, people eat people! Thinking of the tragic scenes of hungry people and frozen dead bodies in the city, even this warrior on the battlefield felt a scalp in his heart! And as the emperor's words stopped, a cold wind rolled up a piece of snow on the ground, and the roar rose, and it was even more chilling. This harbinger made Crowlisat not know what to say!


   "Okay, we should go back and prepare!"


It seemed that he lost interest in the battle between the Wangdian Cavalry and the Southwest Marsh Cavalry in the distance. The emperor withdrew his gaze and said, "In such cold weather, if you want to avoid freezing and starvation, you have to leave Wangdu all the way. The Empire only needs to put preferential conditions on the West Coast to absorb it, and it is easy to evacuate the population in the capital of King Fezer. I have asked the Empire Navy to mobilize food from the North, and the original farm plantation on the West Coast should be able to deal with hundreds of thousands. The hungry people, as for this king capital, whose bones are not counted, was thrown to the two men to fight for it."


   "And" the emperor raised his head and looked at the snowflakes falling like feathers in the sky, his nose snorted "The time for this farce is also over"


"Your Majesty, Report of Lord Salton" At this moment, an Imperial Guard Cavalry came from behind, jumped away from the emperor more than ten meters away, and delivered a report that had just been received to the emperor. , Heard that it was Salton, the emperor opened the report and glanced, his eyebrows frowned slightly


   "Prince Fei Ze was also stingy, and he began to hunger after hearing that Gankefu's 200,000 army was annihilated by the empire, and found out that there was no breath last night." The emperor handed the report to the nearby Clorissat,


   "Dead!" Clorissat was shocked to hear, just received the report, and hadn't opened it yet, could not help but change his face


   "It's already meaningless"


The emperor's face was calm, and it seemed that he didn't care about the death of this nominal puppet, but said, "The empire's strategy has been reached, Fei Ze is now divided and independent, and the king has no power to control the outer provinces, only a few areas remain. The military power is exhausted, and the national strength is even one in ten. If there is this great prince, other regions will no longer listen to the orders of the king, but telling Salton that the matter still needs to be kept secret temporarily. For a month, in the name of the great prince Fezer, fully annex the Fezer region, no matter what means, and how much I can finally swallow, I can be regarded as the sphere of influence of the Second Army of the Empire in the South. Rooted, can you take care of yourself, it depends on his own skills of Salton!"


"Isn't this too..." Clarissat heard stunned, the emperor told Talton directly, you just hit hard, one month, just hit it, how many hits, there is an emperor In this sentence, Salton did not attack the Fezer region as hard as he did with chicken blood. This famous Fezer who has been excluded from the mainstream of the Empire, now has the power in his hand, but it is enough to cause most Empire generals are jealous, not to mention the Second Army of the South, composed of elite Nord soldiers, as well as the wealthy Empire Bank special flag team, the mobilized Central European Baro wolf, the Hungarian cavalry cluster, and the familiar Fitzer The remnants of the border guards in various places are almost the same as the geographical and geographical population, with a total strength of more than 150,000. With such a strong army, Fei Zexing has not hoped for the wind, and he heard that the emperor had broken the sky. Using the Second Army of Salton as the main force to intercept the return of the Fitzer Army, I had planned to make the Second Army stationed in Southern Obaro as an imperial force, but after all, I just heard that I did not expect the emperor to really arrange this. !


"Salton risked death with tens of thousands of troops to stop Fitzer's 200,000 elite return to lay the foundation for the entire Fitzer battle. Without the desperate battle of Fitzer II, the battle between the Empire and Fitzer would not be so small. He did what he deserved. The emperor looked at the distant land, and his deep eyes flashed a little light, and said slowly, "According to the empire's arrangement, the empire will station two or three regiments in the Fezer area. The force, and your Northwest Army, will also serve as the main force of the empire stationed on the west coast, and the Second Army of Salton will radiate the entire coast of South Baro."


"Your Majesty means that my Northwest Army will also stay on the West Coast!" Clorissat's already dissatisfied face was a little shocked, compared to the almost Nordic Barrow continent that had been conscripted, Southern Europe Barrow’s prospects are obviously much better! I didn’t have a good time to catch up with the empire to sweep the northern continent. Everything was a step behind others. At the beginning, Varisian, who was just a head of the flag, became the head of the imperial army that was equal to himself. Dakus, who is in charge of logistics, is now the governor of the Great Ocean City of the Empire. Now the situation of the Empire in Obaro is the same. Most of the most prosperous areas of the economy are directly under the jurisdiction of the emperor. This is also impossible. The soldiers really don’t work. The emperor does many business affairs.


The Southern Army of Statunko is in Gaul, the Southwest Army of Saron is in the southwest, and the rest of the Gangfei area is obviously the area that the emperor wants to directly govern. The Istan Empire is occupied by Varisian. Beyond the long wall in the north, the bitter cold and the vast wilderness, that special environment, is not something that the inland people can stay for a long time. Only the generals from the prairie people can give the area where they can sit, and the rest can be used as forces. The scope is really not much. The northwest army, the former emperor's pro-family, is it impossible to really guard the barren Central Europe Baro?


   In that way, not only will the Northwest Army make people laugh, but also the face of the military's top five!


   The battle of Palawan, his face has been swept away, and later attacked the Gaul Empire, but also made no achievements. Who knows that after a few years, his status as the top five military leaders can still be maintained?


There are already rumors in the outside world that he is the most abandoned army commander of the empire, and he has completely maintained his relationship with the emperor by relying on his old roots. The original Falcons of the Megatron mainland have already fallen to the standard. The standard of the local army should no longer be counted in the empire's front line


   Empire, after all, is a place where military power is used to speak. Without military power, it is useless to say anything! In the face of rumors, Clolisat also had nothing to say. It was not the time of the Civil War. The Northwest Army expedition to the South and the prestige. Now, the empire has swept most of the countries of the North Continent. The only way to achieve military achievements is to go beyond the long wall, to distant Centralbia, to Istan, the territory of the empire is expanding, but it is even more difficult to obtain military achievements! Looking at the juniors at the beginning, now one by one, the rise of the edge is rising, and even Clarissat is about to wonder whether he is really old, and whether the emperor really no longer thinks he still has the ability to bear.


This time the emperor placed such an opportunity in front of himself. Crowly satart felt like he was hit by a big gold nugget on his forehead. He suddenly felt his head covered, all over his body. A rush came out, this feeling is so good, it is like returning to the era of the original war,


At the beginning, before leading the Northwest Army, before facing the fierce battle with the 100,000 North Army in the northern mountains, he was so excited and difficult to face the cracking North, and now, my Crowlissett, may Not the first imperial general to board the continent of Obaro, but definitely the first imperial commander to stand on the southern continent!


   "Why, if I don't want to, I will call someone else!"


The emperor obviously didn’t know how excited Clorissat was. Instead, he looked at Clorissat, who was silent, and sighed secretly. Could it be that this imperial tyrant who dared to be a monarch, really After being idle for a few years, has the blood of my body been polished? Although staying on the West Coast is destined to leave the wings of the empire and have the courage to take care of itself, but the huge crisis cannot bring huge benefits, and the empire has just been able to gain a foothold in the Fezer area and face this area. The area is not inferior to the northern continent of Barrow in Northern Europe, and there are large areas that can be opened up.


   Those in the future ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ are all solid and powerful warfare, Hehe Wuxun, the emperor does not believe that Crowlisat cannot see this! If this guy, Clarissat, was really unwilling, it would be to transfer Saron directly, but that guy has always complained to me that there has been no battle! If you stay in the Southwest District again, it will be abandoned! At this moment, he saw Crowlisart suddenly come down from the war horse, then bowed down to himself under the eyes of all eyes, and with a straight wind and snow voice, the expression was agitated and unusually said, "Chencroisat was willing Guard the West Coast for the Empire!"


   "Okay, get up!"


The emperor's expression waved his hand in satisfaction. Fortunately, he wasn't even flattened. Otherwise, it was a pity. After all, the emperor was still a person who loved each other, and Clorizat was one of the old people who followed him. There is indeed a considerable shortcoming in strategic capabilities, but the combat effectiveness of the Imperial Northwest Legion is good in the battle with Gankefu, and it has not yet completely degraded as rumored, and he has chosen the opponent selected by Crowlissett. It is not as powerful as the North. There is only one Fazer on the west coast, which has been wiped out by itself. The rest are only those small and medium-sized countries further south. It is very good for the Empire to not trouble them. Who dares to find trouble for the Empire! After all, Crolisat is also one of the five commanders of the Empire. With the expansion of the Empire's power in the south, it is always necessary to have a qualified military leader to lead the overall situation!  

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