Whole Nation

: 2504 Thunderstorm (24)


  King Feize


   With a soft sound, two six-meter high arched relief wooden doors were pushed away by the guards standing on both sides


   King Férze II Laurie II strode into the room, the empty room was full of light. The sun shines through the tall windows and reflects a few squares of gold on the snow-white walls. A whole piece of Casmar cashmere rug with white stripes on red background covered the entire meeting room with an area of ​​30 square meters,


   "Your Majesty"


Seeing him walk in, a dozen General Fezers who were talking inside, immediately stopped talking, all knees on the ground with a solemn look, and the general's cloak dragged to the ground behind them. Among these generals, the oldest was nearly sixty. Years old, young people are also in their 30s or 40s, and everyone has their heads down. The generals’ badges have magnificent edging of the vines and night flowers that represent the royal family of Fezer, indicating that they belong to the generals of King Fezer’s legion, For them, King Laurel II was not just a king, but also a patriarch. He was the prince of the entire royal corps, so they were not military salutes, but courtesy for their prince.


"Let's get up. I believe everyone should understand the purpose of the recruitment! What do you think of the armistice agreement?" Laurie VI looked at the people kindly and smiled. There is no pressure from the king. There are no kings here. There are no kings here, only clans, so he behaves more like the old man in the neighbor's house, but the old and deep eyes, and occasionally flashes not like the old man. The twilight is heavy, but the cold light that makes you feel pressure, like a sword, makes you feel a little palpitations


   "That agreement..."


   "What should I say, it's a bit overwhelming!"


   "Yeah, just sending the entire coastal area out, is it simply forcing the military to rebel?"


Hearing Laurel II’s words, the generals glanced at each other, the meaning was so clear in their eyes, everyone did not agree with the agreement, but the armistice agreement was established by the king, they are the generals of the royal legion, most of them They all have the identity of the royal family, and the majesty of the king is a grasshopper on a rope, which can be described as a glory and a shame. It is not a good idea to directly oppose the decision of the king.


   "Your Majesty's decision, we naturally fully support it" said General Fei Ze, who looks the most prestigious and has some white hair on his head.


   "Lu Mu Ai Qing, do you really think so?"


Laurin II was not so easy to fool. He looked at this General Fezer, who was about the same age as him, with a smile on his lips. Lu Muai was the oldest general in the directly affiliated legion, and had always been a smooth man. It is well-known that General Fei Ze, who is also known as the most promiscuous day, according to Fei Ze’s regulations, the general can launch the Legion as early as the age of 60 and return to the family to support him, but this Lu Muai has been boiled until At the age of sixty, he did not want to retreat, because he controlled the logistics of the entire legion, and was the location of fat and oil. According to rumors, half of every grain consumed by the direct legion went to Lu Muai


Under the attention of His Majesty the King, the logistics general was embarrassed and hesitated and said, "It's just that I don't understand. We ceded the entire coastline belonging to the military to the Falcon Empire, seventeen ports and more than three hundred. Ten thousand people, it can be said that the military is completely sold. Once the military is transferred back to kill, the consequences..." Lu Muai stopped talking, although he did not continue, but the meaning is very clear, the consequences Very serious, the royal family of Fei Ze has maintained a confrontation with the military for more than a hundred years, and they know each other quite well. Now it is not the time to turn the face with the military.


   "Consequences? What are the consequences?" Laurie II's eyes narrowed into a line, and the corner of his mouth still had a constant smile


"Your Majesty, some words shouldn't have been said, but since your Majesty has made a decision, the subordinate will only have to talk about death." The gray-haired Lu Muai paused, and under the eyes of His Majesty the King, he dared to scalp He said, "It is not sixty years ago. At that time, the military strength of the Fezer and the military was five to five. The military was still afraid of the royal family. The military is now more powerful than the royal family. The guards left Beijing, and once the military turned their heads, they might not have to return to the border guards. That is, the local defense forces in the nearby area are enough to put Wang Du into trouble."


"It was precisely because I knew that it was not sixty years ago, so I had to make such a decision." Laurie II's face was dark and unclear, and he said slowly. In the battle for hegemony of the Slavs, the military defeated Fieser’s 100-year-old enemies Mias, who had occupied the coastal area, and achieved thousands of miles of fertile West Coast area.


"For decades, the military has raked in huge wealth on the West Coast, coupled with decades of smuggling and selling slaves, the power has far surpassed us. Sixty years ago, the power comparison between the royal family and the military was from the founding of the country. It's five to five, so now, Lu Muai, you tell me, how much?"


   "Is the royal family breaking the balance regardless of the rules, or the military has already abandoned the original agreement"


"This!" The gray-haired Lu Muai's complexion changed, and he, as an assistant logistics, felt particularly great about this change, and his age happened to have experienced the decline of the royal family. The royal family and the military were each half and half. It was set at the time of the founding of the country, but sixty years ago, after the military occupied the coastal area, its financial resources and material resources have grown tremendously, and the total area of ​​the closed land has exceeded the royal family. Basically, the agreement has already been lost. In a sense, the military abandoned the agreement. In the past, ten years ago, King Laurin II took the throne. The comparison between the military power and the royal power has been a shocking seven to three.


That is to say, of the current 500,000 Fezer's standing military power, the military controls more than 300,000 combat troops, while the Fezer royal family only has 200,000, and the 200,000 military forces it holds can really fight. There are only 100,000 people directly under the Legion, and the rest are the Guards of up to 100,000 people.


But what is the Imperial Guard? It is a pig-meat force that has not left the capital for hundreds of years. It is so huge that the military power is so great that the royal family’s prestige has no effect at all. After cutting his head and wanting to enter the military, who will remember what the royal family is? Even Lu Muai spent a lot of money to manage it. In order to let his nephew enter the military system, as a royal family, he also needed to say good things to some of the military’s middle and lower-level officers. It is definitely not an evocative thing. Experience, at the thought of this, Lu Mu'e's face couldn't help but show a little helplessness


   The era of the royal family has passed, and now it is completely military


Seeing that the generals were silent, Laurie II looked at the ceiling of the hall and took a deep breath. "Everyone is their own. For some words, I won't cover up. The situation of the royal family, just Like sitting on a crater that does not know when it will erupt, it may be washed into the air at any time. The source of Fezer’s economy is mainly prisoners of war, conquering the area, and looking at the situation of the current royal corps. I know, it has been 30 years since I have absorbed the fresh blood of the outside world. Although I am still in combat duties, look at the generals and officers who are currently serving. Without exception, they are all from the royal family. Loyalty is very true, but when it comes to The ambitions of soldiers are also keen, that is, nonsense."


"Everyone comes here, the only difference is that the Imperial Guard can only be mixed in the Wangdu, and the directly affiliated legions can go to the royal territory to mix up. It is said that it is a field force. In fact, the most recent war was ten years ago. , The soldiers have changed two or three batches, the army without war, who dares to say that they can still work on the battlefield."


"Your Majesty, it is our incompetence that made His Majesty so humiliated." A dozen generals directly under the Legion looked embarrassed Qi Qi kneeled in front of Laurel II, but as Laurin said, many people were in In the middle of life, there are people who just started smuggling, and there are a few people who want to temper their own,


   This is also something that cannot be done,


The royal army has always been stationed in the north, and the Imperial Guard cannot leave Kyoto. The double-headed eagle merchant group is a royal minion and is notorious for slavery. It is also a big source of money for the direct army, but most people do not know that the double-headed eagle Within the business group, the royal family accounted for less than one-third, and the military forces that controlled the coastal area were the big heads that occupied two-thirds of the double-headed eagle business group, relative to the part controlled by the royal family. The forces of all parties in the military are still squeezing their full strength, and the directly under the legion can get very little


Therefore, when the Double-Headed Eagle Merchants Group was hit by the disaster, the royal army directly kicked out the slave who had long since abandoned his master. Instead, the military forces suffered heavy losses at the Yuqian meeting. Published a commemorative article in the name of, but because the royal family did not make a statement, it was too dare to dare to do so, so there were only 10,000 or 20,000 troops sent to join the southern coalition.


This is still the case for the directly-held legions abroad. The imperial guards in Wangdu are even more embarrassed. They eat, drink, and play. A group of waste troops, because of the withering of their financial resources, the royal family of Fezer in the first half of the year, also downsized nearly 100,000 imperial guards because of insufficient funds. It has become the current 50,000 people, and then there was the situation where the Guards left the capital when they left the king, and the young and middle-aged people were mostly in the situation, because those old and disabled have been cleared out in the previous downsizing.


It is a helpless move for the Imperial Guard to leave Beijing. If it is still not possible to leave Kyoto, the 50,000 Imperial Guards will be withdrawn while the financial resources continue to wither. At that time, the royal family will control only 100,000 troops. People, in the face of a military with more than 300,000 troops, whether the direct legion can guarantee the status of the royal family is a question. This is still the case when the direct legion combat power is regarded as a first-class field force, and the direct legion combat power, It's not a first-class main field for a long time,


"The Battle of Paput, the military forces broke through the capital of Paput, and there are countless trophies to bring back. If the royal family does not take action, there will be no more opportunities. By then, both financial and prestige will be achieved. The military forces at the apex will inevitably make demands for the royal family to give power. Since our power has been powerless to restrict, then find a force that is sufficient to restrict the military and look at the entire Obaro, except for the Northern Falcon Empire, Are there any other forces that can suppress the military? Are you still confused about that agreement?"


   "No more, Your Majesty" generals replied neatly, all of them are royal children. The reason why there is a complete egg under the nest is still known, but it is still not suitable for the sudden change of his lord.


Outside, the criticism of the Lord Fezer is very general, and even in the southern countries has become a laughing stock, saying that fortunately, the Tai Taizi, who has been a grandfather, is in good health, otherwise if Fei Ze first king then drag In the past few years, this 50-year-old Wang Taisini may have taken a step ahead of the first king, and during the ten years since the passage of the throne by Laurel II, he has done little, just like his Like the age of the year, I feel that it is already sunset, and there is no enthusiasm and ambition for a new king. It looks like I only hope to stabilize for a few years, and then pass the throne to the next generation,


Even the immediate legion considered this King Fitzer to be the most obsolete among the kings of the past. It was chaotic on weekdays. I don’t know, no one would think that this one looks like eating and waiting to die~www.wuxiaspot .com~Waiting for the cowardly king to pass the throne, he will be at such a juncture, and he will conduct a self-directed incident in the south by lightning means, in the name of condemning the southern rebellion, while the military has not responded. , Justified the dispatch of 50,000 Fezer Guards to Kyoto, breaking the 100-year rule that the Fezer Guards should not leave Beijing, and the royal family and the military completely torn their faces.


"Then immediately transfer the immediate legion to the king capital and first control the military personnel." The low voice of Laurie II revealed a **** smell, glancing at the royal generals kneeling in front of him, and finally The golden vine coat of arms of the royal family of Fei Ze that hangs on the wall of the royal hall from the time of the first king.


Laurie said coldly, "Now the military can't pull it out, so it seems to endure. Once the military really launches, then everything is over! The life and death of the royal family is on your shoulders!" Laurie Eun II is the fourth generation king of the Kingdom of Fezer. Don’t look at the 60-year-old man. In fact, the king was able to inherit the throne at the age of 50. He really experienced the wind and rain, and watched the royal family step by step. The Fang confrontation is gradually declining. The ten years of forbearance is just to wait for an opportunity to counter the military.


For the combat power of the 100,000 directly affiliated legions, Laurel II did not dare to trust too much. After all, it was an army that had not been on the battlefield for a long time. It really wanted to be the main force of the military. All the king capitals are taken back. This is the king capital and the royal family. There are their relatives, children and clan here. Once the king is captured, then everything is over. Only in this way will the 100,000 royal clan directly under the army play enough. The will to fight against the military elite 〖To be continued〗【】

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