Whole Nation

: Two hundred and eighty-four Storm Eye (3)


The snow drifts, the earth is silver and white, and a spiked arrow pierces the target 100 meters away with the sound of the wind like a meteor

In the cheers of the soldiers around, a Hungarian general put down the compound bow in his hand and hesitantly said to the other general beside him, "Master Tang Jin Ailin, the countries are discussing the evacuation, we really just waited like this Going down? I don’t know what the Falcon Emperor’s plan is, neither fighting nor retreating. A month has passed, and it is dragged from the autumn that is most suitable for attack to the winter. Doesn’t he know that the land of Bavaria In winter, there is the name of the frozen valley. When the ground freezes, it will be extremely difficult to march or fight. The Feishan army used the convenience of the winter to steadily fight with the infantry cluster. Went to this land! Now, what they are doing now is not the case!"

"I have the ability to complain with Lord Megan Luo," another Hungarian general smiled, looked at the snow falling from his head, and said coldly

"Admiral Megan.... Forget it, when I didn't say it!"

The Hungarian general shrank his head and looked at a back view of the mound on the left side of the barracks, revealing a trace of fear. It was a Hungarian general wearing a hammer helmet, carrying a golden whip, and a dark red Hungarian general Wolf head armor, with a dark red long cloak dragging from the shoulder to the ground. The crotch horse is much taller than other horses. It is also a red horse set. It looks like a dark red beast at a glance. It is a lonely snow wolf in the snow, Megan Luo, the left leader of the Hungarian Army Prime Minister's House, and the most trusted confidant of the Hungarian Army Prime Minister White Durasu. At the beginning, the Hungarian tooth army went all out to the west, and what was left in the country was this grassland man who had shown his general's style at the age of thirty.

Megan was in the snow, looking at the brightly lit coalition camp in the distance, and the coalition meeting opened from noon to night. I have seen several kings leave in a hurry with a team of **** cavalry. The camps are opened and the flags are halted. I am afraid that only the Rila will remain here by tomorrow morning. These unreliable guys! Meganrow's mouth slightly skimmed. The prairie people are all stubborn, only admire the heroes, even the enemies. The Hundred years ago, the Rila people desperately dragged down the pace of the Hungarian invasion, a hundred years later. Still in Rila, hundreds of thousands of Hungarian troops were defeated, so the Hungarians agreed in their hearts that the Rila people still have some bones, and the rest are all cartilage. The Hungarian teeth that were badly injured this time together made 10,000 elite. Entering the battlefield is to show loyalty to the new master of the Falcon Empire. Because of the exclusion of the countries, the Hungarian tooth army participating in the war did not station with the coalition forces. Therefore, the meeting of the coalition monarchs did not invite the Hungarians to participate in the meeting. "The Hungarian tooth is just a domestic dog of the Falcon Empire, and it is not qualified to represent the Central European Baro." The coalition countries also have such ridicule. It is a naked insult to the Hungarians. This wolf is so fierce that everyone in the country is afraid to avoid it. Now it is shackled and it is not allowed to kick a few more feet! How could the Hungarians ever see the Central European Baro nations that once swept through the Hungarian teeth and now have trouble with their accounts?

If not for the intervention of the Falcon Empire. The entire Central Europe Baro is already my Hungarian racecourse, where is there any chance for you to show off your power here! What's wrong with the snow? It's just a knife, that's where all the people died. The things I promised in Hungary will certainly be achieved. This battle is related to the lives and deaths of hundreds of thousands of people in Hungary. Even if our 10,000 are splashed out, it is not a living person, it is a dead person, even if the Falcon Empire wants us all To die, we will also execute!

"Sir, what should I do now? The coalition forces evacuated without permission, and the other Qianqi captains were afraid that they would also have ideas. The most important thing is that the defense line will inevitably be flawed. Do we need to report this to the Falcon Emperor*?" I asked him behind him that the Hungarian Army also had opinions on this troop dispatch. It was only under the leadership of the Hungarian Army, the White Army, that he had to send out the already tense troops. Now the coalition forces have to withdraw However, the prospect of this war is even less optimistic, staying at any time will face the danger of Fei Shan’s army fighting,

If it is in the plain area, the Hungarians are not afraid of having horses, but this is the Bavarian area, which is an area where cavalry cannot fight. The Hungarian light cavalry is known for its rapid assault. Knowing the knack of infantry combat arrays, and never having such training, may not even be able to match a second-rate infantry corps. The Hungarians said that not being nervous is false,

This piece of land once belonged to Hungarian teeth. It was a ancestor who had just migrated here a hundred years ago. It was a natural barrier laid by the blood of tens of thousands of tribal warriors. However, the Hungarian teeth of Obaro in Megatron were defeated by the Feishan army in the way of infantry cluster advancement, and how all these things are now are similar to the original ones.

Can the Falcon Empire win Fissan without cavalry? There is no doubt "No!"

Megan's mouth is slightly bitter, and his heart can't help flashing the old white hair of the military. Yes, even the military of the Hungarian tooth is not optimistic about this battle of the Falcon Empire. From the time point of view, King Feishan and White Durasuk Counting the heroes at the same time, both of them had played against each other in Bavaria. The layout ability of the old King Fischer, that is, the energy and fighting spirit of the most vigorous stage of White Russell had also eaten big. Losing it, letting go of Bavarian, letting go of the idea of ​​expanding eastward for decades,

White Russell didn't expect it~www.wuxiaspot.com~A few decades later, a big decisive battle to decide the fate of Obaro was once again frozen in Bavaria, where two contemporary opponents stood. On both sides of the board, only one side is already a flag, and the other is a chess player. The army is here for a month. If there is the courage to die for the clan at the beginning, this month will be almost tormented. This one In the end, the temptation of low-end can't be lucky, in case the Falcon Empire chooses to evacuate.

"Tell the Falcon Emperor*, and if you pass the order, what should you do? Just from today, the sentinel horse will be doubled. Even if it is dead, I hope everyone can fight like a warrior and die instead of being killed. A man was defeated by a raid!" Tang Jin Ailin looked a little frustrated and waved his hands to the people behind him. His expression was dim. He knew everyone's thoughts and was homesick. What a joyful thing,

If you have a choice, who would be willing to die, but you have no choice, don’t you think about it, even if Falcon Emperor* chooses to withdraw at this time, the Feishan people will not let Falcon Emperor* calmly evacuate, At that time, for the mission of the rear of the army, the tenth * still fell on the head of the Hungarian tooth,

Facing the main force of Feishan, who was overwhelmed by 300,000, the ten thousand Hungarian cavalry, no matter how they looked, were dead and dead, but this can not be said, because even the warriors in the tribe know that it is The mortal result, how to fight at that time! (To be continued)

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