Chapter 98: Demon Alliance

Everything starts with the demonic path. Since the news of the so-called Demon Lord's appearance in the world, there have been more covert actions within the demonic path.

Among them, the most powerful organization within the demonic path is the Demon Alliance.

This Demon Alliance has developed branches within many sects and forces. Yes, it is the same organization that Xu You and Luo Qiaoqiao encountered before.

Xue Beishang and that senior sister were both implanted with demonic seeds and would eventually become puppets controlled by others.

A similar case was discovered in the Kunlun Immortal Sect, but it has already been resolved. The sect that suffered the most in this matter is the Joyous Union Sect.

If this had happened before, the Joyous Union Sect would have directly confronted the Demon Alliance.

But this time, the Joyous Union Sect did not react too fiercely.

There is no evidence that can directly prove someone's guilt in this matter, and the consequences are not too severe. The Joyous Union Sect does not want to be the first to break ties with the Demon Alliance.

Currently, the overall power of the demonic path is far inferior to that of the righteous path. However, the Demon Alliance is a Transcendent Level force that has integrated various powers within the demonic path. Its strength is still at the Apex Level.

On the surface, the combined strength of the Five Sects and Seven Sects can crush all other forces, but reality is not so simple.

Each force has its own ulterior motives and it is impossible for them to unite. The most important thing is that a new Great Dao era is about to come, and the first priority for all forces is to preserve their power to deal with the earth-shattering changes that will occur.

Therefore, considering various factors, it is currently impossible for large-scale conflicts to break out.

If the Joyous Union Sect cannot swallow this anger and confront the Demon Alliance, other sects will not sabotage them, but they will also not help.

So this time, the Joyous Union Sect will turn a blind eye and bear the loss silently.

Of course, there still needs to be warnings and deterrence on the surface.

Apart from using demonic seeds, the demonic path has also secretly started spreading its beliefs.

Many small and medium-sized forces in the Central Continent, especially those neutral ones, have recently been visited by "demonic messengers".

Their aim is to promote the descent of the Demon Lord and persuade these small and medium-sized forces to switch to the demonic path amidst the upheaval. It has a taste of pyramid schemes.

Regardless of whether the rumors about the Demon Lord are true or not, the Five Sects and Seven Sects must handle this situation with caution.

In response to this situation, the Kunlun Immortal Sect and several other sects immediately decided to use magic to counter magic. They sent their disciples to "visit" these small and medium-sized sects.

This is not only to promote righteous ideals and try to prevent these sects from going astray, but also to serve as a warning.

We, the Five Sects and Seven Sects, are all watching. We must not make any mistakes.

Although small and medium-sized sects are insignificant in the eyes of Immortal Gates like Kunlun due to their size, there are countless small and medium-sized forces and sects within the Great Zhou territory.

If they were truly consolidated, it would be a terrifying force.

Therefore, the Five Sects and Seven Sects must take action.

There are many small and medium-sized sects and forces in the Central Continent. This unified mission has dispatched a considerable number of disciples to various sects.

Xu You and the others' task is to visit the Lietian Sect as ambassadors of propaganda.

From the current perspective, this task is not difficult and has a strong sense of a funded trip.

"You shouldn't encounter any major problems when you go to the Lietian Sect, but for caution's sake, if there is any danger, inform me immediately," the Eastern Elder said after explaining the situation, adding, "Do you have any other questions?"

Xue Qianluo simply shook her head, while the man with the folding fan spoke up, "Elder Dongfang, apart from coordinating with the people from the Lietian Sect, there are no other matters, right?"

The man with the folding fan not only has feminine features but also has a soft and gentle voice, giving off a motherly aura.

The Eastern steward glanced at Xue Qianluo and shook his head, saying, "No, just this matter."

"Alright, Elder, rest assured, we will handle this matter well." The fan-wielding man swiftly closed his fan with a swoosh, his posture elegant and his movements skilled, clearly no stranger to such pretentious actions.

The Eastern steward didn't say anything more, and in the end, he just smiled at Xue Qianluo and got up to leave.

As soon as he left, the door was pushed open in a hurry.

It was Bai Genshuo who walked in, still wearing his flashy green robe, his thick eyebrows particularly eye-catching in the night.

But at this moment, his face was bruised and swollen, grimacing as if he had been beaten by a group of men.

"Oh! Lao Xu! What are you doing here too?" Bai Genshuo saw Xu You sitting quietly in the back as soon as he entered.

Ignoring everyone else, he walked quickly to Xu You and tried to give him a hug.

Xu You coldly rejected him and pushed him away.

"Be gentle, it hurts." Bai Genshuo gritted his teeth and rubbed his shoulder where Xu You had pushed him.

"Are you also assigned to this mission?" Xu You asked.

"Yeah, I didn't expect such a coincidence. With so many disciples in the sect, we ended up meeting each other. That's fate." Bai Genshuo sat down next to Xu You, looking at him affectionately.

Xu You lowered his eyelids and asked helplessly, "What happened to you? Did someone beat you up?"

"Yeah, someone beat me up." Bai Genshuo shrugged.

"Who did it? Why?"

"It doesn't matter, this time I was in the wrong." Bai Genshuo leaned closer to Xu You and said in a low voice, "I just went to freeload, ate the King's Chicken, and got beaten up.

Then I was caught by the enforcers, wasting some time."

Xu You's heart skipped a beat and he looked at Bai Genshuo with surprise. "When I entered the city just now, I did see a cultivator who was severely beaten because of this. Could it be you? At the Tingyu Tower?"

"Ah? That was me." Bai Genshuo was also taken aback.

"That's not right, that person claimed to be a disciple of the Sword Sect. Wait a minute, you..."

"Hehehe." Bai Genshuo smirked, "I disguised myself when I went there. Besides, I can't let the sect be discredited because of this. I just said I was a disciple of the Sword Sect.

I've never liked those bastards from the Sword Sect anyway."

After listening, Xu You was speechless. Bai Genshuo was truly talented. Finally, he asked, "Are you out of money?"

Even if Bai Genshuo had spent all his previous Kun coins, he still had his lucrative business of selling Pig Spirit Whips, which should be enough to afford even a lady.

"I have money." Bai Genshuo replied, "But I just wanted to freeload."


"You wouldn't understand." Bai Genshuo answered seriously and solemnly, "As you know, I am a writer. Usually, going to those pleasure places is not my intention, but rather for inspiration, to increase my creativity.

Freeloading is also a part of it, it belongs to a higher level of understanding. I need to deeply understand this mentality."

"It doesn't matter if you get beaten up?"

"It doesn't matter. Physical injuries can fill the aesthetic sense in art. Devoting oneself to art."

"Amazing." Xu You sincerely raised his thumb, "I look forward to your new work becoming a hit, all your efforts won't be in vain."

"I will work hard." Bai Genshuo patted his chest, deeply moved.

(Today's update is early, it will be on the shelves tomorrow, there will be an afterword later.)

(End of this chapter)

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