Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 92 The Most Important Thing In The World Yue Qingyue (Please Read)

Chapter 92: The Most Human

Yue Qingyue walked lightly to Mo Yuhuang's side, tilting her head slightly to look at the two names on the marriage plaque, her eyes shimmering with a hint of flicker.

"According to the feedback from the Peach Blossom God Tree in the past, this means that the marriage plaque has been completely activated," Yue Qingyue's voice remained gentle as she spoke unhurriedly.

Mo Yuhuang frowned, "I cut it off just now, but it had the opposite effect? Has the Peach Tree ever had such a precedent?"

Yue Qingyue shook her head slightly, "The divine tree is born in accordance with the will of heaven, and its profound mysteries cannot be predicted. It's not surprising to see such anomalies."

Mo Yuhuang looked Yue Qingyue up and down, puzzled, "You seem indifferent, don't you care about this?"

"Why should I care?" Yue Qingyue countered.

"My disciple is not from the same era as you."

"But he inherited the Nine Yang Immortal Art, didn't he?"

"He's only eighteen!"

"I'm young too."

"You're an old woman."

"Then you're an old woman too."

Mo Yuhuang's face froze, helplessly tapping her forehead, then turned to look at Xu You, who was still in a daze and absent-minded.

"Don't you think this is absurd?"

"Let nature take its course, follow the laws of heaven," Yue Qingyue still had a gentle smile.

"You're obsessed with that broken luck every day, I think you're crazy." Mo Yuhuang directly tapped Yue Qingyue's forehead, not in a good mood, "Anyway, I don't care about any laws of heaven. I've decided on this plaque today, it's just a marriage tree, I can uproot it if I want."

"The luck of marriage involves almost the entire Divine Continent, and it cannot be corrected by human power," Yue Qingyue added.

"Are you saying that even if you and Xu You get together one day, you don't mind calling me Master?"

"Following the laws of heaven."

Mo Yuhuang felt a bit annoyed for no reason and raised her right hand directly.

A more chilling inch of Sword Qi fell on the marriage plaque.


This Sword Qi seemed to be a fish entering the sea, directly merging into the marriage plaque without causing any ripples.

Mo Yuhuang narrowed her eyes, mobilizing her cultivation without hesitation. A twenty-nine-meter-long Sword Qi appeared in the air and accurately landed on the marriage plaque.


A violent aura surged out, and the marriage plaque trembled rapidly, causing the entire Peach Blossom God Tree to shake violently.

Peach leaves fell one after another, petals fluttered.

The aura surged into the sea, the weather changed, dark clouds hung low over the sea, and the clear sky just now instantly became the prelude to a storm.

Layers of waves surged, the sky darkened, like the scene of doomsday.

Mo Yuhuang remained unmoved, and the Sword Qi continued to press down.

She had always been a reckless person, and there was currently nothing in the world that could make her hesitate.

She followed her own heart to the extreme, and whatever she wanted to do would be in accordance with the voice within her heart.

Just like now, she was displeased with Li Changsheng's inexplicable oath back then, and she didn't care about the meaning of the Peach Tree itself.

Even if she cut it off, it would just be cut off, that's all.

The Sword Qi continued to descend, and the marriage plaque became more solid and unbreakable.

"Master Mo, please wait! Spare the sword!"

A clear voice came from a distance, followed by several powerful cultivators who instantly appeared, joining forces to block Mo Yuhuang's raging Sword Qi.

The Peach Blossom Divine Tree returned to its original state, and the atmosphere on the sea gradually returned to clear skies.

Mo Yuhuang looked at the few people protecting the divine tree with a cold gaze.

Xu You, who was behind, was also awakened by the consecutive loud noises and looked over.

There were four middle-aged men, each exuding immortal energy and the aura of long-standing power. Their strength was formidable, and Xu You couldn't sense it, but they were probably powerful cultivators at the Heavenly Dao Realm.

They were all dressed in uniform white Daoist robes, a style that Xu You naturally recognized as the attire of the Taiyi Sect.

These four people were undoubtedly high-ranking figures, possibly elders, in the Taiyi Sect. The Taiyi Sect had sixteen palaces, and each palace lord was addressed as Dao Monarch. It was unknown how many experts at the Monarch Level were inside.

After helping Shi Caifeng last time, Xu You had specifically learned about this powerful sect, the Taiyi Sect.

He quietly moved behind Mo Yuhuang, but unexpectedly, Mo Yuhuang's actions directly attracted the attention of the Taiyi Sect's high-ranking figures.

"What's the matter?" Mo Yuhuang raised an eyebrow, his tone impatient.

Facing four people, his aura showed no signs of fear.

The four peak masters paid no attention to Mo Yuhuang's tone. The leader of the group stepped forward and first greeted Yue Qingyue with a bow.

"Greetings, Fairy Yue. It has been ten years since we last met. I wonder how Fairy ended up here?"

"I don't want to say." Yue Qingyue lightly smiled and gave a concise answer.

The other party was taken aback for a moment, and finally could only bow helplessly to Mo Yuhuang, "Lord Mo, it is now Taiyi Sect's turn to guard and protect this Peach Blossom Divine Tree. It wouldn't be good for Lord Mo to randomly cut down the divine tree, right? Why?"

"I don't want to say." Mo Yuhuang imitated their manner, spreading his hands. "Xuanling, don't think that just because Taiyi Sect is closer, you can meddle in my affairs."

Mo Yuhuang's tone was not good, obviously recognizing the four people in front of him. At this moment, he questioned the leader.

Daoist Xuanling performed the rituals of the Daoist tradition and smiled gracefully, "Lord Mo, please understand. What you are doing is inappropriate, both publicly and privately, to cut down the divine tree that follows the will of heaven. Your actions may bring about karmic consequences."

"Am I afraid of karmic consequences?" Mo Yuhuang snorted, and his twenty-nine-meter Sword Qi was about to strike.

At this moment, Yue Qingyue reached out and stopped Mo Yuhuang's actions, shaking her head at him.

"Hmm?" Mo Yuhuang was puzzled.

"Xiaoyu, let's drop this matter. Since Senior Li and my master agreed to this arrangement, they must have their reasons. Let it be in accordance with the will of heaven, it doesn't matter." Yue Qingyue transmitted her voice through divine sense.

Mo Yuhuang's majestic chest rose and fell, and finally he heavily tapped Yue Qingyue's forehead, also transmitting his voice, "Fine, I won't interfere in your affairs. But remember, this is your affair, not Xu You's. He has his own path to walk."

"Naturally." Yue Qingyue smiled lightly.

Mo Yuhuang didn't say anything more, casually dissipated the Sword Qi in his hand, clapped his hands, and walked back to Xu You's side lazily, saying, "Let's go."

Xu You didn't know what Mo Yuhuang and Yue Qingyue had quietly said, and in this situation, he couldn't speak up. He could only obediently follow behind Mo Yuhuang and board the flying boat, speeding away.

Yue Qingyue watched as Mo Yuhuang left, and then her expression gradually became calm. She walked to the Peach Blossom Divine Tree and gently tapped the air with her jade-like finger.

A layer of white mist enveloped the marriage token with her and Xu You's names, making it impossible to see the content on the token. After staring at it for a long time, her spirit became trance-like.

After completing this task, she turned to look at the four Taiyi Sect cultivators and calmly said, "This marriage token involves someone from the past, and the heavenly secrets have been concealed by me. Please forgive me for not wanting too many people to know. I apologize for the disturbance."

As she finished speaking, Yue Qingyue took three steps forward, one step on the sea, two steps into the clouds, and three steps into the sky.

(Short, this coastline is really short. It's like I didn't read anything.

I really want to write a few thousand words in one go, but I still have to save the manuscript for the explosive update. Sob, sob, sob.)

(End of this chapter)

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