Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 78 I’Ll Carry It, Senior Sister!

Chapter 78: I'll Take Over, Senior Sister!

They could see the surroundings clearly through the black mist, and the four of them were currently in an empty square.

They were only a dozen yards apart from each other, but all their movements were confined within a few steps, trapped in place.

This ghost domain is indeed something, able to distort the perception of cultivators.

Under the gaze of Xu You's Breaking Barrier technique, he could clearly see the agile and graceful counterattacks of Zhang Wei just now. The Qimen Divination technique's style of combat is highly artistic and enjoyable.

Xu You was thoroughly enjoying the smooth and flowing movements, as every Great Dao of cultivation that has been passed down to this day has its unique charm.

Whenever there was such an opportunity, Xu You would observe it seriously. It was important to seize the opportunity to accumulate practical combat experience.

Zheng Qiang was unharmed. As a Fourth Realm Late Stage body cultivator, the erosion of the black mist posed no threat to him.

Shi Caifeng's Daoist robe rustled, and a golden talisman floated above her head, mysterious seal characters floating around her body, resisting the invasion of the black mist.

Above their heads floated a figure wrapped in a black robe, and the ghostly hand was under his casual control. It was likely the Demonic Cultivator behind the scenes.

"Sister Zhang, are you okay?" Zheng Qiang couldn't see, but he could sense that there was a battle happening on Zhang Wei's side. He couldn't help for the time being, so he asked loudly.

"It's fine, wait a moment, I'll continue," Zhang Wei replied.

"Sister, stop. Take care of yourself and leave it to me. Otherwise, if you get injured, it will be difficult to handle later," Zheng Qiang said decisively.

Then, with a roar, he stomped his right foot heavily.

The surroundings shook like a dragon raising its head, and a terrifying aura spread from Zheng Qiang. Red flames rose from his body.

Then, with another roar, he swung his right fist directly upwards, and the red flame-like light emitted evaporated the black mist wherever it passed.

A large hole was punched through the ghost domain, and the outside light poured in.

Xu You grinned, his senior brother Zheng was indeed formidable, this was true martial cultivation, fierce and unmatched, far beyond what Fang Yuan could compare to.

Not only Xu You, even the figure in the black robe above felt a tremor because the punch just now narrowly missed him. If it had hit, he would have vomited bile at the very least.

Qing You's expression turned ugly as he looked at the four people below. He had set up the ghost domain in advance, but he didn't expect these Immortal Gate disciples to be so capable.

Even those two who were two small realms weaker than him were able to break his attack. And that body cultivator was even more terrifying. If not for the boost from the ghost domain...

He seemed capable of beating himself to death.

But now that he was on a thief's ship, there was no escape. What he needed to do now was to kill these four people first.

The ghost domain was still in effect, and when Qing Huo and the others came to support later, everything would be fine. Thinking this, Qing You quickly focused his mind.

His black robe fluttered, activating his cultivation base, and a surging ghostly aura once again covered him, repairing the hole that Zheng Qiang had broken.

Then, a fierce and ruthless expression flashed across his face. Zhang Wei was trying to break the formation, so she must be killed first!

His sleeves fluttered, and two ghost claws shot towards Zhang Wei like lightning.

Zhang Wei frowned. It took time to set up the formation, and being stared at like this was impossible to solve.

Just as she was about to resist, she felt a faint breeze.

Standing in front of her was a figure in white, with a tall and graceful back like an immortal.

At some point, Xu You had appeared in front of her.

"Sister Zhang, you continue, I'll take over," Xu You said without even turning his head.

Zhang Wei was initially stunned, surprised that Xu You could freely move in this black mist that blocked perception, and even more surprised by what Xu You said.

Three realms, Late Stage cultivation wants to resist? Are you kidding me?

But for some reason, Xu You in front of her exuded a faint temperament.

This temperament was familiar to her. Her master, Yi Li, always had this kind of temperament.

Before, Zhang Wei didn't understand, but later she often heard people say that her master liked to show off.

Zhang Wei only then realized that it was called an imposing aura.

Xu You in front of her had this kind of temperament.

It made people feel that he was the most handsome guy in the crowd.

Unexplainably, Zhang Wei wondered if Xu You could really create miracles.

Suddenly, Xu You clapped his hands, and a golden bell crazily enlarged and inverted, enveloping him and Zhang Wei.

Bang bang—

Two ghost claws fell on Xu You's bell and shattered inch by inch, but the bell remained motionless, as if scratching an itch.

The imitation Fanyin Bell given by Shangguan Changge was as stable as Mount Tai.

Okay, Zhang Wei admitted that she had thought too much just now. Xu You himself wasn't strong, only his Law Weapon was.

At this moment, she didn't have time to think too much and continued to study the formation.

Just now, Xu You had the purpose of breaking through obstacles, which was equivalent to activating the positioning function, and then he used the technique "Fire Yang Silk" from the Nine Yang Immortal Art to directly clear the way with the Fire Yang Silk.

Wherever it passed, the black mist was directly burned clean by the scorching Yang Qi emitted by the Fire Yang Silk, creating a passage for them to arrive at Zhang Wei's side in time.

Otherwise, with his cultivation at the Late Stage of the third realm, it would be difficult for him to protect himself in this ghost domain.

Qing You's face changed dramatically as he watched Xu You's actions. He couldn't understand why the other party could freely shuttle in his ghost domain.

He couldn't believe how strong the other party's shell was.

What's going on? The disciples of the Immortal Gate are indeed strong, but they can't all be this strong, right?

Xu You at the third realm, he didn't even bother to take a look at him just now, thinking of him as a small fry to be easily dealt with later.

Seeing that it was difficult to break through the big shell in a short time, Qing You once again locked his fierce gaze on Shi Cai Feng, without hesitation, he summoned two ghost claws to lock onto her.

"Sister, you study carefully, I'll go help Sister Cai Feng."

Xu You clearly saw Qing You make a move, immediately carrying the big bell with his left hand and using the Fire Yang Silk with his right hand, he ran to Shi Cai Feng and stopped.

At this moment, Shi Cai Feng's state of mind was the same as Zhang Wei's just now.

She stared at Xu You with wide eyes, intending to use her means to resist, but was directly intimidated by Xu You's sudden appearance.


The big bell fell to the ground, enveloping Xu You and Shi Cai Feng.

Bang bang—

The black claws once again shattered against the big bell.

This time, Xu You also started to breathe slightly. After all, there was a big difference in cultivation. Even with the protection of the treasure bell, he couldn't keep holding on under Qing You's strong pressure.

Qing You was also panting at this moment, infuriated.

He really couldn't understand why the hell Xu You could freely move in his ghost domain, how he could perceive the situation around him.

It was as if everything about himself was naked in front of him, causing him to feel ashamed and angry!

(End of this chapter)

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