Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 64: Death In Front Of Society (Please Follow Up)

Chapter 64: Facing Death Together (Seeking Continued Reading)

Xu You immediately helped Huo Lianyi up and explained to her in the wary look in her eyes, "I am a disciple of Kunlun, and Senior Luo is a disciple of the Joyous Union Sect. We came to rescue you."

Huo Lianyi breathed a sigh of relief and elegantly bowed, "Thank you, Senior Brother, for saving me."

Xu You looked at her with some confusion. The girl in front of him still had a veil on, and her blinking eyes were still so bright and captivating.

Indeed, she had a delicate and captivating demeanor, making it difficult to associate her with the image of the crazy woman from earlier.

Of course, that didn't matter. Xu You looked at the current situation and spoke, "Princess Huo, how did you manage to control that thief earlier? Please do it again. We need to resolve this quickly."

"Oh, I can't do it anymore. I can only play the divine melody once, and it has a time limit," Huo Lianyi blinked her eyes innocently and apologetically.

Xu You was taken aback and asked directly, "Since you had the opportunity to escape, why didn't you use it and instead chose to fight?"

"I was a little angry just now," Huo Lianyi said somewhat embarrassedly. "Besides, with my abilities, I wouldn't be able to run very far. There are also two powerful cultivators nearby. It's better to vent some frustration. After all, they kidnapped me for some benefit and won't harm me. Oh, they also have experts. It's dangerous for you to stay. My sect will come to rescue me."

Huo Lianyi's reasoning was sound, and she seemed to have a good heart.

"Sister Luo, since Princess Huo is fine, let's retreat first. It's obvious that you are being controlled. Dealing with such a puppet in a short time is not easy," Xu You flew forward and whispered to Luo Qiaoqiao.

Luo Qiaoqiao was not stubborn. The current situation was indeed not suitable for a fight. There was no need to use the Rakshasa Hand given by her master in such a low-level battle.

"Let's retreat!" Luo Qiaoqiao nodded, then continued to form hand seals with both hands, spraying a bit of her own blood. A mini version of the Rakshasa Hand fell heavily on the opponent's head.

Although its power was not as strong as before, its divine ability was still exquisite. Luo Qiaoqiao's cultivation was slightly inferior, but she still pressed her senior sister into the dust with one palm.

As soon as the palm landed, she and Xu You immediately pulled Huo Lianyi onto the flying boat and soared into the sky.

Luo Qiaoqiao leaned against the flying boat, breathing heavily. The internal injuries from earlier were still there, and now she forcefully used her divine ability, so her condition was not optimistic.

But since things worked out, these injuries didn't matter.

Just as she was relaxing, a burst of explosion suddenly came from below.

Her senior sister burst out of the soil, and more importantly, a large amount of demonic energy surged around her body, and her cultivation skyrocketed, directly reaching the fourth stage of the late stage.

Only the demonic path could achieve such a rapid increase in cultivation.

The opponent made a quick decision. As soon as her cultivation exploded, she shot towards the flying boat at a high speed.

Luo Qiaoqiao's expression changed slightly. There was a significant difference between the late stage of the fourth stage and the initial stage.

Last time, she relied on the Heavenly Thunder Divine Ability, along with Fang Yuan and the Earth Demon Rat. Now she didn't have any means to quickly kill the opponent, which made her feel pressured.

But she made the decision to come back, and she couldn't involve Xu You. Thinking of this, she stood up, supporting herself.

However, Xu You reached out and pressed her shoulder, his voice steady, "Our flying boat is very fast. Your senior sister won't be able to catch up easily. Let me slow down her pursuit, and you can rest and gather your strength."

"But your cultivation..."

"Cultivation doesn't represent everything. Slowing down her speed is nothing to me."

After Xu You finished speaking, he clapped his hands heavily. His cultivation inside his body began to rotate frantically.

The Mud Ball Palace Sword!

Huh? Damn it!

Feeling that the rotation inside his body was off, Xu You panicked for a moment, but panicking wouldn't help. The Sword Qi had already condensed.

He involuntarily straightened his crotch, and a cold Sword Qi shot out from the Qi Sea acupoint.

The solidification of the Sword Qi froze the surrounding air.

Luo Qiaoqiao and Huo Lianyi in front of him were stunned at the same time, not only shocked by Xu You's cultivation that could unleash Sword Qi as powerful as a fourth-stage cultivator.

The most crucial point was the location where the opponent's Sword Qi was unleashed and the unique way it was done.

They widened their eyes and watched as the Sword Qi shot out from Xu You's crotch, brushing past their faces, and then landing a little further away...


The Sword Qi collided directly with the opponent's black energy, making a sizzling sound.

The Sword Qi exploded into waves of sword waves in a small area.

Even though Luo Qiaoqiao, who was a whole realm higher than Xu You, was slightly hindered in her speed by this Sword Qi, she still had to use her Divine Ability to resolve it.

But it was only a momentary pause before she continued to fly towards Xu You.

This situation was within Xu You's expectations. He didn't go all out, preparing to conserve his strength.

Yes, as long as each Sword Qi could trap the opponent for a short while, he would be able to escape a sufficient distance when combined.

The most crucial point was that with each shot of Sword Qi, there would be a reactive force that helped the flying boat move a certain distance. It was simply perfect.

As a result, a breathtaking scene appeared on the flying boat.

Xu You kept making the motion of straightening his crotch.

One after another, the mud ball palace swords shot out with a clattering sound.

Then, one after another, they fell on Luo Qiaoqiao.

The effect was just as Xu You had expected, and the distance between them grew farther and farther.

Luo Qiaoqiao and Huo Lianyi were still in awe as they watched Xu You's provocative movements, unable to describe the indescribable beauty of the scene.

Damn it!

Xu You's toes were now frantically tapping the ground. He didn't know why the mud ball palace swords kept going towards the Qi Sea acupoint tonight.

Feeling the gaze of the two girls, Xu You felt like dying.

"No, she's caught up again!" Huo Lianyi pointed behind them.

Luo Qiaoqiao's senior sister burst out with anger once again, her speed increasing by three points. Even though Xu You didn't understand the demonic path, he knew that the opponent's behavior at this moment completely disregarded her foundation and life, forcibly raising her cultivation.

She was like a combat puppet without any autonomy.

"Escaping like this is not a solution. Sooner or later, those two sixth-stage cultivators will notice." Luo Qiaoqiao said with a slight pant.

"Does senior sister mean we should fight to the death? Not wait to capture her alive in the future?" Xu You stopped his provocative movements and asked somewhat awkwardly.

"At this point, we can only fight to the death." Luo Qiaoqiao looked firmly at her senior sister.

"Her weakness is in the Tianyuan acupoint. When I just restrained her, I diffused her entire body from that acupoint," Huo Lianyi said clearly.

"I can't use my celestial sound now, but I can still do some auxiliary things. I can temporarily suppress her rampaging power."

"That's simple then." Luo Qiaoqiao said directly, "Huo Fairy, you assist, I'll attack head-on."

Saying this, Luo Qiaoqiao hesitated and looked at Xu You, saying, "You should be ready to retreat and provide support. After all, your cultivation is a bit lower, so it's not suitable to rush in recklessly."

(Three more chapters!!)

(End of this chapter)

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