Chapter 30 (Request for Continued Reading) Take my punch!

"Where are those men who had accidents?" Xu You immediately grasped the key point.

"After I took a look at the male corpses you found, it was done by Profound Transcendence Valley. So strictly speaking, I should be more responsible for this matter," Luo Qiaoqiao explained.

Xu You had no knowledge of Profound Transcendence Valley, and Bai Genshuo on the side was surprised, "Is it the Profound Transcendence Valley that specializes in extracting yang energy?"

"Yes," Luo Qiaoqiao nodded.

Xu You looked at Bai Genshuo and asked, and the latter exclaimed, "Gaia! I should have known it was the work of Profound Transcendence Valley. The residual aura on the two male corpses was sinister in nature, with a bloody smell and an evil aura, like maggots on bones. It perfectly satisfies the characteristics of Profound Transcendence Valley's blood-feeding technique."

With that, Bai Genshuo continued to enlighten Xu You, "This Profound Transcendence Valley is a notorious evil sect. The disciples within the sect have always been absorbing human essence to enhance their cultivation. Their favorite place is the Land of Fireworks, where they can find the blood they like. Wealth and luxury can nourish one's qi, and indulging in romantic affairs can nourish one's lust. These types of men are most welcomed by the cultivators of Profound Transcendence Valley. It greatly benefits their cultivation, especially men with abundant yang energy. Through the investigation just now, we found that the victims mostly fit this characteristic. It can be said that Profound Transcendence Valley still has some connection with the Joyous Union Sect."

At this point, Bai Genshuo glanced cautiously at Luo Qiaoqiao, seeing her expression unchanged, and continued, "To trace the origin, Profound Transcendence Valley split from the Joyous Union Sect. The disciples of Profound Transcendence Valley do not follow the traditional path of dual cultivation in the Great Dao, but instead take a different path as Demonic Cultivators, specializing in extracting and harming people's lives. Over the years, the Five Sects and Seven Schools, especially the Joyous Union Sect, have been hunting down the disciples of Profound Transcendence Valley, but this demonic path is difficult to eradicate. Their disciples are spread all over the place."

Xu You said, "So the possible culprits are two groups of people, one being Senior Sister Luo's senior brothers, and the other being the female Demonic Cultivators of Profound Transcendence Valley."

"Female Demonic Cultivators? Who said they are female Demonic Cultivators?" Bai Genshuo asked in return.

"Hmm?" Xu You looked at the other person in confusion.

Bai Genshuo continued to explain, "You are unaware. Profound Transcendence Valley consists entirely of male cultivators and only accepts male disciples."

"All males?" Xu You was somewhat shocked. "Isn't extracting yang energy and replenishing yin energy something that only female cultivators can do? How can male cultivators achieve this?"

Bai Genshuo wagged his index finger and said, "No, no, no, Junior Brother, you are still ignorant. Profound Transcendence Valley does not follow the usual path. They have developed a completely new cultivation method. Men on top of men, becoming bigger and stronger! Their favorite thing is to extract the essence of men."

With that, Bai Genshuo leaned forward, a meaningful smile on his face, and continued, "I'm sure you already know the method they use. Tsk tsk tsk, it can be said that they have no bottom line, it's simply hair-raising. That's why many people believe that the name 'Profound Transcendence Valley' came about because they took the dry path too many times. Some even jokingly call them 'Dry Valley.' It's truly laughable."

But Xu You was stunned, rendered silent.

Thinking back to the two male corpses he had seen in the woods earlier, he could imagine how cruel the process must have been.

Truly deserving of the world of immortals and martial arts, they really know how to play, how awesome.

"Are you shocked?" Bai Genshuo lightly tapped the silent Xu You and continued indignantly, "When I first learned about this, I had the same reaction as you. Do you know why Profound Transcendence Valley is so notorious? It's because the disciples under their sect specifically target men with large 'instruments'."

"May I ask, which cultivator among us is not a great hero? The actions of Profound Transcendence Valley have angered many, not only the righteous but also many evil cultivators despise them.

If it weren't for the fact that Profound Transcendence Valley rarely targets cultivators and their strength is indeed formidable, they would have been eradicated long ago.


Bai Genshuo became more excited as he spoke, but as he saw Luo Qiaoqiao's expression turning colder, he laughed mockingly.

He realized that he seemed to have said too much, so he awkwardly smiled and fell silent.

Xu You took over the conversation, "From the current situation, it is quite complicated. I wonder if they coincidentally committed the crime together or if they joined forces. Luo Junior Sister, what is the strength of your senior brother?"

"Mid-stage of the Fourth Realm, but he was severely injured and fled once before, greatly weakening his strength. Also, Xue Beishang and the disciples of Profound Transcendence Valley are most likely together." Luo Qiaoqiao replied.

Xu You breathed a sigh of relief, "Then it shouldn't be a problem for you, Junior Sister. Now what we need to do is find these Demonic Cultivators. Do you have any good ideas, Luo Junior Sister?"

"Wait," Luo Qiaoqiao replied, "I infiltrated this Fragrant Mist Manor to wait for them to make a mistake."

"Your method is similar to Xu You's," Bai Genshuo said cheerfully, "Tomorrow is the double day, according to the usual pattern, it's when the girls are in trouble, so we need to anticipate it."

"There is a pattern to the missing women, it is sorted according to the number of clients they serve. We can focus on the girls who currently have the most clients in Fragrant Mist Manor."

Xu You offered his idea.

Luo Qiaoqiao pursed her lips and said, "Then let's discuss it tomorrow night. You two, don't reveal any flaws."

"Understood." Xu You nodded, then stood up and said, "Then we'll take our leave."

After saying goodbye, Xu You and Bai Genshuo left together. When they reached the door, Xu You stopped in his tracks, thinking of something else.

After letting Bai Genshuo, who was curious and puzzled, go back first, he turned back alone.

"Do you have something else?" Luo Qiaoqiao asked with a mouthful of candied fruit.

"Yes." Xu You smiled and sat down, placing a fiery red pill on the table, which was the Core of the Blazing Fire Snake.

Luo Qiaoqiao looked at the pill with some curiosity, she didn't ask, but her questioning gaze was fixed on Xu You.

He explained, "This pill is like a miraculous medicine for the Joyous Union Sect."


"When cultivating together, if you take this pill, it can double the effect of cultivation."

After listening to the explanation, Luo Qiaoqiao was first stunned, then a blush surged on her fair face, and a hint of anger appeared between her eyebrows. "You shameless person! Take this punch!"

Saying that, Luo Qiaoqiao was about to punch Xu You.

How could Xu You resist? He quickly explained, "This is a pill certified by the Cloud Pill Peak. I have no other intentions, I just want Junior Sister Luo to have a look."

The Joyous Union Sect follows the path of dual cultivation, so this pill is a perfect match. I, your junior brother, am not talented, so I want to trouble Junior Sister to promote it within the sect. If there is any profit, I will give Junior Sister three layers."

"You want to do business?" Luo Qiaoqiao looked at Xu You with some surprise.

"Yes, Junior Sister." Xu You relaxed and replied, "This pill has been personally verified by the alchemist of Cloud Pill Peak, so it is absolutely reliable."

Luo Qiaoqiao calmly sat down, "So you said all this just to ask me to help you sell your pills within our sect?"

(End of this chapter)

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