Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 247 Chapter 336 337 \"Xu Jinfu\" The Whole Audience Cheered! Vest Zuo Shandiao B

Chapter 247 Chapter 336 337 "Xu Jinfu" The whole audience cheered! Vest Zuo Shandiao became famous underground! Tryst with Moon Herring

At this moment, everyone around the arena fell into deathly silence.

No one expected that Xu You would hit their idol Fairy with a heavy punch.

Then he trampled her ruthlessly under his feet.

How can you do this! How could a man bang such a beautiful goddess in the belly like this! Countless viewers were down at this moment.

They were all shocked by Xu You's ruthlessness and cruelty at this moment. This man was so cruel.

Even the host who was flying in mid-air was a little stunned. He didn't expect that Xu You didn't even say the opening words, but just came up with a heavy hammer to kill him.

However, as a host, his quality is still very high.

He quickly adjusted and said loudly, ". Zuo Shandiao took the lead. He took action at an extremely fast speed without Lin Suluo reacting, and won the first victory!

Zuo Shandiao didn't use kendo this time, he actually used physical skills! Could it be that Zuo Shandiao is not a swordsman but a physical practitioner? Let's see how Lin Xianzi will fight back.

As far as I know, Lin Xianzi practices an Apex Level core skill of Mo Mei Sect, Zimu Divine Ability Technique!

This Zimu Divine Ability technique is an Apex Level technique for cultivating both life and life. The monks who can master this technique are extremely powerful.

The Zimu Divine Ability Jue comes with a very Apex Level Divine Ability, the Zimu Shadow Escape Needle. This mother-child shadow-escaping needle is a very rare needle system with Divine Ability.

One mother needle and eight daughter needles! Invisible and terrifyingly powerful! It is an extremely powerful fighting Divine Ability. Let’s see if Fairy Lin will directly use her own Divine Ability.”

The host spoke very fast and eloquently explained to the audience, and the emotions of all the audience were integrated into this battle as quickly as possible.

In the ring, Lin Suluo's eyes suddenly turned from blank to angry and resentful towards Xu You after regaining consciousness.

She has been aloof from the moment she entered the Momei Sect. She has been held in the palms of countless people since she was a child, and there is nothing she can't get.

In the environment she was raised in, women from the Momei Sect are the best women in the world and should be admired and looked up to by men all over the world.

And for those stinky men, being able to give them a smile is already a great gift.

For so many years, she had grown up in the flattery of men and the admiration of women.

Coupled with her own excellence, Apex Level cultivation talent, and record breaking mirror speed, her eyes are higher than the top, and she can see the men in the world clearly.

Proud from the bottom of my heart.

Have you ever suffered such humiliation?

Being stepped on like this by a dirty man who hides his head and shows his tail!

Boundless anger instantly invaded Man Lin Suluo's heart.

"I want you to die!!" Lin Suluo gritted her teeth, her body's cultivation surged, she broke away from Xu You, and flew out.

Xu You looked at each other with an indifferent expression.

I saw Lin Suluo's body's cultivation level erupting outwards as if it didn't cost money, and the clothes on her body moved automatically without any wind. His hands were making seals quickly, and his breath was terrifying.

Xu You half-squinted his eyes when he saw this. This woman lowered her head, but she really had two brushes.

Xu You was a little surprised by the depth of her cultivation. She was indeed worthy of being named the first female disciple of Mo Mei Sect.

No wonder he is so arrogant.

Xu You also heard the host say just now that Lin Suluo's Zimu Escape Needle is an incredible Divine Ability. Now he wants to see it with his own eyes.

At this moment, Xu You was suddenly startled, and then quickly retreated to the right.

As soon as he left the spot, there was an air explosion sound from where he had been standing, and a black crack was even vaguely cut in the air.

Xu You immediately used the Obstacle Breaking Technique to pour his cultivation power into his eyes, and immediately captured the culprit.

It is a transparent flying needle that is about an inch long. It is extremely hidden and difficult to see.

Moreover, this flying needle is not a Law Weapon, but a Divine Ability condensed from cultivation. It looks very sharp and very impressive. Its complexity is even higher than some of its own needle-based war talismans.

This surprised Xu You. No wonder this Zimu Shadow Escape Needle has Apex Level Divine Ability. It is indeed extraordinary.

Among the monks of his generation, there are still many hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and he is not the only monster in this world.

Of course, no matter how strong Lin Suluo is, Xu You will not panic. He now has many means to defeat the opponent in seconds.

But I'm not satisfied enough yet, I have to pound such a low-down female boxer to death! The inexplicable sense of pride in him was severely shattered, and Qingning was returned to Shenzhou.

At this moment, Xu You felt an extremely keen murderous aura on his back!

As he sensed it, seven more hidden flying needles flew toward him at great speed. Every flying needle was filled with murderous intent, and it was obvious that they were trying to take their own lives!

The host in the sky was obviously aware of this. While explaining, he lowered his position, ready to rescue Xu You if his life was in danger.

Seeing this situation, Xu You just sneered, it seemed that he had to beat the other party even harder!

His eyes clearly looked at the eight sub-needles. These sub-needles formed a network around him, trapping him inside, and countless black cracks were cut out of the surrounding air.

Glue technique!

Xu You directly used the gelatinization technique, and combined with his dexterous body skills, his body swam like running water in the network of these sub-needles.

Even if there is an occasional scratch from a needle, it will be directly absorbed by the gelling technique, which uses softness to overcome hardness.

Lin Suluo's face changed slightly when she saw this. She didn't know what kind of Divine Ability Xu You had used to make her body so elastic and soft.

She didn't have time to think too much, and her hands quickly formed the seal to increase its power.

"What a risk. Lin Xianzi's sub-needle was really good and almost injured Zuo Shandiao, but what kind of Divine Ability did Zuo Shandiao use?

It is a very rare Divine Ability to be able to transform one's body into this form to avoid harm.

Fairy Lin is increasing her power! The momentum of Flying Needle keeps rising, let’s see how Zuo Shandiao responds!


Zuo Shandiao disappeared again with lightning speed!


He actually gave Lin Xianzi another hard slap, and Lin Xianzi fell to the ground unconscious again.

Zuo Shandiao is truly the most determined man I have seen in all my years of hosting! There is only victory in his heart! "

The host's voice was synchronized with Xu You's. The moment Xu You came out of the Internet, he completely disappeared.

When he reappeared, he was already in front of Lin Suluo.

Xu You raised his right hand high and applied the red dragon hardening technique on the palm of his right hand.


An extremely loud slap hit Lin Suluo's face directly and hard.

At this moment, Xu You is the most powerful Sigma man! His men showed no mercy at all! It's a blast to get started!

The latter was directly hit on the ring with huge force, causing countless flying dust.

The sound of the slap was very loud, silencing the surrounding audience again. Just now, when Lin Suluo had the upper hand, these people were very excited.

But in the blink of an eye, he was slapped down by Xu You again!

This slap must be very painful!

Why is Zuo Shandiao so decisive and ruthless? Doesn't he have any sympathy for her at all?

Xu You sneered and flew off the ring, stepping on Lin Suluo's stomach again.

The latter's profile was now swollen and disfigured, and his eyes were somewhat dazed and painful.

But when she saw Xu You stepping on her belly again, her rationality slowly returned and she felt the burning pain on her face.

His eyes instantly filled with extreme anger, and he shouted heartbreakingly, "Fuck man! I'll kill you!"

Shouting, Lin Suluo's cultivation exploded again, and he jumped out.

The wooden needle of the Child-Mother Shadow Escape Needle shoots out from between the eyebrows, directly merging the eight needles into one, forming an extremely solid flying needle.

The flying needle rushed towards Xu You with an extremely powerful aura, and the speed was so fast that it was impossible to avoid it.

Xu You had no intention of hiding at this moment, but just stared at the flying needle expressionlessly.

Then he made sword skills with both hands, and the long-lost Niwan Palace Sword shot out directly from Xu You's eyebrows.


The harsh sound of metal collision resounded throughout the arena, the flying needles and sword energy stirred the surrounding spiritual energy into a storm.

But the next second, the flying needle was shattered inch by inch under the sharp force of Niwan Palace Sword.

Divine Ability was destroyed, and Lin Suluo spurted several mouthfuls of blood from his mouth after suffering the backlash, and his whole aura became very sluggish.

Seeing this, Xu You jumped in front of the opponent and raised his left hand high.


Another extremely loud slap hit the other side of Lin Suluo's face.

Lin Suluo was hit hard on the ring by this terrifying force again.

The host explained passionately there.

".Zuo Shandiao once again used his sword energy to break Lin Xianzi's Divine Ability! I was so blind that I couldn't recognize this sword energy. Its degree of solidity was no less than that achieved by the Five Realm Late Stage monks!

The extent of Zuo Shandiao's strength is still unknown! It is still unclear whether Fairy Lin can still fight."

The surrounding auditorium remained silent, and after a while the commotion began to spread.

These merciless blows from Xu You completely woke up Lin Xianzi's fans.

Various voices are heard, and most of them are strong criticisms of Zuo Shandiao.

[Not a man! ]

[Die the first man! ]

[This is not fair! It must be a lie! There must be something wrong with the organizer! They couldn't see that Fairy Lin was so much better than men! There must be something wrong with Zuo Shandiao! ]

[Thorough investigation of Zuo Shandiao! Give Fairy Lin justice! ]

Statements like these are made by independent female fans. In their minds, Zuo Shandiao has been immediately labeled as colluding with the organizers to oppress them.

Some male fans of Lin Xianzi also joined the condemnation army, accusing Zuo Shandiao of not having the slightest grace that a man should have, and simply insulting a man's heart.

Of course, there are also a large number of monks who are very sensible.

Many female monks who understand the truth have spoken out to support Xu You. They have long been dissatisfied with what Fairy Lin has done.

On the surface, it is under the banner of independent women, but in fact it is a disguised way of erasing these truly independent women, which will only taint them.

Therefore, seeing Xu You at this moment, the Explosive Hammer Forest Fairy also expressed her support.

There are also many normal men who support Xu You and say that he is good at beating! They even couldn't stand the female monks of Mo Mei Sect.

Seeing Xu You being so aggressive, Fairy Lin all applauded and even wanted to rush up and give him a kick.

Finally, there is the most powerful force, the gamblers who bet their money on Xu You.

They burst out with astonishing fighting power and started to fight against Lin Xianzi's idiot fans. It can only be said that the fighting ability of the old dog gambler is very strong.

The insulting words are also very powerful, which makes the blood pressure of all those little fairies go up.

So soon, the auditorium on Xu You's side of the arena evolved into an extremely terrifying confrontation, attracting the audience in the other two arenas to look over and watch.

When the host saw this, he just looked at it with a smile. Not only did he not stop it, but he was very happy.

What is most important to the organizer? Of course it’s popularity and discussion.

These audiences are also fiercely antagonistic. The happier the organizers are, the capitalists don’t care whether there is opposition or not, they just want to make money.

It can be said that Xu You's ruthless blasts directly pushed the atmosphere of today's game to the highest level, making it full of highlights!

On the ring, Xu You once again landed on the ground and looked down at Lin Suluo. This time he did not step on anyone. The opponent was still seriously injured and basically had no fighting ability.

Then, Xu You stood there with his hands folded, leaving a thin line of defense, waiting for the verdict.

After a while, Lin Suluo still didn't get up, so the host flew down and was about to announce Xu You's victory.

A violent explosion suddenly came from the ground.

In the light of the fire, Lin Suluo walked out with her face distorted with anger. She was in good condition at the moment, and she didn't look injured at all.

But Xu You could tell at a glance that the other party was using some kind of secret technique that burned the foundation to maintain and strengthen the current state.

As a result, Lin Suluo's body will be irreversibly damaged, regardless of whether he wins or loses.

Xu You suddenly had a headache and scolded women like crazy.

The consequence of Lin Suluo's doing this is that he will definitely be targeted by the Mo Mei Sect after the game.

After all, she is the most powerful young disciple of the Mo Mei Sect. Needless to say, her strength and status are natural. If something happens to such a disciple, then Xu You will definitely be responsible.

Damn, this crazy woman is sick, so she doesn’t take her future seriously?

Of course, Xu You didn’t panic. Anyway, the few blows from the blasting hammer just now have already pissed off the Mo Mei Sect, and there are so many lice that it doesn't itch. Just be careful to save this crazy woman's life later.

But the host on the other side was not happy. If Lin Suluo left irreversible damage in the arena he was responsible for, it would be very troublesome for him.

Then, the host stepped forward directly to remind, "Fairy Lin, don't burn your foundation. It will be detrimental to your future Great Dao."

"Go away!" Lin Suluo said angrily. At this time, she had already gone completely crazy. She didn't care about anything in the future. She just wanted to kill Xu You willfully to vent her hatred.

This scolding made the host's face suddenly darken, and he immediately stepped aside and ignored it.

Are you kidding me? Anyone who can be the host here must be someone who has a good reputation among the Seven Emperors.

If Lin Suluo doesn't know what's going on, then he should bear the consequences.

Originally, as the host and referee, he had the right to directly decide the loss when faced with the player's attitude, but he did not use this right and let this willful and stupid woman suffer the consequences.

"I said, you will be killed!" Lin Suluo looked at Xu You with venomous eyes, and made a quick seal with both hands.

A green cauldron flew out from behind!

"Fairy Lin is obviously planning to attack with all her strength at the moment. What! She actually used the Apex Level Law Weapon, Tianri Baoding, given by Mo Mei Sect!

This tripod has the ability to move mountains and fill seas, and is famous for its powerful impact. Fairy Lin's strength makes this tripod powerful enough to deal with ordinary monks in the early stages of the Sixth Realm.

However, there are rules in this knockout round, and you cannot use Law Weapon that is too outrageous to help you. Even if you only fight for your own cultivation and use too much Law Weapon to win, it will be difficult to judge, and you may even face the risk of being banned.

But Lin Xianzi still chose to use it. This matter will be decided by the judges after the game. Let’s wait and see the game.”

The host's quality is still very high. Even though he was scolded by Lin Suluo, he is still explaining passionately.

The surrounding audience fell into silence again, holding their breath and watching the crazy Lin Suluo fighting with all his strength.


Lin Suluo directly drove the cauldron to fall towards Xu You, and then made a secret with both hands, brewing countless pink needle rains. This is her top-shelf Divine Ability, Heavy Rain Pear Blossom Needle.

Needles kill! Ordinary monks in the early stage of the Sixth Realm must avoid his sharp edge!

Xu You stood expressionless with his hands behind his back. He watched the Ribaoding flashing with dazzling light that day, crushing towards him with extremely shocking power.

The arena is so big, and the Qi machine is locked, now Xu You can only regret it.

But he didn't panic at all. He used the gelling technique and allowed the tripod to hit him, and he was directly smashed into a puddle of flesh.

"Huh? Zuo Shandiao didn't use any defensive means. He actually allowed the tripod to hit him and turn him into meat?

wrong! Zuo Shandiao stood up!

What! He actually returned to his former self.”

I saw Xu You, who had turned into flesh, slowly stood up together, holding the Heavenly Sun Cauldron in his left hand, and his right hand was covered with the red dragon hardening technique.

Then he punched the Tianri Baoding, which had lost all its power, and directly knocked the cauldron far away from the stage.

Lin Suluo's expression changed drastically, but she didn't have time to think too much and directly sprayed a mouthful of blood into the rainy pear blossoms in front of her.

So the needle rain poured overwhelmingly towards Xu You.

Looking at the overwhelming rain of needles, Xu You had no expression on his face.

[Reverse Tiangang]

[Divine Ability to rebound all spells directed at divine souls by monks at the seventh level of Heavenly Dao Realm and below.

Interpretation: The reflected spell will be cast back on the other side, or it may cause additional variable special bonus damage. ]

The cultivation level in Xu You's body surged crazily, and he directly displayed the Divine Ability rewarded by the Late Stage monks in the Sixth Realm. This Divine Ability still consumes a lot of cultivation, almost draining most of Xu You's cultivation.

Ding ding ding—

The rain of needles made a crisp sound when it fell on him, and then rebounded strangely and flew directly towards Lin Suluo.

The latter's face was dull, and his eyes were blank as he watched the countless needle rain pouring towards him.


In an instant, Lin Suluo let out a heart-rending scream.

At this time, a shadow shot up in front of Lin Suluo, scattering the needle rain and catching the dying Lin Suluo.

This is a heavenly realm monk and an old fairy from Mo Mei Sect. Belatedly came on stage to save people. She rushed here when Lin Suluo burned the foundation just now, but it was a pity that she was a step too late.

The old fairy looked deeply at Xu You, and without saying a word, she hugged Lin Suluo and flew away into the distance.

When a person leaves the ring, he or she loses.

The host looked at Xu You in shock. In addition to being horrified, he reported Xu You's counterattack in detail, and finally made the final decision.

"The winner of the ninth game of the second round, Zuo Shandiao! He showed us amazing strength! Unfortunately, I didn't see the complexity of Divine Ability.

Let’s interview Zuo Shandiao”

Before the host finished speaking, Xu You waved his hands directly, then jumped off the ring and flew out of the field.

Just like last time, I won and left immediately without being interviewed at all.

The host's face stiffened slightly, but he still said loudly with a smile on his face, "Zuo Shandiao is really chic. Unfortunately, we still don't know where the true limit of Zuo Shandiao's strength is. He is really a mysterious young man. .

Let us congratulate Zuo Shandiao! "

After the silence, the silent auditorium suddenly erupted into overwhelming cheers, a heavenly carnival for gambling dogs and fans.

[I have decided that from now on Zuo Shandiao will be my idol for the rest of my life! ]

[Shit, so am I! I feel so happy watching it, I really want to find a little fairy blaster! ! ]

[This is what you call a fucking man. Those weak men who like to lick people should learn from it. Some women should be conquered with fists! ]

In an instant, countless fans of Xu You appeared, and the rebuttal voices of Lin Suluo's idiot fans could only be lost in the cheers.

If you lose the game, you will naturally fall behind others.

Xu You didn't know all this excitement.

Of course, what he didn't know was that the name Zuo Shandiao would be completely spread among the young people in the underground world in the next day or two after this game.

He punched Wang Zheng and kicked Lin Suluo.

Both games featured popular idols, traffic, and explosive kills!

In particular, the video of the match against Lin Suluo spread like crazy.

This local ranking conference has real-time records of every game, and also has a real-time ranking of the most popular games.

And Xu You was at the forefront in both games!

Especially the real-life image of the explosive hammer Lin Suluo is unparalleled in the limelight.

From now on, Zuo Shandiao has countless fans, especially those male monks who have been practicing Kunuquan for a long time, and they directly regard Zuo Shandiao as their ultimate idol.

Said: Men should look like Zuo Shandiao! woman? Oh, that's it with the blaster!

Early the next morning, Xu You woke up in his room in Kunlun Tower.

After the competition yesterday afternoon, he went directly back to Tianque City to hide out.

Xu You naturally knew that his performance was indeed a bit aggressive and that he had forgotten Xie Yuan's instructions before taking the stage.

But it’s not a big problem, just play well and win the game. Just leave your pick and run back, and let Wanbaolou handle any follow-up chores by itself.

I just need to help fight one more time and that's it.

Xu You is still in a good mood. After three games, Xie Siniang owes him three favors that he cannot refuse.

There is nothing particularly important in the building today, but there is still one very important thing for Xu You personally.

He is going to see Yue Qingyu.

Yes, how could Xu You listen to Mo Yuhuang and never see Yue Qingyu again?

It is simply impossible. The sister who is destined to be married has finally come to Tianque. How could Xu You not go to see her?

I originally wanted to see him when I came back last night, but thinking that Hong Fu Qitian's unlucky effect might not have worn off yet, I held back all night.

There should be no problem today. It has been unlucky so many times and it has been so many days and there is no way it will be effective again.

Of course, the most important thing is that Yue Qingyu contacted him just now, asked him to come over, and gave him a private address.

Look, what does it mean to have a tacit understanding? Xu You feels more and more that she and Yue Qingyu are a destined couple.

Yue Qingyu likes peace and quiet, and Penglai Immortal Gate knows this better than anyone else. Therefore, Namenli specially booked a quiet small building not far from the Penglai office building.

This small building is exclusively for Yue Qingyu to live in, and almost no one in Penglai Immortal Gate knows about this place.

Just to prevent Yue Qingyu from being disturbed by those fans.

It can be said that Penglai has nothing to say about Yue Qingyu's treatment.

But now, Xu You knows this place, and the destination is clear.

Xu You drove for more than an hour in Lingju, and finally came to a very quiet alley.

At the end of the alley is Yue Qingyu's independent residence, which is a five-story attic.

The street not far outside the alley is the exclusive street of Penglai Tower. This street was specially allocated by Da Zhou for Penglai Immortal Gate.

However, Penglai Immortal Gate always maintains a low profile in its work. All the Penglai disciples in the building usually live in seclusion and rarely stand out outside.

If you have something to do, if you have nothing to do, your presence will be very low. This is also the philosophy that Penglai Immortal Gate has always implemented, keeping a low profile.

After all, they are now wearing the title of No. 1 in the Divine Continent, and Penglai Immortal Gate has no need for such false reputations.

Xu You glanced at the Penglai high-rise building not far away, where almost no one came in or out. He didn't dare to look more. He still had to keep his affairs with Yue Qingyu confidential.

It is absolutely impossible to let Penglai Immortal Gate know, nor let the monks outside know.

Otherwise, Xu You couldn't even imagine what it would be like if others knew about it.

It is estimated that all the monks in the world can break their spines, and Penglai Immortal Gate will tear themselves alive.

Therefore, the matter between himself and Yue Qingyu was not only said to be temporarily hidden from Mo Yuhuang, but also from all other individuals and forces.

Speaking of this, Xu You was also quite emotional.

At this stage, it seems that all the aunties I know are temporarily unable to see the light of day, and can only engage in such underground affairs.

Faced with this situation, Xu You was quite helpless. Although soft rice tastes delicious, it does make people timid in many cases.

You still have to wait until you are strong enough to have the capital to overturn the table.

After getting out of the car, Xu You looked around cautiously. When he saw that no one was paying attention to his side, he picked up his feet and walked deeper into the alley.

Arriving at the attic, Xu You was about to knock on the door, and the attic door opened automatically.

Xu You was stunned for a moment, looked up at the quiet attic, and quickly walked in.

Creaking, the attic door was tightly closed again, and everything fell into silence.

The decoration in the attic is as Xu You expected, with light cyan as the main color and a colder style.

This is also Yue Qingyu's preference, and it is very consistent with Yue Qingyu's indifferent and homely character.

There are many large light blue cloth strips hanging in the hall on the first floor. At this moment, the doors and windows are open, and the convection draft blows these large light blue cloth strips to float gently.

A faint fragrance emanated from these light blue cloth strips. In a daze, Xu You thought he was in a dyeing workshop.

These hobbies of moon herring are indeed quite exquisite.

Then, Xu You's eyes immediately fell on Qian Ying by the window sill on the right.

Yue Qingyu's back was turned to him, and he was wearing a very simple light blue long gown.

Yue Qingyu's body was already on the thin side, and it became even more slender under this wide gown.

There is a white ribbon tied around her slender waist, and three thousand blue silk threads are spread out behind, without any jewelry on it.

Apex Level hair looks extremely smooth and floats gently in the wind.

Yue Qingyu was slightly bent at the moment, with an emerald green fish tank in front of her. She seemed to be holding some food and throwing it into the fish tank.

"Sister Qingyu, here I come." Xu You walked forward with a smile and landed next to Yue Qingyu.

The latter turned his head slightly, with a calm smile on his face.

She has a bare face, without a trace of pink or pink, but her face is still so stunning that people can't take their eyes away.

The facial features are extremely delicate, and the skin condition is so flawless that there is no trace of it. Her slender eyebrows are like mist in the distant mountains, and her eyes seem to be able to speak, full of tenderness.

Especially the smile on his face at this moment directly penetrated Xu You's heart, and his whole heart calmed down with the other party's peaceful smile.

This is the greatest magic power of Yue Qingyu. She has developed this unique gentle temperament that is neither hasty nor impatient after so many years of calculative luck.

And this unique gentle temperament can make people unconsciously assimilate when staying with her, and the whole person will slow down and become peaceful.

You can even have a unique understanding of the world around you.

Just like Xu You at this moment, he even felt that the wind around him could speak, and that every plant and tree had its own vitality and spirituality.

Then, Xu You's eyes fell on the fish tank in front of him.

Inside was a clear water with a lotus leaf floating on the clear water. Under the lotus leaf were two small fish swimming, one pure white and one pure black.

Delicate as jade, the fish body is full of aura and does not look like an ordinary thing.

I don’t know if it’s Xu You’s illusion, but when these two little fish swim in the water, they can give Xu You a ridiculous feeling that is in line with the way of heaven.

Then, Xu You seemed to have thought of something and asked in surprise, "Sister Qingyu, are these your two herrings that can detect luck in heaven?"

"Yes." Yue Qingyu smiled lightly.

When Xu You heard this, he looked at the two small fishes with increasing curiosity.

Many people know that Bluefish has two natal Spirit Fish. It is said that these two Spirit Fish are often used when calculating Bluefish.

But almost no one is lucky enough to see these two fish. They only know that the bluefish named these two fish after themselves.

It's for herring.

Divining luck, predicting good and bad luck, deducing the way of heaven is omnipotent.

Now seeing the true form of the herring, Xu You was a little surprised. Although these two fish are indeed quite spiritual. But it really doesn't look like it compared to the rumored name.

"Sister Qingyu, I heard that your fortune is very accurate with these two fishes?" Xu You said directly, "Can you help us calculate whether we are lucky or unlucky these days?"

[It seems that I accidentally wrote too much about the fight. Please give me a small monthly ticket. Hehe. ]

(End of chapter)

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