Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 222 Chapter 286 287 Finally Breaking Through The Five Realms! Condensation Of Jiuyang Daotai

Chapter 222 Chapter 286 287 Finally breaking through the five realms! Condensation of Jiuyang Daotai! I compare Gold Core with Tao Tai!

Geng Gongming immediately gave Huangfu Yuntian a guarantee, and then with a gloomy face, he originally wanted to call Yan Fengshan to do something, but his confidant had just died unexpectedly.

As a result, Geng Gongming's face became even more gloomy, and he finally asked another elder on duty to give orders and learn about the situation.

Geng Gongming's high-pressure orders were very effective. It didn't take long for the elder who went to do something to come back.

"Where is the whereabouts of Manager Huangfu? Is there any news?" Geng Gongming asked directly.

The latter was a little hesitant. At this moment, Huangfu Yuntian swooped in front of him, grabbed the elder's neck, and said with a gloomy face,


This elder who only had six levels of cultivation dared to hesitate and said directly, "Steward Huangfu is fine. He disappeared temporarily with Xu You and Xue Qianluo. We are looking for him now."

Geng Gongming was stunned for a moment, "Guan Huangfu is with Xu You and the others? Why didn't Shen Shou tell you before?"

"Elder Shen said that he didn't ask Huangfu about the affairs just now."

"Tie up that Shen Shou!" Geng Gongming's mouth twitched crazily.

This incompetent Shen Shou is just looking for trouble, right? He actually caused such a huge disaster for himself again.

Now that Huangfu Lan has no cultivation base and has disappeared without a trace, the possibility of dying as a mortal in the Lost Realm can be said to be very high, and the longer it takes, the higher it becomes.

Xu You and Xue Qianluo cannot protect themselves, so how can they easily protect Huangfu Lan.

If anything happens to Huangfu Lan inside, everything will really be over.

Although Jubao Pavilion is permanently neutral, it is just that it does not participate in disputes between power levels. But what if the general manager in charge of the entire Middle-earth Heaven Continent died here.

How can the Ghost Shadow Sect escape the relationship?

He, Geng Gongming, naturally knew Huangfu Lan's position in the Huangfu family and Jubao Pavilion. When the overwhelming anger surges here, plus Kunlun Immortal Sect, it will really be the end.

The key is that there are forces from other alliances in Kunlun who can help together, but who dares to help Jubao Pavilion?

Thinking of this, Geng Gongming's heart slowly sank to the bottom. He has never believed in fate and now he is constantly praying that Huangfu Lan will be safe and sound.

Huangfu Yuntian let go of the elder, who rolled and crawled and hurriedly prepared to tie up Shen Shou.

Afterwards, Huangfu Yuntian looked at Geng Gongming with an increasingly gloomy face, "Elder Geng, if anything goes wrong in Huangfu's affairs, you know the consequences."

"I'm sorry, Elder Huangfu." Geng Gongming bowed his hands, "The Ghost Shadow Sect will do its best to find Huangfu, the manager."

Huangfu Yuntian said calmly, "Give the Ghost Shadow Sect one hour. If there are any problems, I don't need to say more about the consequences."

"Understood." Geng Gongming nodded.

For a moment, the surrounding air became temporarily quiet.

All we have to do now is wait. Kunlun is waiting for the monks to find Xu You. Jubao Pavilion is waiting for the Ghost Shadow Sect to send Huangfu Lan out safely.

Heishan Gui closed his eyes Nurturing Spirit, Dongli Perfected Being and Nie Zheng were also waiting there with their hands behind their backs. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the people from these two forces are protecting them.

At this moment, everyone is waiting for the result. If anything goes wrong with Xu You, Xue Qianluo and Huangfu Lan, the situation will directly worsen.

The atmosphere between Huangfu Yuntian and Lu Hanqing was better. After all, Jubao Pavilion, as a neutral force, did not participate in the power struggle.

Therefore, they only focused on Huangfu Lan.

However, Huangfu Yuntian still stepped forward to Master Azure Dragon. He bowed to Master Kunlun first and said with a smile, "I've seen you, senior. Is the old palace master in good health?"

"How many more years can I live?" Master Kunlun smiled cheerfully, but the old man had no intention of talking to him more.

The two of them are not of the same generation, and the generation gap is still huge.

Huangfu Yuntian said no more, saying hello was out of etiquette. After all, Master Kunlun's seniority is really high.

Anyone who walks on this divine continent must call him "Senior" or "Old Hall Master" when he sees him.

Afterwards, Huangfu Yuntian turned to look at Gongsun Li and said, "Master Gongsun's strength seems to have improved a lot, congratulations."

Gongsun Li glanced at Huangfu Yuntian, but she still gave him some face and just nodded. She was a person who respected the elderly and loved the young.

Finally, Huangfu Yuncai looked at Master Azure Dragon, his attitude was obviously much more relaxed, and he looked like he was very familiar with Master Azure Dragon, "Azure Dragon Fellow Daoist, long time no see."

Master Azure Dragon nodded slightly tiredly, "Long time no see."

"Tsk, tsk." Huangfu Yuntian was a little surprised, "Why do you think you, as a palace master, pay so much attention to maintenance?"

Huangfu Yuntian said this with deep feeling. Master Azure Dragon and he are of the same generation. They debuted together and were on the Shenzhou Talent List together.

The two of them have interacted a lot over the years, and they have a very close peer relationship.

But they are obviously getting older, and many of the monks of their generation have the appearance of old men. Only Master Azure Dragon has maintained his middle-aged appearance.

It can be said that Master Azure Dragon is the most caring monk he has ever seen.

Originally, maintenance of this kind of thing would only be done by those female monks who love beauty, and those like Master Azure Dragon are really the only ones to do it.

It is said that the amount of money he spends on maintenance every year is astronomical.

Therefore, whenever people in their circle meet Azure Dragon, their first words will definitely not avoid this point.

"What do you know?" Master Azure Dragon said with a slight disdain, "A man must be willing to invest in himself!"

Huangfu Yuntian's eyelids twitched slightly, and then he said helplessly, "I have nothing else to do with you. I would like to ask why Huangfu Lan is with you Kunlun disciples?"

"I don't know." Master Azure Dragon shook his head lazily, "You can ask yourself when someone comes out."

"So, are so many people coming to Kunlun this time just for these two disciples? Even the seniors have left the mountain." Huangfu Yuntian asked with narrowed eyes.

Master Azure Dragon glanced at the other party and said, "Mind your own business."

Huangfu Yuntian smiled slightly and said, "Yes, I have heard about Xu You and Xue Qianluo, they are indeed extraordinary young people.

It would definitely be the same if something happened to such an outstanding disciple of our Jubao Pavilion.

Speaking of this, I envy you Kunlun. Everyone says that you, Kunlun, are in trouble and are about to run out of energy, but I don’t think so.

With disciple Xu You here, it must not be difficult to revive Kunlun. "

Master Azure Dragon looked at the other party with a smile, "I don't have enough energy to ask for it from your treasure gathering pavilion."

Huangfu Yuntian's face froze slightly, "You're such a bad person that you can't understand what you're saying, right? Do you have to talk to death?"

Just as Huangfu Yuntian finished speaking, an extremely domineering Sword Intent fell from the sky, and everyone present looked upward.

A snow-white figure, pulled by the flying sword, rushed to the scene at an astonishing light-escape speed.

The overbearing sword energy on the flying sword slowly filled the surroundings. The monks with lower cultivation levels only felt pain from being cut all over their bodies. They could only use their entire body's cultivation to resist this overbearing Sword Intent.

Linghu Yuan's eyes immediately fell on the opponent, and the long sword behind him was also pulled by the majestic Sword Intent, buzzing and vibrating there.

This is a thin old man with elegant temperament, wearing Sword Sect conspicuous white clothes, with a long beard, gray hair and a snow-white beard.

The old face can vaguely see the handsomeness of his youth. Standing there with his hands behind his back, he looks like the most domineering sword in the world.

Everyone recognized this graceful old man immediately, or in other words, this old man would become the center of attention wherever he went.

One of the five pavilions of Sword Sect, Liu Chuanzhen, the master of Qingyun Pavilion, is named Beijian Perfected Being!

He followed the sword-fighting path, which was famous for its sharpness and fierceness.

There are few great and romantic swordsmen in the world today, and among the Sword Sect who are skilled in swordsmanship, their strength is also the most Apex Level.

Liu Chuanzhen had brilliant achievements throughout his life. He had been studying swordsmanship since he was young, and his name resounded throughout the Divine Continent.

If you were to single out the most famous and romantic among the five pavilion masters in Sword Sect, it would be the Liu Pavilion Master.

Before, it was he who killed Nalan Tianzong with one man and one sword, and shaved off every hair on his body in front of the whole Lantian Sect, who liked to write shocking headlines and made up random things.

It was also after that incident that Lan Tianzong did not dare to write any more frivolous news about these Apex Level bosses.

It can be said that he is a great swordsman with an extremely flamboyant personality.

He obviously came here because of the matter of the Lost Realm. Originally, there was no need for him, the Pavilion Master, to take action for the time being.

However, news kept coming back to Sword Sect saying that the situation here was getting more and more serious, and many powerful people from the Eighth Realm had gathered.

Then, Liu Chuanzhen, who happened to be here in Dongyang County, rushed over immediately.

As long as there is a large-scale battle in Middle-earth, Sword Sect will have to help with the scene.

It doesn't matter who you help, what matters is that you have the opportunity to take action.

After all, this Sword Sect always implements the same concept from top to bottom, from old to young, and only through constant fighting can the swordsmanship rise.

As the master of the Sword Sect Pavilion, Liu Chuanzhen's strength is considered to be the ceiling, and there are few opportunities for him to use the sword.

Liu Chuanzhen, who has fought all his life, still longs for fighting and worthy opponents even when he is old.

"What's going on?" Liu Chuanzhen looked around and asked in a loud voice.

Geng Gongming is already numb, why the hell is there another killing god!

In terms of strength, Geng Gongming's strength has exceeded 99% of the monks in the Immortal Cultivation World.

But the uncomfortable thing is that today's visitors are all the remaining top experts, no one can beat them?

It’s been a long time since I nodded and bowed in frustration like today.

But what can be done? Geng Gongming tried his best to squeeze out a smile and flew over to explain the current situation to Liu Chuanzhen.

Here, Geng Gongming worked hard to make ends meet, while the people from Kunlun Immortal Sect were silently waiting for the final result of the missing person, and then to put an end to this matter.

Xu You on the other side has undergone tremendous changes in this short period of time.

In the white mysterious space of the Lost Realm.

Huangfu Lan is now looking at a complex and sophisticated small boundary-breaking teleportation array in front of him with a hopeful look on his face.

She took a deep breath, and finally placed a piece of spiritual crystal in the core position, then made a hand seal with her hands, and injected a series of spells into it to activate the formation.

Soon, crystals began to flow on the small teleportation array, those exquisite lines were radiant, and the entire array began to hum and vibrate in a low voice.

After that, a ray of light rose from the formation.

Huangfu Lan's eyes lit up when she saw this, and she moved forward excitedly. At this moment, her expression suddenly changed, and she skillfully covered herself with a protective aura.


As soon as the spiritual light was formed, a huge explosion spread from the magic circle.

Huangfu Lan didn't have time to think too much, so he directly covered the magic circle with a large Law Weapon, controlling all the aftermath and sound of the explosion in the Law Weapon without causing too much noise.

Because Xu You and Xue Qianluo are practicing in seclusion not far away, they cannot be disturbed.

After a while, after the sound of the explosion dissipated, Huangfu Lan put away the Law Weapon, and then looked at the dilapidated magic circle with a gloomy expression.

Very angry, very angry!

Huangfu Lan felt that his anger had reached a critical point.

Her hair is now a little messy, her clothes are somewhat damaged, and there are some stains on her face.

Her whole state is no longer as glamorous as that of a mature queen, like a female warrior who has just come out of a tunnel battle.

Although she couldn't hide her alluring appearance, for Huangfu Lan, she would rather lose this beauty now.

Because she failed countless times with this teleportation formation, she lost count, and she wasted countless treasures.

All the materials in her flying boat must be emptied.

Before they knew it, they had been trapped here for nearly three months.

Yes, it’s almost three months!

In the past three months, Huangfu Lan has verified this formation countless times, but all of them have failed. Everyone was stunned by the explosion.

It is really too difficult and complicated. Although this kind of interface teleportation formation can only be learned by the most Apex Level formation masters, Huangfu Lan also thinks that he is a genius.

But this time it really didn't work. By now, my whole body was numb from failure.

Thinking about her, the dignified leader of Treasure Jury Pavilion in Tianzhou, she had never been in such a mess before.

In the past, if I wanted anything, I would have the finished product delivered to me at the drop of a hat. Now that I have studied it on my own, I have discovered how difficult it is.

It was so big that she was a little desperate.

This time she looked like she was going to succeed, but in the end it gave her even greater despair and she exploded again.

The depressed Huangfu Lan smashed the damaged formation to pieces with one palm. Not satisfied with this, he directly burned these things with spiritual flames, leaving no residue behind.

After doing this, Huangfu Lan's face felt better. She rubbed her forehead, feeling that if she continued like this, she might really be forced to become a resentful woman.

In all these years, I have never experienced such an annoying and irritable situation.

In the past few months, she had tried many other methods and searched many places, but there was no way out.

Especially this space has a very strange power. You can't sense any direction. Even if you keep going in one direction, you will end up returning to the original place inexplicably.

Therefore, Huangfu Lan is really at a loss now and can only place his hope on the construction of the teleportation formation.


Huangfu Lan breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to try again.

Although she failed countless times, her strong perseverance prevented her from giving up easily.

Just when Huangfu Lan was about to start, her expression changed and she turned to look at Xue Qianluo, whose cultivation level was now constantly climbing.

Huangfu Lan is very familiar with this phenomenon, a breakthrough in a small realm.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Xue Qianluo's aura to rise to a higher level.

The middle stage of the Five Realms!

Huangfu Lan was not too surprised. With Xue Qianluo's cultivation talent, practicing in a place with such terrifying spiritual energy content, a breakthrough would only be a matter of time.

Even nearly three months is a long time.

Xue Qianluo, who had broken through to the middle stage of the Fifth Realm, did not open his eyes in a hurry. After a moment of consolidation, he slowly opened his eyes.

She first looked at Xu You, and then at Huangfu Lan.

When seeing Huangfu Lan's slightly embarrassed state, Xue Qianluo was stunned for a moment, then immediately flew over and asked.

"Senior, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay." Huangfu Lan smiled slightly and said, "Congratulations on your breakthrough in cultivation."

Xue Qianluo didn't look proud at all, he just said very normally, "It's just a small improvement, senior, how long has it been?"

"It's been almost three months. I don't know the details."

"It's been so long?" Xue Qianluo frowned. He didn't expect that time passed so quickly and that he had been in seclusion for so long.

She really forgot herself while practicing and was immersed in the extremely fast speed of practice and couldn't extricate herself. It was only after she achieved a breakthrough that she woke up from this state.

I never thought it would take so long.

"Senior, have you still not found a way out?" Xue Qianluo asked.

"No." Huangfu Lan briefly summarized the situation during this period.

After listening, Xue Qianluo fell silent. It has been so long now that no one outside knows what is going on.

Xue Qianluo is very worried now, fearing that Kunlun will really fight against the Ghost Shadow Sect. The most important thing now is to go out as early as possible.

"Senior, let me take a look at this formation as well. If there are more than one person, maybe use it more often."


So, the two of them started to study again.

In this way, another seven or eight days passed, during which time it failed several times.

Xue Qianluo is also in a bad state now. She finally understands the suffering Huangfu Lan has suffered in the past few months.

Indeed, in such an environment, successive failures can easily break one's defenses.

On this day, just as the two were preparing to start the next formation, there was a long-awaited movement on Xu You's side.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth formed a small whirlpool-like storm around him.

"Huh? So fast?" Huangfu Lan looked over there in surprise.

The cultivation state Xu You is showing now is the cultivation state that is about to break through to the fifth level!

It had only been three months, but Xu You didn't expect that Xu You could start condensing the Taoist platform directly.

You know, breaking the big realm is different from breaking the small realm.

No matter how rich the spiritual energy of the surrounding world is, it will only play a supporting role in breaking the great realm, and will not play a decisive role.

This thing depends on the individual. If you look at the aura content, countless great monks would have been produced in batches that day.

And Xu You's current situation is that he can naturally break through after reaching the level of cultivation. In this way, his cultivation talent can be described as terrifying.

Is it true that this little guy has no bottleneck in his cultivation?

It's simply too exaggerated.

Xue Qianluo also looked at Xu You with the same expression, his eyes still a little complicated.

Although breaking through the five realms is not a difficult matter for her.

However, a lot of work was prepared in advance, and the temple paid great attention to it, and his master even personally protected the Dharma.

Just adjusting the cultivation state took a long time.

As a result, Xu You is now in this place, breaking through as soon as he wants, purely relying on his personal strength and rushing in without any preparation.

The two of them stopped what they were doing at the same time and looked at Xu You patiently and quietly.

At this moment, Xu You is completely immersed in his own world, and the cultivation level in his body has been enriched to the peak state that the four realms should have.

The only way further up is to break through the realm.

For Xu You, the threshold of the Five Realms does not feel unpredictable, unfamiliar or scary like other monks.

His mentality is very indifferent, because both his strength and Divine Ability have given him the capital to dominate the world.

In terms of strength, killing a fifth-level monk with ordinary strength is like killing a chicken or an ox.

In terms of Divine Ability, he now understands the general trend of the world, so what does it mean to be in the fifth realm?

As we all know, practicing is the same as picking up girls. The more relaxed and indifferent you are, the less you are used to him, and the less you are afraid of him, the higher the probability of success.

On the other hand, if you are timid about a girl, look forward and backward, and put yourself in a low position when you come up to her, then you are destined to become a spare tire licker.

The same principle applies to cultivation. Be confident. I am the King of Heaven. Don’t have any fear.

What you should be afraid of is the bottleneck!

The talent of Laozi Jiuyang Dao Foundation only comes out every few thousand years, how dare the five realms dare to stop it?

Xu You had such an attitude of absolute confidence at the moment, coupled with the blessing of strength and talent, without any extra auxiliary means, he broke through the situation on the spot.

Don't give the Five Realms any chance to pull him away.

Although under normal circumstances, you need to prepare a lot of things when condensing the Taoist platform, such as auxiliary heavenly materials and earthly treasures, protectors, a sufficiently clear state of mind, etc.

But Xu You doesn't care about these, just be reckless!

Xu himself is the most powerful talent and treasure in the world!

It’s just a Taoist platform, so what are you going to do with so many preparations?

The more prepared you are, the less confident you are and the easier it is to fail! This kind of thing should be tough and reckless!

At this moment, Xu You has transformed into a Transcendent Level fool, ready to use force and talent to overcome the odds!

The Jiuyang Dao Foundation in his divine palace began to rotate rapidly and condense.

The fifth level of alchemy is a Tao platform condensed on the Dao Foundation.

For example, the Dao Foundation is the base of a lotus, and the Dao Platform is the lotus conceived from the lotus base.

This is the middle state of the three realms of alchemy, and it is also a transitional state. After entering the fifth realm, the alchemy path has traveled half a hundred times, and its foundation has doubled.

Cultivation, divine palace, and divine soul all doubled and advanced!

At this moment, Xu You is a machine that mercilessly swallows spiritual energy. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth required to condense the Taoist platform is extremely amazing. Even if the surrounding spiritual energy is so rich that it crystallizes, it still forms a big spiritual energy storm.

With this large amount of spiritual energy inhaled into the body, Xu You's entire divine palace is now filled with crystallized spiritual power.

Dao Foundation rotates faster and faster, and its upper core slowly arches upwards without even one rotation.

The prototype of the Taoist platform slowly began to take shape and solidify under the construction of this spiritual power.

And the excess spiritual energy is constantly washing his soul. The improvement of his realm is not only the improvement of his cultivation, but also the power of his soul will also make a qualitative leap.

In this way, Xu You began to fall into the process of advancement.

I don’t know how long it took, but a complete Taoist platform finally slowly emerged on the Dao Foundation. It was clear, transparent, full and extremely spiritual.

Soon, this newborn Taoist platform began to rotate, constantly absorbing the spiritual energy of the surrounding world.

At the same time, these spiritual energies once again gathered into a "magic pen" and began to draw the blazing sun pattern, just like when the Dao Foundation was built.

Each blazing yang means the completion of a foundation. When the Dao Foundation was built, the nine blazing yangs were tattooed, which means the condensation of the nine yang Dao Foundation.

When condensing the Dao Platform, just like building the Dao Foundation, nine blazing sun patterns will be formed, which will eventually condense into the Nine Yang Dao Platform.

This reflects the importance of the fourth realm, Dao Foundation, and is why it is called the Dragon Gate Realm of a monk.

Because the quality of your Dao Foundation directly determines the subsequent Dao platform, Gold Core.

That's why Xu You was so cautious in the fourth realm before, preparing so many treasures, and retreating in Kunlun, and Mo Yuhuang also ordered the mountain to be sealed to protect the law.

In fact, the Dao Foundation realm is too important. On the contrary, when the Dao platform is condensed now, it is only sublimated again on the basis of the Dao Foundation.

And as a prelude to the Gold Core realm, this is the Daotai realm that is considered an excessive realm. Only Xu You dared to complete it directly here with such confidence.

One after another, the blazing sun began to emerge on the Dao Foundation. It was smooth, without any obstacles, and it was a matter of course.

At this time, the spiritual storm outside had reached an exaggerated level.

A huge vortex of spiritual energy was formed directly on top of Xu You's head, constantly pouring into his body.

Every time a blazing sun pattern falls, the spiritual energy vortex above expands, and endless spiritual energy is absorbed crazily.

When the seventh blazing sun pattern fell, Xu You's divine palace began to condense into countless Sword Intents. These Sword Intents merged into the magic pen and began to leave unique Sword Intent patterns on the blazing sun pattern.

At the same time, these Sword Intents leaked out of Xu You's body and were fully integrated with the aura vortex above.

Forming a huge vortex where spiritual energy and sword energy coexist.

Xue Qianluo and Huangfu Lan kept their eyes in this direction from beginning to end without blinking.

Among them, Huangfu Lan was holding a recording-type Law Weapon to record the scene.

This thing can be left to Xu You, and it also has huge commercial value.

Do you want to see the real image of Kunlun’s most Apex Level prodigy breaking through the five realms? Countless people probably want to take a look. This real image alone can create a lot of value and leave a name for Xu You in history.

Of course, this kind of thing requires the little guy's consent, and his wishes are the main thing.

At this moment, Huangfu Lan felt quite emotional, Xu You's movement of breaking through the five realms was like condensing Gold Core to others.

Every monk will have the spiritual energy vortex generated when breaking through the realm. The difference lies in the size and intensity of the spiritual energy vortex.

And this size has a lot to do with the density of the surrounding spiritual energy.

The same monk will definitely make more noise in a place with normal spiritual energy than in a place with strong spiritual energy.

Because the poorer the spiritual energy, the larger the vortex must be, so that more spiritual energy can be absorbed to fill it.

So it stands to reason that in this place where the spiritual energy is so rich that it is impossible to break through the five realms and cause such a big movement.

The aura here is inexhaustible, you can use it as you like, there is no such thing as insufficient.

But Xu You still made such a big noise and formed such a large spiritual energy vortex.

The greater the movement, the stronger the individual's strength.

At this moment, Huangfu Lan could intuitively feel the power of the little guy. No wonder it was so easy to kill enemies across realms.

His strength is at least one level higher than that of others, and even more.

"Senior, why is there a Sword Intent surrounding Xu You's Celestial Phenomenon? Isn't he following the Taoist path?" Xue Qianluo asked in confusion.

"This phenomenon is extremely rare. There is only one possibility of such a phenomenon, and that is Xu You's achievements in Taoism and Transcendent are not only extraordinary, but also in swordsmanship.

Therefore, even if he is a minor in swordsmanship, he is still on par with the main swordsmanship.

A monk with such talent may not be born in thousands of years. "

At the end, Huangfu Lan said with some emotion, "The swordsmanship that Xu You showed before is indeed flawless. It is reasonable for him to have such movement on the Condensing Stage at the moment."

Xue Qianluo fell silent again. After watching Xu You's breakthrough at a close distance, he realized his true strength. Now his swordsmanship can keep pace with the main sword.

Such a talent is beyond her reach, not to mention that Xu You also practiced Talisman Dao.

At this moment, Xue Qianluo was in a daze.

I still remember that when we first met Xu You, even the Taoist platform was not condensed. At that time, kendo had not yet become popular.

With my own strength at that time, even a hundred Xu Yous tied up could not defeat me.

Now, Xu You seems to have advanced rapidly to the fifth realm, and his true strength is estimated to be better than his own in a life-and-death fight.

This junior brother has really given people too many surprises and shocks along the way.

These shocks were so great that Xue Qianluo felt at this moment that he was just an ordinary mediocre person.

Compared with Xu You, if the fluorescence is brighter than the bright moon.

At this time, the Celestial Phenomenon of the whirlpool was strengthened for the last time. The Sword Intent on it was surging into the sky, and the spirit storm became a river. Finally, it suddenly became silent again.

The most essence of it poured into Xu You's body, and then all the rest turned into stars and dissipated.

The terrifying movement just now turned into nothingness and calm at this moment. The aura of Xu You floating in the air was more than twice as strong at this time.

Entering the five realms of alchemy and successfully condensing out of the Taoist platform!

Xu You breathed long and long, and the divine palace also returned to calm. The strength of his body, soul, and cultivation more than doubled.

On top of the Dao Foundation stands a golden nine-yang Taoist platform. The Taoist platform is solid and clear, as if it has been beaten thousands of times.

There are nine blazing sun patterns tattooed on it, and each pattern has a sword energy crossing it, which is exactly the same shape as when the Dao Foundation was built before.

Xu You named his Dao Foundation Jiuyang Jianji at the time, but now it is more appropriately called Jiuyang Jiantai.

[Continue to ask for monthly tickets and see if you can get 2,000 monthly tickets this month. Remember to have monthly tickets on hand to help wash the coast, okay?

And Happy Chinese Valentine's Day, one off for those who don't have a girlfriend, (^_)☆ ]

(End of chapter)

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