With the help of the map.

It took nearly two hours to reach the marked point.

Of course, in order to prevent any special situation from happening, the two knocked the young man unconscious.

Knowing that he was going to die, if he did something out of the ordinary, it would definitely arouse the other party's suspicion.

"It should be here."

Zhou Zhengwu looked at the map on his phone and said very confidently.

Hearing this.

Chen Mu also looked at the surrounding environment.

This is a forest.

There are quite a few wild animals in it.

In this case, it is almost impossible to find the gods from a group of beasts.

So he prepared to lead the other party out.

"God, your most loyal believer has prepared a container for you."

Zhou Zhengwu shouted to the surroundings.

But there was no response.

This forced him to continue.

"Our whereabouts have been exposed. We have been hunted by the Dragon Country. We have lost more than a dozen brothers here..."

Constantly gain the trust of the other party.


This god is obviously more difficult than expected.

Still refused to respond.

"As long as the Lord God takes us away from here, I promise to find a more perfect container."

As the voice fell.

Finally, a voice in the forest responded.

"Which bishop's subordinate are you?"

But still no intention of showing up.

Hearing this.

Zhou Zhengwu sneered in his heart.

Test me?


"I am the cardinal's subordinate, the deputy leader of the Knights of Faith, my name is Zhou Zhengwu..."

When he spoke, his expression was even more serious.

Even Chen Mu doubted whether this teacher had any secondary profession?

Not long after.

The voice sounded again.

"You have worked hard, come with the container."

A figure slowly walked out of the forest.

But this figure was not a person, but a wild boar weighing one or two thousand pounds.

At this moment, the other party squeezed out a smile.

It should be the god.

The two walked towards each other calmly.

"When I find the headquarters, I will promote you to bishop."

The wild boar said.

As soon as these words came out.

Zhou Zhengwu immediately showed a touch of joy and shouted with a smile.

"Thank you, Lord God, for your cultivation."

This made Chen Mu on the side want to give a thumbs up.

This acting skill crushed all the young actors.

As they got closer and closer.

Chen Mu also gradually sensed a different breath.

This breath was like a spring breeze, making people feel a little comfortable.

Even Chen Mu almost lost control.

Seeing that he was about to reach the wild boar, Zhou Zhengwu stopped hiding.

A fire dragon of dozens of meters appeared out of thin air.

"Dragon Flame!"

It fell directly towards the wild boar.

"Stay away, leave this to me."

Zhou Zhengwu's voice sounded.

"Okay, I will never interfere with you."

Before the words fell.

The man had already left on the sword.

As the fire dragon exploded, the dust around it gradually dissipated.

The wild boar still stood there, but there were many more wounds on its body.


The wild boar spoke indifferently.

The injuries on its body were also recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Stop talking nonsense, you will definitely not be able to escape today, wait for us to come, maybe we can spare your life."

Zhou Zhengwu's voice sounded.

The most important thing is that the thing possessed by this god is just a wild boar.

If it was a human, he would naturally not be sure.


The wild boar smiled coldly, and a light golden shadow slowly emerged above it.

It was still in human form, but with a pair of light golden wings.


Chen Mu couldn't help shouting.

As soon as this was said.

It immediately attracted the attention of the wild boar.

Since he had offended him, Chen Mu didn't care, and he would offend him a little more.

After thinking about it.

He directly threw out a scan.

Name: Winged Angel [Wild Boar]

Level: 89 [Physical Limitation]

Quality: Myth

Skills: ? ? ?

Kill Explosion Rate: Myth Items 50%, Special Items 50%

Introduction: Low-level angel, trying to get his hands on the power of faith

Seeing this scene.

Chen Mu was stunned for a moment.

It was really the birdman in his memory.

However, Chen Mu frowned soon.

"No, the birdman level is 200, so it stands to reason that the Pixiu will only be stronger."

He felt that there must be something wrong.

Otherwise, there would not be such a big gap in level.

Chen Mu didn't know.

The Pixiu he subdued was indeed pure blood, but the problem was that it was congenitally deficient.

Because the mother of the Pixiu was hunted down and constantly fighting, she was in labor and gave birth prematurely.

If it was at its peak.

This kind of thing is naturally nothing.

Just defeated, embarking on a life of escape, not to mention the spiritual objects of heaven and earth that can restore vitality, even the treasures of heaven and earth are not many.

This is exactly the reason.

The strength of the little Pixiu is so poor.

And Qingluan is also normal. After being chased for hundreds of years, it is impossible to recover its strength. It is very strong to be able to reach level 95.

"Forget it, this kind of thing is not something I can consider now."

Chen Mu knew that the world of cultivation existed, and there were top-level masters.

The Pixiu would naturally not be too bad.

Thinking of this.

I was too lazy to think about it.

Looking at the battlefield.

Chen Mu realized that the person in front of him was actually a fire mage.

He could use all kinds of fire magic at will.

It was simply a human bomber.

"Red Flame Bomb!"

"Flame Sea!"

"Mars Falling from the Sky!"

Attacks fell one after another.

The ground was shaking.

"Wow, Lao Zhou is also a tough guy."

I couldn't help but sigh.

Chen Mu noticed that the god was still in a state under such a sharp attack.

He never let himself get too seriously injured.

He relied on unknown skills to recover continuously.

"If this goes on, it's not good."

He whispered.

"Are all gods trash like you?"

Zhou Zhengwu naturally noticed that something was wrong and wanted to provoke the other party.

But he didn't expect it.

The wild boar smiled and said.

"I'm not those arrogant adults. I'm just a small character trying to make a living. Your provocation is useless to me."

"You are a mage. I just need to consume slowly. When the time comes, your life and death is just a matter of my thought."

Hearing this.

Not to mention Zhou Zhengwu, even Chen Mu frowned.

"It won't work this way. It seems I have to take action."

Thinking of this.

Chen Mu looked at his backpack.

I wanted to release two yellow-turbaned warriors to help, but it might not be able to turn the tide of the battle.

In this case, it is better to do it in one step.

Thinking of this.

Chen Mu also silently took out the purple-gold red gourd.

"I hope you won't let me down."

His only worry now is that the opponent's soul is too strong and the purple-gold red gourd cannot control the opponent's soul.

In that case.

He will be in danger.

To put it bluntly.

A pure body is exactly what the opponent wants.

"Forget it, this is not a solution, I can only give it a try."

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