With the last Divine Ape Bow in hand.

The equipment of the thirty soldiers under Chen Mu was all replaced.

At the same time, the combat effectiveness temporarily reached its peak.

If you want to improve again, you have to improve the skill quality or obtain a higher-level suit.

These cannot be achieved in a short time.

"In this case, it's time to upgrade to level 10 as soon as possible."

Chen Mu is very interested in Qi Refiners.

I want to complete the first transformation as soon as possible.

At the same time, I have a summary of the golden finger.

Each monster will explode different items, which also makes Chen Mu want to try to brush other dungeons.

Wait until all the low-level nightmare dungeons are brushed, and then consider which dungeon to brush more.

This can avoid missing good things.

"Do you want to continue the challenge?"

Chen Mu clicked No and started to select dungeons at the same time.

In fact, there are 10 low-level dungeons in total.

Even if you brush them all, it won't take long.

"Challenge, nightmare level, Spider Cave!"

"Ding! The Spider Cave dungeon is opening!"

As the prompt sounded.

The surrounding scene changed rapidly.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he appeared in the dark and damp cave.

He twitched his nose.

He was somewhat uncomfortable with the surrounding environment.

Without any pause.

As for the spider silk on the ground.

It was triggered.

With the overwhelming strength, it would be too boring to advance little by little.

Just walked out of the cave for more than ten meters.

There was a rustling sound in the cave.

It was obvious that a large number of spiders were rushing towards him.

"Prepare for battle!"

As Chen Mu gave an order.

The heavy armored soldiers stepped forward tacitly, the Hundred Battle Infantry surrounded Chen Mu, and the Hundred Steps Sharpshooter was responsible for the attack.

Just as expected.

One by one, black spiders the size of millstones emerged from the depths of the cave.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Instantly, an arrow was shot out.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

While killing the spider instantly, a reminder sounded in Chen Mu's ears.

"Ding! Kill the cave spider and get the fine spider silk!"

"Ding! Kill the cave spider and get the fine spider silk!"

"Ding! Kill the cave spider and get the fine spider silk!"


Looking at the things that exploded, Chen Mu was a little surprised.

Click on the information directly.

Name: Fine Spider Silk

Quality: Bronze Grade

Introduction: Can be used for equipment manufacturing


Chen Mu immediately showed a lack of interest.

For him, this thing can also be sold in his hands.

The value is far less than those equipment pills.

The team is advancing steadily.

Even if those cave spiders have fangs, they can't bite the heavy armored soldiers at the front at this moment.

There are even a few unlucky guys who don't believe in evil and take a bite.

The end result was that the fangs broke and he was shot to death by an arrow.

About two or three minutes passed.

The passage ahead had been cleared, and Chen Mu also harvested more than two hundred fine spider silks.

"Keep moving forward."

As the voice fell.

Slowly went deeper into the cave.

Maybe the noise just now was too loud, attracting all the spiders in the cave.

As a result, there was not a single spider on the way.

Chen Mu went straight to the BOSS's lair.

After a while.

Stopped in front of the cave entrance closed by spider webs.

"Chop these spider webs."

With an order.

Two hundred battle infantrymen raised the sword of the brave and chopped it down fiercely.

It was chopped on the spot, and the scene inside could even be seen through the broken spider web.

A spider that was three or four meters in size was lying on the spider web to rest.


A burst of hissing.

A gray-brown spider just saw the door open.

Maybe he walked over with the idea of ​​repairing the gate.

As soon as he approached, he was killed by the sword.

Before he died, he also issued a warning cry.

The sleeping big spider woke up instantly and made bursts of hissing.

"Go in and kill it!"

Chen Mu gave the order directly.

For a while.

Soldiers rushed into the spider's nest.

Name: Spider Queen

Level: 20

Quality: Silver

Skills: Rapid reproduction, poison injection, flying

Killing rate: Silver-level items 100%

Introduction: Unless you are a pig, you will not be able to beat it

"Hiss! Hiss! Hiss!"

Maybe it was because Chen Mu broke in, the spider queen made bursts of hissing.

It was like someone broke into a widow's house at night.

When he entered the nest, Chen Mu found that it was bigger than he thought.

It was actually 700 to 800 square meters.

There are five entrances and exits, and he just came in one of them.

As the queen called, spiders came in from other caves one after another.

Seeing this scene.

Chen Mu signaled the soldiers to take action.


Chen Mu left only five soldiers to guard, and the other soldiers were fighting with all their strength.

After a short while.

There were only corpses on the ground in the nest.

Looking at the scene.

A trace of fear appeared in the eyes of the spider queen.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

Then, the spiders began to grow wildly.

Each of these spiders was only the size of a palm.

Chen Mu also took a cautious look.

"Are they all poisonous?"

Looking at the small spiders that attacked.

The heavy armored soldiers were not afraid of these things, but the sharpshooter would definitely feel uncomfortable if bitten.


Chen Mu thought of the skills he had acquired before.

Then look at the corpses around.

Without the slightest pause.

"Call your heroic souls to serve me!"

As the formula was recited.

The spiders that had already died tragically began to twist constantly.

Those that were shot by the sharpshooter were fine, at least they were still intact. Those spiders that were cut off drove half of their bodies to crawl towards the spider queen.

Even, they bit a large number of small spiders to death on the way.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

The spider queen screamed in fear, not understanding why her subordinates suddenly attacked her.

Of course, since it was a BOSS, it was naturally not a vegetarian.

He caught one in an instant, and with a puff, he injected the poison into the body of the spider corpse.

But there was no effect, the spider corpse opened its mouth and bit the spider queen's body fiercely.

Of course, this was just the beginning.

A large number of zombie spiders swarmed over.

At a glance, the spider queen was knocked down.

Then came the spider queen who kept gnawing.

About three or four minutes passed.

A reminder sounded in Chen Mu's ears.

"Ding! Kill the spider queen and get the broken magical inheritance fragment * 1!"

"4 pieces, only when you kill the new BOSS will it drop."

Took a look at the zombie spiders.

With one thought, all of them turned into corpses again.

For Chen Mu, these things were too weak, not to mention that he had no place to put them.

It would be better to enslave new zombies whenever he wanted to use them.

Chen Mu looked up.

He saw a light spot where the Spider Queen disappeared.

He walked over quickly, picked up the equipment on the ground, and threw a scan.

Name: Spider Queen Ring

Quality: Silver

Skill: Summon a swarm of spiders

Wearing requirements: Level 15

Introduction: Selling it to a beastmaster should make a lot of money

For Chen Mu, it is useless.

Throw it directly into the backpack.

Prepare to sell it with other equipment after going out.

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