Ji Yao woke up the next morning and it was bright again.

The weather is very good today, the sun star came out, and the golden dome of the palace was dazzling and dazzling.

After getting up and taking a shower, Sophia entered the bedroom and greeted, "Mr. Evans, good morning, you slept well last night? Did you feel any discomfort?"

"No, it's all good, thank you."

It seems that someone specially took care of Sophia and asked her to pay attention to her physical condition. Ji Yao's mood was as bright as the morning light outside the window.

Sofia then handed over a hardcover paper book, with a few ancient gold lacquer characters "Last Dragon" on the black bottom cover, which are very eye-catching, "Your Majesty came here just now, and I will send it to you. I have read this book, but let me tell you not to read it for so long that it hurts your eyes."

"Okay, I see."

Ji Yao took the book with a bit of heat on his face. He was so sleepy these two days that he didn't even know when Louis came.

After breakfast, Ji Yao went to the first floor to see the fish balls. The little guy's mental state was much better than yesterday. Meow softly.

Ji Yao touched its small forehead, and went to the next locker to get the medicine box, ready to change the medicine for the fish balls.

Two maids just walked into the bedroom holding freshly picked flowers, and one of them whispered: "It's a pity, when Viscount Robert came yesterday, I happened to take a rest, and I didn't see him. licking his face."

The other said: "Oh, who made the Viscount rude to make His Majesty unhappy, and slandered this person in our palace, it is not surprising that he will be kicked out of the palace..."

As soon as the two looked up and saw Ji Yao, they immediately stopped talking and squatted down to salute him together: "Mr. Evans, good morning."

Ji Yao responded: "Good morning."

The two maids were not optimistic about Ji Yao when he first entered the palace, but after getting along for a few days, they were convinced by his affinity and generosity.

What's more, how does His Majesty the Emperor treat this person? Anyone who is not blind can see clearly. Unless they want to die, they must be respectful to Ji Yao.

One of them asked boldly, "Mr. Evans, do you prefer lilies or roses?"

"It's all good."

"Where's the lily of the valley? Your Majesty likes this kind of fresh and elegant flowers recently. Do you want me to put a bunch on the desk for you?"

"Uh, ok, thanks."

The two maids grinned as they went to arrange flowers, while Ji Yao was dumbfounded.

After giving the fish **** medicine and cleaning up the cat cage, Ji Yao returned to the room and saw a bottle of lily of the valley on the table. She couldn't help feeling sweet and warm.

Suddenly I miss that person very much, and I want to send him a message and ask him what he is doing.

However, at this time, the other party must be busy reviewing official documents or receiving ministers. It is better not to disturb yourself, so as not to work overtime at night.

Recalling what she saw outside the study last night and the conversation she heard just now, Ji Yao couldn't help but ask Sophia: "Who is that Viscount Robert?"

Sophia probably understood what was going on after a second thought, and answered truthfully: "Viscount Robert's father followed His Majesty's uprising for many years, and made outstanding military contributions in the process of overthrowing the previous emperor's brutal rule. In the end, he sacrificed heroically, and the title was inherited by the young Robert, who was only ten years old at the time. His Majesty was grateful for the bravery of the old Viscount, and took the young Robert by his side for eight years, until he became an adult and gave him a fief in the W district. , Viscount Robert left the imperial capital.

I think, to His Majesty, Viscount Robert is always a willful and pampered child. But you are completely different. In the three months before you entered the palace, His Majesty was restless at night every night and only went to bed very late. The few days after you entered the palace are the happiest and most relaxed time for him. I am afraid that the number of laughs in a day is equal to the past year. I have served His Majesty for nearly two hundred years, and I have never seen him care so much about anyone. "

So it is, no wonder Viscount Robert said that last night. Ji Yao could also hear the good intentions of Sophia's words, she was moved and a little embarrassed to say: "Thank you, I understand, Louis and I have communicated with each other last night, and now he is the same to me. The most important person on the planet."

Sofia couldn't help but say with relief: "That's the best, Your Majesty is finally no longer alone."

Ji Yao was a little surprised, "Does Louis have no other relatives?"

Sophia said: "No, His Majesty's race is quite special. Relatives and clansmen have died out one after another in the long years. You should know it after reading this book."


Ji Yao then sat by the window and started to read the book "The Last Dragon".

This book is not too thick, Ji Yao was very fascinated by it, and read it in one breath before dinner.

It turns out that the dragon family is located at the top of the biological chain of the Alpha planet, and has dominated the planet for most of the tens of thousands of years of history and civilization in the empire. However, although the dragons are powerful, their numbers are limited, reproduction is difficult, and mania is much more serious than other groups. The normal life expectancy can reach hundreds or thousands of years. population is decreasing.

The author of this book seems to be a well-known historian, and he sighs at the end of the book that he was fortunate enough to witness the birth of what may be the last dragon baby on the planet Alpha. In a few hundred years, when this child leaves this world, the dragon race of Planet Alpha will probably be completely wiped out.

When Ji Yao saw this, he felt a little bit of pity in his heart. The last dragon baby mentioned in the book is likely to be Louis. You can imagine how lonely he must have been over the years.

Now I can accompany Louis, but his lifespan is only a hundred years, what will I do after he passes away?

Ji Yao felt even more distressed when she thought that Louis would be alone again. This problem is very serious, you can't hide it from the man like an ostrich, you must tell the other party openly and honestly.

But he can't say it now, he will find a suitable opportunity to say it later, after all, the two have just made love, so it is too much for Louis and himself. cruel.

When it was dinner time, Ji Yao went to the garden, and Louis came up and asked, "Ayao, did you miss me today?"

Ji Yao's previous melancholy mood was immediately thrown behind his head, and he replied with a warm face: "Yes."

Louis is as persistent as a child begging for candy, "How much do you think?"

Ji Yao was not accustomed to expressing her love so directly, and she didn't know how to describe it, but she couldn't refuse this man, so she had an idea and replied, "Just like you think of me."

This should not go wrong!

The corners of Louis' mouth could not be restrained from rising, but what he said was not the same, "Really? I think of you every second, even when I have a meeting with the minister, the left half The brain is receiving information, and the right half of the brain is all you."


Ji Yao almost sprayed, Your Majesty, you are very talented, ordinary people can't do it!

Looking at his unrelenting appearance, he had no choice but to coax him, no, he was touched.

Ji Yao stood on tiptoe slightly and kissed Louis on the corner of his lips with shyness.

Everyone serving inside and outside the garden: "…"

Very good, everyone has not eaten dinner, so let's take it as an appetizer first.

After dinner, Ji Yao wanted to go to the study room to read, while Louis wanted to go to the conference room to hold a video conference with local officials, so he sent him to the study room, and then told him: "Don't look too long, ten o'clock Zhong had to go back to the bedroom to rest before, and think of me before going to sleep."

Ji Yao smiled: "I see."

The second time she entered the study, Ji Yao's mood was completely different from the first time.

I was a little apprehensive when I came here last night, because the place was full of Louis's breath and I was uneasy and didn't dare to stay for a long time. Today is just the opposite. I feel very cordial and reassuring. After finding a history book from the bookshelf, I lay down on the sofa and look relaxed.

I don't know how long it took, suddenly a message came in on the bracelet, and it turned out that it was sent by someone: dear, it's three minutes before ten o'clock, I need me to send you there go home?

Ji Yao immediately replied: No, I'll go back now!

He clipped the bookmark to the page he was looking at, put the book on the small makeshift bookshelf beside the desk, and left the study.

On the way back to the bedroom through the air corridor, Ji Yao suddenly heard a low-pitched arguing from behind a thick column a few meters away.

"Captain, you lend me another 100,000 for emergency response, I promise it's the last time!"

"No way! Frank, you said the same thing two times before, but you didn't count it, so you can't stop gambling! How can there be any money to lend you, this time it’s useless to say anything!”

"Captain, you are so boring! If I didn't take care of it for you last time, let alone the position of captain, you must be unsteady, and you might even squat Prison, you can't be ungrateful! Since you can afford a house in the second ring, what is a mere 100,000 yuan to you! If I can't get the 100,000 yuan tonight, I will be cut off by the Grizzlies tomorrow. Fingers!"

"Hehe, it's good to cut them all down! Frank, don't use that as a threat to Lao Tzu. If you have a seed, you can stab it out. If you don't have a seed, shut up for me!"

"Barton, you forced me!"

With two screams, a hyena suddenly sprang up from behind the column, red-eyed and bared its teeth and rushed towards Patton, the captain of the Royal Guard.

Barton didn't dare to neglect, he turned into a leopard with a low roar, and bitten with the hyena.

The hyena was not usually Barton's opponent, but now it is in a manic state, several times more ferocious than normal. The sensible leopard was not only unable to subdue the opponent for a while, but instead fell into the disadvantage of the left and right, and after a while, the color was hanging on his body.

Ji Yao could not hear the previous conversation between the two very clearly, but unexpectedly, they suddenly started fighting, and was about to call other guards to come and deal with it, when another corridor next to the column turned a maid, look When I saw the scene in front of me, I couldn't help but exclaimed: "What happened? Captain Barton, Frank, how did you two get into a fight?"

Manic patients will attack all objects in the line of sight indiscriminately. The hyena bites off a piece of **** flesh from the shoulder of the leopard, and immediately throws the leopard after hearing the cry of the maid , with blood dripping from his mouth, he rushed towards the maid.

The maid was so frightened, she turned and tried to escape, but she stumbled and fell.

The unusual movement in the corridor has attracted the attention of others, the alarm on the wall rang loudly, and a large number of guards gathered here, but they were at least 20 meters away from the corridor on the second floor , wanted to rescue but was a step too slow.

The hyena stopped abruptly half a meter away from the maid, looking at Ji Yao with a dull expression, and then turned into a humanoid.

The leopard also changed back to human form, with an incredible look. The guards who witnessed this scene were stunned for a moment as if they had seen some kind of supernatural event. After two seconds, they ran over, holding down Frank, who was confused about the situation, and stabbed him in the neck. One stitch.

The maid also didn't understand what was going on just now, why Ji Yao just slapped the hyena and reprimanded it, the crazy guy stopped attacking himself, but also Knowing that Ji Yao had saved himself, he immediately got up from the ground, squatted down and gave a big gift to Ji Yao, and said gratefully, "Mr. Evans, thank you, otherwise I'm afraid I'd be in trouble just now."

Ji Yao said: "You're welcome, it's just a little effort."

, going back must be well educated and educated!"

A hand knife went down and slashed into Frank's neck, and Frank passed out immediately.

The rest of the guards were all Patton's subordinates, and seeing that he was not seriously injured, he naturally had no objection.

Only vice-captain Yarman questioned: "Captain, Frank is not usually such an impulsive person, is there something hidden in this?"

Barton said angrily: "Can there be any secrets? Didn't you see that I suffered so many injuries? Could it be that I was full and couldn't fight!"

Arman had to keep silent.

"Ayao! Ayao, are you all right?!"

Louis rushed over from the conference room anxiously after receiving the report, and hugged Ji Yao.

Several guards were about to carry Frank away, and when they saw the Emperor came down, they immediately stopped and saluted together.

Ji Yao held Louis's hand and comforted: "It's okay, you see I'm not fine."

Louis breathed a sigh of relief. Although he knew that Ji Yao had super powers, his concern was chaotic. I was afraid that something would happen to him, and he could feel relieved when he saw that someone was well-rounded and unhurt.

He immediately looked at the guards and said solemnly, "What happened just now?"

Patton clutched his **** left shoulder, and replied sadly and remorsefully: "Report to Your Majesty, my security guard Frank is in debt because of his addiction to gambling. I lent him money twice before. I told him not to gamble, but he never listened. Just now Frank borrowed another 100,000 yuan from me. I didn't have enough money recently, so I rejected him. Who knew that Frank had a grudge against me, so he went mad on the spot and told me During the fight, I was not an opponent for a while, and I was defeated. During the period, a maid passed by, and Frank turned to attack her. Fortunately, Mr. Evans appeared in time to prevent a tragedy from happening.

Your Majesty, it was my lack of restraint that I failed to get Frank to quit the bad habit of gambling, which almost caused a serious accident, please punish me! "

Louis said with two points of anger: "You are negligent in your duty, you are warned once, and your salary will be deducted for three months. The security guard who injured people due to gambling will be handed over to the judicial department for serious treatment. Patton, later Manage your subordinates, strengthen security, and don't let me see similar things happen again!"

Barton responded loudly: "Yes, Your Majesty, this subordinate promises to learn a lesson, and it will not be an example!"

Ji Yao pulled the emperor's sleeve and whispered: "Louis, I don't think this matter is so simple, and if you check it again, maybe there will be other discoveries."

Louis narrowed his eyes slightly, "Really, dear."

Barton's face changed instantly, and he asked Ji Yao humbly: "Mr. Evans, did you find anything unusual?"

Ji Yao glanced at Louis and didn't know how to answer, after all, he only heard a few words.

But one thing is certain, Frank and Barton didn't break out this conflict tonight just because they tried to borrow money, he can't know that there is something else in it but hide it from Louis and recklessly ignore the past .

Louis was in awe, and immediately said calmly: "Dear, you are probably thinking too much, I will send you back to rest. Barton, do whatever you need to do."

Barton replied again: "Yes!"

Louis sent Ji Yao back to the bedroom, Ji Yao couldn't let go of the previous things, so he said: "Louis..."

"Shh, I understand, our Yao is really smart, I will let people investigate and follow up, and never let go of a guy who is not in the dark." On Yao's soft lips, he stopped him from continuing to speak, and the other hand held his waist, restraining and gently rubbing, "However, baby, don't worry about such trivial things anymore, your current task is Just eat, sleep, relax, and make yourself fat."

Ji Yao's face was hot, and she hid as if it was ticklish, "I have gained two or three pounds from three months ago, and I can't grow any longer."

"No, it's not enough, a little fatter will make you healthier and feel better, I like it." Louis lowered his head slightly, licked and kissed in his ear, and whispered bewitchingly road.

Ji Yao couldn't help trembling, she couldn't refuse, "Well, that's fine, I'll try my best..."

Louis moved his position with satisfaction and kissed his lips.

The unfinished words disappeared between the lingering and glued lips and teeth.

The author has something to say: the countdown to the birth of Eggy! It will never be pulled in the toilet, don't worry!

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-06-2709:02:23~2020-06-2810:55:48

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: original goose rice, a thousand pieces of blue boat smile;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: simple is good, Yiyilingling, :o3, Juju 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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