His Majesty the Emperor's complexion was as varied and colorful as a revolving lantern, the blue veins on his forehead jumped, and it took a long while to squeeze out a few words: "It's okay, I'm young at heart."

Sophia had a hard time holding back her laughter. It was a rare experience to see the wise and mighty Louis the Great being overwhelmed by a word.

The emperor's order is hard to defy, Ji Yao worried that if he didn't know how to praise him, it would stimulate Louis's madness, so he agreed: "Well, it's better to be respectful than to obey."

Louis expression eased.

Speaking of Grandma Emma, ​​Ji Yao remembered the old lady's confession, and continued: "By the way, Grandma Emma of Rainbow Village, my adopter, has always admired you very much, Let me say hello to you on her behalf."

Last night he thought it was impossible in this life, but he didn't expect it to become a reality in just one day. He actually ate face-to-face with Louis the Great at a small table. Life is really full from time to time Accident.

To use a witty saying on the Internet, it is probably the good luck that came from saving the whole universe in a previous life.

When he was in the valley, Louis had heard Ji Yao mention Grandma Emma more than once, and was no stranger to this lady who was about his age but had become a great-grandmother and kindly took in Ji Yao , and immediately said: "Thank you, please also convey my greetings to this lady for me, and wish her happiness and well-being. In addition, in the process of building Aershan into a 5a-level national geological park, if she has any comments or suggestions, you can give her any comments or suggestions. I will take the time to read the email from my government affairs mailbox, and then transfer it to the relevant department to discuss and resolve it.”

Ji Yao couldn't believe it, "Really?"

If Grandma Emma was here at this moment and heard such words from Louis the Great with her own ears, I am afraid she would not faint with excitement!

Louis affirmed: "Of course, you are not joking."

Ji Yao was surprised and delighted, "Did you approve the designation of the Aershan area as a nature reserve?"

Louis nodded again, "Yes, I have been there once, and it left me with a beautiful and unforgettable memory. It would be a pity if it was destroyed."

Ji Yao knew that the emperor had visited the 05 area for nearly half a month, so it is not a lie to say that he had been to Arshan, his favorability increased by ten percentage points, and nodded vigorously Dao: "Yes! Aershan is a very beautiful place with picturesque scenery and rich products. The natural origin of Anthurium is there!"

Louis pretended to be hearing it for the first time, "Really, have you picked anthurium?"

Ji Yao said proudly: "Of course, I've picked a lot this spring, and I have sold a total of 5,000 credit points."

Louis raised his lips slightly, and said with great interest: "It sounds very interesting, can you tell me more about it?"

I have to say, this time His Majesty the Emperor cleverly opened up a very good topic, Ji Yao couldn't help but open the chat box, talking about which trees are prone to anthurium fungus, when entering the mountains Which animals have you encountered, how did you bargain with the middlemen who came down to buy anthurium in the city, and so on.

It has been a long time since he gushed so much with people.

Louis the Great always listened very seriously, without the slightest impatient expression, he played the role of a listener perfectly, and put some food on Ji Yao's plate from time to time, Ji Yao did not know Eat it all.

Conrad said that in order to gain weight properly and prepare for surgery, people must be fed a little fatter.

An hour had passed by the time Ji Yao realized that he was full and could no longer eat.

"Sorry for taking so much time." Ji Yao was embarrassed, he usually only talks to small animals.

Thanks to the emperor's patience today, he actually endured him for so long.

Louis said indifferently: "No, what you said is very interesting, I have never experienced it before, can you take me to collect Anthurium mushrooms next spring?"

Ji Yao was stunned for a moment, then said, "Okay, if there is a chance next spring."

Quite a harmonious and friendly atmosphere.

Seeing that Louis had a smile on his lips, and seemed to be in a good mood, Ji Yao quickly threw out the key items for tonight's dinner: "Is it time to discuss the pet park?"

At the moment, the flowers are fragrant, the atmosphere is just right, and the two of them are talking very speculatively. Take out the prepared documents, make two copies, one thin two-page paper, and put them on the cleaned desktop.

Before he came, Louis was a little conflicted and didn't want to start the pet park project at this stage, lest Ji Yao's work for this would be detrimental to his health. However, he had already promised him yesterday, and now it has changed again, which will definitely have a bad impact on his mood.

After weighing, he decided to make arrangements according to Ji Yao's wishes to make people happy. If Ji Yao wants to open the paradise, let him open it, and the intensity of work is controlled by himself, so it is enough not to let him work too hard.

Ji Yao picked up a contract and looked at it roughly. Party A was Louis himself, and Party B was himself. The content of the contract is very simple, without the dazzling and complicated clauses in his imagination, but the content of what the emperor said in the afternoon is included, and the scope of rights and responsibilities of both parties as investors and operators is also indicated.

One thing I didn't mention before, the term of office of the pet park director, the contract says "tentatively set for two hundred years, and the principle is a lifetime employment system".

Ji Yao couldn't help being stunned for a moment, two hundred years... Even if he works hard and keeps his body strong, if he can live to a hundred years, he will be longevity, and even if he wants to work for a few more years, I am afraid he will have more than his heart. insufficient.

Should you tell the emperor?

No more, lest everyone be embarrassed. It's better to let it take its course. When one day his life comes to an end, this contract will automatically expire, which is equivalent to a lifetime employment, and he is not a breach of contract.

After he figured it out, Ji Yao signed the contract happily, Louis also signed his name in a hurry, and stamped a golden royal badge with the ink pad made of gold powder. Similar to the pattern of bat wings, sharp swords and stars, it is domineering and beautiful.

Carefully drying the seal on her contract, Ji Yao couldn't help but ask: "This contract should have legal effect, right?"

Louis couldn't help being angry and laughing, "Of course, if I go back on my word and unilaterally dismiss you in the middle, you can take this contract to the highest law of the empire and sue me, and the Royal Foundation will compensate you ten times the liquidated damages, that is, 200 million credit points.”

What? 200 million? ! Ji Yao was a little dizzy again. If he annoyed the emperor and made him fire his own squid, wouldn't he immediately become a billionaire?

Of course, just kidding, he is just thinking about it, it is useless to ask for so much money, it is better to be a down-to-earth pet park director. It may not be very profitable, but it is Your ideal job.

Ji Yao calmed down, pulled out the electronic document from the wristband, and looked like he was about to take notes, and politely asked the **oss on the opposite side: "Your Majesty, what services do you think we will carry out? Is the project better?"

A "we" was delighted to hear Louis Long's heart, "This belongs to the scope of daily business, you can decide. Money is not a problem, not enough to add more."

Ok, you have money, you are self-willed!

Ji Yao's eyes lit up, and he said eagerly: "According to the current general needs of pet owners, if the area permits, I think the park can be divided into three functional areas, one for pet supplies is small. A supermarket, a foster care center and a pet rehabilitation clinic can be arranged like this…”

When it comes to the field that he is good at, Ji Yao starts talking again, writing and drawing on the document.

Worked in Lily Pet Shop for three months, especially in the next month as a small supervisor, Ji Yao already has some experience and his own ideas on how to operate and manage, and now His Majesty the Emperor has generously donated money, Let him do it with full authority, then he will definitely be welcome.

Most of what Louis said to Ji Yao was actually in the left ear and out in the right ear. He just stared at the two pale lips that kept opening and closing, and occasionally "uh" to indicate that he had Listening, and have no objection to what he proposes.

When Ji Yao stopped and came to an end, Louis said: "Remember, you are the director of the pet park, and you are responsible for the control of the general direction. I will send you a few helpers in the future to assist you in daily management, and you can arrange the recruitment and specific work content of other employees. "

The goal is to reduce Ji Yao's work intensity as much as possible.

"Understood." Ji Yao nodded humbly. As the highest officer of a planet, Emperor Louis the Great must have a say in management than anyone else. There is still a lot to learn from him. "Where will the pet park be opened?"

Louis said casually: "Any location in the palace is fine, you can choose an area yourself."

The palace is so big anyway, most of the places are still unused.

Ji Yao was taken aback, "How can this work!"

Let's not say that the palace is completely incompatible with the pet park's style of painting, even if it is really opened in the palace, how can ordinary people dare to come in?

Louis also knew that this was unrealistic, so he took the opportunity to say: "Just kidding, there is a shop in the middle of the city that is the property of the royal family. There are still a few vacant rooms, you can open there."

"Yes, where is Midtown?"

Ji Yao has been here for two days. So far, he has only set foot in the upper city of the imperial capital, and he does not know anything about other places.

"Three kilometers to the south of the imperial palace, in a cbd business district in the imperial capital, you'll know when you're cured of a cold with me."

If possible, Louis would like to put people under his nose and see them all the time, but Ayao doesn't like this.

Three kilometers, it takes about thirty or forty minutes to walk, the car will be faster, three minutes is the farthest distance he can tolerate.

Where can Ji Yao wait, he immediately said: "I have a cold and it's okay, I can go tomorrow!"

Looking at those sparkling eyes full of anticipation, Louis couldn't refuse, and said: "Then tomorrow, how about nine o'clock in the morning? Or a little later, don't worry. "

Allows people to get more sleep.

Ji Yao: "Just nine o'clock!"

You are not in a hurry, I am in a hurry.

"Okay, that's it." Louis said, extending his right hand, "I wish us a happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation!" Ji Yao was happy in his heart, he stretched out his hand and shook it with the emperor, and shook it up and down.

Louis the Great's fingers are slender, his palms are wide, dry and warm, holding him so hard that he can almost wrap Ji Yao's hand. There was still a thin layer of hard calluses on the fingertips, which made Ji Yao itch a little when they were so close to the palm of his hand.

This touch...he seemed to have experienced it before.

Just like turning on a switch, some fiery scenes flashed back in Ji Yao's mind, and there was a similar hand in that dream, sometimes lightly and sometimes heavy His whole body was a little painful, but more joyful, which made him tremble involuntarily...

Can't think about it anymore, Ji Yao hurriedly retracted his hand as if he was burned, and his ears were also hot, don't let the emperor see it.

The emperor did not see Ji Yao's blushing earlobes hidden under the end of his hair, and he reminisced about the slenderness and softness of his fingers, and his heart was rippling.

Ji Yao covertly picked up the cup and drank half a glass of water, and then slowly returned to calm.

Tonight's task was successfully completed. When he let go of his emotions, he began to feel tired. He couldn't help yawning. There were rational tears in his eyes, watery, foggy, and extremely beautiful. .

Louis tried his best to restrain his urge to take someone into his arms and kiss him fiercely, got up and said, "It's getting late, go back and rest."

Afterwards, when the two returned to the bedroom, Ji Yao remembered one more thing and asked, "Will going out tomorrow morning delay your handling of state affairs? Why don't you send someone else to show me? ."

The emperor is so busy, it would be bad if the pet park would take up his time.

Louis said of course: "No, the establishment of a pet park is also one of the state affairs, and it has been included in my work schedule for tomorrow."

Is there anything more important than courtship for an emperor who hangs in the air for two hundred years? No!

Even if there are other things tomorrow, I have to do it in advance tonight, I must make room for tomorrow morning's appointment, and I must not fake it!

"Okay, see you tomorrow morning, good night."

Seeing the emperor standing still, Ji Yao had no choice but to wave his hand, entered the bedroom, and closed the door.

"Good night."

Louis stood at the door for another ten seconds, but unfortunately, no matter how good his eyesight was, he couldn't see through the wall, so he had to turn around and enter another bedroom opposite.

Yes, his bedroom is opposite to Ji Yao's door, and there is only a three-meter-wide corridor in the middle, but to him it is as cruel as a gulf that separates him from his spouse .

However, sooner or later he will level the ditch and sleep in the same bedroom and bed as Ah Yao!

Ji Yao stood behind the door, held her breath and pressed her ear to the door panel, and when she heard the footsteps and walked away, she couldn't help letting out a breath.

I have to say, as a supreme emperor, Louis is already a very polite and approachable corporal, which made him forget about it just now, and did not remember the identity of the other party several times.

Maybe, I can really make friends with him.

Ji Yao woke up a little after taking a bath, so she made a video call to Grandma Emma and said, "Grandma, I want to tell you something that will make you very happy after listening to it. , prepare yourself mentally, don't get too excited later."

You have to give the old lady a vaccination in advance, otherwise it will be bad if there is an accident.

Grandma Emma jokingly said, "What a good thing, wouldn't it be that Louis the Great is coming to our Rainbow Village?"

Ji Yao said with a smile: "No, but it might be possible in the future. It's like this, I just had dinner with Your Majesty and conveyed your greetings to him, His Majesty asked me to express to you Thank you and wish you happiness and well-being…”

"Oh my God my God! Really, is this true?!"

Before she finished speaking, the old lady in the video screamed while covering her heart, Ji Yao hurriedly said, "Are you alright?"

Grandma Emma took two deep breaths and calmed down, still a little in disbelief, "It's alright, is it true what you just said? It's not to make me happy, right?"

"It's true, I won't lie to you." Ji Yao said seriously, and then repeated Louis's original words about sending emails, "You may try it when you have time. "

Grandma Emma's cheeks flushed with happiness and excitement, and she said overjoyed: "Thank you child, this is my happiest day since my old man passed away! But you didn't say that you didn't get close to Your Majesty yesterday. Is there a chance, why did you have dinner with Your Majesty today?"

Ji Yao briefly talked about the fact that he was hired by Louis and was about to become the director of the Royal Petting Land, and then said: "Your Majesty is the investor behind the scenes, you'd better keep this a secret for me, So as not to cause any unnecessary trouble.”

"Understood. Great, Your Majesty is so wise! Child, come on, you can definitely do it!" Grandma Emma said with great relief, "Don't say anything, I'll write an email to His Majesty now !"

Ji Yao couldn't help but smile.

After drinking a glass of warm water, lie down on the big bed, log in to Chaoa.com, and update today's news.

He posted a picture of the bunch of white lily of the valley on the table, which was taken between the maids serving the dishes during dinner. The background was a hazy and graceful purple and red, and then wrote a paragraph: [My hometown has There is a saying, 'Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what the next one will taste like'. It must be everyone's care and blessings that brought me good luck. I got a new job today and was hired as a family member. The director of the pet park, this is a new challenge for me, and I hope to do it well. At present, the park is still under planning and construction. I will update the progress from time to time in the future, so please pay attention. 】

Ji Yao wanted to secretly photograph the perfect profile of Louis the Great at that time, but he had that thief heart but not that thief courage, not to mention that even if he did take it, he would definitely not be able to send it out, so he took some pictures. Flowers and plants should be a scene.

As soon as the post went out, the netizens were not calm for a while, and the comments were added quickly.

—My little brother is going to open a pet park in the imperial capital, great! I will pay attention to it every day, and look forward to it with my hairball!

—The flies are rubbing their hands in anticipation. When the pet park opens, I will definitely be the first to join the scene!

—What garden was this photo taken in? It’s so beautiful! There seems to be a lot of precious flowers and plants in the back, I bet some varieties are not necessarily available in the Imperial Botanical Garden!

—A serious person will be favored by the **** of luck! Two days ago, the post owner said that he was unable to open a pet store, but in the blink of an eye, he was about to become the director of the pet park. Congratulations!

—Wow, this is too romantic! I'm going! If I remember correctly, the flower language of white lily of the valley is the return of happiness, and the person who arranged it must have done it on purpose! Who is sitting across the table? New employer? I bet this guy must be a post master admirer!

—Agree with the master, bet a chicken leg!

Ji Yao almost sprayed when she saw this comment, the netizens have too much brain holes!

Most of the new jobs are going to be yellow.

As soon as it was refreshed, this comment was actually thought by the owner to add a bunch of flowers. How can there be so much attention, and some were worried that Ji Yao would be deceived, so that he should not give his feelings easily. There are also speculations about whether Ji Yao is not firm in his will, and he was taken care of and raised by a financial master, and his words are full of heartache.

A variety of replies were mixed with an id that Ji Yao was very familiar with, and the reply couldn't be simpler.

Louis is not easy: [1]

Ji Yao: "?"

Add 1? Add what 1? How did this person appear again after two days of stagnation!

It's really inexplicable, but as long as this guy stops harassing himself with messy messages.

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