Who made him the Pirate King?

Chapter 79 Fame spreads all over the world, attracting attention from all sides! (First update)

Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

The then marshal Fo Zhi Warring States looked at today's latest newspaper, and his hands were shaking with anger.

"Super "General"——White Dragon! 》?

general? White dragon?

Is this "White Dragon" the "Vongola Storm" he knows?

Who can tell him about this Admiral?

Who made Vongola Storm the king of the Shichibukai! ! !

The furious Sengoku picked up the phone beside him and pressed a series of phone numbers.

As soon as the person on the other end of the phone answered the call, Seng Guo immediately cursed.

"Kuzan you bastard!!"

"Ah la la..."

Aoki looked at the phone bug in his hand with confusion on his face.

Family members, who knows? As soon as I woke up in the morning, I was scolded by my immediate boss.

This authoritarian navy is cold and heartless.

Even "Frozen Man" felt a bone-chilling chill.

"Marshal Sengoku, have you been provoked by someone? Did Lieutenant General Garp steal the senbei from your office cabinet again?"

Qingzhi made random guesses for a while, and then complained again.

"Don't blame all your problems on me. I've been working very hard recently!"

How can you say "hard work" from your mouth?

With hard work, how can the sailors of the Blade Force become the King's Shichibukai? !

It was okay if Qing Zhi didn't say anything. As soon as he said this, Warring States suddenly became even more angry.

"Vongola Storm!"

Warring States was extremely angry but laughed.

"This boy, he has become the king of the Shichibukai!

"Wulaoxing directly appointed me, and even I, the navy marshal, didn't know about it!"

"You yourself said that Wulaoxing did this. Why are you coming here to blame me..."

Qing Pheasant muttered something "quietly".

"I have no right to interfere with the appointment and dismissal of His Majesty Shichibukai.

"But having said that, Marshal of the Warring States Period, Storm becoming the King of the Shichibukai might be a good thing."

"Good thing?"

Warring States said sadly.

"A sailor actually became a big pirate recognized by the government. Is this a good thing?"

"At least from the perspective of our navy, there is no need to send people to fight Storm, right?"

Qing Zhi held the phone bug and said slowly.

"In addition, Storm is also actively fulfilling his obligations to the Shichibukai.

"The King of the Shichibukai, the Lizard King Hanavda, who was deposed by the World Government.

“The Lizard King and all his subordinates were all captured by Storm.

"I have sent people with warships to Banaro Island."

Finally there is good news!

Sengoku's expression softened slightly.

Regardless, Storm has been actively fighting pirates.

From the criminals in Impel Down City to the King's Shichibukai...

From this perspective, Storm is doing pretty well...

"Who did you send to Banaro Island?"

"Flying squirrel!"

Windless zone, push forward the city.

The jailer had already sent today's newspaper to the warden's office.

The pot-bellied Hannibal came to the office and the first time he picked up the newspaper, he saw the dazzling "Today's Headlines" line.

When he saw clearly the title of "Today's Headlines" and the handsome face that was so familiar.

Hannibal's eyes widened.

The next moment, the warden didn't care about fishing at work and rushed all the way to the director's office on the fourth floor.


Hannibal rushed into the director's office with the newspaper, shouting as he ran.

"Something bad is going to happen!"

Magellan was enjoying his breakfast, one of the few times of the day when he didn't need to go to the bathroom.

When he saw Hannibal, Magellan, who was originally in a happy mood, let out a long sigh.


Thick purple poisonous mist sprayed out from Magellan's mouth, and the bowl of chicken soup in front of him was instantly soaked in the poisonous mist.

A good bowl of chicken soup turned directly into a highly toxic "sending soup".

"What happened again?"

Magellan looked at Hannibal helplessly.

"Is little Sadie injured again? Shiliu killed someone again? Or is someone making trouble?"


Hannibal covered his nose to avoid inhaling the poisonous fumes and slapped the newspaper onto Magellan's desk.

"It's Storm! That kid is on the news!"

"Is the government finally going to put a bounty on this lawless guy?"

Magellan was startled, immediately picked up the newspaper and looked at the first page.

"Nani? Vongola Storm has become the king and conquered the Shichibukai!?"

What is Wangxia Qiwuhai?

He is a super pirate recognized by the government who can legally plunder!

The moment he saw Storm, who had almost emptied the entire Infinite Hell, become the king of the Shichibukai recognized by the government.

Certain beliefs that Magellan had held on to for many years quietly collapsed...

They, the jailers, have been guarding the hell for so many years.

These hard work, these efforts, these dedications...

What is it in the eyes of the big shots above?

Magellan was silent for a long time and put down the newspaper with a complicated expression.

"Things are unpredictable..."

"Strom! Storm! Storm!"

Hannibal didn't look at the director's face. He paced back and forth in the office with his hands behind his back, reading as he walked.

"Your Majesty, the Shichibukai, can take away the prisoners from my advancing city.

"Shouldn't Storm come back to my Impel Down City?

"Damn it! I haven't even become the director yet, and he has become the King of the Shichibukai!"

After hearing these last words, Magellan finally couldn't help it.

"Hey, idiot Hannibal, what are you worried about?"

Magellan knocked hard on the tabletop of his desk, and the collision of his knuckles with the wooden board made a "dong-dong" sound.

"If you really have nothing to do, go to the fifth floor.

"The Monster King has not been found yet."

"Fifth floor?"

Hannibal stopped, turned to look at Magellan, and spread his hands.

"The extreme cold hell has asked me to go, how can I go there?"

Paradise, Alabasta.

Sand Crocodile looked at today's newspaper, his face suddenly became gloomy, and he no longer even thought about smoking a cigar.

"That bastard Bai Long actually became King Qiwukai..."

"The King of Lizards was killed directly by him..."

"The bounty is 95 million Baileys... Humph!"

Not far from the Sand Crocodile, two giants wrapped in bandages and recovering from their injuries burst out laughing.

"Kabababa! Your Majesty the Shichibukai! It seems like a very powerful title!"

"He is indeed the man we all recognize! Storm! Gah gah gah!"

Crocodile looked at Broki the Red Ghost and Tori the Blue Ghost.

He used the excuse of "recuperating from injuries" to force the two giants to stay in Alabasta.

His original intention was to use this short period of time to convince the two giants and make them his subordinates.


Giants don't seem to like sand crocodiles.

Although Crocodile can easily defeat these two giants with the help of the power of [Shasha Fruit].

But whether it is Red Ghost Broki or Green Ghost Tori, they recognize the strength of Sand Crocodile, but do not think he is strong enough.

Crocodile cursed.

Two stupid giants whose only brains are muscles!

Send you off to Alabasta today!

Paradise, Kraigana Island.

Hawkeye Mihawk looked at the news newspaper in his hand.

His yellow, eagle-like eyes lingered for a moment on the corner of the "White Dragon" reward order.

"Is that...the hilt of the sword? This new king, Shichibukai, is...a swordsman?"

Paradise, the Devil's Triangle.

Moonlight Moria also received today's newspaper.

"Hehehehe! It's a dragon... That stupid lizard actually lost to a newcomer. I really want to make him a zombie!"

Paradise, windless zone.

The former emperor of Nine Snake Island raised the newspaper in his hand towards Boya Hancock.

"Is there a new person joining the Shichibukai? This has nothing to do with me! And...dragons! What I hate the most is dragons!"

New World, Moby Dick.

Kaixia Jinbei was reading today's newspaper, his eyebrows like waves tightly furrowed.

"The biggest stain on the navy... The navy can even become the King of the Shichibukai. This pirate world is really crazy..."

Almost all the current kings of the Shichibukai have paid attention to the news related to the "White Dragon".

But most members only paid a little attention to the news and did not take any other action.

There is one exception.

New world, Dressrosa.

"Young Master."

Monet, the snow girl dressed in a hot outfit, entered the room with a gust of cold wind.

"There is a new 'Shichibukai'!"


Donquixote Doflamingo raised his right hand, and Monet put the news newspaper in his palm in time.

"White dragon? Fufufufu! What a bold title!"

Monet stood quietly, waiting for Doflamingo to finish reading the news paper.

The title of Vongola Storm aroused Doflamingo's interest in continuing to read.

But after reading all the news content in the newspaper.

Doflamingo was attracted by another thing.

The reason why White Dragon became King Shichibukai was because he got rid of the short-handed lizard?

Seeing this, Doflamingo couldn't sit still and immediately stood up from the soft chair.


The dancer from Dressrosa on the side, Violet, whose pseudonym is "Violet", couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

But knowing the rules of the Don Quixote family, she immediately shut her mouth, fearing that she would affect Doflamingo's thinking.

"White dragon! King of lizards! Fufufufu..."

Doflamingo rolled up the newspaper and walked quickly outside. Monet thoughtfully put a pink feather cloak on him.

"This kid has no idea who he's provoked, right?"

As the king of the dark world.

Doflamingo has gone through countless secret deals in his hands.

With the help of these transactions, Doflamingo created a network of relationships that encompassed almost half of the world.

Naturally, he also knows a lot of intelligence information that ordinary people have never been exposed to.

For example.

Doflamingo knew very well.

That guy Hanavda, the King of Lizards.

Although in name, he is King Shichibukai.

But it’s actually the “Gray Glove” used by Kaido, the Emperor of the New World, to collect animal devil fruits!

In the past few years.

Hanavda didn't know how many Devil Fruits he had collected for the Beast Pirates.

According to the latest intelligence information Doflamingo has.

Just a few days ago, Hanafuda sent a ship to sneak into the New World from Paradise.

It seems that there is a devil fruit hidden on that ship!

And it is the devil fruit of the ancient species of the animal system that Kaido likes the most!

Thinking of this, Doflamingo laughed again.

Hanafuda's defeat is undoubtedly great news for him.

After living in the New World for so many years.

Doflamingo has a deeper understanding of the concept of "the survival of the fittest".

The navy is the overlord of the sea.

But this is the New World.

The power and status of the Pirate Emperor are supreme in the New World!




And the red hair that has only risen this year!

These four people, these four Pirate Emperors, are the super big figures who can determine the pattern of the New World.

On the other hand, what about Doflamingo?

Sky Yasha? King of the Dark World? Seven Warlords of the Sea?

These identities are impressive enough in the eyes of ordinary people.

But in the eyes of those real monsters.

What kind of bullshit sea gangster?


In the years after entering the New World.

Doflamingo was busy "taking back" the ruling power of Dressrosa while developing the family business.

But after so many years of development.

Doflamingo's power has reached a bottleneck stage.

Want to continue to move forward...

Doflamingo's power alone is not enough to match the terrifying resources of that scale.


Doflamingo must find a more favorable support outside the family.



The four pirate emperors of the New World.

They are the most suitable partners that Doflamingo thinks.

He can't cooperate with the World Government or the Navy Headquarters, or even the Revolutionary Army, right?


Even if Doflamingo and the pirate emperors are in the same "pirate camp".

It is not an easy thing for him to hook up with the pirate emperor.

To join the Whitebeard Pirates, one must be Whitebeard's "son"...

The Red Hair Pirates have basically never been heard of recruiting outsiders...

As for the Big Mom Pirates.

Doflamingo thinks that is the easiest to join.

Because Big Mom has a well-known hobby - collecting all the races in the world.

"Celestial Dragons" can also be regarded as a special race, right?

But in that case...

Doflamingo always feels a little too shameful.

Because he wants to offer "Celestial Dragons" to Big Mom.

Doflamingo can't capture people from the Holy Land.

He can only "offer" himself to Big Mom.

In simple terms.

It is to make Tenyasha become Big Mom's servant.

Although... but...

Even with Doflamingo's face and appetite, he feels that the challenge of this matter is too difficult.

The four pirate emperors of the new world.

Doflamingo picked and chose, and found that the Beasts Pirates were relatively the most "suitable".

But this faced a problem.

The Beasts Pirates already had a "gray glove" that could legally collect resources in the bright world.

The existence of the Lizard King Hanafda.

Invisibly blocked Doflamingo's further plans.

Tianyasha and the Lizard King are both Shichibukai.

Even the Lizard King is an animal-type devil fruit ability user, and he has a close relationship with Kaido.

It is difficult for Doflamingo to snatch business from the Lizard King...

But now.

The Lizard King is dead.

"My chance is here! Fufufufu..."

Doflamingo walked outside the palace of Dressrosa, he raised his right hand, and released several very thin silk threads from his fingertips.

The silk threads connected the white clouds in the sky.

Doflamingo pulled lightly, and the whole person immediately flew up.

This is one of the skills he developed based on the [String String Fruit] -

Cloud Road!

With the help of the cloud path, Doflamingo flew into the sky and quickly moved towards the sea.

He wanted to go to Wano Country to meet Kaido and cooperate with the beasts.

But since he was going to meet a "big man".

Doflamingo had to present a suitable "meeting gift".

For the Beasts Pirates.

The most suitable "gift" is, of course, the animal-type ancient species devil fruit!

Although the Donquixote family is a powerful family with "all capable people".

But there is no animal-type capable person in the Donquixote family.

There is no reserve of animal-type devil fruits in the family treasury.

But this is not a problem.

In the world of pirates, if you don't have a certain treasure, as long as others have it, it's fine.

Doflamingo's goal is very clear.

The ship that was sent to the New World by the Lizard King a few days ago!

There must be an animal-type devil fruit on that ship!

Grab the "gift" of the dead Lizard King, and then give it to Kaido of Beasts.

This will allow him to establish a relationship with Kaido, the Beast.

This is Doflamingo's plan to rise!

In the sky, Tenyasha laughed loudly.


"I want the [thread] in my hand."

"Clench it into a [rope] strong enough to tie the monster!"

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