Who made him the Pirate King?

Chapter 49 There is only one disease in the sea! (Please read! Please vote for me!)

There are three treatment options proposed by Storm at this time.

Based on all the intelligence information currently available to him, he took a comprehensive inventory of the three most likely solutions to cure "Jade Scales".

The first is of course Trafalgar D. Vatier Law and his [Superman-type Surgical Fruit].

There is no doubt about the power of [Surgery Fruit].

The World Government alone is willing to offer "Five Billion Baileys" to purchase the [Surgery Fruit].

You can see how extraordinary this superhuman fruit is.

Isn’t it that some people jokingly call it——

The price of [Surgery Fruit] is five billion.

Trafalgar Law's bounty is three billion.

Eliminate the incidental value of [Surgery Fruit], and then go through some additions and subtractions.

The bounty on Trafalgar Law itself is actually - "minus two billion beli"!

But overall.

[Surgery Fruit] is still very powerful in treating diseases.

According to Storm.

Even if Trafalgar Law at this stage cannot cure Joelle Bonny's "Jade Scale" disease.

Luo could at least alleviate Qiao Ellie Bonny's illness through the "harmless cutting" property of [Surgery Fruit].

That is, through the [Surgery Fruit], those "jewel scales" growing on Qiao Ellie Bonny's body were artificially removed.

Although there is no way to cure "Sapphire Scale", it can be regarded as an effective means to curb "Sapphire Scale".

Therefore, Storm proposed the treatment direction of "Vegapunk".

On the normal timeline.

Vegapunk is the "doctor" who successfully solved Joelle Bonny's stubborn "Jade Scales" disease.

This genius scientist claims to be "the world's biggest mind" - literally the biggest mind.

He is not just a scientist, but also a highly skilled doctor.

Vegapunk will definitely be able to cure Joelle Bonny's "sapphire scales"!

As for the Germa 66 in the North Sea.

Storm mentioned them because he felt that Germa 66 was like a "weakened version" of Vegapunk.

Excluding other abilities.

Germa 66——Or Vinsmoke Gaji.

Vinsmoke Gaji's ability in human modification and genetic modification is not necessarily inferior to that of Vegapunk.

And this skill can be used to treat Qiao Ellie Bonny's "sapphire scales".


Except for [Surgery Fruit], Vegapunk and Germa 66.

There are other treatment methods available at sea.

Storm remembers how the bear once roamed the sea, looking for a cure for Joelle Bonny.

But who are he looking for...

The natives of the Kingdom of Torino in the South Sea; the human imitators of the eerie kingdom; the residents of the future kingdom of Balkimoa; the Agave Wolf, a labor country in the East Sea; the small sky island of Visalia that studies the weather; and even There are Peach Island and Boing Islands...

(Actually, these are the islands where members of the Straw Hat Pirates train)

Storm didn't understand.

Big Bear looked for so many places, but he couldn't find the right one!

There are many famous doctors on the sea.

There are also many [Devil Fruit] users with healing abilities.

For example, Kurokas, the ship's doctor of the Roger Pirates who has been staying in Upside Down Mountain and Twin Gap;

For example, the “witch” who lives in seclusion in the Drum Kingdom and whose experiences are a mystery—Doctor Kuleha;

For example, Man Shirley, the princess of the Dontata Kingdom in the new world and the user with the [Healing Fruit] ability;

Another example is Marco, the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates' First Division and a user with the [Phoenix Fruit] ability...

The abilities or techniques mastered by these people may also be able to cure "Jade Scales".

Storm didn't know if Daxiong had ever found these people...

However, he didn't mention the following "doctors" and "ability users" just now.

Because in comparison.

Storm still feels that the three directions of [Surgery Fruit], Vegapunk and Germa 66 are more reliable.

"Germa 66, the fruit of surgery, Vegapunk..."

Listening to Storm's words, Big Bear felt as if a ray of dawn had fallen from the sky, illuminating his gloomy and bleak life.

Over the past year.

The bears are struggling to live their lives in panic.

Because he searched all the doctors he could find.

Ninety-nine point ninety-nine percent of the doctors have never seen "Jade Scales".

The only doctor who had ever seen "Jade Scales" told him that there was no cure for this disease!

Big Bear never expected that he would meet a strange and powerful man inexplicably today.

The other party not only knows the stubborn disease "Jade Scale", but also knows the accurate treatment plan for "Jade Scale"!

"Bonnie! Your illness can be cured!"

The big bear hugged Bonnie and put it aside.

Immediately afterwards, he bowed to Storm.

"Thank you for the reminder! Thank you very much!"

The big bear expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Storm in the humble gesture of "Tsuchiaza".

Bonnie on the side looked at her father's posture and originally wanted to kneel on the ground.

"No kneeling!"

Storm glanced at him.

The clay doll that Bonnie had just thrown aside immediately turned into a beanbag.

This white soft lazy sofa opens its "big mouth" and takes a bite.

Bonnie was pulled to the beanbag and sat down.

The little girl couldn't understand what Storm said, but she could feel the kindness of the other person, and a smile appeared on her little face.

She lay down on the soft clay sofa, jumped around, and laughed cheerfully "hahaha".

Big Bear was a little nervous at first.

But after hearing Bonnie's laughter, his old father's heart suddenly melted.

"Tyrant, don't thank too early."

Storm's words once again drew Big Bear's attention.

"The three options I just mentioned actually all have certain difficulties."

Just like Vegapunk.

Since the MADS organization was (forced to) disband, Vegapunk became a member of the World Government.

The world's number one scientist has been staying on Punk Hassad Island in the New World.

Pangdao at this stage is not the "Island of Ice and Fire Ruins" that it will be in a few years.

As the "home base" of the world's number one scientists.

The World Government has deployed a large number of protective forces on Punk Hassad Island.

If Big Bear continues to go to Pang Island to look for Bega Punk.

Then he will definitely be discovered by the World Government!

As for Trafalgar Rowe and Germa 66.

The former is a lone ranger and also has a submarine, making it extremely difficult to find traces of his activities.

The latter is easier to say.

Germa 66 itself is a "mercenary kingdom".

As long as you have money, everything else is easy.

But the problem is...

Storm asked heartily as he looked around at the small, narrow, dark chapel.

"Do you have money? Big Bear."

Treatment requires payment.

The little fire of hope that had just been ignited in Daxiong's heart was extinguished by the cold reality.

There is only one disease in the sea, and that is "poverty's disease".

There is no doubt about it.

Daxiong is the kind of patient who suffers from the "poverty disease".

Moreover, he was terminally ill.

"For moral reasons, I don't want to see a poor little girl die in front of me."

Storm said calmly.

"So I provide you with three methods to treat 'Jade Scales'."

The silent bear raised his head and stared at Storm.

"However, all I can provide now is the 'method'."

Storm continued.

"If you want to know more, or if you want to ask me for other help...

"That's another price!"

Hearing this, Big Bear nodded silently.

At this moment, the figure of another man flashed in his mind.


Big Bear said slowly.

"I-I'll look for help from others."

As if Storm had guessed Big Bear's thoughts, he suddenly asked.

"You mean Ambrio Ivankov?"

"Do you know Ivankov?"

"Ivankov is my friend."

Storm raised his eyebrows and said calmly.

“But don’t think about finding him.

"Because Ivankov is now imprisoned in Impel Down."

"Impel City?"

The big bear's eyes widened, of course he knew where that place was.

"How could it be possible?! Dorag——"

"Ha! Dorag? The revolutionary who is considered by the world government as 'the most vicious criminal in the world'?"

Storm sneered and interrupted Big Bear.

"Although it's not good to speak ill of people behind their backs, I still want to advise you to stay away from that revolutionary, Big Bear, as much as possible."

A trace of sullenness flashed across Big Bear's face.

Dorag is a comrade who has fought alongside him for many years!

But Storm opposite him was also a benefactor who was kind to him...

Thinking of this, Big Bear suppressed his unhappiness.


"Why? Ha!"

Storm seemed to have heard some joke and sneered again.

“What were the revolutionaries doing when Ivankov was imprisoned in Impel Down?

"What were the revolutionaries doing when your daughter was suffering from sapphire scale?

"What's more, when Ginny was taken away by the World Government, what was this 'most vicious criminal in the world' doing?

"Have you heard the story about the captain of the Sun Pirates?"

Daxiong was confused by Storm's series of questions.

Tell the truth.

Since Bonnie was born, Big Bear has separated from the revolutionary army.

Because of Bonnie's "Sapphire Scale", he had not paid attention to the news related to Dorag and the Revolutionary Army for a long time.

But from the moment the bloody reality is placed in front of Big Bear.

Big Bear has already realized it.

His friend, his comrade-in-arms, Dorag.

It seems not as reliable as he thought...

Big Bear asked hesitantly.

"Did you just say - Fisher Tiger?"


Storm nodded.

“In order to free the slaves, Fisher Tiger dared to climb onto Mary Joya and set off an unprecedented slave liberation movement.

"What was the revolutionary you knew doing when his right-hand man was captured by the Tianlong people?

"The most vicious criminal in the world? He is worse than a fish-man!"

Storm sincerely respects anyone who dares to devote himself to the revolutionary cause.

But the problem is.

Monkey D. Dorag, whose life did he revolutionize?

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