White Tower Wizard

Chapter 131: Engels

   The southern end of Central Avenue, a block close to the mining area.

   An old two-story office building survived the earthquake. Although it swayed like dancing at the time, it did not collapse.

   The dilapidated small building was dead and silent in the dark, and only a large number of rats wandered freely.

One of the rats walked up to the second floor, stopped in front of an office with a closed door next to the stairs, and sniffed vigorously into the door. The office's door plate read "Daily Mail" Resident reporter's office".

   There are people in the office.

   A ignited light came on from under the desk by the window, and sparks were very conspicuous in the dark room. It was a cigarette. The smoker carefully avoided the view of the window.

   Raindrops slapped the glass of the window, thunder rolled across the sky, and the light of lightning shone into the room from time to time, casting a silvery white on the desk.

   There are a large number of letters and manuscripts scattered on the table, and a small rectangular card-like ID is particularly conspicuous in a pile of paper.

   This is a press card with the name John Dodge written on it.

   This is the hottest name in the press, and he should be the most promising journalist right now.

  Because he recorded the attack of the White Tower Forest by the Sea Monster at close range for the first time. Because of this hot news, the entire Forrese people are pursuing his report.

   And he was so proud for the first time since he was dispatched to the sky camp.

   Things shouldn't be like this!

   He should have been transferred back to Fries based on the qualifications of this report, and he has been promoted and raised since then, with a boundless future.

   how come it suddenly fell to the point where life is in danger at all times?

   John was smoking a cigarette while stubbing his own hair, feeling very unwilling and looking very distressed.

   Soon he raised his hand and fumbled on the desk, taking away a notebook and a pen.

  As a reporter, he has strong news sensitivity, so this sudden disaster must be recorded. Once an accident happens to him, the words left behind can also tell the public the truth.

"...The streets are full of black mice, full of ominous aura, I feel like they are like shadow mice, running around in the building, frantically attacking everyone I see, I temporarily hide in the office, but Not found..."

  While writing, he paid attention to the movement outside the door. What made him feel uncomfortable was that there was a voice, and the mice outside the door seemed to be gathering.

   This discovery made him immediately light up the fluorite lantern beside him, and the light illuminates the room, which also gave him a sense of security.

  Light can disperse these mice. He had discovered this phenomenon a long time ago.

   But the reason why he didn't turn on the lights was because he also found some people in black robes attacking the survivors on the street.

"...The light is a double-edged sword. It not only protects ourselves in the rat group, but also exposes our position. I saw some people in black robes locating survivors through the light. They also seem to have plenty of magic stones. Unleash the magic, don’t know what the purpose is, and kill people at sight. Four or five people on the other side of the street have all suffered..."

   Under the light regardless of the location, he recorded faster.

"...This seems to be a well-designed conspiracy, the sudden big earthquake, the rats that accompany the earthquake, and then the organized black-robed men. They must have a connection. I even suspect the previous White Tower attack. It's just a prelude to this attack. But I have no evidence, but I will find a way to pass the news, good luck..."

   Hastily finished the last few words, John has made up his mind to pass on what is happening here to Fores.

   This is a huge news report. If he reports it, the benefits will be immeasurable.

   Money and reputation will roll in, and he will be able to leave this **** sky camp completely.

   is also equivalent to calling for help. The local garrison has not appeared for a long time. I don't know what happened, but it has already shown that they are unreliable, and if they want to rescue, they can only find Fries.

   So this multi-purpose thing, he naturally made up his mind to do it.

   Putting the notebook back on the table, he stood up, lifted the lamp, took a look at the wand on the table, and cursed in a low voice: "Damn it!"

   In this forbidden environment, a thin-rod wand is not as easy to use as a fire stick, at least the latter can be used to hit people.

  Because he only has the small magic stone in the fluorite lantern, he can use it for lighting at most, and he cannot release magic. Priority is to ensure that he will not be attacked by rats.

   There are many ways to transmit information, but under the condition that magic cannot be used, there is only one he can think of, and that is a wired telephone. Even if the phone line is cut and a terminal phone is connected to the broken port, the call can still be made.

   And he happened to have done a follow-up report on China Unicom's wired telephone in the Sky Camp before, and he knew the route of the telephone line.

   took a deep breath and glanced at the whole office one last time. Reporter John opened the door with the light in his hand...


   Standing under the wide eaves of the grain depot, Green looked at the workers in the yard who were working in the rain, and curiously asked the accompanying workers: "Where do you get so many street lights?"

   "Um, this is..."

   The workers’ words were a bit hesitating, which also confirmed Green’s previous guess that they probably robbed a certain material warehouse. According to common sense, this is definitely a felony...

   "There is nothing bad to say..."

   A voice suddenly approached from Green's side.

"Before we set up a shelter here, we also went to several other warehouses, and found these street lamps prepared for municipal projects. In order to survive this tide of shadow rats, they are indispensable things. Although. No authorization, but in order to save people, I believe that if the Sky Camp Management Committee would agree to do this, wouldn’t it?"

   Just a few words added a reasonable explanation for their criminal behavior, and the worker who was questioned by Green on the side, the twinkling eyes became firm again.

   This person is very powerful, and it is very important that he knows this is the Shadow Rat.

   But he felt that if he let the Sky Camp Management Committee do it, he might not be willing to consume materials to save these poor people.

  Green is not a policeman, so he doesn't care about whether their behavior is criminal or not. But he agrees with this approach, at least the purpose is noble.

   "Master Dusan, hello!"

   After talking, the visitor stood in front of Green and the others. First, he said hello to the only known Dusan, and then looked at Green and Casper.

   Green also observed the Brotherhood leader who came out of the grain store, and his first impression was far from the "muscle brother expensive" he imagined.

Unlike these workers, the people who came here are not very old ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is estimated to be in their 30s, wearing an outdated but well-fitting suit, wearing round glasses, with a peaceful look in their eyes. A kind of scholarly temperament.

   But Green felt that this was just appearance. Under this human and quiet appearance was a fiery heart, and his calm eyes seemed to be full of enthusiasm. And unlike many scholars, he is not artificial in his gestures, and he gives people a very "down-to-earth" feeling.

   This is a very interesting person, and also a leader... He made a conclusion in his heart.

   "Klaus Friedrich Engels, happy meeting!"

  The visitor stood in front of the nearest Green and stretched out his hand to him.

   "K...en... uh..."

   It was the first time that Green met the name of three syllables. He was a little surprised. He didn't remember all of them. The only thing that impressed him was the last three words-Engels. He was fairly familiar with this word.

   It is precisely because of this familiarity that he can't help but feel a little lost.

   "Just call me Claus!" Claus smiled heartily and resolved his embarrassment.

   is just a name... Green smiled in his heart, thinking that he was rare and strange.

   "Sorry, Green Ward."

   He smiled apologetically, held out his hand and held Klaus together, and then introduced his companions beside him.

   "This is Casper and Vivienne."

   Klaus looked at the two of them, did nothing extra, just nodded in greeting, and then quickly asked Green:

   "I heard you want to take away Dean Griffin?"



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