White Tower Wizard

Chapter 122: Siskin behind

Agent Fox got up from the ground and shook his dizzy head, his face full of helplessness.

Although he had already shouted at the fastest speed, he was still a step late.

The mage like a researcher had already been punched by Namadi with several large holes in his body, and he fell down two meters away from the wall of the white pagoda with blood dripping.

"Ah, inspector, are you okay?"

After the mage was knocked down, Namadi reacted. He was impulsive just now, and looking at Agent Fox who stood up, he felt that he had done something wrong.

"It's okay, you should stay alive..."

Fox shook his head helplessly and walked forward quickly, feeling a little pity in his heart.

Seeing the mage lying on the ground motionless, a pool of blood dripped out from the huge amount of bleeding from the muzzle. He was cold for more than half of his heart, touched his carotid artery, and he died as expected.

Looking around, Fox felt that there should be no other people, and looking at the complicated magic circle on the wall of the White Tower, this should be their real goal.

In the end, this mage would rather be attacked, but also activate it for the first time, so what is the role of this magic circle?

Fox turned over the body of the last mage, carefully observed his face, and found that he had seen this man.

When they came to investigate and inquire last time, they saw this researcher in the White Tower.

So why did this researcher mix with these black-robed people again? What are they planning?

Fox felt a little big head. Although the attackers were dead, they left more problems.

"What kind of magic circle is this?" Namadi also walked over, looking at the complicated magic patterns on the outer wall of the White Tower, and said very suspiciously:

"Such a large scale can't be portrayed in a short while. They should have been here before the earthquake happened."

Fox searched the corpses of the black-robed wizards on the ground, and found nothing that could prove the identity of these people, but got a few magic stones.

This is a good thing. Now the entire environment has been forbidden, and there are magic stones in his hands, at least it can guarantee to mobilize the magic elements inside to cast spells.

"Take this to deal with emergencies." Fox handed Namadi a magic stone, and stood in front of the magic circle to observe.

"These people have prepared so well, they must have done the forbidden magic!" Namadi said angrily while looking at the blue magic stone.

Fox didn't answer the conversation, because he felt so, and took out his cigarette pack from his arms again, and drew a cigarette to his mouth.

The magic circle depicted on the wall is a bit complicated. He doesn't know what the overall function is, but he can see that part of it represents "transportation."


Where do these people want to send the 111 White Tower? Why did it take so much effort, even inside and outside to collude to do this?

Is it because Archmage Winster is in the tower?

It is true to think this way. If he is the person behind the plot, facing the threat of an archmage, he will also find a way to send him away as soon as possible.

But where can it be delivered? The people behind this have never thought that this kind of small method can't deal with the archmage at all, wouldn't it be so naive...

It's getting more and more troublesome. Fox scratched his head, intending to stop struggling with these things. Anyway, let's report first.

The barrier disappeared for so long, how could these wizards have noticed something wrong...

"You stare at first, I'll go up and report..."

He exhorted Namadi, and then fumbled for a lighter on his body, intending to light the cigarette, while walking towards the white tower.

"Okay!" Namadi replied enthusiastically.

But the moment Agent Fox stepped onto the steps in front of the gate, a subconscious head-up motion stopped him.

He saw an eagle in the sky.


When did it appear?

Is there still an eagle flying in such bad weather?

There is no food in the White Tower Forest.

He was pretty sure that when he first arrived, there were no animals in the sky, but now the little eagle hovered above them.

Out of professional sensitivity, he felt bad at once.

"Namadi, did you see when the eagle appeared?" Fox pointed to the sky, because of the smoke in his mouth, his tone of speech was a little vague.


With such a reminder, Namadi discovered the anomaly, and then said with certainty: "Absolutely nothing just now!"

Immediately afterwards, Fox took out the magic stone and planned to cast a spell.

No matter it's just a coincidence, or someone is deliberately watching, get this little eagle down first.

But before he had time to cast the spell, the little eagle in the air swooped toward them.

There is definitely a problem right now!

These people still have accomplices!

Just when both of them were staring at the sky.

A green stream of light passed through them, like a swift cloud of smoke. The speed was so fast that there was no time to react. It instantly knocked down the two of them and appeared in front of the magic circle.

Fox felt a sharp pain in his arm, as if he had been hit by a stick.

But at the moment he fell to the ground, he rolled around, relieved the impact, half-kneeled on the ground, raised his gun and aimed at the attacker.

"who are you!"

Fox questioned loudly, but didn't shoot for the first time, he watched the strange man that suddenly appeared.

The visitor wore a retro black suit, a big top hat, and a civilized staff, dressed as a typical gentleman, but he looked strange.

What is even more impressive is that this man is wearing a mask, and his exposed eyes are bright yellow like eagles.

Mutant? Demon hunter?

Several thoughts flashed in his mind, but what really made him throw a rat-in-the-mouse device was that Namadi was stepped on by him, and a sharp blade protruded from the top of the civilization stick, which was standing on his neck.

"Good evening! Inspector Fox, although you have already valued you enough, your clean and neat skill really surprised me, and your vigilance really surprised me..."

The eagle-eyed man first uncovered his hat with one hand and saluted, and then began to speak slowly.

Fox's face was stern, looking at the weird man in front of him. If Namadi, who was receiving death threats under his feet, was excluded, he would look like an old-school gentleman.

"These days, it's you ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ who has been following us all the time." While talking, Fox clenched the magic stone in his hand, and he was secretly preparing to cast magic.

"Ha ha……"

The eagle-eyed man smiled, did not answer, but suddenly took out a magic stone and pressed it against the magic circle on the wall.

The magic element was injected instantly, all the magic lines were lit up, and the magic circle was activated.


Fox secretly said that it was not good, and acted immediately.

The magic element in the magic stone in his hand was pulled away, an iron armor curse was instantly placed on Namadi, and the other hand also fired decisively!

But it was still a step too late.

Before the bullet hit, the eagle-eyed man had turned into a cloud of green smoke, which flashed and disappeared in an instant.

The sharp blade also pierced Namadi's throat, making a huge crisp sound on the resisting iron armor curse.

"Cough cough cough..."

Although it resisted the injury, part of the impact still hit the soft throat, causing Namadi to cough violently.

"Are you okay?" Fox asked quickly.

"Cough... it's okay... ahem, this bastard..."

Namadi got up from the ground and waved his hand, a little bit aggrieved.

And the magic patterns on the periphery of the bottom of the white tower all light up, and the magic has been activated.

Under the gaze of the two, the entire White Tower 111 quickly faded, as if it had changed from a real object to an illusion, and disappeared before their eyes after a few breaths.


Namadi exclaimed, looking at the empty ground and sky, and ran forward to touch it, but there was nothing, the towering white pagoda was gone!

"damn it!"

Fox, who has always been relatively calm, couldn't help but curse an swear word.

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