
I don't know how many times I have been troubled by Wang Shasha's group.

Here again.

How many times this month?

I don't know where I offended Wang Shasha and made the other party see me as a thorn in the side.

I knocked on the door, hoping to meet some kind classmates who occasionally pass by to open the door for me.

The girls babbled outside the door, and I raised the volume of the call for help.

But...no one cares about me.

I suddenly remembered that Wang Shasha is a bully in the second middle school and the one she took the lead in bullying, who would dare to help? So gradually give up

I turned and sat on the cushion in the utility room, looking at the sky light through the high window, my heart was depressed.


I finally understand why Wang Shasha is targeting me.

It's Welch

Wang Shasha's childhood sweetheart, a smart playboy.

In my opinion, trampling on a girl's heart and treating love as a game is a playboy.

People like Wei Qi and Wang Shasha play boring love games all day long without caring about the lives of others.

I hate these two people from the bottom of my heart, and I don't want to have anything to do with them.

But Wei Qi said unnecessary words again, successfully angering Wang Shasha.

When Wang Shasha dragged me into the toilet with her group of wealthy ladies who were also not doing their jobs properly, I knew I had endured to the limit.

One hand pre-pressed my head into the toilet, the voice that disgusted me, but made me haunt me afterward.

At least at this time, I didn't realize that the owner of this voice would become more and more important to me.


She said her name was not Sasha, but Sasa.

What conspiracy is Wang Shasha doing?

Want to use split personality to deliberately offset previous sins?

No, to those of Wang Shasha, those are not sins, but fun.

The guy who calls herself Wang Sasa, says she is another personality of Wang Shasha.

Do I have the word Fool written all over my face?

Otherwise, who would believe it?

He also tripped me up in the classroom to make me look bad. Putting a mouse in my shoe cabinet...keeps saying it's not another person, but doing the same thing.

I'm sure Wang Shasha is playing me for a fool.


When Shasha Wang spoke for me, I was a little surprised.

Yu Xiaowen, another clown who is obsessed with Wei Qi.

Her tricks are much smarter than Wang Shasha, but she is still a fool.

What if she fights too much? Just a waste of time.

It is Wang Shasha, whose attitude towards Wei Qi has changed, which surprised me.

However, this may be explained as hard-to-get?

None of my business.


Wang Shasha, this guy is completely unbearable brown sugar! Whether I go to the cafeteria or the classroom, this guy sticks hard, no matter how cold I am.

By the way, is Wang Shasha's academic performance so good?

Wang Shasha has indeed changed a lot in the past month. Whether it's school grades, or something... I found out that she dyed her curly chestnut hair into straight black hair.

It seems to be really pleasing to the eye.


Wait, why did this guy come to my house? What the **** does she want!


Even if I go to work to subsidize the family, Wang Shasha has to keep up.

To my surprise, she even handed out flyers.

Although she still looks like a young lady who doesn't know the sufferings of the world, she really helped me.

She didn't have to do this.

Wearing a ridiculous vest and hat, standing in the sun, sweating to greet passersby.

She must have never been so embarrassed in her life?

And it's all for me.

She and Wang Shasha may not really be the same person.

When I think about it now, I can't remember Wang Shasha's arrogant and fierce look at that time. It was the one in front of him, who often held his chin up, a little proud, with a shrewd look on his face, but occasionally looked hopelessly stupid.

She said her name is Wang Sasa, so I believe it for now.

Looking at the other party's smug look, I don't know how, I suddenly had a bad heart.

It is better not to let Wang Sasa get too complacent.


Yu Xiaowen and the others suddenly made me realize. Wang Sasa once really liked Wei Qi so much.

Maybe, now.

I was in a bad mood for a while.

Will she suddenly change back to the former Wang Shasha?


Should I keep my distance from Wang Sasa?

Recently, I seem to care too much about Wang Sasa, which is not a good thing for me.


Square dance! !

Don't want to experience it again!


Wang Sasa warned Wei Qi not to shoot at me?

She told me…


I blushed. It was definitely not because Wang Sasa held my hand.

It must be because I was too nervous to participate in the competition, so my heart beat faster.

I will never admit that the moment she let go of my hand, I felt a moment of loss in my heart.


"Why am I here to participate in this square dance competition, don't you know?"

"I really want to be friends with you, believe it or not."

"Yixuan, do you like me?"

"Didn't like it!"

Why do you remember it so clearly?

Close your eyes, and the words of the other party seem to ring in your ears during the day.

Sorry, I lied.

But I will never admit that I love you.


Only I know how heartbroken I was when I saw Wang Sasa and Wei Qi hugging each other.

Wang Sasa, you lied.

Why lie to me?

It doesn't matter if you tell me you like Wei Qi.

When I fell down the stairs, the world in front of me was spinning.

I am also amazed at how I have the courage to 'fall' from such a high place.

The corridor is not so dark that you can't see the footsteps, but it's entirely possible to step on the air and fall down the stairs occasionally, isn't it?

No one doubted, including grandma.


I just realized now that I am a despicable person.

But watching Wang Sasa beside me, a strange sense of satisfaction rose in my heart.

Is this hurting me and hurting you?

I am very happy.

Because it was a good deal for me.

So, I have no regrets.


The roommates in dormitory 104 are a bunch of boring people and don't deserve attention.

Because the other party appeared much earlier than me.

Where did Li Songbo come from? Wang Sasa, you don't have to be so kind to him, okay?

When she went to a Wei Qi, did she turn around to please other boys?

Why don't you look back at me?

Sasa keenly sensed that I was angry, and I was startled.

I thought my mind had been revealed.

But she thought I was jealous of her.

Surely a fool...


Sasha has become my new roommate!

As a deskmate, I have a hard time suppressing my reaction. As roommates this time, I inevitably showed some tricks.

In the same room with the person you like, I can't help touching her.

Fortunately, the brain circuit of Sasha is different and understood on another level.

The other party suddenly interacted with me, which made me even more uncomfortable.

So, is there a suspicion that it is cheap and good?


"He said he likes me." When this sentence came out of Sasha's mouth, I was immediately taken aback.

Sasa likes Wei Qi, doesn't she?

This time Wei Qi also admitted that he likes her, will they…

I didn't dare to think too much, because just imagining them standing together was unbearable.

Ask Sasa again about Wei Qi's thoughts, she said, they are just friends.


I know you are lying to me, so please keep lying to me.


I'm so unsatisfactory, even if I know she likes him, it's just duplicity, and I always want to ask for a guarantee. I hope they won't be together, I hope they won't get along with each other.

But Sasha asked me, what would happen if she and Wei Qi were together?

What happens?

I think I'll crash.

I don't know when, her status in my heart has become more and more important.

My grandmother often said that I was thoughtful and possessive.

When I was little, my favorite doll was never given to anyone. If someone touches it, I can twist the doll's head off, and I will never give it to anyone else.

I know this may not be normal.

So, all along, make friends carefully.

But, can I unscrew the spiky head?

I can't bear it.

Without her, there will be no more Wang Sasa in the world.

So probably, it won't be so, right?


I put on the clothes I liked, folded my bangs and went on a date with her, but...why did I meet Wei Qi? ! Get in the way!


I shouldn't have thought that, Spice is not my property. So, no matter who she likes, as long as I can always look at her, it's not bad.


Sweet lips, so soft…


Sasha said he would help me, I sighed.

Where did she go?

There are happy things and unhappy things today.

I rode the Ferris wheel with Sasa.

She said, this is something you can do with the person you like.

Sasha, don't like Wei Qi, okay?


Who are the new men and women? She was always able to make friends without hesitation. Not at all like me.

I'm jealous.

Because I sent me a card, my mood went up again.


Wei Qi didn't even care, Sa Sa has always been honest with him.

But where did this Tian Youshan come from?

She and Sasa talk and laugh, and have a common hobby... It's really annoying, the more you look, the more annoying.

I'm more important than her, right?

So, a little threat, okay?


Today, Sasa suddenly mentioned the matter of graduating from high school.

I suddenly remembered that after graduation, we will go our separate ways, go to different universities, and be located in different cities.

Can't we be together all the time?

It doesn't matter if they are separated, she said. I can also make other friends.

But she doesn't understand.

My world is small and can only hold one person.

Her eyes always fall on another place. I often panic, afraid that one day, she will run to a place I don't know. What should I do by then?

I will try my best to keep up with her. Just ask her to look back at me when she remembers.

She said I was like a cat, looked indifferent, but was actually clingy and liked to act like a spoiled child. Said she liked me like this.

In fact, I do too, I like it, I really like it.

However, only as a best friend's favorite.


Sasha saw the portrait I drew for her.

Did she find anything?


Wei Qi came to ask me to pass the love letter, his brain is flooded?

You chose to let it go in the first place? And why go back and pursue Sasha?

I subconsciously wanted to tear up that unsightly love letter, but I held back.

Sasha likes gentle people, gentle people will never do such a thing.

But since the love letter was handed over to me, in order to prevent Wei Qi from mentioning something disgusting, I have to check for Sasa, and it doesn't matter.

Wei Qi gave it for six days in a row, and I continued to watch it with nausea for six days. Open the envelope, read it, and then completely stuff it back and seal it, and stuff it into the depths of the bookcase. I was disgusted, jealous, and smeared those unknown childhood memories for Wei Qi.

Even if I know deeply that it is another personality, everything related to Sasha makes me unable to be rational.

How can I allow her to love another person so passionately?

Agreed to only stand at a distance, agreed to be only best friends.

I just found out today that it's all self-deception.

I'm afraid of being found out, I'm such a duplicitous person with deep malice.


She found the hidden letters.

But in order to protect me, she lied that she knew about it for a long time, so she deliberately let me put it away.

Is this proof that I am different to her?

Why, I always feel that my heart is not enough?


One day, everything will be revealed.

She will know how disgusting I am, obviously a girl, but when I touch her, my heart blushes. She must not know, I have thought of some terrible things in private, right? Imagine stroking, kissing, one step closer than kissing...

After she knows everything, will she hate me and stay away from me?

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