White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 768 Eye-slit clues


Suddenly, in the quiet environment, a scream suddenly came from the corpse room.

Jin An's face turned solemn, and he was just thinking that something might have happened during the process, when he saw the master who was doing the exercise suddenly stood up, and then ordered several other young Taoist priests to go into the corpse room to check the situation.

Although the little Taoist priests looked scared, they did not dare to disobey the master's order. They opened the corpse house and entered the corpse house in fear and trembling.

It was quiet inside for a while, and then I saw the little Taoist priests carrying a stretcher out. On the stretcher lay a bloody man, who was completely dead.

Sure enough, there was an accident. It was because the evil spirits had tricked me into death.

The death state of the person on the stretcher was very miserable. His whole body was covered in blood and flesh. Even the clothes on his abdomen were bitten open by something, revealing a bloody and bloody cavity. It looked like he had been disemboweled and bitten to death alive.

I don’t know what happened to this man in his life, what he saw, and the expression on his face was frightened.

When he saw the death of the man in front of him, the old Taoist priest showed a shocked expression at first sight. The veteran Taoist calmly touched Jin An with his elbow: "This little brother died..."

The old Taoist priest stopped at the point and did not say it clearly here.

But Jin An already understood what the old Taoist priest was going to say.

The skin and flesh all over the body seemed to have been bitten by something. There was no good flesh anywhere, and the expression on the face was frightened. This way of death was clearly that of the strange corpse with slit eyes that the Jiangzhou Prefecture Yamen received!

When he performed the autopsy on Jing Zhi, it was already found out that the cause of death was that he was bitten by a group of rats. After they entered the water village, they also saw many rats that specialized in eating dead human flesh along the way. The answer seemed to have been revealed. The man on the stretcher was all bruised and bruised by rats?

Thinking of this, a cold light flashed in Jin An's eyes.

Unexpectedly, it didn’t take much effort for them to go through the iron shoes and find no place. On this trip to Yinxian County, they could actually find clues about the seven corpses of joy, anger, sorrow, thought, sadness, fear, and shock. Jiutou Mountain should be the source of the shock corpse. , looking for excellent corpse refining materials in the name of exorcising evil spirits.

Shipwreck, slit-eyed monster corpse, and refined corpse, are there any connections among these? Why is it such a coincidence that clues to an angry corpse were found in Fenghuang Town, Yin County, and clues to a shocking corpse were found in Jiutou Mountain, Yin County? So many clues suddenly appeared in Yin County at the same time?

Jin An never believed in coincidence, there must be an inevitable connection...

His heart moved, and his eyes became even colder. Could it be related to the immortal people living on the Everlasting Mountain? The people in Bulao Mountain are looking for the Duotian Jedi Four Symbol Bureau again... Could it be that one of the Duotian Jedi Four Symbol Bureaus is located in Yin County, Jiangzhou Prefecture?

A monster corpse with slit eyes also appeared in Jiangzhou Fucheng, and it appeared under his coffin shop. It seems that there must be some kind of connection between Bulao Mountain, Duotianjiedi Sixiang Bureau, Fucheng, and Yinxian County!

Thinking of this, Jin An raised his eyebrows heavily, and another more bold guess emerged in his mind. Could it be that Uncle Yuyangzi's appearance in Yin County was not a coincidence?

In the dark, there is some kind of invisible connection that involves two generations of disciples of Burao Mountain, Duantian Juedi Sixiang Bureau, Fucheng, Yinxian, and Wuzang Taoist Temple.

Looking at the dead people on the stretchers,

People think very quickly, so many thoughts just happen in an instant. When the dead person was carried out, the people who had been waiting nervously rushed to the stretcher and looked at the dead person who had been bitten through the intestines and died in a miserable state. , the expression on his face was very ugly.

"Anyone who can come to my master to exorcise evil spirits is himself a dead person who has no life and will not live for half a month at a time, and a year and a half at the longest. But my master can bring a dead person who has no life and death to him. A narrow chance of survival. Unfortunately, he has no chance with my master and cannot snatch the last chance of life. Regardless of whether the exorcism can be successful, the money will not be refunded. You should have known this rule in advance, right?" The man who took away Wang Zhiping's letter of introduction The ugly little Taoist said with a sharp, mean and inhumane cold voice.

The other party looked very frightened. He did not dare to resist at all, nor did he dare to say a word. He picked up the body and left in a hurry.

On the other hand, Wang Zhiping and Liu Changgui, who came to exorcise the evil spirits, were so frightened that their faces turned pale and their teeth chattered.

At this time, the ugly little Taoist priest looked here impatiently: "You two look like short-lived ghosts with only half a month to live. If you want to gamble on your chance of survival, make a decision early. My master, he is I’m very busy and I don’t have time to hang out with you.”

"If you don't want to gamble, then go wherever you like, cherish the next half month, and don't stay here and block the way."

Maybe it was stimulated by the word "half a month". One moment, their faces were full of nervousness, panic, and extreme fear. The next moment, their faces turned into firm expressions, begging the master to help them exorcise evil spirits.

Seeing that Wang Zhiping and Liu Changgui were about to enter the corpse house to die, Jin An, who knew what was in the corpse house, raised his hand and shouted, "Wait, wait," saying that he also wanted to go in together to be exorcised.

The old Taoist priest and Jin An were inseparable. Jin An wanted to enter the corpse house, and the old Taoist priest immediately joined in and went into the corpse house to be exorcised.

The ugly little Taoist priest saw that the four of them were about to enter the corpse house to exorcise evil spirits. A wave of teasing, pity and ridicule rose in the depths of his eyes. Then he lowered his head to hide the cold ridicule in his eyes. He stopped the four people in Jin'an and first talked to his master. After asking for instructions, he said with a high-pitched voice and an impatient look, "My master said you can enter four people at a time, but you have to pay extra."

Thanks to Jin'an's popularity in the prefecture, the Tian family and the Song family who had received his great kindness were all wealthy people. Afterward, they gave him a lot of silver to express their gratitude. In addition, Jin'an had savings of his own. I took out enough banknotes to pay.

The ugly little Taoist priest opened his eyes when he saw Qian, and then explained the general process of exorcising evil spirits, and then started to drive the four people into the corpse house.

The general process is to enter the corpse house and lie down in the coffin prepared in advance, and exchange the life of the dead person for one to die on their behalf, thereby transferring the unclean things on the body.

The little Taoist priest said that his master was good at charity and willing to help others. He was the reincarnation of a great good man from the ninth generation. He not only helped the living to eliminate disasters and ward off evil spirits, but also helped collect the corpses of lonely ghosts whose corpses were exposed in the wilderness. Both black and white practitioners have received great favor from him. , those deceased people remembered his master's kindness, so they were willing to cooperate with his master's methods.

Naturally, Jin An and the old Taoist priests would not believe these nonsense. They had never heard of a ninth generation good man who dealt with a bunch of corpses every day. He was greedy for money and ruthless. Someone died in front of them without blinking an eyelid. How could this happen? He is a great good person from the ninth generation, and he is obviously a great evil person from the ninth generation.

The four people in Jin An followed the ugly little Taoist priest and happened to pass by the exorcism master. Jin An was about to turn around and look at the master's face to see what kind of ghosts, ghosts, and snakes had come to Jiutou Mountain to pretend to be gods, but the ugly little Taoist priest got impatient. He scolded him and told him not to look at him with furtive eyes, and that if he offended his master, no one would be able to save his life.

Phew, it was rare to see Jin An deflate after eating. The old Taoist priest laughed out loud, but the young Taoist priest glared dissatisfiedly: "Who farted just now?"

"My master's practice is that you have to hold it back even if you fart! Farts are bad luck in the belly and are hated by both humans and ghosts. If you let out a stinky fart in the middle of the ritual, you will die as miserably as the person just now!"


The laughter was called fart, and the old Taoist priest's face turned green with anger. This was really two mouths, and there was nothing to say that made any sense.

Jin An was amused.

The old Taoist priest looked at Jin An, who was gloating and gloating. His face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and he was sulking and silent. He was probably cursing the foul-mouthed little Taoist priest in his heart.

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