When You Are Sailing, Have You Ever Heard Of Sharingan?

Section 102 Deserted Island Skull Treasure Map

?In his fleshless hand, he still tightly grasped a pistol, the muzzle pointed straight at himself, and there was a striking bullet hole on the bone of his forehead.

Luo Yun's mood suddenly became heavy. The death of this pirate showed that this island was probably an uninhabited desert island.

However, the situation was far worse than that. What was even more terrible was that this pirate actually chose to commit suicide.

The reason for his suicide may not only be that he could not escape from this deserted island and had nowhere to go. It is more likely that there was something terrible hidden on the island, which made him collapse and go to a dead end.

No matter what the reason was, it was undoubtedly bad news for Luo Yun.

After carefully searching around the skeleton, Luo Yun had hoped to find some useful clues, but unfortunately, he found nothing. He only found a ruby ​​on the body.

This ruby ​​was not small, almost the size of a thumb, and worth at least hundreds of thousands of Baileys. However, on this deserted island, "even tens of billions of Baileys are useless." Despite this, Luo Yun still put the ruby ​​in his pocket. After all, a mosquito is still meat. If he can leave here alive, this gem may come in handy. Even if he doesn't survive in the end, at least he can have a good thing to bury with him. "But, there is not even a clue, what can I do?" Luo Yun muttered to himself, "Forget it, let's bury him." Looking at this skeleton exposed to the wind and sun, Luo Yun felt a little bit of pity in his heart. After all, he just fished out a ruby ​​from this corpse. "It's just right that I come to help you..." Luo Yun didn't finish his words, and suddenly heard a voice. "Who is talking?" Luo Yun stood up suddenly and looked at the coconut tree in front of him vigilantly. The voice came from that direction. On this deserted island, a voice suddenly appeared, and he had to be vigilant. Then, Luo Yun heard the sound of footsteps on the sand, and a man appeared in his sight. This is a sturdy man wearing a green vest and a blue mask.

Luo Yun was shocked that there were still people alive on this deserted island. Did he make a wrong judgment? Is this not a real deserted island?

Who knew that the first sentence the other party said would completely break the fantasy of going there.

"Excuse me, are you here for rescue? I was stranded here for five days after a shipwreck." The man asked anxiously.

"I'm sorry about this, I was also stranded on this deserted island after a shipwreck." Luo Yun replied.

"Uh........." The man immediately hugged his head and cried. He thought he was rescued, but he didn't expect to be unlucky again...

Luo Yun looked at the man howling awkwardly, but he learned some useful information from the man's mouth - the man had been trapped here for five days. It seems that there is still a way out of this island.

Thinking of this, Luo Yun asked curiously: "You have been here for five days, why don't you think of a way to leave? For example, let's build a raft or something, and we can work together. This way, the chances of leaving may be greater. "Forget it!" The man refused without even thinking about it. This was the second time Luo Yun made the same invitation. At first glance, this proposal is indeed very attractive. However, in such a deserted place, it is too difficult to trust a person you meet for the first time and don't know at all, and to face life and death with him together. What's more, there are only 3.6 resources here, and it is difficult for one person to survive for a long time, let alone there are three people now. Who knows what will happen next. In general, he will never trust a stranger easily. Moreover, the man is carrying a sword. Who knows if he is a cruel pirate or criminal. Luo Yun was not too disappointed when the other party rejected him. On such an uninhabited desert island, he would not easily agree to a stranger's invitation to leave together.

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