A centuries-old map?

That’s all covered in pulp!

Lin Yu subconsciously took out his mobile phone and wanted to show the global map to Ibrahim in front of him, but when he turned on the phone screen, he remembered that the current mobile phone did not support the map function.

He missed the bad map a little bit. Although it was bad, it was still relatively clear for showing routes and marking locations.

I looked back at the priest, only to find that the priest with an obvious oriental face was leading a few Arabs. He raised the sign in his hand and shouted:

"Oppose comprador lackeys and foreign investment in Iraq."

“The Iraqi port should be built by the Iraqis themselves!”

"Iraqis should stand up!"

These slogans made Lin Yu couldn't help but shake his head, because this way of writing and shouting were obviously for himself.

It's a pity. If it were other people, they might be frightened by such shouting, but he is not an ordinary person.

Looking back, Lin Yu pointed at the person shouting in the distance, especially the priest, and said to Ibrahim with a serious face:

"Mr. Ibrahim, I can tell you very clearly that South Korea is not our territory."

"That's another country. Although it's very close to us, it's a barren country. There's nothing there. What's the use of it?"

"And I would also like to remind you that this country is actually a semi-colony of America. They have always been America's ammunition replenishment base!"

"A large part of the ammunition used to attack you this time actually comes from this country!"

"And, have you seen that priest?"

Lin Yu stopped talking and pointed to the priest not far away. When Ibrahim's eyes turned away, he continued to add:

"This kind of people are actually South Korean spies. Their country's territory is relatively small, and they are controlled by America. They can only find another way to show their influence to the outside world."

“After picking and choosing, they chose to use religion to display it!”

"But the mainstream religions in the world have nothing to do with them. They can only take the teachings of other religions, randomly modify them, and then use these modified teachings to spread them everywhere!"

"Their preaching in Iraq is blasphemy against you and disrespectful to God!"

"Now, let's sign the contract first and come to inspect the site today. It is obviously a very confidential matter. Even if the news is leaked, it should be your people who come to object."

"Now it happens to be a foreigner, a Korean missionary."

"What does this mean? It means that he is no longer satisfied with missionary work. He wants to step into your economic construction field and use his influence to interfere in your reconstruction work!"

"He doesn't have much influence now, but he dares to do this. I can't even imagine what he wants to do next!"

At this point, Lin Yu stopped persuading him. Just fan the wind and light the will-o'-the-wisps, and leave the rest to the host to make his own judgment.

Because people, after all, only believe in themselves!

The indignant words made Ibrahim couldn't help but nod. What Lin Yu said was very reasonable. Rebuilding and expanding the Basra port is Iraq's national policy.

This is a good thing for everyone. Even Raytheon, which made a lot of nonsense at the bidding meeting, did not make any outrageous move in the end!

But now, a Korean missionary has brought his own people to stop the construction!


These guys must be severely punished!

An emotion called anger slowly appeared on his face. He turned his head, looking for Lin Yu's advice, but found that his friend ran to the side again, shoveling the dirt with that strange shovel.

Looking at the very pragmatic Lin Yu, the anger on Ibrahim's face dissipated a lot.

This is a friend, a friend who is wholehearted and wants to help build!

And the one next to it...

It's an enemy!

Since he is an enemy, there is no need to live!

Turning his head slowly, Ibrahim had murderous intent in his eyes. This troublemaking priest should not continue to live in this world. He should go to heaven to accompany his so-called master!

He waved to his subordinates and whispered a few instructions in their ears. The bearded subordinate left with murderous intent. Soon, he appeared with another team. He ignored the compatriots who were blocking him, rushed over, and forcibly killed the long-haired subordinate. The priest with an East Asian face grabbed him, put him in a car and took him away.

Next to him, although Lin Yu had been drilling holes with a Luoyang shovel, his eyes had been staring into the distance. When he saw the priest being taken away, a knowing smile appeared on his face, and then he turned serious. Continue to drill holes.

The top two to three meters are sandy soil, and then there is all silty clay, which is painful to see.

In the alluvial plains of rivers, there are all these things underneath and they are not stressed. If you want to build buildings in these places, the only way is to drive piles. Drive enough piles to cut and strengthen the underground area.

A lot of cement is required.

My balls hurt.

After dismantling the Luoyang shovel and loading it into the car, Ibrahim also came over at this time, looked at him sighing and asked: "Shall we go to the next place?"

"Let's go!"

Climbing into the car and looking at the receding coastline, Lin Yu suddenly asked:

"Mr. Ibrahim, speaking of that priest, how are you going to deal with it?"

"Of course, he will be killed directly. Anyone who blocks our reconstruction of Iraq is our enemy. Likewise, he is America's enemy, so we decided to kill him in the name of America." Ibrahim It was said so casually, like saying you were going to kill an ant.

After listening to his words, Lin Yu shook his head repeatedly, rejected the idea, and then continued:

"You should not use America's name, you should use your own name and the name of the Iraqi people!"

"Because there are many missionaries like him. If you kill one, there will be others coming, endless, just like flies."

"And he has followers himself. Those believers are your compatriots. You can't possibly attack them, right?"

This sentence made Ibrahim fall into silence. He struggled for a long time, but he nodded to this friend from afar and said seriously: "Indeed, we cannot attack our compatriots!"

Seeing the confusion on his face, Lin Yu struck while the iron was hot:

"Then at this time, you should put this guy on trial in the name of the Iraqi people."

"At the same time, take out his teachings and put them under the sun, so that everyone can see what this guy is here for."

"At this time, you can take the opportunity to introduce a foreign agents bill that requires foreign missionaries, media and trade unions that receive foreign funding to register as foreign agents when operating in Iraq."

"Accept regular supervision and must provide fund transaction data every month!"

These two short sentences made Ibrahim's eyes suddenly light up.

Sensing his change, Lin Yu continued to strike while the iron was hot.

"Without these people fanning the wind behind you, your work would be much easier!"

The calm words made Ibrahim's eyes slowly lose focus, and he was thinking carefully about this suggestion.

As a Shia, he is hesitant to include Sunnis in supervision, which would greatly reduce the influence of Sunnis.

But after careful consideration, he gave up this idea. The former presidents can be non-human beings, and they can be treated as scorn in the world, but they can't. They still have the basic code of conduct as human beings.

At this moment, the phone rang. It was the subordinate who had just left. After a short period of great memory recovery, the missionary from South Korea also confessed his behavior.

Listening to these words, Ibrahim subconsciously turned his head to look at Lin Yu, because what the missionary told him completely confirmed what his friend said.

Putting down the phone, he whispered to Lin Yu: "Mr. Lin, I will accurately convey your suggestions to others. Thank you for your contribution to us."

"We will definitely remember..."

Before he finished speaking, Kang Shikai, who was driving, suddenly braked and stopped the car. The two people sitting in the back seat hit the seats in front of them due to the sudden braking.

The seats of the Toyota were relatively hard and gave people a headache. Lin Yu slowly raised his head, only to find that while they were talking, the vehicle had already entered the small town to the north.

The not-so-wide streets of the town were blocked by several cars, and around these cars were about 20 Iraqis, including a few old men. At this moment, all of them looked gloomy. face, glaring at the convoy with those big eyes.

It seems like there is some deep hatred.

Lin Yu frowned for a while, but before he could speak, Ibrahim had already opened the door and got out of the car, walked straight to the people who blocked him, and began to communicate with the people who blocked him. From time to time, he let out a loud roar, which seemed to be very angry.

After yelling one after another and helplessly laughing, Ibrahim returned to the vehicle and asked Lin Yu through the car window:

"Japan doesn't belong to you, right?"

Hearing this, Lin Yu blinked. He didn't understand why Ibrahim would ask this question. Seeing his doubts, the Iraqi friend raised his hand and pointed at the person blocking the road in front, and then withdrew his hand. , drew a circle around the land beneath his feet, and explained:

"These people are the owners of the land beneath our feet."

"Just now, they told me that your people are planning to drive away all the people on this land and then drill for oil on this land."

"However, after my repeated questioning, they finally told me that the news came from the Japanese Street in Basra City."

"That's why I asked you if Japan is your land, because my old map seems to mark Japan for you."

After hearing this outrageous reason, Lin Yu scratched his face in embarrassment. He didn't know how to answer this question.

At the same time, he also gained a new understanding of the little devil's mind.

It was obvious that his business group was unlucky and encountered a car accident when they went out, but in the end, these birdmen actually targeted him.

That's enough.

The thing about these bitches is that they only need to play dirty tricks, but they have to work hard and conspire.

After organizing his language a little, he patiently explained to his friend:

"Mr. Ibrahim, I think before we formally cooperate, we need to clarify the relationship between the Chinese, the Japanese, and the Koreans. After all, in your eyes, we all look similar. If the other party uses us We have done bad things in the name of others, and it would not be good if this happened to us in the end.”

These words made Ibrahim scratch his head. As a member of the Reconstruction Committee, he had never been abroad before. Although Iraq has contacts with these three countries,...

I really can't tell these people apart.

Scratching his head irritably, he turned around and walked towards the person blocking the road in front of him. He chatted with the person for a few more words and then pulled a few old men back to Lin Yu. They sat down on the stones on the side of the road. Lin Yu took out three He put a stone on the side and patiently explained:

"Korea is now a semi-colony of America."

"Japan, the defeated country in World War II, is now a semi-colony of America. In order to make money from them, America even forcibly changed their diet."

"Anyway, they are all America's dogs."

"Some actions may seem like they are taking action, but in fact America is behind the scenes."

"Then, the Korean operation, Mr. Ibrahim has just seen it, is now the Japanese operation."

"They directly instigate the locals and confront the authorities, because the chaotic situation is conducive to their expansion."

"This point must mention a point of view put forward by Japan in the 1950s and 1960s."

"Because Japan is located in the Pacific Rim Seismic Belt, earthquakes and tsunamis occur frequently in their country. At that time, some people believed that the country would sink sooner or later, so it was better to move collectively to other countries before it sank."

"But others are not fools, and it is impossible for them to move there directly, so they chose another method, which is to break it into parts."

"First go to a country, do business, then figure out the situation here, then buy land there, build a gated community, and then help more people from Japan."

"If you are not familiar with this method, I can tell you a more familiar name!"

Lin Yu slowly raised his head, looked at the people around him, and said softly: "This is how the Israelis landed in the thousand-year-old city of Jaffa. In the end, the land was in a state of chaos!"

Obviously, the words "Israel" severely stimulated several people present, especially Ibrahim.

In his light blue eyes, the confusion slowly dissipated and slowly turned into murderous intent.

The atmosphere in the field was already in place. Pushing forward the stone representing Japan in his hand, Lin Yu looked at the local tycoons and asked softly: "If I guess correctly, these Japanese should be from you." Did you buy a lot of land?"

"They're also applying to build communities on these lands, and they're also applying to build schools, right?"

The kind voice fell on the ears of several locals, but they did not dare to reply.

And Ibrahim next to him, after hearing this, turned directly to several compatriots next to him and asked: "Is it true?"

Stared by his murderous gaze, the local didn't dare to reply, but they all nodded in agreement, which was regarded as acknowledgment of this statement.

After getting the answer, Ibrahim waved his hand to summon the soldiers, pointed at a few people in front of him, and said sternly: "Go and catch those people!"

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