The ringtone of the mobile phone was pleasant, but it was not very good news to the ears of the three of them.

Because it is already 11 o'clock in the evening. If you can call at this time, it is either urgent or bad.

It won't be a good thing anyway.

"Whose?" Qian Guoheng asked.

Qian Jianguo: "Lin Yu's!"


Pressing the speakerphone button, Qian Jianguo couldn't wait to ask: "Are there any new arrangements for ports and roads?"

"No!" A strong voice came from the phone.

Then, there’s the ins and outs.

"I'm currently stationed at the Army base in Baghdad in America, and their General Hanks just gave me an order."

"It's the oil fields and power supply line reconstruction orders they snatched from Iraq. The contract value is about US$5.4 billion."

"Hanks directly takes 15% of the total price, and we take the remaining 85% of the construction project. In other words, the previous arrangement must be doubled, and electricity must be added."

"When you are coordinating, remember to take this part into consideration. I will go back and ask Kang Shikai to tell you about the specific situation. I'm done."

Toot toot—

A blind voice sounded, and Lin Yu's helpless words still echoed in their ears.

The three of them looked at each other, their eyes filled with disbelief.

Is this... or America?

They subcontracted all their work, so why did they attack Iraq?

"Is there something wrong with this American?" Qian Jianguo expressed his thoughts directly.

Next to them, the two people who had already reacted nodded in agreement. There was indeed something wrong with this.

That is a multi-billion dollar contract. Even if 15% of the total price is taken directly, what about the remaining money?

Isn't that money?

Other times, if you want such a contract, a group of people have to work hard to prepare for it for several months.

When it was time to bid, a group of people had to stay up late, conduct various analyses, and even resort to some tricks to be able to get such a big order.

But now, according to Lin Yu's meaning, the other party almost called him over directly and forced the order into his mouth. He had to eat it even if he didn't want to eat it!

Isn't there something wrong with this?

However, the meat has been brought to the mouth, and there is absolutely no possibility of spitting it out.

People look down on this piece of meat, but people who are crazy about poverty will not dislike it.

Next to him, Qian Guoheng had already woken up from the shock, pushed the tea cup aside, and began to give the two men instructions for their work.

"Jianguo, according to Lin Yu's request, you are responsible for doing a good job in our internal production. This is fundamental. Don't lose the big for the small."

"Aimin, you come with me in the next few days."

"These projects are too big and involve many departments. Let me introduce you to them, which will help you in the future."

"It's too late today, go to bed early!"

After saying that, Qian Guoheng walked out of the factory director's office on crutches. When he walked to the door, he turned back and said softly: "Jianguo, you are a little more mature."

After leaving a word, Qian Guoheng disappeared from the door.

Seeing the old man leave, Qian Jianguo breathed a sigh of relief, walked to the office next door, opened the door and walked in.

The office was full of people, all of whom were left behind by Rheinsteel.

He turned his attention to Zhang Congyi, looked at the man in charge of the construction team and said:

"Xiaozhang, please do your best during this time, and learn more foreign languages, don't be deceived."

Hearing Qian Jianguo's words, Zhang Congyi quickly pointed to his nose and asked in a low voice:

"Uncle, you want me to learn a foreign language? No, do you think I can handle such a big project?"

"Now that I hear these numbers, my head is spinning!"

"Lin Yu didn't say to change people, so you have to stand up. Even if you can't stand up, you have to stand up." After settling his tone, Qian Jianguo turned his attention to Hong Fu:

"Hong Fu, how much explosives does America Company need?"

The somewhat upright Hong Fu took out a notebook from his arms, opened it, glanced at the numbers on it, and responded: "The first batch of goods was prepared yesterday, and now we are putting customized stickers on the wooden boxes as required."

"It is estimated that it will take two days to post all these goods."

"That is, the day after tomorrow, we can arrange to load the truck and send it to Liancheng."

"Taking into account the customs clearance time, we can contact the customer now and ask him to prepare the ship."

After receiving the accurate news from Hong Fu, Qian Jianguo thought a little: "Okay, I'll make arrangements here, and everyone will go back and rest."

"Tomorrow morning is off, and then in the afternoon, we get started."


After the Chinese people went to bed, Lin Yu, who was still in Iraq, was dragging America's commander Yuri, who was stationed in Baghdad, with great interest to give him advice on camp security.

"Commander Yuri, you said that during this period, someone dropped bombs on your camp every day."

"The solution is simple. We just need to make the wall taller and thicker so that ordinary bombs cannot blow it up."

"At the same time, we can also set up a small market in the camp to turn the camp into a city within a city. This can reduce the number of soldiers going out and further ensure their safety."

"According to estimates, I think such a project would cost about US$50 to 60 million, which is enough."

"If you want to add some luxury measures, you have to spend extra money."

Looking at the young man in front of him who didn't seem to be tired, Yuri remembered a casual movie he had watched not long ago.

never give up.

In that movie, the disabled salesman, just like the young man in front of him, repeatedly hit the wall, came to the door again and again, and kept selling.

The difference between reality and the movie is that this young man is more handsome, and he is no less handsome than he looked when he was young.

Finally, after Lin Yu finished talking, Yuri raised his hand to interrupt the rest of his words, and then said softly:

"Young man, I know you want to make money, but there are some things you need to figure out."

"No one would entrust their personal safety to a stranger, do you understand?"

"If you're going to develop in Iraq, remember this."

"Let's go, I'll take you back." With Hanks' order, Yuri personally escorted Lin Yu back to the northern mountainous area. Then, he also figured out why the soldiers below were unwilling to send the young man away.

Because there are too many words.

When the plane landed, he couldn't wait to see Lin Yu off, and then called the pilot for an emergency takeoff.

Watching the Black Hawk helicopter disappear from sight, and recalling the quality of these soldiers just now, Lin Yu couldn't help but shake his head.

Too bad.

It's really too bad.

As soon as the helicopter disappeared into the sky, there was a rush of footsteps behind Lin Yu. When he turned around, he found that it was Kang Shikai, Jialim and others.

A group of people looked at him anxiously, their eyes full of worry.

Seeing them, Lin Yu felt warm in his heart. He raised the contract he had just signed and said with a smile:

"They gave us a big deal worth more than 4 billion U.S. dollars. Let's celebrate it tonight."

"Ah?" As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned.

No, in a normal plot, shouldn't America call you over and coerce you into spitting out the profits?

How could it turn into calling you over, coercing you, and then giving you real benefits?

Is there...something wrong with these Americans?

Seeing that the people in front of him didn't believe it, Lin Yu reached out and led a group of people into the villa. He opened a map included in the contract, pointed to the lines marked as oil fields and pipelines on the map and said:

“That’s what the projects are.”

"It was pretty much us trying to sleep and being given pillows."

"Now, your underground Great Wall can rely on these pipelines to completely cover the entire Iraq."

Looking at the oil fields and pipelines marked on the map, a group of people suddenly discovered that the reality was, as Lin Yu said, just by moving a little bit in these places, the Great Underground Wall could be spread all over Iraq.

Relying on the "Great Underground Wall", the people led by Cavani can appear all over Iraq and make the Americans bleed fiercely!

Finally, flow to death!

Thinking of this, he walked up to Lin Yu and choked with tears: "Friend, thank you for traveling thousands of miles to Iraq to help us."


Raising his hand and patting Jalim's shoulder, Lin Yu comforted him softly: "Go and get ready!"

"I have arranged my work here, and I have to go back quickly."


On the other side, the Black Hawk helicopter that had sent everyone back returned to Baghdad as quickly as possible, and Yuri appeared in front of Hanks again.

Looking at the person who appeared in front of him, Hanks asked softly: "What do you think of that young man? Is there any possibility of development?"

When asked about his impression of Lin Yu, Yuri subconsciously pressed his temple with his right hand and rubbed it gently: "He talks a lot, really a lot. I have never seen anyone talk so much."

"Three words, money. This is a person who desperately wants money. In fact, I feel that when he looks at me, it's like he is looking at a pile of banknotes."

"In terms of his behavior, he seemed to have no fear of us."

"Such people are either spokespersons promoted by big families, or they are truly ignorant and fearless."

"But I prefer the former."

"A big family means that they will be influenced by interests. Maybe they can do something."

After listening to his explanation, Hanks held his chin with his left hand, held a pen thoughtfully, and started writing on the white paper in front of him.

But soon, he crossed out the words again and finally wrote a name.


There's something wrong with this guy!

After a while, he put the white paper with his name on it into his arms and said to Yuri: "You have to strengthen the defense of the northern region."

After leaving a few words, Hanks walked out of the camp and disappeared into the night.

About 10 minutes later, a plane took off from the camp and flew south.


Once you get busy, time goes by quickly.

Port of Tokyo.

Looking at the clerk in front of him who looked like he was not afraid of boiling water, Nicholas suppressed his anger, reached out and took the form handed over by the other party, filled out the form again according to the other party's request, and handed the form in again.

Seeing his unconvinced expression, the clerk deliberately made things difficult, but there were no filling errors in the form he handed over. He could only pick up the seal next to him, stamp it with a bang, and then pass the form out through the small slit.

Holding this form in his hand, Nicholas breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, he finally completed the procedure.

He vowed to find an opportunity to take revenge on this clerk severely, and let this damn guy know that if he dared to make things difficult for him, Nicholas, he would be prepared to be retaliated against.

Holding the form and following the sign, Nicholas came to the dock and handed the form to the duty officer. The officer checked the relevant seals and documents, pointed to a place not far away, and said:

"Your container is at berth No. 4 of Pier 1. It just arrived yesterday. You need to pay two days of berthing fees."

"The place to pay the fees is at the entrance of Pier 1."

Hearing that he was asked for money again, Nicholas recalled his experience in China two days ago.

Four days ago, the company in China called him directly and told him that the materials were ready and he could find a ship to transport them.

When he found the ship and docked it at the berth designated by the other party, the whole process from identity verification to loading took less than two hours.

After the goods were loaded, the whole ship was not harassed and left the port easily.

But he never expected that this ship would be harassed when unloading at Tokyo Port.

These damn Japanese, don't you see who they are harassing!

After paying the fee at the entrance of Pier 1 and getting the handwritten receipt, Nicholas finally saw his goods.

13 containers, 10 of which were Dena's goods, and the remaining 3 were his goods.

When he came to the container, Nicholas began to check the seal of the container and the traces he left at that time.

It took him a full half an hour to finally confirm that these containers had not been tampered with on the road.

Very good!

He took out his phone, dialed it casually, and said to the phone: "Ain, you only have 20 minutes to arrange someone to tow our container away."

"Hurry up!"

Shortly after the phone was hung up, three container trucks appeared in Nicholas's sight. Under his coordination, these three container trucks towed three containers and left the dock like they were running for their lives.

Less than 10 minutes after these trucks left, 10 container trucks drove into Pier 1 in an orderly manner, loaded Nicholas and the goods, and drove out of the port calmly and disappeared on the road.

When these trucks appeared again, they had arrived at a warehouse in southwest Tokyo.

In front of the warehouse, Dona was dressed casually, sitting there quietly, like a stone lion.

Only after the trucks appeared did the old man come alive!

Under his instructions, the trucks pulled the containers into the warehouse, unloaded them, and then disappeared at the fastest speed.

When the warehouse door slowly closed, Nicholas turned his head to look at Dona next to him, bent down, and said respectfully: "Mr. Dona, the goods have been delivered, please check!"

Dona tilted his head, and next to him, the chemical expert he had hired at a high price dragged the heavy portable equipment to the container and carefully opened the container.

Take out the iron barrel inside, unpack it, carefully take out a little bit, and put it into the portable equipment for testing.

After waiting anxiously for two hours, the expert raised his head in horror and shouted: "All CL20!"

"All first-class good goods!"

As he shouted, his cold sweat gushed out from his vest.

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