When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 191 You need to know the big and small kings! (Second update!)

Knock, knock, knock!

The knock on the door disrupted Lin Yu's thoughts. He put down his pen, looked up at Qian Jianguo standing at the door, tilted his head, and asked curiously:

"Uncle Qian? What's up?"

"A little, but not much." Qian Jianguo responded strangely, then walked into the office, stretched out his hand to close the office door, and then sat down in front of Lin Yu.

He leaned over and asked seriously: "Are you really going to give a bonus of 20,000 yuan to the more than 800 people before?"

"As soon as you finished speaking, a few gossipers came to my house and chattered there, and I drove them all away."

"I think..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Lin Yu raised his right hand, with his index finger erected, and shook it in front of him.

Then, a voice with a hint of contempt sounded:

"Uncle Qian, do you think you have the same old problem again?"

"As the person in charge of a factory, you must first figure out who can represent public opinion and who is the foundation of this factory. If you figure this out, your management work will be very easy."

"These gossipers can't represent anything, they can only be jealous."

"You will draw up a list for me later. Give me the list of people who bothered you at your home."

"After the bonus is given, fire everyone."

The very tough and decisive words made Qian Jianguo a little tempted, but his inner habit still made him unable to help but speak: "This..."

This time, he only said one word and was interrupted by Lin Yu.

"Comrade Qian Jianguo, go write the list!"

Seeing Lin Yu's face turn cold, Qian Jianguo said no more. He stood up, took out a fountain pen from the pen holder on the desk, filled it with ink, took a piece of letter paper, and began to write.

In just two or three minutes, a list appeared on the paper.

He took the list and looked at it for a while. Looking at these familiar names, faces flashed through Lin Yu's mind. These faces corresponded to the names one by one, and at the same time, they also corresponded to the previous habits of these people.

Soon, after reading the whole list, he showed an expression of disappointment on his face, and then took the list and walked to the broadcasting room on the first floor.

A few minutes later, the broadcast sounded again.

"Hey, hey!"

"Everyone listen, some people have just eaten a full meal for two days, and they don't know the big and small kings."

"Forget that they were hungry before. I have a list here. It is the people who ran to harass our Deputy Factory Director Qian after I finished speaking just now, saying that the salary distribution is unfair."

"Then, I will call out the names now. Those who are called, pack up your things. On the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month, receive the bonus and get out of here."

"Everyone in the security department, listen. After the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month, I don't want to see these people appear on our territory."

"That's all!"

The broadcast sound spread throughout the factory area. Some women in the residential area showed lingering fears as they repeatedly recalled the content of the broadcast.

Fortunately, they did not go to the old factory manager to complain like before, otherwise they would be kicked out like these people.

These people are really, they can get 20,000 yuan this year, maybe 40,000 next year, and maybe 80,000 the year after.

Life is getting better little by little, why are they so jumpy?

It's right!

At the same time, they also expressed gloating over the people who were named. One less person will have one more position, and they have to find a way to squeeze their children in.

In the broadcasting room, after reading the list, Lin Yu handed the list in his hand to the people in the broadcasting room and asked them to make a few copies and post them everywhere.

Under the carrot and stick method, the entire Rhine Group subordinates became quiet. During the New Year, they were busy collecting money, not mentioning those unpleasant things!

On the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month, the Little New Year in the north, people will be very busy on this day. Early in the morning, they have to apply sugar to the Kitchen God and block his mouth to prevent him from talking nonsense in the sky.

Of course, in the era of sugar shortage, the sugar of the bet on the Kitchen God would be used by children to gag him as soon as he was gagged.

Then it was a big cleaning, from inside to outside, from head to toe, to clean up the house and the people thoroughly.

But the people of Rheinsteel were not very calm today. They all chose to give up cleaning the house and chose to clean themselves first, put on new clothes, and wait in the central square of the residential area.

Even more anxious than them were the workers recruited from surrounding towns and villages when the recruitment was expanded later.

At this moment, they only hated that they did not take the opportunity to join when the 567 base was declining. Now, they can only watch 20,000 yuan in vain and miss it.

That's 20,000 yuan!

Of course, the money has not been paid yet. The factory director said two days ago that some people were not satisfied and might not be paid.

Thinking of this, their psychology was balanced a lot, and even the cold wind around them became gentle.

At this moment, someone shouted, "Here we come!"

This was a signal. Hearing this shout, everyone present turned their heads and looked at the entrance of the central square.

The road at the entrance was paved with asphalt after the reorganization of Rheinsteel. It was a black road with lines drawn on it, very regular.

At this moment, on the black asphalt road, a green Jiefang truck was slowly driving over. The truck was full of tall and strong young people with determined eyes.

They were all from the security department.

Under the thick cotton jacket, there was a bulge.

The truck moved forward slowly. With each step forward, the people standing in front of it automatically stepped aside to make way for the road, while looking at the truck eagerly.

Under the gaze of the crowd, the truck stopped in the center of the square. Li Ping and Luo Ping, one on the left and one on the right, jumped out of the truck cab and then looked towards the direction of the rostrum in the square.

There, Lin Yu was holding a microphone in his left hand and an apple in his right hand, gnawing at it.

When Luo Ping and the other person looked over, everyone present also looked over in an instant.

Their eyes were full of expectations.

The 40 million cash had arrived, and the people who received the bonus had also arrived. Now they only needed a word from the person who distributed the bonus, and life would get better.

Noticing the gazes of the crowd, Lin Yu put the microphone to his lips:


After spitting out the phlegm in his throat, he said slowly:

"Why are you looking at me? Stand in order according to your department and height. You have received money so many times, why don't you even know this rule?"

"Hurry up, go home after receiving the money, go to your mother, eat dumplings, hurry up."

At the command, the people in the square instantly became messy, but orderly. Under the control of the heads of various departments, the team quickly stood in several rows.

From low to high, it looks very comfortable.

"Chief Luo, take down all the money and put it in front first, so that our comrades can see how much 40 million is."

After receiving the order, Luo Ping returned to the truck, quickly removed the latch of the truck fender, and lowered the truck fender.

In the truck cargo box, dozens of boxes filled with money appeared neatly in front of everyone.

The boxes were silver-white and piled high.

Seeing these boxes, except for Lin Yu, everyone else couldn't help but gasp.

40 million, is there so much?

Just as a group of people stared at the boxes, Lin Yu picked up the microphone and said again: "Finance Department, send the money."

"Security Department, the list I announced before, after they received the money, they threw the people out."

The bonus began to be distributed. The scene, which was very noisy at the beginning, suddenly became so noisy that you could hear a pin drop. Li Ping and the people from the Finance Department sat next to the truck and called people from each department according to the list in his hand.

"Cui Min! You are an old employee, this is 20,000 yuan, go to the side and count it clearly!"

A pair of hands full of burn marks of chemical substances carefully took the two stacks of money in Li Ping's hands, and then couldn't wait to put the money under the nose and took a deep breath.

In addition to the cold air inhaled into the nasal cavity, there is also the faint fragrance of the mood, which makes people intoxicated at this moment.

After a brief intoxication, Cui Hongxia held the money in both hands and kowtowed to Li Ping frantically:

"Thank you, Section Chief Li, thank you, Section Chief Li!"

Her kneeling made Li Ping's face freeze.

After a quick glance around, Li Ping quickly stood up, pulled Cui Hongxia up, turned his head to look in the direction of Lin Yu, and said softly: "You have to thank the factory director. You can even make the wrong god when praying to the gods."

"You are really amazing."

Pulling her aside, Li Ping continued to call the next person's name, and then the second person who received the money also subconsciously bowed to Li Ping, and then turned his head and kowtowed to Lin Yu frantically.

In the direction of the rostrum in the square, Lin Yu saw all this, pouted his lips, wanted to say a few dirty words, but had nothing to say, so he could only choose to shut up.

After watching for a while, he stood up, patted his butt, and walked towards the administrative building.

Until he disappeared at the corner of the small building, the people in the square breathed a sigh of relief, and the next second, cheers broke out.

"20,000 yuan! Here comes the color TV!"

"Xiaofang, I'll go ask your dad for marriage!"

"Buy a color TV today, buy a car next year, and we can buy a house in the city the year after next. Thank you, Director!"

"Everyone, shout with me, the director is awesome!" Someone shouted, and the people at the scene were stunned for a moment, and then there were shouts one after another.

"The director is awesome!"

"The director is awesome!"

The voice was like a tsunami, echoing in this wide valley.

Back in the office, Lin Yu made himself a cup of hot tea, turned up the air conditioner temperature, and then opened the window a crack, holding the teacup, sitting by the window, and quietly looking out the window.

It started snowing again.

After a long time, the door of the office was pushed open again. It was the heads of various departments of Rheinsteel.

Hearing the footsteps behind him, Lin Yu said directly without turning his head:

"That's it for now this year. There should be nothing to do before the New Year. Except for those on duty, everyone else will have a holiday starting today."

"However, you can have a holiday, but you must be ready to go to work at any time. You will start working on the fifth day after the New Year."

"We'll talk about it after the New Year."

After receiving his instructions, the people at the door left one by one. The last one was Li Ping, who put a metal box on Lin Yu's desk and said:

"Director, this box contains your bonus, as you said, 600,000."

"I'll leave first."

With a creak, the door closed. After a while, Lin Yu got up from the window, came to the desk, put down the teacup, and opened the metal box casually.

There were 600,000 neatly laid out inside, all red banknotes.

Looking at the money, Lin Yu was in trouble, mainly because he was alone now, and taking the money...

At this moment, he remembered what he said in front of the graves of several old people at the beginning of the year. Scratching his head, he had an idea in his mind.

After the Chinese New Year, he took the opportunity to go back to his hometown during the time when he was not working. He just didn't know if the mountains, forests and rivers in his father's mouth were still there.

If they were, what would they look like?

If they were not, what would they look like?

After thinking for a long time and keeping this in mind, he closed the metal box, turned off the power switch in the room, hummed a song, and walked home.

On the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month, he hadn't cleaned the house yet.

Passing by the door of the broadcasting room, he walked a few steps and then retreated.

The people in the broadcasting room saw him and handed him the radio microphone skillfully. After taking the microphone and clearing his throat twice, Lin Yu said happily:

"Security Department, send a few people to clean my house."

"The canteen, um, don't take a holiday, I'm too lazy to cook."

After saying what he wanted to say, Lin Yu put down the microphone and walked out happily.

Walking on the road, everyone was smiling. When they saw him, they hurried over to say hello:

"Hello, Director!"

"Director, do you want to clean up? My kids at home have nothing to do, so I'm bringing them here now."

"Director, if you don't mind, come to my house for three meals a day. My eldest daughter-in-law runs a restaurant at home, and her cooking skills are first-class."

"Get out of here. No matter how good your daughter-in-law's cooking skills are, can she be better than our canteen chef? Are you kidding? Get out of here quickly, Director, what do you want to eat tonight? I'm going to go to the city with the security department now, and I'll buy you the freshest ones to cook."

Listening to the chef's words, Lin Yu nodded helplessly: "Just eat whatever you want, just watch your cooking skills."

"Okay!" With his approval, the chef slapped his thigh, turned around happily, and waved to the people not far away: "Hurry up, hurry up."

After receiving the bonus, almost everyone chose to go to the city to buy some home appliances and have a good time during the New Year.

We are busy celebrating the New Year here. To the east of the Pacific Ocean, outside the World Island, America.


A group of people are busy making trouble for others, and among them is Dana.

He supported the map in front of him with both hands, one hand on the Middle East and one hand on East Asia, and said with a cold face:

"There are still a few days before the Chinese New Year. Didn't you ask me before why the press conference was postponed?"

"Now I will tell you, if we release our latest equipment and broadcast a live broadcast of weapons demonstration on the day before their New Year's Eve, what do you think will be the effect?"

This question made everyone present gasp. This is almost a tit-for-tat, almost jumping under the noses of others.

This idea is crazy, very, very crazy!

Release equipment on the day before New Year's Eve, and at the same time have a live demonstration, can this still celebrate the New Year?

Definitely not!

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