When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 212: Fear of insufficient firepower! (3rd update!)

In the north where he was transferred, in Qiyam, Lebanon, a silent memorial service was held in a courtyard on the outskirts of this small city.

Instead of flowers, there were guns and bullets placed at the memorial service.

Green boxes were placed on the ground, and red and black guns were neatly placed on the boxes, filling the entire memorial hall.

There was only one person participating in the memorial service.

It's the leader of the Milk Tea Party, Acoma.

In front of him were thirty-four ice coffins.

He never expected that after only focusing on those guns for a few days, the Minister of Defense would be attacked and killed in the area under his actual control.

When he arrived here, there was nothing left except corpses all over the ground.

This is yellow mud falling into the crotch, it’s either shit or shit!

No matter what happens next, his milk tea party will definitely be hung on the wall and sprayed to death by people throughout Lebanon.

Looking at the person lying in the ice coffin, Acoma picked up a gun next to him, loaded the bullet, opened the coffin, and placed the gun in the hands of the corpse in the coffin.

The gun in the corpse's hand made the corpse look less sinister, but more majestic and bloody.

After closing the coffin lid, Acoma stood directly in front of the coffin and said loudly:

"I will make good use of these guns you left behind. I will use every bullet to kill an Israeli and let these people be buried with you."

"So, when you are with Allah, you must protect our soldiers, protect them from bullets, protect them from pain, and move forward bravely."

After speaking, Acoma turned and walked out of the mourning hall. Outside the mourning hall, there were dense crowds of people. These people all wore camouflage masks on their heads. When they saw Acoma coming out, they raised their right hands and shouted loudly:

"Revenge! Revenge!"

Listening to the rising and falling voices, Acoma also raised his right hand and shouted:

"Get the gun! Revenge!"

In Kyam, the city center is less than 7 kilometers away from the border in a straight line, while the nearest Israeli border town to them is 6 kilometers away in a straight line.

The nearest Israeli city to them is Shemona, which is 13 kilometers away in a straight line.

There is a direct road and they are all in the same direction.

The walking speed of an adult is about 5 kilometers per hour.

The fight started again.


Qatar front finger.

The orderly officer held a stack of documents and carefully knocked on the door in front of him.

"Come in!"

A majestic voice came from the room, and the navy lieutenant opened the door, walked into the room, and said loudly:

"General Hanks, the intelligence from yesterday has been compiled."

"On the Iraqi side, due to our continuous strikes, the intensity of the militants' attacks has decreased."

"Intelligence officials analyzed that it should be because of the recent war between Lebanon and Israel that their supporters have tightened the number of weapons in their hands."

"This resulted in a reduction in the intensity of the attack."

"However, among these militants, two groups called Mustafa militants are becoming more active."

"Intelligence officials analyzed that this is actually the same armed force operating in different areas."

"Currently, the completion rate of their active portraits has reached 70%. After a while, targeted attacks can be carried out."

"In terms of port and oil pipeline construction, piling work has been completed at the port and ship position construction is underway."

"According to informants, several special construction ships will arrive in Iraq from China in the next few days, and intelligence officials will ask if they need to be inspected."

"It's not necessary. Let them start construction as soon as possible. After completion, our harvest will begin."

After receiving the instructions, the orderly officer recorded the instructions in his notebook, put down the information, and continued to report other contents.

"After repeated tracing of the 120 missiles you asked us to trace, our people discovered that those missiles actually came from Iran."

"The overall route goes from Iran into the port of Aden in Yemen, then overland, from Saudi Arabia into Iraq, through the desert into Syria, and finally to Lebanon."

"Currently, our intelligence personnel in Iran are still pursuing relevant information."

"Then there is the Lebanese side. Because their defense minister was attacked, Akoma, the leader of the Milk Tea Party, held high the banner of revenge."

"It has reached all the way to the northern Israeli city of Shemona, and the two sides are in a tug of war."

"At the same time, Israel is also accusing Lebanon of using assassinations."

"The two sides were fighting fiercely."

"However, in front of the news media, Lebanese officials suspected that it was our people who did it, because they said that Israelis have become trash recently."

"I don't have the guts."

After saying the last sentence, the orderly officer slowly raised his head and carefully looked at the superior in front of him to make sure that the other person was not angry before handing over all the information in his hand.

Looking at the information handed over by his subordinates, Hanks was stunned.

These two countries elected new defense ministers as quickly as possible within 12 hours after the defense ministers were attacked.

Then the new Minister of Defense issued new orders as quickly as possible.

Continue to fight, fight to the death, and the intensity of the war escalates.

Then, in public, the Lebanese said the man had killed himself.

In Israel, some media are thinking wildly, saying that Perez's death was because he did not listen to America, so he was killed.

The guess was accurate, but not accurate, because he did not kill the people on both sides. His subordinates only shot them again and definitely did not fire the first shot.

Han has been rampant all his life and never needs to explain. If he did it, then he did it.

No, then he did not do it!

Reaching out and taking out two videotapes from the drawer, he handed them to the service officer and said proudly:

"Send one copy of these two videotapes to important figures in several neighboring countries, especially the King of Saudi Arabia."

"He has been busy and hard during this period. By the way, you will deliver them to them in person."

"Also, arrange for me to visit Israel and Lebanon."

"Let our Wisconsin destroyer enter the Mediterranean."

Standing up and walking to the window, Hanks sneered at the scenery outside the window.

He decided to take action himself and talk to the people on both sides in person, trying to force them to the negotiation table. If that doesn't work, he will drag others down.

If the cow doesn't drink water, then force it down.

The service officer was very competent. He turned around and arranged the itinerary. He then spread the relevant news all over the world.

The relevant news soon reached Riyadh and Said.

Looking at the screen on the TV, the Saudi king sighed.

He collapsed on the sofa with his hands on his head, and his whole body trembled unconsciously.

It was not easy to find an opportunity. If it was handled properly, America could even be dragged into the water. Even if he regarded himself as a chessboard, he could get a brand new opportunity, a brand new opportunity for real independence.

But why do some people always think too much and always jump out to stab their teammates at the critical moment.

The person who launched the attack in the picture was obviously very familiar with the local area, and there were people assisting him from the side. Seeing this, even if you think with your butt, you know that the attacker is also an Arab.

If we continue to investigate, it is obvious that the Milk Tea Party occupying southern Lebanon cannot do this, because they are gradually integrating into Lebanon. Relying on the military force in their hands and their own base, it is just around the corner for them to become a large political party in Lebanon. It is a matter of course.

Other parties in Lebanon could not get rid of Agus at this time, because it would be tantamount to giving other parties a handle.

Then there is only one possibility left, Syria, the damned ones, Syria who once thought that Palestine, Lebanon and Jordan were all their land.

These pigs!

After cursing fiercely in his heart, a few words suddenly flashed in Sayyid's mind. They were words that his younger brother Awad heard accidentally when he was in China.

Only by uniting together can the Arab world have hope.

Unity, unity hammer, these people are only suitable for communicating with them with hammers, and the hammer in his hand is not sharp enough. He needs to add a little steel needle to the hammer to strengthen the hammer before he can communicate with them well.

With a fierce heart, Sayyid picked up the phone and called the UAE next door:

"I will withdraw from this joint defense negotiation. I won't play anymore. If you want to play, go and play with them. Goodbye."

After hanging up the phone, he walked angrily to his younger brother Awad's residence.

Seeing Awad soaking in the hot spring pool, he took off his shoes and put his feet into the hot spring pool in front of Awad.

The artificial hot spring, added sulfur and some minerals, just put his feet in, the warm feeling made Sayid groan.

A few minutes later, he looked at the water and said to Awad:

"Pack up your things tomorrow, go to China, and then quickly sign the cooperation agreement, don't let them regret it."

"We failed in this alliance, and failed completely."

"The reason is that our fists are not hard enough. If our fists are hard enough, there won't be so many troubles."

"This time you go over, just squat where they are, and we will take whatever good things they make."

"Arm us to the teeth, then we can have a good talk with the Americans and the people around us."

"Do you understand?"

"Understand..." Awad dragged out a long voice, and his eyes were staring at Sayid's feet.

He always felt that the water in this hot spring pool could not be used.

After getting up from the pool and drying his body with a towel, he asked his elder brother next to him:

"Should we involve the UAE? I think if we involve them and let them share some of the financial pressure, we will be much better off."

"Otherwise, when we get our stuff out, they'll come up with money and ask for it, and I always feel like we're losing out."

Listening to his brother's words, Sayid lowered his head and fell into deep thought. After a long time, he raised his head and took out his cell phone.


Rheinsteel, looking at the people in front of him, Lin Yu tapped the blackboard with his hand and said softly:

"These few days, I was in Yanjing and had a conversation with several old men. They said that in addition to conducting research on conventional equipment, we also need to find ways to strengthen the firepower of the team."

"Does anyone have any ideas? Tell us."

After staying in Yanjing for a few days, dealing with related matters, and explaining the personnel issues, Lin Yu took a drone team from the Wudaokou Small Aircraft Practice Academy and rushed back to Rheinsteel first.

A large number of people will move in next, and they need to adjust their accommodation and related management.

Of course, he also brought some new tasks.

These new tasks did not conflict with the research, so he did not refuse. Now, he needs to send these new tasks.

After waiting for a while, Lin Yu did not wait for a response, but saw the doubts in the faces of the people in the R\u0026D department.

That is what is called team firepower.

Sensing their thoughts, he turned around, erased the question on the blackboard, and then wrote:

"In our army's standard configuration, a squad is 10 people, three squads form a platoon, and three platoons form a company."

"This is just the standard configuration. Depending on the different functional configurations, the number of people in each squad will increase or decrease. The largest is the reconnaissance squad, which sometimes has 20 people."

"This is one of our squads."

"Now, the standard configuration of each of our squads is a rifle, bullets and grenades per person, which will be configured according to the mission."

"Light machine guns and mortars will also be configured according to the mission."

"And the task we received is to strengthen this squad configuration."

"Of course, I don't count on you. I have already made a plan before I came back."

As he spoke, he turned around and wrote a few words on the blackboard.


【Anti-tank missile】

【Individual missile】

【Rocket launcher】


【Heavy machine gun】

【Sniper grenade】

After writing these words, he turned around and laughed loudly at the people behind him:

“Our comrades, the targets encountered on the battlefield can be mainly divided into people, armored units, and firepower points.”

“Infantry, when the distance exceeds 500 meters, professional snipers are needed to cooperate with equipment to achieve effective sniping.”

“On the current battlefield, infantry, more to cooperate with armored units to clear fixed positions and firepower points.”

“Or The other is to fight a clearing war in the construction area. "

"Armored units are mainly divided into tanks, armored personnel carriers, and armored attack vehicles."

"Tanks are mobile firepower points, used exclusively for infantry."

"Armored vehicles are the link between these firepower points and strongholds."

"Firepower points are mainly divided into semi-permanent firepower points and permanent firepower points. No matter which type, it takes a lot of time and energy to clean up."

After saying this, Lin Yu turned around and used chalk to link UTV, anti-tank missiles, mortars, rocket launchers, heavy machine guns, and sniper grenades together.

Then he wrote what he had just said on the blackboard one by one, and then put a big X on these words.

"As the saying goes, the strongest offense is the strongest defense."

"If we combine our all-terrain vehicles with these equipment, the troubles that our comrades may encounter above will be solved!"

"All will be solved!"

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