After spinning two and a half times in the air, the young man's forehead hit the ground, splashing blood all over the ground.

He was still conscious and wanted to leave.

But before he could take action, two people got out of the car, threw the young man into the trunk at the fastest speed, and drove away in full view of the public.

About half an hour after the car left, two more cars came to the library in a hurry.

Seven or eight people got out of the car, two people stood at the door, and the rest of them went into the library. A few minutes later, these people came out again, stood at the door of the library, looked at the empty street, and reviewed C language.

At this time, a sharp-eyed person saw the blood on the ground not far away and told him directly that there was something wrong with the blood.

Two of them took out forged documents, asked around, and soon figured out the origin of the blood.

Half an hour ago, there was a car accident here. A young man who came out of the library was knocked over by a car, and then the people who got out of the car stuffed the young man into the trunk and took him away.

As for the car, it was a very ordinary red Ford Mondeo without a license plate.

Upon hearing the news, the people in the two cars could only operate C language with their heads up, and they were a step late.

On the other side, in Rickmansworth, a small town in northwest London, a black Ford Mondeo slowly drove into the golf course in the south of the town, and then disappeared into the lush bushes of the golf course.

Finally, the Ford Mondeo drove into a warehouse inside the golf course.

As the rolling door of the warehouse slowly fell, Bernard jumped out of the co-pilot and carried the body out of the trunk with Kent.

Then the two carefully searched for clues on the body.

Next to them, the well-dressed butler was covering his nostrils with a handkerchief, looking at the two with disgust.

"How did you two kill someone? If this person was alive, he would be much more valuable."

"Now that he is dead, what if the information on the Internet is not on him?"

"No way." Bernard took the time to raise his head and sighed:

"That is the library in the city center. As long as we move a little slower, others will catch up. We can only resort to this last resort."

"Alas!" The butler also sighed. He also knew that it was not easy for these two people, so he didn't blame them too much.

Perhaps the goddess of luck was blessing them. In the young man's backpack, Bernard found two CDs, a tape, and a pile of paper bills and a phone book.

It was a pile of transportation bills. Among the pile of transportation bills, there was a strange bill. On that bill, there was something special.

【(NH)4U207 compound 60 kilograms, total amount: 6 million US dollars. ]

[Seller: Peninsula Energy Company of Australia]

[Bill number: ...]

[Date of sale: March 17, 2003]

[Purchaser: Kam Nuclear Power Plant of Israel]

[Reason for purchase: for research of new nuclear power technology. ]

[Cargo transportation contractor: Nadia Logistics Transportation of Israel]

[Mode of transportation: passenger plane transportation]

When Bernard saw this bill, his eyes lit up. Yellow cake is strictly controlled by all countries, but it still has a long way to go before it can become a nuclear weapon and nuclear fuel, and 97% of the countries in the world cannot do that.

Including England, their nuclear fuel is imported from Russia, which is cheap and in large quantities.

It is precisely because of this that as long as there is a complete set of procedures, enough yellow cake can be purchased from various uranium mining companies.

However, the greatest use of this thing is to be used as nuclear fuel. It is a waste to use it as a radioactive weapon.

He raised his head, handed the bill to the butler next to him, and said with a smile: "Mr. Butler, these things basically prove that the yellow cakes come from Israel."

"Now America is preparing to attack Libya in full swing. If we spread this news, the Middle East will definitely be more lively."

"What do you think?"

The butler showed a faint smile on his face, and suddenly stretched out his right hand, pinched the bill with his index finger and thumb and gently pulled it, pulling this unique bill into his hand, and then pointed at the CD with his finger:

"Your task is to get these things out of the CD."

"As for making a decision, that is Duke William's job, don't overstep your authority."

The words were a bit harsh, but Bernard did not refute, but lowered his head and continued to sort out the bills in his hand.

After more than ten minutes, after sorting out the bills, he picked up the CD and tape in his backpack, put them into their respective devices, and carefully studied the contents.

But this made the three people's scalps numb.

Because, one of the people inside called the other the director, the other called him the minister, and the other, the one called the director, called him the president.

After fast-forwarding through the recording, Bernard, an elite of MI6, was already sweating profusely. He felt that he seemed to have heard some secrets that he shouldn't have heard.

He took two steps back and slowly turned his head, only to find that the butler was smiling mysteriously at him.

He wanted to ask questions, but the butler was faster than him: "You didn't hear anything today. You were fishing at the farm next door."

He smiled at Bernard again, took the bill, and disappeared into the warehouse in the blink of an eye.

On the golf course, Duke William held a golf club in one hand and beer in the other, drinking very coolly. As for the ball, no one knew where it went.

While he was busy, the butler quietly appeared and handed him the bill in his hand: "Duke, please take a look."

"According to the information, it was the director of Israel's Mossad who bought this batch of yellow cakes from Australia, and then transported it to Lebanon through some means."

"Then they used two trained Libyan spies to board the plane in Lebanon."

"As for the two black people in the intelligence shared by America, there is no mention in the information."

Duke William took the bill, slowly raised his head, blocked the bill between himself and the sun, squinted his eyes for a while, and sighed:

"It's really interesting. Now I understand why the director of their Mossad suddenly wants to assassinate the president."

" This should be their internal forces fighting each other, but the director of Mossad was a little bit worse, and then he died. "

"But the president didn't expect that their director had been guarding against him from beginning to end."

"If they want to attack each other, let us help them light this fire."

"By the way, when sending messages, remember to send them in the name of France. This is too troublesome and may attract attacks from Jewish capital."

"So be careful."

"When you ask someone to send this thing, take the opportunity to deal with the traces left by Bernard and others."

"Be careful."

The butler bowed respectfully, raised his hands, took the bill from Duke William, turned around and disappeared on the golf course.

Back to the warehouse, he picked up the fishing rod in the warehouse, threw it to Kent and Bernard, and ordered: "Go fishing, I'll take care of the rest."

Hearing the order, Bernard and the others could only hold the fishing rod and walk to the leisure fish pond next to the golf course.

Two hours later, a big news was issued from the French AFP.

[The director killed the president, and the country is out of favor! ]

The news is long, but the evidence is sufficient. The three elements of a news, time, place and people, are all available, and there are various evidences that can be easily verified.

Less than half an hour after the news was issued, AFP removed the relevant news on the Internet, but AFP is a large media, they issue a lot of news every day, and many people read it.

Especially this kind of big fun news, people who see it download the electronic version as quickly as possible, download it to the computer, then print it out, and then continue to spread it.

As a commander on the front line, Hanks naturally got the news reprinted by the intelligence officer.

It took him about 10 minutes to read the whole news, especially when he saw the last sentence of the news, who were the two black people, his eyelids couldn't help jumping.

After his eyelids jumped, he also drew a horizontal line for the Israelis in his mind. These dogs are not suitable for cooperation.

Putting down the transferred newspaper, he picked up the phone and called back to China.

Then he received instructions from Raffield:

"Remember, this is what Libya did, and Libya should take the blame."

"If we put the blame on Israel, our justice will be gone, understand?"

"Those teachers in China actually dared to teach those young people to play justice. If I hadn't read the conscription report, I would have almost been tricked."

"Aren't there two black people? Go get two pieces of information, saying that the two black people are the guards of Colonel Kada. You can get them ready this afternoon. After sending them out, the planes will follow and bomb directly."

"Divert everyone's attention, understand?"

"By the way, when bombing, be careful not to attack their communication lines and missile battalions, let them fire missiles to Israel."

"This is the president's opinion."

After hanging up the phone, Hanks immediately called the intelligence officer and gave instructions on the relevant work. Then he changed out of his casual clothes, put on a military uniform, and went to the command center.

Before the message was sent, six Tomahawk cruise missiles were launched from a destroyer in the Mediterranean, aiming directly at Tripoli.

Two B2 bombers from Diego Garcia Air Force Base took off.

Two F22s that took off from the Red Sea Club and Oman bases flew over Egypt and plunged into Libyan airspace.

The bombing of Tripoli began.

Underground, listening to the explosions from above, Colonel Ka was so angry. These damn Israelis actually threw the pot on their heads, damn it!

When the explosions stopped, Colonel Ka's soldiers immediately took action to reconnect the communication lines that were blown off. After the communication lines were connected, Colonel Ka did not issue any instructions, but gave a speech first.


“It was clearly Israel that did this, but America ignored the facts and launched an invasion against us.”

“America has already attacked us, now it’s our turn to retaliate.”

“All flights from all countries, wait for me…”

In Tang Yuanshan’s office, Lin Yu touched his head while watching the speech on TV. He couldn’t understand how this great man could still give a speech at such a critical moment.

Is his desire to talk so strong?

Next to him, Tang Yuanshan was also scratching his head, and in his hand, there was a book with a green cover. There were both Chinese and Arabic characters on the green cover of the book.

Tang Yuanshan's eyes kept lingering on the TV and the book. Several minutes passed before he hesitantly uttered a sentence:

"Well...Ka he mentally ill?"

"Yeah!" Lin Yu nodded and glanced back at the book in Tang Yuanshan's hand. It had a green hard cover. Judging from the color of the cover, it should be the 1984 edition. The price was quite expensive at that time, it seemed to cost more than 20 yuan. .

In 1984, the monthly salary of a Rheinsteel worker was about 50 yuan. Depending on the position, the salary would fluctuate around this figure.

When he thought about someone spending more than 20 yuan to buy this book, Lin Yu felt that the people who bought the book definitely had more serious mental problems than Ka Dazuo.

But he didn't expect that Tang Yuanshan would have this book in his hands.

Smacking his lips, he withdrew his gaze and forced himself to look at the TV in front of him.

However, he really couldn't suppress the desire to complain in his heart. He stared straight ahead and said in a sinister tone:

"There is something wrong with Mr. Cardano, and the people who buy his green paper and study it are even more sick in their minds."

"Does your book cost more than 20 yuan?"

"36 yuan. At that time, I thought this guy had two brushes, which he got from others at a higher price." After talking about the origin of the book in his hand, Tang Yuanshan threw the green book aside, folded his hands, and watched TV. The people inside continued to speak.

After another forty or fifty minutes, the speech on TV finally ended, and Tang Yuanshan was finally free and spoke:

"Is he talking so much that his words are dry? Or does he think that if he says these words, the Americans won't beat him up?"

"Sexy bad guy!" Lin Yu spit out a word casually, picked up the remote control to switch channels, wanted to watch something else, and at the same time continued:

"He just thought that if he did this, America wouldn't beat him up and others would help him."

"However, he never thought about how many enemies he had caused in Africa in the past few decades."

"When Russia rebelled in Chechnya before, he also provided weapons to the rebels. I even think that this time, Russia will also go out and beat them."

"What's more, Mr. America has already sent out the notice, how can he turn the gun around and shoot someone else?"

"This matter must be done by Libya, and it can only be done by Libya!"

As he spoke, Lin Yu pressed the remote control faster and faster, because these Middle Eastern channels were all broadcasting Ka Dazuo's speech.

Then, these messy hosts over-interpreted Cardano's already unsatisfactory speeches, making these programs even more uncomfortable to watch.

After pressing the button to the end, he simply turned off the TV.

Seeing him stop, Tang Yuanshan asked:

"What about us? What should we do?"

At this time, Lin Yu patted his butt and stood up, walked to the water dispenser, poured himself a cup of hot water, and said with a wicked smile while drinking water: "Selling equipment!"

"By the way, you said that a former Libyan student contacted you and asked for help."

"Where are the others?"

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