Leaving the roller coaster platform, Vodka is still very confused

"Brother, why don't you let me......"

"We still have a deal, let's not make things complicated!"

Gin's eyes were cold.

"What's more, that guy is an expert, so even if you take out a gun it probably won't be of any use!"

"So let it go like this?"

Vodka felt that he couldn't swallow this breath.

"How can I just let it go!"

It has always been the organization that bullies others, and now that they are slapped in the face by others, how could Gin remain indifferent?

It's just that for him, the mission has a higher priority!

"Wait until we complete the transaction——"

"Then you're going to shoot that guy with a hidden gun, right, brother?"

"Let’s go!"

"yes, Sir!".....

On the roller coaster, the conflict was only for a moment.

It did not cause any big waves.

After Gin and Vodka left,

Xia Ye and Yukiko sat in the last row of the roller coaster.

Yukiko was thoughtful.

Those two people must be the people from the Black Organization that Xia Ye mentioned.

The danger that Shinichi will encounter comes from them.

And Xia Ye just avoided Shinichi from confronting them head-on.

The first two rows.

Xiaolan thought so too.

As long as Shinichi does not conflict with the Black Organization, there should be no problem.


No one noticed.

Kudo Shinichi's face was calm, but his eyes were thoughtful.

Although the conflict just now was very short, he saw a lot of things in the two men in black.

First of all, the pistol.

The burly man in black was obviously about to pull out a gun just now.

And a person who pulls out a gun when he disagrees with something is definitely not a good person.

Secondly, the silver-haired man in black who led the group was very restrained and prevented the conflict.

But this does not mean that he is a good person.

Obviously, they have something important to do and cannot reveal their identities here.

As a detective,

Shinichi believed that these two people must be doing something evil!

This aroused his curiosity.

The roller coaster slowly began to climb upwards.

Shinichi subconsciously looked in the direction where the men in black left.

Due to the advantage of height, he quickly spotted the two eye-catching figures.

With his eyes flashing, he quietly took out his cell phone..........

Xia Ye didn't know that Kudo Shinichi could be interested in gin.

Holding Yukiko's hand, he took out the diary.

【Gin and vodka didn't ride the roller coaster~】

【It's half solved.~】

【Next, as long as Kudo Shinichi doesn't see the scene of their transaction, there should be no problem~】

Transaction scene?

Shinichi ran into the transaction scene of the Black Organization!

No wonder he was in danger. In this case, he was lucky not to be silenced!

Xiaolan and Yukiko thought to themselves

【By the way, what about the case on the roller coaster?】

【Do you want to stop it?】

【Killing someone just because of a breakup, that Xiaotong is really weird!】

【Never mind, let's just stop it.】

【Once we entered the tunnel, Xiaotong was about to take action.】

【The victim's entire head was chopped off. Yukiko was sitting behind him. It would be bad if the blood sprayed on her! 】

Case? Decapitation?

Xiaolan suddenly felt a chill.

Will such a horrible thing happen again later?


Xiaolan looked at the pretty woman sitting in front of her.

Just now, while waiting for the roller coaster, she actually heard a few words of conversation between Xiaotong and her friends.

Xiaotong and the man behind Shinichi seemed to be former boyfriend and girlfriend.

She wanted to kill that man?

On the other side,

Yukiko looked at the man sitting in front of her.

She imagined his head being chopped off and blood gushing into the sky, and she felt sick instantly.

"What's wrong?"

Xia Ye heard the noise around him.

He held Yukiko's hand and looked at her with concern.

"It's okay~"

Yukiko felt warm in her heart.

Since Xia Ye was going to take action, there would be no problem.

What's more, Xia Ye took action for her, which made her a little happy.

Boom boom - the roller coaster has climbed to the highest point of the track.

In the nervous eyes of everyone.

The roller coaster suddenly dived down!

Yukiko next to Xia Ye was fine.

She held Xia Ye's hand.

She felt very safe and was not too scared.

Xiaolan over there couldn't help but screamed.

In the flash of lightning.

The roller coaster entered a long and dark horror tunnel.

Ghosts kept flashing on both sides of the car body, scaring The girls screamed.

Xia Ye did not lose his vision in the darkness.

As soon as he entered the tunnel, he saw Xiao Tong, who was sitting at the front of the roller coaster, push open the fixing device and stand up from her seat.

She hooked her calves on the seat. She held a pearl necklace tied with piano wire in her hand.

Her extremely flexible body passed Kudo Shinichi.

She was about to put the necklace around her ex-boyfriend's neck!

What a great waist strength!

It's a waste to use it to kill people!

How many postures can this unlock!

While sighing,

Xia Ye instantly changed into Spider-Man's battle suit.

The spider silk emitted by the spider silk launcher accurately stuck to Xiao Tong's waist, and with a gentle pull


With a horrified scream,

Xia Ye had a plump and elastic body in her arms.

The body of a gymnast is really great!

"What happened?

This scream was completely different from the previous ones.

And Kudo Shinichi also felt a dark shadow flash past his eyes, so he couldn't help but ask.


The roller coaster roared out of the dark tunnel.

Under the sunlight, everyone could finally see everything around them.


Looking at Xiaotong in Xia Ye's arms, everyone was shocked because they didn't know what happened!

Xiaotong, who was sitting in the first row, appeared in Xia Ye's arms in the fourth row after passing through a tunnel. What happened?

"The lady's fastening device didn't seem to be fastened properly, and she was thrown out by the roller coaster, and I happened to catch her~"

Xia Ye explained lightly.


Everyone was confused.

Kudo Shinichi also had a look on his face saying,"Are you kidding me?"

At the speed of the roller coaster, if she was thrown out, could you catch her?

Do you think you are Superman?

However, the facts were in front of them.

Everyone could only accept this statement.

The control console seemed to have discovered that something was wrong with the roller coaster.

They quickly issued a radio announcement and arranged for the roller coaster to return to the platform.


Xiao Tong, who didn't feel safe at all, hugged Xia Ye tightly with a complicated expression.

"Let the past be the past~"

Xia Ye's voice was only heard by Xiao Tong and Yukiko beside her.

"Others have moved on, but you are stuck in the past."

"How unworthy it is, don’t you think?"

"What happened to you?"

Xiaotong looked up in surprise.

But she immediately thought of what happened in the tunnel just now.

Did he know that I was going to kill him and stop me?

The roller coaster quickly stopped at the platform.

The staff checked the fixtures on the car and found that there was no damage.

So they classified the incident as an accident.

For Xiaotong, they just reminded her of a few safety precautions.

After all, if tourists pursued the matter after such an incident, the amusement park would suffer.

"Miss Xiaotong, right?"

Kudo Shinichi came over with a suspicious look on his face and asked:

"Did you really fall out by accident?"


Xiaotong glanced at Xia Ye subconsciously, lowered her head and whispered:

"Sorry to trouble you all!"

"No, as long as nothing really happens, it's fine!"

Although Kudo Shinichi still had doubts, since the parties involved said so, and this was not a case, he stopped asking.

""Thank you!"

Xiaotong forced a smile on her face.

She suddenly thought of something. She looked at her ex-boyfriend Kishida's current girlfriend Aiko.

Although she no longer had the intention to kill, the arrangement she had made before......

"This lady"

"Your bag fell on the roller coaster~"

Xia Ye walked to Aiko with a shoulder bag

"I think I saw you carrying it just now~"

""Oh, thank you!"

Aizi took the bag and thanked Xia Ye repeatedly.

"Open it and see if anything is missing~" Xia Ye reminded

"Oh, no thanks~"

Aiko smiled and waved her hand, but still opened the bag and took a look.

"Nothing is missing, thank you sir!"

"You're welcome~"

Xiaotong stared at Aizi's bag in amazement.

There should be a fish-killing knife in it that she put in!

She looked at Xia Ye with a calm look in his eyes. Did he help her again this time?

But why?

Happy reading every day during the Spring Festival of the Year of the Rabbit! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP points!

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