
Xiaolan blushed slightly. Her best friend exposed her secrets, which made her feel embarrassed.

"Ouch! What's there to be shy about?"

"We have been sisters for more than ten years, and I still don’t understand you?"

Yuanzi smiled and said,"If you like me, then you like me. Do you want to deny your own heart?"

"No, I am sure of my heart........"

Facing Sonoko, Xiaolan opened her heart, but she sighed immediately:

"I just don't know what Xia Ye is thinking."

"You always say in your diary that you like me, but why don’t you show it at all in real life?"

"You!" Yuanzi said with a smile:"Is Xia Ye not good enough to you?"

"He didn't plan to open that gym."

"When they hear that you want to practice, they will give it to you directly and even come to your home to give you personal guidance."

"When he heard that you were injured, he immediately came to treat you and even performed a marrow wash for you. Look how exhausted he was in the end!"

"you're right....."

Xiaolan recalled Xia Ye's experiences and chuckled,"I was influenced by the unrestrained Xia Ye in the diary, where he could express his feelings without restraint, even......Talking about some awkward topics, but in reality, he still has to consider many things......."

"That's the right way to think!"Yuanzi laughed and said:

"He doesn't know that we have a diary, so we can directly feel his sincerity"

"In his eyes, he and we have only known each other for a few days. What if he is too anxious and scares us?"

"I see......"Xiaolan's beautiful eyes rippled,"I know what to do!"

"Hehehe, then I wish you a happy"date" tomorrow!"


The next morning,

Xia Ye woke up when he was about to suffocate.

He opened his eyes and saw a pair of white and soft arms tightly wrapped around his neck.

Yukiko's charming and attractive face was close at hand. Her long eyelashes trembled slightly.

Her red lips parted slightly, and she exhaled a faint warm breath evenly.

This peaceful and lovely sleeping posture was completely different from the somewhat frantic evil witch yesterday.

However, when he thought of this,

Xia Ye felt that his body was a little tired.

With his physical strength and physical fitness, he had not recovered for a whole night, so one could imagine the situation of yesterday's battle.

"Okay, stop pretending to sleep~"

Xia Ye put his arm around her slender waist and chuckled:

"The breathing rhythm of a person pretending to sleep is completely different from that of a person who is asleep.~"


Yukiko didn't react.

She even put her long legs on Xia Ye.


Xia Ye had a sly smile on his face.

"Can't you excuse me?"

"Then don’t blame me!"

"Wait! I'll get up, I'll get up!"

Yukiko seemed to sense the danger, and she let go of Xia Ye's hands and wanted to escape, but she was directly held in Xia Ye's arms.


"I vote - ugh!".........

Thirty minutes later.

Yukiko sat in front of the dressing table and turned back to give Xia Ye a blank look.

"You don't know how to restrain yourself. What if Shinichi finds out?......."

"He left early in the morning~" Xia Ye came to Yukiko and whispered in her ear:

"But you, Yukiko, he came back at 10 o'clock last night, and you dared to do that, not afraid of him finding out at all, you are really bold~"


Yukiko blushed and turned around to pinch Xia Ye.

"Don't say it!"

In the situation yesterday, she only remembered not to let Xia Ye write a diary, so how could she have time to think about other things?

"You are too overbearing~"

Xia Ye put his hands down, hugged her waist, and chuckled:

"You are allowed to do it, I am not allowed to say it!"

"How can this be possible in the world?"

"Anyway, you are not allowed to say it!"

Yukiko said in a scoundrel tone, with a strong sense of coquettishness in her tone.


Xia Ye smiled slightly

"Just do it, don’t talk about it. I understand!"

"What do you understand?"

Yukiko turned her head and gave him a coquettish look.

Obviously, she understood the hidden meaning of his words.

"Anyway, I understand~"

Xia Ye stood up and looked at the bed with memories.

Then his eyes shifted to the huge wedding photo hanging on the wall.

"What are you looking at?"

Yukiko followed Xia Ye's line of sight.

Her eyes showed a complicated expression, but it disappeared quickly.

"What's so good about that kind of thing?"

"Tsk, it should have been seventeen years, right?" Xia Ye stroked her cheek and sighed:

"You haven't changed at all since you were young!"

"No, you seem to be more beautiful today than before, what's going on?"

Yukiko ignored Xia Ye's hand.

After yesterday's in-depth communication, the two were very familiar with each other's"everything".

This kind of intimate action was child's play compared to the previous ones.

However, Yukiko was also very surprised at the improvement of her charm.

When she looked in the mirror just now, she had found that she seemed to have become more charming.

Although she was a little immodest to say so.

But if she was a peerless beauty who could charm thousands of men before, then now she is a charming succubus who can fascinate everyone and even women.

That is a 20% charm bonus, and the effect is so obvious!

"Is it me?——"

Xia Ye gave a wicked smile

"Yes, yes~"

Yukiko rolled her eyes at him.

It was indeed because of you, but it was definitely not what you thought!


Yukiko stood up from the dressing table and pushed him towards the bathroom.

"Stop talking so much and go take a shower and change your clothes!"

"Then follow me to Dorobiga Land to follow Xiaolan and Shinichi!"

"Got it!"

Xia Ye was pushed into the bathroom by her.

When she was about to leave, he grabbed her slender wrist and said with an ambiguous look:

"Where do you want to go?"

"I knew it!"

Yukiko's beautiful eyes flashed with a hint of charm, and she turned around to lock the bathroom door.

She reached out and opened the shower head..........

At 10 am, at the entrance of Dorobiga Paradise, a silver Alfa Romeo sports car stopped by the roadside.

The doors on both sides opened, and a pair of lovers got out of the car.

The man was handsome and uninhibited, and the woman was charming and attractive, attracting the attention of almost everyone nearby.

Xia Ye stretched out his hand, and Yukiko naturally took his hand.

"Xiaolan and the others haven't come yet."

Yukiko looked around. According to the contact she had with Xiaolan in the diary, Xiaolan and Shinichi should still be on the train leading here.

"Then let's wait for a while next to it~" Xia Ye pointed to the beverage store on the roadside.


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