The door of the cinema was closed.

Xia Ye took the girls to sit on the sofa in the corner.

This is a blind spot.

It is almost impossible for those jewelry robbers to come to the cinema.

But if they come, this is also an excellent hiding area.

Ten minutes later, news came from outside.

After the jewelry robbers succeeded, they exchanged fire with the Metropolitan Police Department police officers who came to the scene when they escaped from the Beika Department Store.

One of the three criminals died and two were arrested.

This jewelry robbery case came to an end.

Maybe Beika Town has experienced too many things like this.

Except for the fifth floor where the accident occurred, the other floors of the Beika Department Store were open for business as usual and were not affected at all.

The cinema on the fourth floor was no exception.

"Are you guys here to watch this movie too?" Xia Ye asked in surprise:

"Besides Shiho, are there any other girls who like to watch this kind of sci-fi horror movie?"

"cough cough....."

Xiaolan smiled awkwardly.

I didn't come here on my own initiative.

I was tricked by Yuanzi!

Otherwise, I wouldn't want to watch a horror movie!

That's not right!

Xiaolan suddenly thought.

The purpose of our coming to the movie is to get to know Xia Ye.

Now that we know each other, can we not watch this crappy movie?

I'm scared!

She cast her eyes on her bestie.

Yuanzi didn't even look at her, obviously knowing what she was thinking.

She had to watch this horror movie even if she didn't want to!

"Wow, your seats are in the middle?"

Yuanzi glanced at the movie ticket in Xia Ye's hand and said in surprise:

"Xiaolan and I sat right next to you, what a coincidence!"


Xia Ye took Sonoko's movie ticket and found that it was the seat next to him and Shiho. He smiled in surprise:

"That is indeed a good fate!"

Shiho watched coldly.

When she heard Xia Ye and Yuanzi talking about fate, she couldn't help but complain in her heart.

What fate!

These two girls obviously came here according to the clues in the diary.

Their target is Xia Ye, you idiot!

Shiho felt a little sour in her heart.

The three of them are diary holders.

Xia Ye is the bond between them.

The unfamiliar barriers were eliminated when they first met.

But as diary holders, they are actually opponents.

The object of competition is not only the reward of the diary, but also -

Xia Ye!

Among the"female characters" who have ended up now, only Shiho understands this best.

So her relationship with Xia Ye has taken a step further.

The two girls in front of her are still in the ignorant stage.

They are just subconsciously approaching Xia Ye out of curiosity.

However, Shiho believes that sooner or later they will be like herself.

At that time - forget it, Shiho pouted.

Anyway, she can't stop it.

As long as she can always keep one step ahead of others, it's fine!......

The huge screening room was unusually empty.

The four found their seats and sat down one by one.

The seats were: Sonoko, Xiaolan, Xiaye, and Shiho.

But Xiaolan was a little confused. Sonoko was obviously the most interested in Xiaye, so why did she have to sit next to Xiaye?

The screening hadn't started yet.

Xiaye took out the diary.

【I just encountered a jewelry robber, and I didn't do anything. 】

Shiho Xiaolan and Sonoko were both stunned.

I didn't expect that Xia Ye would talk about this incident first when he opened the diary.

【In fact, as long as I put on the Spider-Man suit, I can easily kill those robbers.】

【Even if I want to hide my identity as Spider-Man, with my current strength, I can easily solve the problem.】

【But I still didn't make a move. 】

The girls looked at each other secretly.

In fact, they had the same doubts in their hearts just now.

Just like Xia Ye said, he can easily solve the problem. Isn't it good to be an admired hero?

【If it's just me, then it's fine.】

【But I still have Shiho, Sonoko and Ran by my side, I need to protect them】

【It's not easy to be a superhero. The original Spider-Man, his dearest uncle and his beloved girlfriend all died in front of him!】

【This is the price of being a superhero, I can't do it!】

【I just want to protect the people I care about, and I don’t want to be a superhero who saves the world! 】

The girls around Xia Ye looked at each other again.

The corners of their mouths slowly curled up.

These words of Xia Ye are indeed not the words of a hero.

A hero needs to be selfless and dedicated.

What Xia Ye did is not what a hero does.

But as the people protected by him.

The girls only felt a strong sense of security.

I don’t care about the world, I just want to protect you!

For girls, what a beautiful love talk!

Shiho's eyes were full of brilliance, Sonoko held her cheeks with moved eyes, and even Xiaolan was a little absent-minded.

She couldn't help thinking.

If it were Shinichi, what would he do?

In fact, she already had the answer in her heart.

Shinichi would definitely act without hesitation.

Just like he rushed out the first time every time there was a case!

But, has Shinichi ever thought about how he feels every time he is forgotten by him?

【I was shocked when Yuanzi fell from the building just now!

Yuanzi was a little confused.

Why are you talking about me again?

【There is no such scene in the plot. It must be the butterfly effect caused by my time travel!】

【If I hadn't come to the Mika Department Store, Yuanzi would be in danger today!

Yuanzi could see a trace of self-blame in the diary.

She felt warm in her heart, but - don't blame yourself!

If you hadn't come to the Mika Department Store today, Xiaolan and I wouldn't have come!

Xiaolan and I just came to see you!

If the diary hadn't stopped us.

She wanted to tell Xia Ye the truth right now.

You, a time traveler, are too gentle. Do you care so much about even an unimportant supporting role like me?

【It seems that I need to pay more attention in the future.】

【It’s okay if the plot is changed, but it would be bad if they were hurt because of me!】

【After all, in my eyes, they are all real people with vivid images, not paper figures drawn on paper! 】

At this time, some other holders were also reading the log.

Xia Ye's words also had some impact on them.

They had never met Xia Ye. Their understanding of him was limited to what they saw in the log.

Many cautious people actually didn't want to get in touch with Xia Ye too early.

But Xia Ye's words today made them understand Xia Ye a little better.

For these"female characters", Xia Ye didn't just treat them as characters, he treated them as normal people with flesh and blood!

This is great!

Even if they know that their world is a so-called comic world, they still think they are normal people.

Now that Xia Ye, the time traveler, said this, the grudge that had always existed in her heart gradually dissipated.

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