The boat was in a mess, but the boat was still in a mess.

Em yawned and walked out of the cabin. This body was really awesome. There was no trace of severe frostbite or scratches...

I don't know where the Merry was sailing. The comfortable spring breeze blew gently, making people sleepy. Em stretched comfortably, and then was hit by a figure on the mast.

"Em~ You're okay!" Luffy's face was against the back of Em's head, and Em's face was against the mast...

...If you weren't Luffy, I would stab you to death. Em took his face away from the mast of the Merry, rubbed his red and swollen nose with his hand, turned his head and looked at Luffy who was grinning gloomily.

Seeing Em's face and slightly swollen skin, Luffy's smile froze a little. He thought he got off Em's body secretly and wanted to slip away.

A sinful hand grabbed Luffy's collar, and Em's cold voice sounded in Luffy's ears: "Well, it's okay. My body is a little stiff after being frozen. Captain, please accompany me to move around~"

"Em... Em, I remembered that I have something else to do. You go find Zoro to accompany you..." Luffy chose to sell his partner without hesitation.

"Hehehe..." A gloomy laugh gave Luffy goosebumps. He wanted to slip away, but Em's hand was like an iron clamp holding his collar tightly, as if he was strangled by fate.

"Em..." Luffy didn't finish his words, Em carried Luffy to the deck and smashed all his words into his mouth.

"Tsk... this rag works really well..." Em rubbed Luffy's head on the deck. The whole ship's friends looked at this scene and not only did not stop him, but were eager to try. Is this a moral decline or a distortion of human nature...

"Here, Chopper said you need some food to keep warm." Sanji handed over a bowl of steaming soup with a cigarette in one hand and a bowl of steaming soup in the other. This attitude is simply... Forget it, if he treats Em the same as he treats Robin and Nami, it would be really scary.

Em let go of Luffy's head and drank the bowl in one breath. All his taste buds were celebrating excitedly. It didn't matter whether it was warm or not. Thank you came to his lips but didn't come out. He directly changed it to: "Anything else?"

"What about mine?" Luffy's voice overlapped with Em's voice. It seems that washing the floor with his face really has no effect on this guy. Em looked at Luffy drooling and his eyes kept twitching. He felt a little itchy.

Sanji took a puff of cigarette, blew out smoke rings and said proudly: "There's more in the kitchen..."

Before he finished speaking, Luffy and Em disappeared on the spot by their own ability. When he looked again, they were already at the kitchen door. Chopper and Usopp, who were sneaking around, were also foresighted. They had already arrived in the kitchen and were holding a bowl with a happy face.

"...Shut up, you guys! That's for my treatment!" Em grabbed Luffy's clothes, but forgot to grab this guy's head. Luffy stretched his neck like a monster and flew his head into the pot.

Chopper took a sip of the soup, and then said nonsense seriously: "Em, I think one bowl is enough for you. You just got better. Drinking too much will make you weak and unable to take the tonic. We are helping you share the burden."

"You're welcome~" Usopp could say this sentence in the interval between drinking soup. I don't know how his brain circuit is long.

Em watched Luffy's head successfully enter the pot, sighed, and had no interest in competing with this guy anymore. He walked to the edge of the boat with an unhappy look and leaned against it.

"It's okay now, right? Actually, you don't have to fight so hard for me..." Robin's gentle voice sounded in his ears, and a cup of steaming hot coffee was handed over.

Em took it casually and said softly: "Everyone on this ship will fight for this, don't worry, and I'm really fine now."

Straight man is confirmed. When a slightly different way of saying it can be arousing, one sentence can destroy all the charm. It's really a talent.

Robin's smile was a little bitter. Maybe in her many years of escape, it was too rare to see such a "stupid" group of people. She was silent and didn't say anything, and she didn't know what kind of determination she made in her heart.

Em drank coffee happily, and didn't notice Robin's abnormality at all. It must be said that in some cases, this dull guy and Luffy are simply carved from the same mold.


Luffy, Usopp and Chopper are chewing snacks and fishing again. It seems normal that these three guys have never caught anything.

of things, and they call it increasing food reserves every day. If they really want to increase it, they might as well feed Chopper a little fatter...

Em sat on his back next to the three people, feeling the breeze blowing, and Nami and Robin lying on the lounge chairs for sunbathing. To be honest, the sunlight is really white and big... Ah, Em means that the sunlight is really long and thin.


Sanji was playing Wolf Warrior over there, holding a tray like a waiter. You can tell from his eyes that he is enjoying it. His legs are almost stepping out of the phantom. This can be regarded as training in an environment that he likes.

Zoro was exercising at the stern with a huge dumbbell. He should be the one who worked the hardest on the whole ship. The sound of the wind swinging the dumbbells faintly came into Em's ears. For some reason, this peaceful voyage seemed quite rare.

Usopp was bragging again, and Chopper was stunned. Luffy suddenly exclaimed: "...Freestyle frog!"

"...Don't you know why breaststroke is called breaststroke, Luffy? How can there be a frog that can swim freely?" Em didn't even turn his head, indicating that he didn't believe it at all, and frogs are not as beautiful as sunshine.

=͟͟͞͞(꒪ᗜ꒪ ‧̣̥̇) Wow━=͟͟͞͞(Ŏ◊Ŏ ‧̣̥̇)━ Damn!!!!

Chopper and Usopp followed Luffy's finger and exclaimed, and then the three of them jumped off the edge of the boat in a hurry, one took the oar, one turned the rudder, and one adjusted the sail, looking extremely excited.

Em frowned, turned his head and saw a brown frog with scars all over its body swimming freely... It sounded outrageous. This broken frog actually had a hairstyle. I don't know if Sanji can do it.

"Don't change the course casually!" Nami felt that her good mood was ruined by these guys, and shouted with a fierce look on her face.

"Nami, I found a free-swimming frog, the meat looks very chewy, I want to have it as dinner tonight!" Luffy looked very hard when paddling...

... My brain circuit is the same as Luffy's? The first thing I saw was that guy as dinner, but there are no diving frogs, roasted frogs, stir-fried frogs and other dishes here. No, I'm drooling a little. Em squatted on the edge of the boat and wiped his mouth, estimating the distance, ready to get close to the knife and end the sinful life of the food for dinner.

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