The old man was very happy.

"Em~ We are back." Luffy had a big package on his back, which seemed to be something like fruit from the place where it was not tightly packed.

Not far behind him, Kamon in a box, snakes with rabbit heads, pigs with lion manes... all kinds of strange creatures were looking at him.

[This world is really making me learn more every day] Em looked at these strange creatures and was a little surprised, but he was calm and replied calmly: "Then let's get ready to set off."

Set sail, Luffy kept waving goodbye at the edge of the ship, Nami was looking at the sea chart, Zoro was sleeping, and Em... was cooking.


【Sanji, come quickly! 】

After a few days of sailing, the four of them finally stepped on land again.

"Is there a village here?" Luffy asked.

Nami looked at the map and replied, "Yes, but it's a small village. Judging from the map, it should be Xiluobu Village."

【Is God Usopp about to appear...】 Em looked at the long nose on the other side of the mountain with three children. They thought they were observing secretly.

But anyone who is not blind can see it.

【Why does it feel like a low IQ again...】

Em sighed and felt helpless.

"I just felt very strange. Who are those guys?" Zoro stretched and said.

Luffy and Nami followed Zoro's gaze.

"Ahhhh, we've been discovered. Run." The three children ran away in a flash.

"Don't run!" Usopp was stared at by the three people, and his legs were a little weak, and he shouted.


The silent atmosphere was so awkward that a three-bedroom apartment could be carved out.

"Ahem, since you are asking sincerely, I will tell you mercifully! I am Usopp, the leader of the Great Pirate Group here! You should leave as soon as possible, because I have 80 million people under my command." Usopp stood up and folded his arms and said. If you ignore his trembling legs, it would be fine.

Nami looked at him expressionlessly and spit out two words coldly: "Boasting."

Usopp held his head with both hands and said in disbelief: "Ah! It's a mistake, what a smart bad woman!"

"Hahaha, you are so funny." Luffy's sense of humor was so long that tears came out of his eyes.

"How dare you make fun of me? I'm the brave sea warrior Usopp!"

Em had a headache when he saw this scene, and began to doubt his choice again...

[According to Luffy's selection criteria... Am I too normal and seem a bit out of place? No, Nami is still normal. 】


The group was in a restaurant in the village, and Usopp told the story of the poor rich girl Kaya.

[Okay, it's really tragic to lose both parents... But compared to Nami, this is not pitiful at all. 】

Em stirred the plate with a spoon in boredom.

Luffy was asking for meat, and Zoro was asking for wine.

Nami's eyes were a little sad.

"Aren't you looking for partners? I can be your captain!" Usopp said confidently.

"No need." The four said in unison.

"Don't be so straightforward!" Usopp roared.

After a while, Usopp looked at the time and ran away in a hurry without paying...

Em looked around, sighed and paid the money, then said to Luffy: "Let's go, Luffy, don't you want a ship of your own?"

Luffy was delighted when he heard it: "Em~ Do you have any ideas?"

"Follow me." He said and pushed the door open first.

Zoro and Nami looked at each other, confused, but followed.

The four walked towards the mansion on the top of the mountain.

"Em, do you want to buy a boat from that Kaya? Let me tell you first, you can't spend my money." Nami held the backpack behind her in front of her vigilantly.

Em replied with a smile: "Don't worry, we are just helping others solve their problems, and then they will be willing to send us ships."

"Trouble? Can you cure diseases?"

"... Do you think I can?"

"Then what kind of trouble are you solving?"


As they were talking, the four of them came to the villa on the top of the mountain, and happened to see Usopp punching Kuro in the face.

[...This is the peak, how long will it take to be so handsome next time. ]

Kro was about to spit out the words of attack to make his plan more successful.

Em said first: "Kro,

The captain of the Black Cat Pirates, with a bounty of 16 million Baileys, faked suicide three years ago, and now he is a small housekeeper here. "

Kuro's face changed, and he pushed his glasses with his palm: "I don't know what you are talking about."

"What I say is not important. Luffy, knock him down, tie him up and send him to exchange for money." Em said with a smile.

For a long time, there was no response.

Em turned his head and saw Luffy picking his nose with a frown: "Em~ I don't understand what you said..."


[Is it so difficult for me to be cool!] Em's eyes twitched, and it was too helpless to have such a captain. He spoke again: "This Kuro is going to kill Kaya and take her property for himself. If you catch him, we will have our own ship."

Luffy understood this time and stretched his arm back.

"Eraser. Pistol! "The fist flew towards Kuro. Judging from the force, he would faint if hit.


Luffy's fist only hit the afterimage. Turning his head, Kuro stood on the wall and looked at everyone coldly.

"Who are you? Why do you want to ruin my plan! My pirate group will arrive tonight, and I will kill you all!"

Before he finished speaking, the whole person disappeared out of thin air.


"Ai... Em, are you serious?" Usopp asked tremblingly.

[He said he would kill us all. You asked me if it was true...] Em smiled bitterly and said, "Yes."

"What should we do now..." Nami was still a little uncomfortable with the actions of this group of supermen, and said a little scared.

"Nami, you stay here with Kaya, the four of us will go to the beach and stop them directly on the beach. "Em thought for a moment and said so.

Luffy and Zoro ran out after hearing that.

Usopp's legs were shaking a little. He looked at Kaya, forced himself to stop shaking, and followed.

"Luffy, that was a bit fast just now. Can you handle it?" Em said that he didn't want to do it. If he did it, Luffy might really become King Luffy...

Luffy raised his fist, showing his biceps, and said confidently: "Don't worry, no problem."

"Leave it...Leave it to me, Kaya...I will protect her." Usopp followed behind tremblingly, shaking every time he spoke.

Zoro silently tied a black headscarf and said nothing.

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