When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 844: : The guide is complete!

Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Capital Emergency Center Hospital, is nervously conducting a closed book exam!

Fifteen or six chief physicians frowned, scratching their ears!

They don't understand why the exam questions are so difficult!

Chen Cang felt that he was very attentive. He felt that everyone should have learned well recently, otherwise he would not have slept so early.

So, after thinking about it, when Chen Cang asked the question, he chose some special surgery scenes, surgical techniques ...

The assessment time is only one and a half hours!

When Chen Cang rewinded, he was brought by Qin Xiao!

At noon today, Qin Yue came, but because Chen Cang was busy, the two didn't have time to get tired and crooked, after packing up something.

Chen Cang then said: "There will be an exam in the afternoon. Come and be an invigilator!"

Qin Yue immediately rejoiced and came here in elation.

When she saw the full house of experts and professors, she suddenly froze!

Looking at Chen Cang with a puzzled look: "???"

Chen Cang nodded: "!!!"

Qin Yue was shocked and happy, and her husband would be here for a month. Why ... how many students are there under my hand?

Moreover, judging by their hair volume and their ranks, all of you here should be director level?

Are these directors assessed by Chen Cang?

Thinking of this, Qin Yue was a little curious!

Chen Cang looked at the time and looked at the crowd and said, "Well, time is up, Qin Yue, go to rewind!"

Everyone heard Chen Cang's words, and they seemed to be back in class at school!

The scene where the teacher made the papers!

Can't finish writing! ?

How to do?

Seeing Qin Yue coming.

"Qin ... Ms. Qin, wait a minute, it's over, you take the back first!"

"Mr. Qin! Immediately, I have a name ..."

"Behind, please!"


Qin Yue could not laugh or cry.

Qin Yue's face was embarrassed as she watched an old director about the same size as his father call himself Teacher Qin.

With Qin Yuele's forgiveness, the time was more than twenty minutes!

Chen Cang didn't care.

When the papers were closed, everyone looked at Qin Yue's eyes, full of gratitude!

After all, today's battle is about the sequence of tomorrow's surgery!

In the long run, this is not just a matter of surgical assistants, this may be the ranking of domestic non-stop heartbeating technology in cardiac surgery!

Everyone is a learner!

They all know this!

Can't keep up, can't keep up!

Do not work at this time, the boss is sad!

Therefore, when people reach middle age, they can see clearly and know that this is one of their chances of rising.

The arrival of Qin Yue made Chen Cang's life a little more exciting!

That's right!

Qin Yue is busy these days, going to the hospital for various procedures.

Chen Cang had to wait for the opportunity and find an opportunity to do the business.

After returning that night, Qin Yue went to buy food and cook, and Chen Cang gave the examination papers.

I have to say that the adult world is not simple!

For example, Ma Yuehui started to send messages to threaten and lure!

Chen Cang shook his head, but he didn't see it.

Soon, the results came out. I have to say that Xu Ziming still has a certain level, ranking first.

For this result, Chen Cang sent to the group impartially.

Some people rejoice and some worry!

51-year-old Xu Ziming was lying in bed, excited and didn't sleep all night. He could win the championship many years later, and once again relived the thrill of what is called first place.

After Wang Tong returned from New York, Xu Ziming was called out that night.

Xu Ziming also hurriedly put on his clothes and hurried to meet Wang Tong.

After Wang Tong told what he saw and heard at the Presbyterian Hospital in New York!

Especially when it comes to x-pri technology, Xu Ziming froze!

The emergence of this technology will not allow Chen Cang to replace their heart beat technology directly?

Thinking of this, Xu Ziming was all worried!

He quickly asked: "Pharaoh, you said that ... the x-pri technology is so powerful, will it replace the heart with continuous operation?"

After Wang Tong heard it, he frowned suddenly.

"Heartbeat technology is a technology that is difficult to control, and x-pri technology is also a technology that is difficult to grasp. Compared with the two, it is more difficult to perform surgery without heartbeat, and x-pri What's lacking is a more absolute guide, so ... my opinion is that x-pri may be more applicable to the human body than non-stop heartbeat technology! "

In a word, let Xu Ziming calm down!

It is indeed such a truth!

Once x-pri is widely deployed, it is like an interventional treatment.

It's too difficult for your heart to beat, it's not a regular guide!

Thinking of this, Xu Ziming quickly shook his head, right!

Chen Cang is already summarizing the guidelines for non-stop heart surgery ...

Thinking of this, Xu Ziming suddenly swallowed saliva and asked solemnly: "Pharaoh, if ... I said if!"

"What if a guide to cardiac pacing appears? What do you think?"

Wang Tong interrupted directly: "This is impossible. Can your hospital guarantee a 100% success rate for non-stop cardiac surgery? Also guide!"

Xu Ziming suddenly said: "How is that impossible? We can really guarantee 100%!"

When Wang Tong heard it, he was a little angry.

"Ziming, you can't chat like this, we are discussing!"

"Heart beating technique is a kind of risk surgery. If anyone can make a guide for heart beating operation, I will make a call for him as a teacher!

When Xu Ziming heard and sneered, my teacher may not accept you as an apprentice!

How many people are in line now!

After the two parties separated!

The next day, Xu Ziming went directly to Chen Cang and told him X-Pri's technology.

Chen Cangfei, who was informed of x-pri technology, was not angry!

Some surprises instead!

Because he thinks this technology is very promising, once a better environment is found, it is undoubtedly a convenient surgical approach for patients!

The most important thing is that this operation is especially suitable for the elderly!

Words from young people ... Because of the existence of prosthetic valves, you need to take your medicine for a lifetime and may not accept it.

However, the elderly have poor surgical tolerance. This x-pri technology reduces the risk of surgery while reducing the adverse effects of surgical trauma.


Before this, Chen Cang needs to hurry up and make his own guide!

In the next few days, Chen Cang devoted himself to cardiac beating operation.

at last!

On Thursday morning ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ A crisp cue sounded!

【Ding! Congratulations, complete 50 procedures and get a complete guide to non-stop heart surgery! 】

Chen Cang immediately rejoiced!

Finally got it!

At this time, the phone suddenly rang: "Xiao Chen, come to the cardiac surgery, and suddenly there are many patients who want to perform non-stop cardiac surgery!"



ps: Thanks to the leader of "there is a pit in the sky" for another 100,000 rewards, plus more!

Thank you "Book Friends 20190619004213306" for the 20,000 reward!

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