When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 628: : I want to drink Jin Junmei

At more than five in the afternoon, Chen Cang received a phone call from Qin Xiaoyuan.

Chen Cang looked at the phone and hesitated for a long time.

Should I pick it up?

Will there be any bad things happening?

After hesitating for a long time, Chen Cang picked it up and carefully decided to explore the tone first: "Hey? Hello Dean ..."

Qin Xiaoyuan listened to Chen Cang's voice, and knew that the boy must have heard the phone call long ago, but he did not answer.

"Well, come to my office and hurry up."

In a word, Qin Xiaoyuan finished talking and hung up the phone directly.

It made Chen Cang panic.

Qin Yue glanced at Chen Cang and asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

Chen Cang swallowed and said in a low voice, "My dad calls me!"

Qin Yue froze, and almost laughed out loud: "Go? You called directly, what happened to Dad? You ask what will happen."

Chen Cang couldn't help crying: "Forget it, I want to live a few more days."

After speaking, Chen Cang sighed and got up and walked towards the administrative building.

After knocking on the door, I found that the door was directly knocked open by myself. Obviously, Lao Qin had left the door for himself.

Not to mention, Chen Cang is familiar with the dean's office now and has been here several times.

The so-called once-life, second-time cooked, and three-time come back are reserved.

Qin Xiaoyuan saw Chen Cang come in and smiled: "Sit down, I'll make you a cup of tea, Biluochun? Or Longjing?"

After Chen Cang heard it, he held his breath and stared, thinking hard.

These two teas?

Is there any meaning?



It's all green tea ... isn't that ...

Chen Cang smiled awkwardly: "Is there Jin Junmei?"

Qin Xiaoyuan suddenly hesitated: "Oh? Don't like green tea? Green tea is on fire, I think you are very angry."

Chen Cang smiled awkwardly: "I've had a cold stomach recently. The doctor asked me to drink something warm ..."


Chen Cang feels that the two sentences just now are very level!

It may seem like a chat, but it is actually a hard battle.

Qin Xiaoyuan smiled, took out a box of Jin Junmei, and drew Chen Cang.

This kid really takes care of this place.

Qin Xiaoyuan couldn't help but smile, and took out Jin Junmei to make tea.

Suddenly I thought something was wrong, and suddenly ... curiously said, "How do you know I have black tea here?"

Chen Cang blurted out: "Oh! Qin Yue said yesterday that you brought Jin Junmei at home to the hospital."

After talking about Chen Cang, I regret it!


Qin Xiaoyuan just brewed the tea and almost poured it into the trash!

What is wrong with this black heart cotton?

Sooner or later, the old man in the family was accounted for by Qin Yue, a little traitor.


After sitting down, Qin Xiaoyuan felt that he should go straight to the subject.

Otherwise, if I get some news from Chen Cang's mouth again and again, I must be furious.

"This, Xiao Chen, this afternoon, I organized a meeting and wanted to talk to you and listen to your thoughts." Qin Xiaoyuan said from the door.

"Actually, what can I tell you directly, so I won't walk around with you."

"To be honest, the speed of your progress is far beyond my imagination, and now the influence is getting greater and greater. Let ’s not talk about the clinical bases of hand surgery research, and you have to participate in cardiac surgery on behalf of Dongyang In the national competition, if there is an award, there will be a lot of hospitals coming to you. "

"The Second Provincial Court is no exception, and we must focus on training you."

"The core content of today's meeting is that by next year, the hospital will build an emergency building with a minimum of eight floors. I want you to be the director."

The words were fluttering, but Chen Cang was blinded directly.

This is not as simple as managing a department. This is managing a building!

To put it plainly, is the director of several departments!

This weight is not ordinary!

Thinking of this, Chen Cang couldn't help but say, "This ... Dean Qin, isn't it too much? Can I do it?"

Qin Xiaoyuan raised his eyelids: "Why not? Isn't that Guo Yunfei the director of the emergency department of the cardiovascular hospital? Are you worse than him?"

Chen Cang frowned: "I'm not saying that my ability is okay, but ... this should not be easy, right? After all ... this weight is not too light!

Any establishment can be noisy, not to mention the director of a building, at least not the vice president concurrently? "

Qin Xiaoyuan smiled: "So I told you, if the Second Provincial Court did not come up with such conditions, would you like to stay?"

"In the beginning, you were vain and you didn't have to. A little doctor, everyone dare to take it easy, but now you can be the same as before?"

"To put it plainly, it is not that the preparation is simple, nor is it that the position of the director is difficult, but in the final analysis, how much value you have, how big the platform will be, you know what I mean?

Qin Xiaoyuan's words made Chen Cang directly silent.

Indeed, last time, when Professor Tang, Wang Yushan, and others discussed cooperation with the Second Provincial People's Court, they named each other by name, and if Chen Cang was not the director, they would not cooperate.

This makes it clear that Chen Cang's value is recognized.

In this society, your identity and status are always proportional to your value.

And your value can be your own value or the value behind you (focus)!

Qin Xiaoyuan sighed: "In fact, the Provincial Second Hospital is such a big platform, the ceiling is not high, he and Xiehe Anzhenfu ... these places are far too poor."

"In the beginning I thought you were married to Yueyue, but you didn't get a director or something slowly in the future? It doesn't matter if you act as a dean in the future, but now I think that the Second Provincial Hospital can't let you down.

"If you don't want to go, I have to drive you forward."

"Yueyue will go to doctorate next year, and you can go out to study for another year."

"When you come back for further studies, the emergency department building will be completed. Then you will be the director of the emergency department."

After hearing Qin Xiaoyuan's words, Chen Cang told me the truth was very warm. After all, there is a person who thinks far and wide for you and paves the way for you. Who can such a person besides your parents and mother?

"I actually thought about asking you to go out to the big hospital directly, but ... which big hospitals do you have the ability to go to today? They are basically small shrimps, insignificant roles, and no exercise at all. . "

"The platform of the Second Provincial Hospital is not so small ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ enough for you to grow up."

"After the emergency department building is completed, there will be your second platform. When you make the emergency department of the Second Provincial Hospital into the first-class in the province, the world is big and you can go anywhere."

It can be said that Qin Xiaoyuan really designed a sufficiently safe and smooth road for Chen Cang.

Chen Cang is a dragon, and the chief of the emergency department is his starting point.

Chen Cang is a snake and the chief of the emergency department is a turning point in his smooth transition to the president of the Second Provincial Hospital.

Chen Cang drank hot tea and felt warm.

I don't know if it's hot or warm.


ps: for the time being, I have n’t finished the second chapter, my mother told me to eat, so ... haha, write at night.

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