When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1731: : My lord, times have changed (thanks to Taishan for a green onion...

  Bat Lang Fei several people looked at each other, a little surprised and shocked!


   This Parkinson's operation is so superb.

   Using chopsticks skillfully!

   There is no neutral in the dual-camera control... It is not Chen Cang!

   but... Chen Cang’s student?

   Carmen Hammill and Fujiwara Sawei said quickly: "Bartrand is not Chairman, we have met Professor Chen, this is indeed not Professor Chen!"

   Qin Xiaoyuan and others also smiled slightly.

   "Yes, this is the leader of our neurosurgery team in the emergency department: Professor Wu Hui."

   Wu Hui took the initiative to shake hands.


   Everyone is still a bit complicated inside.

A character like    turned out to be the team leader.

   Moreover, after Wu Hui took off the mask, everyone discovered that Wu Hui was less than forty. Why is the operation so superb!

   Parkinson's operation is such a difficult operation so random!

   There is no problem at all for a person like this to join the INC organization of their world neurosurgery expert group.

   The strength is steady!

   For a while, everyone looked at each other!

  Bat Langfei glanced at the people, who told me that the development of neurosurgery in China is relatively slow and lack of cutting-edge talents, it is difficult to achieve difficult surgery!

  Who told me!

   I promise not to kill him.

After    came, they saw an operation casually, which made them realize such superb chopstick technology and dual-lens control mode!

   This is just an ordinary team leader!

   Seeing Bart Langfei's eyes, everyone smiled awkwardly.

  Don't blame them, but blame... the times have changed!

   The first operation was a surprise to everyone.

   If you score, this kind of clinical ability is definitely a perfect score!

  Actually, Bart Langfei and the others have seen Chen Cang's photos, but... it's hard to recognize Chen Cang wearing a mask, but Chen Cang is about 30 years old, this can be regarded as the key point!

   After all, for a neurosurgeon at the age of 30, he has only just learned to start and move in unison, and he probably hasn’t mastered any high-end surgery!

   Everyone feels that this may be a coincidence!

   came out of the operating room, after a little revision and discussion, we decided to go to see another operation!

   For surgeons, what is more attractive than surgery?

   While talking, a group of people went to the next room.

   An operation is also going on here.

   After reading the case, everyone hesitated slightly.

   "This is... intracranial venous hemangioma surgery. It's a bit difficult. Let's go and see this one!" Bart Langfei made a decision.

   So, they entered the operating room again!

   After coming in, the operation has reached the time for the electrocoagulation to stop the bleeding and then remove it.

   The intracranial blood vessels are very thin and the surrounding tissues are very dangerous, so it is more difficult to anastomose the blood vessels. Similarly, once the tortuous blood vessels cause intracranial hemorrhage, this can be life-threatening at any time!

   Intracranial hemostasis can basically be regarded as the most difficult method of hemostasis!

  A group of people are interested again!

   This must be a wonderful operation.

   So, they looked carefully!

   At this look, everyone was stunned!

   A beautiful way of resection of the tumor, just bypassing the blood vessels, exerting force with the left hand and matching with the right hand, there is no gap between the two hands.

without any exaggeration!

   Light this piece of tumor removal requires at least 20 years of knowledge, of course...maybe there is a superhuman talent.

   Intracranial hemangioma, the blood vessels are more entangled, so the resection method is the most troublesome and the most rare!


   The person in front of him, a set of operations, exceeded everyone's expectations.

   is really unimaginable, how the knife was shot.


   is really amazing!

   Everyone couldn't help but walk around and took a careful look!

   They found that the chief surgeon was around 30!

   Thirty years old, able to perform intracranial vein tumor surgery, and at this level!

   Who else but Chen Cang!

   "Very young! Up to thirty!"

   "Really? Isn't this... Professor Chen?"

   "It must be, for such tumor resection, I will give 100 points, at least I can't do it!"

"Definitely is!"


   Everyone whispered, but Fujiwara Sawei was a little skeptical: "It shouldn't be..."

   "Professor Chen is obviously taller than him!"

  Carmen Hammill nodded too!

   They didn't look at the front face, but... they didn't look the same, Fujiwara Sawei clearly remembered that Chen Cang was a head taller than him.

   Hearing what Fujiwara Sawei said, several people were stunned!

"you sure?"


   Hearing that Fujiwara was sure, everyone was really dazed at this moment!

   even started to doubt the world a bit.

   How long have you stayed in this small hospital!

   But what?

   This is only about 30, and they can do tumor removal surgery that they can't do. This is very frustrating!

   Everyone really doubts life!

  Who told them that Chinese neurosurgery has no talents?

   They chose two surgeries at random, and after seeing two, they all sobered up.

   originally all raised their proud heads, but now... they're all confused!

   No way, the two operations are young people. The youngest is in his early thirties. The operations performed are better than them. This can prevent them from blushing!

   What's so proud of!

   The operation is over.

   Huang Binhai looked at the overseas experts in front of him, and smiled slightly: "Hello, experts, I am... the doctor of the neurosurgery team Huang Binhai!"

   Bart Lang couldn’t help asking: "Doctor Huang, how old are you this year?"

   Huang Binhai smiled: "I am 32 years old."

   Hearing Huang Binhai's age, everyone couldn't help sighing!

   "The development of neurosurgery in your hospital is really amazing!" Bartrand could not help but said.

   Qin Xiaoyuan smiled: "Well, these boys are very good!"

  Bat Langfei nodded: "Doctor Huang, Professor Chen should also be your teacher, right?"

   Huang Binhai blushed: "No, I am not qualified to be a student of Professor Chen, but I believe that soon, I will become a disciple of the Chen family!"

   Some words made everyone look at each other!

   Chen's disciple?

   What organization is this!

   Even Chen Cang doesn't know ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is all named by the following people.

   If approved by Chen Cang, become a student, that is, the so-called disciple of the Chen family!

   basically you can start as an academician, and you can take the Nobel Prize at will!


   They feel, maybe because of the better development of neurosurgery?

   So everyone looked at other operations!

   Tendon suture?

   Well, after reading it, I doubt life!

  The heart keeps beating?

   Unknown Jue Li!

   Even an ordinary and mediocre appendectomy is done with a high-end atmosphere!

   One time!

   Everyone is silent!

   Is this really China?

   Does the World Medical Journal have any misunderstandings about China?

   A small Provincial Second Hospital, unexpectedly... such a hidden dragon and crouching tiger!

grown ups!

   Times have changed!


   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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