When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1697: : Empty the capital!

   After hearing this, everyone below became a little excited.

   "Three hundred thousand, how to spend!"

   "You are 300,000, I estimate that I have 400,000..."

   "Professor He, you have millions, right? How can you spend it if you have money?"

  Professor He has made so much money in his entire life. He said with some excitement: "Buy...I want to change the car!"

   Professor He has driven a Jetta for more than ten years and said excitedly: "I want to buy an Audi this time!"

   But, compared to money, the more exciting thing is dividends.

   That's right!

   What Chen Cang wants to build is the same model as Huawei. He doesn't need too much to distribute shares to the company's outstanding employees.

   However, the equity is your own, and the dividends can be yours.

   Of course, for those who are good enough, equity rewards can also be given.

   For example, someone really researched Parkinson’s drug!

   After hearing Chen Cang's reward, all the people below were as excited as women who found Ruyi Langjun.

   It seems that this is the most correct choice in my life.

   And the group of people outside finally know who it is!

   "That is... Professor Chen Cangchen!"

   "I went, I actually talked to Professor Chen for so long!"

   "The most important thing is that I didn't even find him!"

   "Boss, I want to resign and go to Professor Chen here, is there any chance?"

   After hearing this, the older researcher couldn't help but spit out: "I want to go anyway! Shut up!"

  Chen Cang said to everyone, "From now on, everyone should go home first and be with their family and children!"

   "Of course, during this period, it's everyone's paid vacation."

   "Everyone also took advantage of this time to go out to rest and spend a vacation, because our scientific research tasks will be very heavy in the coming days!"

   "On January 1, 2021, we will officially return to Yangyang!"

   Everyone nodded.

"it is good!"

   "Professor Chen is mighty!"

   Actually, in January 2021, Chen Cang's advanced studies will also end and he will go home.

   This time, Chen Cang's lineup at home is not small.

   These four to five hundred scientific researchers, more than 20 people from Tedanis, and those corners dug by the emergency center...

   Thinking about hundreds of people following him back to Yang Yang, Chen Cang felt domineering when he thought about it!

   Next, Zhang Mu took everyone for the final flag-raising ceremony.

   This time, the national flag fluttered in the wind.

   Everyone recited the national anthem silently without any burden.

   After all, in Amyang Yang is also in the motherland.



   When Chen Cang went back to the hospital that afternoon.

   Google issued a statement.

   Google Chairman Hunter said that Google and Professor Chen Cang have reached a partnership to jointly develop a new medical device: a new stereotactic device.

   Google's project department spent $1 billion to purchase related patents from Professor Chen Cang.

   And Google stereoscopic imaging technology will complete the guide in the next period of time!

   The announcement of this news can be said to coincide with the announcement of Tedanis Laboratory and the joining of Chen Cang Institute.

   After the announcement of the two heavy news, they spread all over the world medical circle instantly.

   Everyone knows that Chen Cang sold 1 billion patents!

   For a while, everyone was envious.

   Zhang Mu was even more excited after knowing it, even happier than having money!

   He sent the news to the work group of the Institute, and then published the news that Tedanis had joined the Chen Cang Institute.

   For a while, everyone was boiling!

   "Billion dollars! Wow! That’s great!"

   "Professor Chen is so awesome!"

   "Yes, I am very motivated now. I feel that I can develop a new drug for Alzheimer's disease. Professor Chen will definitely give me shares! At that time... I will also be a billionaire!"

   "Cut, didn't you see it? Professor Tedanis will join in, and our pressure will be great in the future!"

   "Professor Zhang, go and pull Professor Chen into the group and let him send out red envelopes!"

   Zhang Mu also smiled and pulled Chen Cang into the group.

   "Hello Boss Chen!"

   "Boss Chen is mighty, ask for a red envelope!"

   "Yes, red envelope!"

  Chen Cang was naturally also very happy. He smiled and said to Qin Yue, "Do you like sending red envelopes?"

   Qin Yue was taken aback, and happily said: "I like to grab red envelopes!"

   Chen Cang smiled slightly, handed the phone to Qin Yue, and said, "Send it, send it as much, send it to you as much!"

   Qin Yue looked at Chen Cang, sniffed the smell of Chen Cang's body, and squinted his eyes: "I asked about the feeling of a small amount of money. Quickly tell me how much I made this time!"

   Chen Cang lay flat: "Ahhh, I'm so sleepy, my back hurts!"

   Qin Yue is very knowledgeable: "Come and I will press it for you!"

   "Come on, how much have you earned!"

  Chen Cang couldn't help but said: "Not much, only eight billion!"

   Qin Yue opened his mouth wide when he heard it, "Really?"

   "Hurry up, you send someone a red envelope first!" Chen Cang smiled, then handed the news to Qin Yue: "Have you seen it?"

   Qin Yue nodded happily: "Okay!"

"thank you boss!"

   After finishing speaking, Qin Yue began to send red envelopes in Chen Cang's WeChat group until the limit was reached.

   More than 400 people in the group are extremely happy this time.

   What do you mean by grabbing red envelopes and getting soft!



   After Chen Cang returns to the hospital now, things are running out.

   will leave the capital soon.

   It seems that the emergency department also knew about Chen Cang's departure.

   So everyone cherishes this time.

   Now Chen Cang is sweet and delicious. Everywhere he goes, he is fragrant and everyone wants to stay.

   In the past few days, Chen Cang has called Yu Shuangyong, Qi Kai, Yang Lan, and Zhang Mu together, and asked them to take charge of the normal development of the institute.

   Perform their own duties and formulate relevant rules and systems.

   Yu Shuangyong came out, and the favorability of several other people is now above 60.

The    favorability system allows Chen Cang to handle these things with ease and much convenience.

   Lao Ma saw Chen Cang coming in, and came over without a word:

   "The richest man Chen! Hello, hello!"

   Chen Cang rolled his eyes: "..."

   After knowing that Chen Cang sold the patent for 1 billion US dollars, he had better lose his pride.

   This made the old horse depressed for three minutes.

   Then, he began to change his strategy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and asked: "The richest man Chen, are you a driver? A housekeeper is also fine! Oh, and what you lack, I can do it!"

   Chen Cang looked at the old horse and smiled: "I still have real shortcomings!"

   Lao Ma was taken aback: "What?"

   Chen Cang knows that Lao Ma is a master of capital.

   suddenly said: "I need a batch of cars, moving houses, manned vehicles!"

   "Of course, if you can help me contract two planes, it would be easier!"

   After all, the moving of four to five hundred people is really not easy.

   Lao Ma couldn't help but vomit:

   "Cang, I don't think it is a good thing for you to come to the capital now!"

  Chen Cang:? ? ?

   The old horse murmured: "Look at you, when you came alone, when you left, why didn't you vacate our capital?"

   This sentence woke up Chen Cang: "Good idea, I will come back often when I have a chance!"

   Lao Ma suddenly changed his face!


  Ps: The five shifts arrive, and the capital chapter is about to end.

  Slowly it is Professor Chen's grand plan in Ammonium.

   Please support!


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