When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1676: : Can't keep it, why don't you leave?


Research Department of Alzheimer's New Drug Research Project.

Yang Lan looked at this huge park and sighed with emotion: "Yes, if we have such a base, we are still worried about what we can't find out?"

Qi Kai smiled and nodded a little heartily: "Yes, Professor Chen, you have to work hard to talk about Professor Zhang. In this way, we can use such a large scientific research institution!"

Although Chen Cang did not speak, he thought the same as the two of them.

Chen Cang and Yang Lan Qikai walked side by side towards the inside, but when they reached the door, they found that the name on the stone outside had been half removed!

The remaining "Alzheimers" has not been completely removed.

This made Chen Cang a little stunned. Looking at the workers who were still working overtime, Chen Cang walked over curiously.

"The eldest brother, why... do you want to tear this down?"

A man smiled: "The name is changed, and it will be called the Cardiovascular Pharmacology Research Base in the future."

Chen Cang was taken aback: "Isn't this the Alzheimer's disease project department?"

Another older man laughed: "Little brother, this is a mobile laboratory, hard drives of iron, and soldiers of running water!"

"Here, it's normal to change the name every three to five years!"

"This is not a fixed place. It belongs to the project and works here. Generally, after the project is over, it may have to be replaced."

Hearing the master's words, Yang Lan made a chuckle in his heart.

It seems that this is true!

After thanking the masters, the three of them walked inside.

As he walked, Yang Lan said, "Professor Chen, it seems...it's true!"

Chen Cang curiously asked, "What is true?"

Yang Lan sighed and said directly: "I heard from my friends that Professor Zhang is going to go abroad."

Chen Cang was taken aback: "Go abroad? Why go out well?"

Qi Kai who said nothing could not help saying:

"Professor Chen, you don't know much about the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The Chinese Academy of Sciences has many institutes that actually have offices, research addresses, establishments and welfare institutions, but many of them are temporary projects."

"These projects are just like post-doctoral mobile stations. When projects are needed, they recruit people, but after the projects are over, they are basically withdrawn."

Qi Kai and Yang Lan are both staff members of the affiliated research institutes of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and have a better understanding of the affairs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Yang Lan is in a bad mood: "So, you will occasionally hear that a large number of Chinese Academy of Sciences staff leave their jobs."

Qi Kai looked at Yang Lan after hearing the sound, and said directly to Chen Cang:

"That's only part!"

"Isn't that the key reason?"

"Emphasize politics and neglect research, deduct funds, crack down on experts, nepotism! Do nothing!"


Having said this, Qi Kai stood in the yard and did not leave.

"The outside says it's good here. If it's really good here, who will go?"

"If you don't say something, you can pick it up here. Look at it. Even the cleaning aunt may be able to speak fluent English!"

"Which one is not starting with a prestigious doctor? These people are not willing to be organized by the country?"

"Everyone is in the 30s and 40s, but whoever doesn't leave is willing to leave! Wives and children are here, where they have lived for many years, no one wants to leave!"

Yang Lan sighed.

The situation in the Chinese Academy of Sciences is really... hard to say.

"Go up first, Professor Zhang is waiting."

As soon as the three of them arrived downstairs, they saw a man wrapped in a brown down jacket and wearing a pair of sneakers trotting over.

"Professor Chen, Professor Yang, and Dean Qi! Welcome to...this our research institute! Let's go and eat first!" Zhang Mu originally wanted to say his unit's name, but after thinking about it carefully... It will be changed in a few days!

Chen Cang looked at the middle-aged man who was not tall and dressed up.

"Hello Professor Zhang!" Chen Cang took the initiative to shake hands.

Zhang Mu nodded and said with a smile: "Let's go, go to our cafeteria, the food is good."

The sparse people on the road waved to Zhang Mu.

"Hello Professor Zhang!"

"Professor Zhang."


Zhang Mu had no pretensions and nodded and waved to everyone.

The restaurant is a set menu, two meat and two vegetarian dishes, one soup.

The taste is not bad and the nutrition is balanced.

Chen Cang smiled and said, "The food in the unit is good."

When Zhang Mu heard this, he laughed at himself: "Well, the cafeteria has a special subsidy, and the standard for each meal is 50 yuan per person."

Chen Cang was stunned!

Although the food is good, but... it's a lot less than fifty yuan per person, right?

After dinner, Zhang Mu took everyone to his office and made a pot of tea for everyone.

"This...I don't know how to drink tea, rough people, just drink it casually." Zhang Mu smiled.

Chen Cang found out that Professor Zhang is very approachable and looks ugly, and he might be regarded as an ordinary passerby when walking on the street.

But such a person is a key national talent!

Zhang Mu looked at the three of them, then smiled apologetically at Chen Cang: "Professor Chen~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I'm so sorry!"

"I know the purpose of your coming today, but... I may be let down by your kindness, I... can't do it!"

Upon hearing this, Chen Cang and Qi Kai Yang Lan looked at each other.

Although I was prepared for this a long time ago, after speaking out, it was still a little hard to accept.

Chen Cang said directly: "Professor Zhang, what is the problem, we can communicate, right?"

Zhang Mu nodded: "Yes, but, this is not my problem alone."

Having said this, Zhang Mu took out a file and put it on the table.

The folder is thick!

Zhang Mu patted it, feeling a little bit, he smiled and asked, "Do you know what this is?"

"Here are 212 resignations and transfer applications!"

Having said this, Zhang Mu couldn't help laughing at himself.

"Our team has a total of 430 people. Now we are halfway separated. The teams are all separated. What more research is there!"

Hearing these words, Chen Cang's three people suddenly felt shocked!

"Why have you gone so much?"

Qi Kai stood up directly!

To be honest, he thought about people walking a lot, but he didn't expect... nearly half of them left!

Zhang Mu rubbed the tea cup in his hand, his expression also a little depressed.

"Can't keep it, why don't you leave?"

"The original number of our project was 190. Later, more than 200 people were recruited."

"However, after five years of research, the results have not come out. The leaders have been changed several times. I don't know where the money has gone. Anyway, a lot of money has been spent."

"During the inspection and acceptance from the top, the results were not up to standard, and Dean Qi couldn't help it. After a meeting and discussion, he decided to postpone the project first."

"At this time, the Tedanis Institute abroad has recently recruited people, and many of you want to try it."

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