When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1670: : Scene simulator!


In fact, if you join MSF, you dare to go to dangerous places.

It's not just courage that tests a doctor!

And it's self-confidence!

A doctor who is not confident enough about his own professional level cannot have the courage to face these dangerous situations.

There is no three points, no one dare to go to Liangshan!

When Deng Ming heard Chen Cang's words, he felt very guilty!

He knew that Chen Cang was right.

There is a kind of pride similar to "ignorance" in my heart.

I thought I was knowledgeable.

Think that even that kind of life and death can be faced, and you can't be an ordinary emergency surgeon?

Realistic, clearly arranged.

That's right!

You just can't do it.

At this moment, Deng Ming's heart, which he had been holding, finally fell into the dust.

At the same time, when he calmed down, he began to think about Chen Cang's words seriously.

Deng Ming is an excellent graduate of Harvard Medical School and a doctor of clinical medicine.

After hearing what Chen Cang said...

He suddenly thought of a possibility.

It was a rare pulmonary hypoplasia syndrome that he first came out in 1960!

It's just that he has only seen this disease in a rare medical record! 2

I didn't expect to see it in life.

Moreover, the name is still a doctor with military experience!

Thinking of this, Deng Ming said excitedly: "You mean...Saber syndrome?"

Chen Cang heard that Deng Ming quickly adjusted his state, and then he also entered the state.

Chen Cang nodded: "Yes, I just checked, the old lady's main manifestation is still the reaction caused by ischemia and hypoxia, but there is no possibility of lung infection or pneumonia during lung auscultation."

"For COPD... to reach this point, you need to show obvious signs. Now there is no barrel chest. Most importantly, oxygen administration has not relieved the symptoms, but has aggravated the situation."

"And after you performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation just now, I found that the position of the strongest point of the apex of the heart seemed to be a little wrong. On percussion, the heart shifted to the right, which is similar to the right heart.

"Later, combined with the patient's long-term history of chronic coughing and easy colds, I guess it should be saber syndrome!"

Listening to Chen Cang's meticulous logical thinking, collecting details, medical history, and patient disease information, Deng Ming's heart is overwhelming!

This is the emergency doctor!

Facing patients with limited conditions, limited information, invisible wounds, and inaccessible conditions, all resources can be effectively used to give a diagnosis!

Deng Ming suddenly felt that returning home this time might be the most correct choice.

However, when the families of the two patients heard this, their complexions suddenly changed.

"Professor Chen...what do you mean by saber syndrome?" the old lady's daughter asked curiously and worriedly, "this...what should I do about saber syndrome?"

The old lady's son also stared at Chen Cang, very worried.

It’s not fake at all that busyness leads to chaos.

Now the situation of the old lady is difficult to determine.

Chen Cang said lightly: "Saber syndrome has nothing to do with trauma, mainly because of abnormal development of pulmonary veins, which is a very rare manifestation of heart and lung malformations."

"The direction of blood flow in the right pulmonary vein of the old lady is different from that of ordinary people. The path does not flow into the left ventricle, but goes down through the diaphragm into the inferior vena cava, then back to the right atrium, and finally enters the pulmonary circulation instead of the systemic circulation. It is equivalent to entering a'dead end'"

"Because of the deformed veins, X-rays found that there was a scimitar-shaped shadow along the right heart margin, so it was named saber syndrome."

"But... the old man is definitely not just a saber syndrome, but combined with cardiopulmonary failure and abnormalities. I can't guess the specifics."

Hearing Chen Cang's words, the man's face was dusty!

Some guilt!

"Mom has been susceptible to colds for so many years... I should really take her to the hospital more!"

"It's always okay...today...today!" The man is very sad. His mother is 83 this year, and his father has been away for 20 years.

For so many years, the old man lived alone in the later old community.

Today is the old man’s 83rd birthday, which happens to be 83 years old.

The whole family came to celebrate, and it turned out that something like this happened.

The old lady who always said "it's okay, trivial" is now blue and her lips are cyanotic, she looks like she is leaving.

The man choked in his voice, squatted on the ground, and touched his mother's hand, tears streaming down unconsciously.

"Doctor, please help my mother, please!" The man in his fifties who was nearly two hundred catties still couldn't hold back at this moment, looking at Chen Cang like the last straw!

The woman also touched her tears and nodded in prayer.

In this small elevator, sultry, crying, struggling, and fear spread.

Deng Ming couldn't help sighing when he saw this scene.

In such an elevator.

There is no ECG monitor, there is no ECG machine, and the devices on hand are limited... What can I do to save you!

Do you think Professor Chen is a god?

Now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The only thing that can save people is the staff outside. Open the elevator and send it to the hospital!

Indeed, when faced with this lack of testing and inspection equipment.

These basic operations are particularly important.

But what is an emergency?

This is the emergency!

It is to face various emergencies.

At this moment, Chen Cang suddenly heard a crisp system prompt sound.

【Ding! Trigger the special scene of pre-hospital first aid, and it is entering...

Chen Cang was taken aback!

This... is the reward I just got!

[Scene simulator! 】

It can be collected and simulated according to the patient's on-site situation.

Chen Cang's eyes lit up suddenly!

Scene simulation?

[Included... 1%, 2%...]

At this time, Chen Cang suddenly realized that the old lady's condition was getting worse, opening his mouth and raising his shoulders and nose to instigate, and even his hands began to move in the air, seeming to be groping for something!

This is worsening!

Can not be done!

At this time, it must be dealt with. The patient is obviously not getting worse due to infection.

It is because the burden on the heart and lungs is gradually increasing, leading to the accumulation of illness over time.

Because most patients with saber syndrome usually do not suffer from the situation of old women except for poor cardiopulmonary function.

At this time, the phone rang suddenly remembered.

The man quickly answered the phone.

"Brother, how is mom!" a voice came on the phone.

"Mom's situation is getting worse and worse. You must drive the elevator as soon as possible. You must go to the hospital as soon as possible!"

Hearing what the man said, the other party was also anxious and urged these people.

"Brother, half an hour, the elevator maintenance staff will be there soon, hold on!"

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