When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1663: : Crossover King Chen Cang!

Yang Lan glanced at Qi Kai suspiciously.

Didn't you say that Professor Chen is a layman?

Qi Kai is also helpless!

Chen Cang is really not good at scientific research, especially in this highly professional field.

It takes seven or eight years to get started with this kind of stuff, let alone master it.

A few days ago it was clear... Chen Cang didn't understand yet.

Qi Kai is very wronged!

But what Chen Cang said just now really made them a little dumbfounded.

Because Chen Cang's suggestion just now reflects a situation: in fact, the level is higher than that of them.

This makes the two people a little suspicious of life!

This fucking...

How can this be!

Especially Qi Kai, he looked at Chen Cang, a little speechless.

Are you not a surgeon?

Chen Cang was also obviously taken aback when he saw the two staring at him.

Could it be...

This broken system, nonsense? Chaos guidance?

Thinking of this, Chen Cang was a little embarrassed, hesitated and said awkwardly:

"This... Dean Qi and Director Yang, I'm just a suggestion. If you two feel that what I said is unreasonable, just treat me as an outsider talking nonsense, don't mind."

Hearing Chen Cang's words, the two of them burst into tears without tears.

What is a layman?

There is no such mockery!

How many of us are in their 50s this year have not seen you clearly!

If Lao Ma was here, he would definitely suspect that Chen Cang was here to act.

However, Qi Kai and Yang Lan are not familiar with Chen Cang and do not know his style thoroughly, so... they are not familiar with Chen Cang's routines!

Yang Lan couldn't help but said, "No, no! Professor Chen, you are too humble!"

"Your idea was very good just now! It was too constructive!"

"Indeed, you are very considerate!"

Yang Lan picked up the pen and paper and began to demonstrate.

Some excitedly said: "Yes, we should have thought of using body fluid markers for research to screen out some special substances."

Yang Lan is an activist, just do it!

No delay!

Said to Qi Kai: "Dean Qi, prepare to take cerebrospinal fluid, saliva, and urine."

"Perform the determination of potential bioprotein markers!"

Qi Kai nodded without ink.

Both are activists.

At this time, Chen Cang's next series of actions stunned the two again!

Chen Cang skillfully turned on the instrument and began to input various information.

The collected cerebrospinal fluid is matched and tested in turn.

Each step!

Chen Cang's operations always made the two of them dumbfounded.

Not because Chen Cang did something wrong.

It's just because Chen Cang did too standard.

The separation of body fluids is a technical activity.

The process of discovering each of the known substances surprised the three of them.

It is said that there is no time in the mountains.

In fact, there is no in the laboratory.

If it weren't for the sound of his stomach, Chen Cang would not stop at all.


Looking at the countdown of the system, Chen Cang was really reluctant to stop.

Called Qin Yue.

Said that I have lived in the laboratory these days.

Qin Yue didn't worry that it was fake, so he had to take a taxi to see Chen Cang.

But seeing Chen Cang's busy figure, Qin Yue could only leave behind to change clothes.

Chen Cang is now more and more aware of the power of this [research assistance and guidance status] reward!

You said to be separated?

it is good!

It comes with a generation and separation technique, you just need to follow it.

When the result appears, analyze the correctness and error of the result by yourself, and propose an improvement plan!

that's it!

The main force was originally Yang Lan and Qi Kai, but now they have become Chen Cang.

Seeing Chen Cang working so hard, how could Qi Kai and Yang Lan hold back?

For a time!

The cerebrospinal fluid consumption in the entire laboratory is increasing, and the pressure on the staff is increasing.

Just as the three of Chen Cang were intensively studying, a phone call came in.

Seeing that the caller ID was Wu Hui, Chen Cang picked it up curiously.

"Professor Chen, someone wants to see you and talk to you about Parkinson's research."

When Chen Cang heard this, he was stunned for a moment. Now his research on Parkinson's markers has reached a special stage.

What are you looking for now?


Wu Hui said with some excitement: "I am the winner of the 2020 Albany Biomedical Award, Taidanis!"

When Chen Cang heard this, he felt familiar.

Recently he has read many Parkinson's magazines and papers.

Tedanis is indeed level, this cannot be denied.

After hesitating for a moment, Chen Cang said, "Yes, just let him wait for me in the hospital, he will arrive in an hour!"

Chen Cang hung up the phone and said to Yang Lan and Qi Kai:

"Tedanis wants to talk to us about Parkinson's, let's go over."

Sure enough, both of them belonged to the scientific research circle. After hearing the name of Taidanis, both of them brightened.

In the past two days, they almost turned around.

But it seems that there is no direction for a breakthrough.

Perhaps it is more appropriate to find a partner.

And Tedanis is considered to be the person who has the most chance to win the Nobel Prize.

Cooperating with him may help them break through to their understanding of Parkinson~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Qi Kai said with a smile: "Professor Chen, after you came recently, everything seems to be going well!"

Yang Lan nodded: "This is the benefit of fame!"

"The complementary advantages of resources can allow us to attract more outstanding scientists."

"If Tedanis joins, I think it will increase our chances of solving current difficulties!"

Hearing what everyone said, Chen Cang nodded and said, "Then... let's take a look!"

To be honest, Chen Cang didn't have much expectation for the meeting!

After all, I have the help of scientific research assistance and proceed in an orderly manner.


Tedanis is really fruitful in Parkinson's research field, and Chen Cang also wants to get some new information.

The three of them drove hurriedly toward the Capital Emergency Center Hospital in a car.

At this time, there were four or five people sitting in the office, and Wu Tongfu personally came to accompany him.

Taidanis is still very prestigious!

You know, the Albany Biomedical Award is basically considered to be a substitute for the Nobel Prize, similar to the Lascaux Medal Award.

The only difference is the research field.

If you can cooperate with a quasi-Nobel Prize winner, if Chen Cang and Taidanis can cooperate friendly, break through and conquer Parkinson, how great it will be for them to win the Nobel Prize smoothly!

Of course, what Wu Tongfu and Wu Hui think is that if Chen Cang can win the Nobel Prize before the age of 30, this will definitely make history!

It is exciting to think about it, the 30-year-old Nobel Prize winner in Physiology or Medicine!

This Chen Cang can definitely be recorded in history and remembered by everyone in the scientific research circle!

Sometimes, what is the meaning of the Nobel Prize?

That's it!

However, this is the same as an honor, so that all scientific researchers are in a hurry, even now Chen Cang can't avoid it!

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