When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1659: : Queen, Chen Cang...Chen Cang is hanging up!

The effect of local anesthesia is not long.

In addition, Zhou He is very good at playing hemp.

Therefore, the time generally does not exceed about 3 minutes, and there is still some time before the anesthetic has passed.

William looked at Chen Cang incredulously, and couldn't help asking: "Chen! I... Am I really all right?"

Chen Cang suddenly smiled: "Of course!"

Next, Chen Cang handed over the rest of the work to Wu Hui, Xue Zhengren and others.

"Close the skull!"

Hearing what Chen Cang said, everyone around was a little surprised!

Are you so confident?

Do you need to review it?


No need to review.

As long as the operation is accurate enough, this operation does not need to be reviewed.

Moreover, it is an operation performed under the condition of the needle tip to stimulate the trigeminal nerve, and the error is very small.

Seeing Chen Cang's operation succeeded!

The Queen Yili and his wife were pleasantly surprised.

"Successful operation?"

Xiao Runfang nodded: "It should be."

Upon hearing Xiao Runfang's affirmative answer, Queen Yili and her husband Prince Philip looked at each other.

It seems... it doesn't feel difficult!

It is to be simple at the beginning of the knife, and then the latter is actually...not difficult!

Yili glanced at the professor at the Royal College of Medicine next to her, and asked in a low voice, "Do you understand?"

The professor on the side was not immersed in the scene and never knew the feeling of the operation scene.

In fact, his feeling was the same as after seeing an operation, and he felt that... it seemed to be as simple as that: the skull was opened, cut, and closed!

"Well, I get it!"

Yili nodded in relief.

Good job!

He understands, that group of... everyone who was sent to the operating room must understand, right?

Thinking of this, Queen Yili suddenly felt that this trip to China was not a loss!

It can even be said to have made a lot of money.

The operation has reached the final stage.

Chen Cang's mood gradually calmed down.

He looked at Hu Chuanbang: "Director Hu, when I have time, I will give a good talk to the neurosurgery staff and introduce all the surgical options for trigeminal neuralgia."

"If you study this thing, you can get results!"

When Hu Chuanbang heard this, he nodded quickly: "Okay, thank you Professor Chen!"

After hearing Chen Cang's words one by one, the British in the operating room became angry!


How confident is he?

Dare to learn this?

It is also said that it is not a special surgery program for Chinese!

This is basically designed for you Chinese.


Even using Chinese Kung Fu to perform surgery, we inform the Queen of your inhumane behavior, and let her make it public!



Finally, after Wu Hui and others finished the finishing work, the operation slowly ended!

The ending is very plain.

The stitches are very peaceful.

William made no sound.

But... the operation is complete.

After the local anesthetic was relieved, William suddenly "evil came from the gall", and said to Chen Cang, "Can I try it? Is there ice water?"

When Chen Cang heard the sound, he was taken aback: "What are you going to do?"

William said fiercely: "I want to stimulate the **** trigeminal nerve, I want to see if it hurts!"

Chen Cang suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

Trigeminal neuralgia is aggravated by stimuli such as cold, heat, and wind.

William has forgotten the taste of ice water.

Chen Cang couldn't help but smiled, and said to the nurse: "Is there?!"

The nurse couldn't help but smile. The operating room specially refrigerated some iced drinks for the sweating and thirsty during some of the operations of Professor Chen.

While talking, the nurse fetched a bottle of Pulse and handed it over.

William took it, a little scared, but when he gritted his teeth, he poured in!

After drinking, William was overjoyed!



How many years have you not had a cold drink?

Is it finally all right?

My trigeminal neuralgia for so many years finally healed!

"Professor Chen! I'm fine, thank you! Thank you so much!"

"You are my William's best friend!"

"I want to thank you, I want to give you my Hong Kong manor!"


Listening to William's incoherent language, Chen Cang had a headache!

Stop talking!


This is the operating room. Why are you British so stupid?

Where can the gift-giving be fair and honest!

So many people are watching, how embarrassing you are?

You certainly did not send me sincerely!

After the operation, William was not a major operation, only local anesthesia.

But the nurse put him in a wheelchair and walked outside.

If a person is handsome, even a bald head is handsome!

Old Ma touched his bald head, looked at William's bald head in the distance, and sighed helplessly!

Times are different.

Damn the industrial revolution, or I am also a prince, no, the prince!

After the operation, William did not stay for long.

I returned to China with the queen the next day.

In the news, this time the queen is very satisfied with this visit to China!

The follow-up meeting will discuss cooperation matters with the parliament.

And on the plane back to London.

Queen Elli looked at William with satisfaction and saw his pain get better, she was really happy in her heart!

Afterwards, Queen Yili looked at the team of experts behind her and asked with some delight:

"Tyle, you all went to the operating room to watch the operation, you should have gained a lot!"

"I heard Yadi said that this operation is not difficult, have you mastered it?"

Hearing the queen's words, the seven experts were stunned.

They want to cry without tears!

"Queen, this is not an operation we can do at all!"

"Yes indeed!"

"This is a tailor-made surgery for Chinese people~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is not suitable for us at all!"

Queen Yili and Prince Philip were stunned: "Are you kidding me?"

Tyre looked helpless. He looked at his companions around him and couldn't help saying: "Really, Your Majesty."

"The difficulty of the entire operation... can be said to be beyond our imagination!"

"Yes, open the video and I will play it for you!!!"

Tyre brought the video when he thought of coming, and quickly opened it.

He felt that this video had no meaning at all!

after all……

What's the use of just seeing?

I can't learn it after reading it!

Soon, the operation went on, and Thiel went directly to the part of Chen Cang's "Little Li Fei Dao"!

"Look, I played it at 0.5 times! Have you seen that cut?"

"No! I put it to 1/4, do you see it!"

At this moment, everyone saw it!

But it is still vague!

Keep slowing down!

1/8 speed!

At this moment, they finally saw it!

After seeing Chen Cang's series of operations clearly, Queen Yili was dumbfounded!

Not only that!

Tyre began to cry in his heart.

"You see, this technique is called chopsticks technique, and it was also researched by Professor Chen! Where do we use chopsticks?"

"Also, look, this is acupuncture..."

"This operation is clearly a collection of Chinese Kung Fu!"

"Your Majesty, do you think this can be learned?"

"Professor Chen Cang... That servant was opened with Chinese Kung Fu!"


ps: Watching the five watch together, it feels more refreshing.

If you look comfortable, please ask for a ticket, please!

It's five changes today, and I will get up at 5 o'clock tomorrow morning to go to practice three, the appointment 19th exam.

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