When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1652: : Sorry, I don’t have time!

All the experts from yesterday in the remote conference hall came, and Xiao Runfang and the old leader also sat down.

Le Peng, the dean of China-Japan Hospital, sat beside Xiao Runfang, looking at Chen Cang anxiously.

Muttering in his mouth, little ancestor, you can get some peace today.

Although the height of this incident has little to do with Le Peng, it is also troublesome to happen in his own hospital.

William and his wife sat beside Chen Cang. He had another attack in the morning. The pain made him feel scared!

It seemed that at this moment, Chen Cang became his last straw.

So that I was sitting next to Chen Cang, for fear that Chen Cang would run away...

Technicians are deploying the network and need to establish a smooth remote video with the UK.

It didn't take long for the picture to pass.

Suddenly appeared on the big screen with a group of experts.

This also means that discussions about William's surgery have begun.

There is no point in a courtesy exchange.

Until Xiao Runfang said to Chen Cang: "Professor Chen, you can tell us about the operation."

Chen Cang nodded, got up and directly shared the prepared ppt.

The other party can just see the screen.

Chen Cang said lightly: "This operation is a supplement to my trigeminal nerve operation."



This compelling... has an internal taste.

Xue Zhengcheng sat there and sighed, this is Professor Chen!

Sure enough, Chen Cang's words did make everyone present, including everyone at the Royal College of Medicine, feel an uncomfortable feeling.

Chen Cang said: "Before I introduce surgery, I should introduce trigeminal nerve surgery."

"First of all, it is stated that the current surgery for the treatment of the trigeminal nerve has limitations."

"However, although there are limitations, the development direction is correct. First, the half moon radiofrequency thermocoagulation is used, and secondly, when the thermocoagulation cannot be solved, microvascular decompression surgery is used!

Once again, when the microvascular decompression surgery is ineffective, perform trigeminal nerve radiculectomy! "

Speaking of this, Chen Cang continued: "But! That's all. They overlooked a very important point, which is the supplementary operation of trigeminal nerve rootectomy, which is what I call today: medullary trigeminal nerve spinal cord transection Surgery!"

Everyone has heard of this term yesterday, but it is nowhere near as good as it sounds!

It may be mainly Chen Cang today, very imposing!

Not to mention, Chen Cang's remarks really stunned the group of British guys.

But if you think about it carefully, Chen Cang's position in the international medical field is very high and very mysterious!

If Chen Cang used the tone of discussion today, it would make people feel that Chen Cang was too young, not so reliable, and far less effective than this.

Chen Cang said: "This is a trigeminal nerve preservation treatment plan based on trigeminal nerve function, walking shape, and anatomical structure."

"The next thing is very important, everyone listen carefully, this is also the key to this operation!"

While talking, Chen Cang opened the ppt and started today's introduction.

"Why is this operation a final reservation operation? Because the operation is difficult, risky, technically difficult, and low fault tolerance..."

"Wait, but no matter how many drawbacks there are, he has a great advantage, that is, the recurrence rate is very low! And radical surgery, and it does not affect the facial nerve!"

"Well, the next time is very precious, I will only say it once, I hope everyone is serious."

After speaking, Chen Cang played the scenes made by working overtime last night.

Zhe is a complicated ventral view of the brainstem!

There are various complicated structures on it.

As the most important area in the skull, the brain stem is also the most dangerous area.

"Here, six blood vessels and twelve nerves need to be avoided... Then, the coordination and stability of the endoscopy and the brain acupuncture need to be carefully controlled!"

"Because you may damage other organs regardless of up, down, left, right, front, back, and back. There is only one chance for this operation..."

That's right!

Chen Cang just wanted to give this group of people a feeling.

The operation is difficult!

Only I can do it, and I tell you to make you aware of this.

Sure enough, Chen Cang stunned these people.

a long time!

The other party started a heated discussion, mainly with two voices!

One is to support surgery!

One is that it is risky and should be cautious.

After discussing for a long time, Elizabeth suddenly spoke:

"Professor Chen, how sure are you?"

Chen Cang: "90%!"

As soon as this remark came out, the British experts were stunned.

Such a complicated operation is 90% sure?

Just kidding?

However, the opponent is Chen Cang!

The name Chen Cang is now a banner in the international medical field.

The newly conquered Parkinson's operation is now warming up, and Chen Cang is in the limelight.

To be honest, these experts were very excited to hear Chen Cang's introduction.

Because this is definitely first-hand news!

This is equivalent to Professor Chen reformulating the treatment plan for the trigeminal nerve.

Moreover, this plan is exactly what Chen Cang described!

It is indeed the last line of defense for the current trigeminal nerve surgery.

It provides the possibility for those intractable trigeminal neuralgia.


The shortcomings are also obvious, the difficulty is high, the risk is high, the technical difficulties are many, and the fault tolerance is low!

a long time……

Elizabeth continued: "Professor Chen, I solemnly invite you to the UK to perform surgery on Prince William."

"If the operation is successful, we will award Professor Chen Cang a noble medal and gain the friendship of the British royal family!"

Hearing this sentence, the British experts were all excited.

The British noble medals are rarely awarded now, and they belong to the royal family...

Everyone looked at Chen Cang across the screen with a little envy.

Let alone them, even the experts present looked at Chen Cang a little enviously~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and Le Peng, the director of the China-Japan Hospital, heaved a sigh of relief!

Yes, you should go to the UK to perform surgery on him. I am not responsible for any problems.


At this moment, something unexpected happened to everyone!

Chen Cang turned around and smiled faintly at the screen:

"Thank the Queen, but I'm sorry, I haven't had time to go to England recently."

As soon as this is said!

Suddenly everyone was quiet.

Everyone stared at Chen Cang with wide eyes, rubbed their ears, and...Is it right?

Chen Cang rejected the Queen of England?

This is too awesome!

Even the old leader looked at Chen Cang, a little surprised! Somewhat puzzled! This kid... why refused?

You say so much, is it to pretend to be force?

And Elizabeth was even more dazed, thinking that she...heard it wrong?

She let Chen Cang come because she believed more in the strength of the British Royal Hospital. Even if Chen Cang encountered risks, she still had a chance to remedy it!


Who would have thought that Chen Cang would refuse directly!

No mercy.

For a while, Elizabeth's face was also a little ugly.

Chen Cang continued: "Of course, if Prince William operates in China, I still have time."

"Of course, I allow experts and professors from the Royal British Hospital to observe the scene!"

Chen Cang didn't care about any noble lord at all.

To be honest, you want me to save your son, and let me listen to you and go to your place. How can there be such a good thing?

My time is limited, will you come in love?

Hearing Chen Cang's words, the old leader suddenly felt comfortable in his chest, and his whole spirit became much better, and he almost couldn't help laughing.


ps: There are two more chapters, wait a minute, around twelve o'clock... I ask for a ticket.

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