When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1641: : Iced saline!

Chen Cang's design is so familiar to Qin Xiang!

It seems to be back to the operation that Dou Xin was given to!

Chen Cang also made such an understatement and completed such an operation!

In other words...

Now that little girl seems to have won this year's championship in China Good Voice.

I don't know what's going on?

Sometimes skin surgery is not only a life saved, but also a soul.

Just like Dou Xin at the beginning, she changed from an inferiority girl to a sunny singer as she is now. This change was brought to her by Chen Cang!

After everyone was shocked, when they looked at the big screen again, there was only one thought in their minds!

That is: How did Chen Cang steal and transplant the flap just now?

Are there any techniques for designing this type of skin graft?

There must be!

Otherwise, how could Professor Chen finish it in such a short time?

Thinking of this, all of these directors had their eyes bright, as if they had discovered some great secrets.

At this moment!

The patient's chest and abdomen eschar have been successfully removed, and after being stripped, new skin was transplanted.

Cho Yasi's leg skin for the neck.

The extremities were also treated with scabs, which relieved the pressure after the burn.

At this time, five hours have passed!

The difficulty of the operation was even harder than they expected.

Chen Cang glanced at the patient's face, and after a moment of contemplation, he said, "Wait for the facial skin!"

Gong Daizhen nodded.

After such a complicated operation, it is not just whether the patient can bear it.

It is estimated that even the chief surgeon may not be able to hold on, right?

The indoor temperature is 32 degrees Celsius, and the wrapping is so tight, the two-layer surgical gown, long-term high-precision work...Who can withstand this kind of work intensity?

The point is that Chen Cang has stood there for more than five hours!

Ordinary people, who can do it?

"Teacher Chen, are you... okay?" Gong Daizhen glanced at Chen Cang with some worry and couldn't help asking.

Chen Cang smiled slightly: "It's okay, did you understand the skin graft just now?"

Gong Daizhen blushed and was immediately embarrassed.

"Understand a bit!"

Chen Cang smiled: "Well, going back to summarize and summarize, I also thought about it just now. In fact, autologous skin grafts are not only surgical methods, but there is also a problem of partition design of skins!"

That's right!

Chen Cang obviously had a different perception just now.

During the operation, when he was conceiving how to use this limited and irregular autologous skin for chest and abdomen skin transplantation, the graphics in his eyes were constantly designed!

At the moment of design results, Chen Cang was surprised to find a problem!

That is, this method is not designed every time!

This special design method is actually a kind of thinking.

In the face of this situation in the future, it can be adopted!

Combining the three skin grafting methods of rotating, advancing, and turning, combined with the design of the skin, it is possible to achieve high utilization of limited skin!

This is a very good and valuable research direction.

Gong Daizhen also seemed to realize it.

Her eyes lit up and nodded quickly.

After a long time, Gong Daizhen suddenly said: "Teacher, actually this time...I have something else I want to tell you."

Chen Cang nodded: "Well, I'll talk about it later after the operation."

Gong Daizhen nodded.

She thought for a long time before making this decision.

The operation is over.

Chen Cang couldn't continue doing it at the risk.

Skin transplantation is too irritating to the patient. If facial plastic surgery is performed, it can only aggravate the shock, and it has no meaning in restoring health.

Waiting until the restoration period is actually the most suitable method for facial skin transplantation.

Moreover, Chen Cang would have a better choice at that time!

But it needs Zhao Yasi's cooperation.

Chen Cang turned and glanced at the patient's vital signs, which were basically normal.

"Count the equipment." Chen Cang said lightly.

"Director Gong, finish it up."

In fact, there is nothing to end.

Chen Cang's suture of the skin after transplantation is one of the most detailed operations in this operation.

Gong Daizhen said to Qin Xiang and others: "Come and take a look. Professor Chen's stitching is the basis!"

When Qin Xiang and others heard the sound, they suddenly woke up.

Yes indeed!

To make the skin graft successful, a suture with a good bite force is required.

Before Gong Daizhen processed it, he could still see the stitching details of the port, so now is the best time to observe.

The three of them watched in bursts and discussed in low voices from time to time!

Hearing what Gong Daizhen said, Chen Cang did not say anything, but walked aside lightly.

In fact, Chen Cang understands now.

I don't need to teach them personally, but I need a monitor.

Gong Daizhen has done a good job in this aspect.

Suddenly Chen Cang felt that if Gong Daizhen had time, he could take this group of people to make a fuss.

He feels that his perception today has many benefits for burns, skin transplants, and plastic surgery.

Gong Daizhen is actually really good, compared to...Xu Ziming~www.wuxiaspot.com~ more than a bit better.

Chen Cang wondered, should there be more female apprentices in the future!

When I get old...


I am getting old myself, and this group of students has been gone for decades.

Thinking of this, Chen Cang wanted to cry without tears.

Others are students who give their teachers to the end of their retirement life, but they are good for themselves...The students are all bad old men.

Thinking of this, Chen Cang said:

"Director Gong, do you have time lately?"

When Gong Daizhen heard the sound, he nodded: "Yes, teacher, what do you want?"

Chen Cang said: "When you go back to the capital, go and get an apprenticeship agreement with the Health Commission, and I will sign it for you."

Hearing Chen Cang's words, Gong Daizhen became excited!

Gong Daizhen had this idea for apprentice Chen Cang.


Always, I feel a little embarrassed.

Hearing Chen Cang saying this now, I was suddenly excited.

"Okay, okay! Thank you teacher!"

Gong Daizhen almost shed tears with excitement.

Chen Cang's legs were a little numb and he was uncomfortable walking.

Seeing this, the head nurse hurriedly pushed a chair: "Professor Chen, sit down!"

Chen Cang smiled: "I don't sit anymore, my legs are numb, and I walked around, and I sat down uncomfortably wet."

After hearing Chen Cang's words, everyone saw it.

Where Chen Cang stood just now, there was a puddle of water on the ground...

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

How much sweat does this have?

"It's really hot, give me some saline." Chen Cang said to the little nurse.

The little nurse nodded quickly, and suddenly asked: "Would you like to be... iced?"

Chen Cang was taken aback for a moment.

Almost laughed.

"It's okay, just room temperature."

When everyone in the room heard this, they all laughed and laughed, but their eyes flashed with crystal tears.

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