When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1630: : Today’s me, you can’t afford it!

As Wu Hui said.

Everyone has the right to pursue their own lives.

Wu Hui can bear his wife's disregard for herself, but she can't bear her instilling the three views that belong to her to her children, and even more can't bear her marital infidelity!

However, life is always full of coincidences.

On Saturday of this day, Wu Hui brought Xiaozhi to the hospital. The nurses looked at Xiaozhi, very pleasing!

And Wu Hui also started a busy day!

Wu Hui's ex-wife was called Zhou Rourou, and she obtained a certificate from the man less than a week after divorcing Wu Hui.

One can imagine how fast their development is.

Zhou Rourou's parents also moved to the capital and moved into a big house.

I also felt the feeling of the capital people!

He praised the new son-in-law every day, and by the way, he said Wu Hui's inability.

"I have been a doctor for a lifetime and returned to a major hospital in the capital, but now I can't afford a house in the capital!"

"My daughter is so good, why is it wasted on him!"

"It's good now, Rou'er, you see how good it is now, driving a Land Rover and living in a big house of more than 100 square meters in the capital, how amazing it is!"

"Mom, support your divorce!"

Zhou Rourou smiled and said, "Get off early, and take my father to the hospital tomorrow."

Zhou Rourou's father couldn't help sighing as he listened to them chatting.

To be honest, he actually thinks Wu Hui is a good person.

such a pity.

The choices of young people and old people are different.

I also persuaded it at the time, saying nothing was useless.

I don't even say anything!

Thinking of going to the hospital tomorrow, he couldn't help saying, "Don't meet Wu Hui when you go..."

This sentence directly stunned the mother and daughter!

"Dad, tell me what he is doing! You..." Zhou Rourou frowned.

"Yes! If it wasn't for the new son-in-law, would you have the opportunity to have an operation? It took tens of thousands of dollars for the new son-in-law to buy you a place."

"Now there are a large number of Parkinson's surgery patients abroad, and they have been ranked from the capital to Shijiazhuang. Are you content!"

Zhou Rourou's father had Parkinson. After learning that he could have an operation this time, the old man was ready to sign up.

It was held down by Zhou Rourou's mother.

The new son-in-law was originally from the capital, so he was close, and he paid a lot of money to ask someone to take a picture in front of him. This gave him a chance.

Parkinson's is actually a chronic disease, so it's not anxious for a short time.

So after everyone came and took the account, most of them just wandered around in the capital and left.

Zhou Rourou's mother sighed with emotion: "If you become a doctor, you will be able to become Professor Chen Cangchen like another person!"

"Hey...This operation is more than 200,000 yuan. I heard that more than 200,000 numbers have been taken. How much is it!"

"I'm a good boy..."



The next day, Zhou Rourou's husband took his parents to the hospital. Generally speaking, the hospital does not accept patients except for emergency patients on Saturdays and Sundays.

But there are so many Parkinson's patients recently that they can only open a window on Saturday and Sunday.

After Zhou Rourou took her parents to the ward, she saw patients from all over the world walking inside, and she felt tall and tall.

"Look, there are so many foreigners!"

"Yes, son-in-law, you are really capable. It's not easy to get in!"

"Tsk tut, great!"

The man smiled, somewhat proud.

When Zhou Rourou went to go through the formalities, the family stood waiting in the corridor.

At this time, Zhou Rourou's father suddenly saw a man standing in the distance talking and laughing with a foreign man.

"Look, that person is so familiar!" Zhou Rourou's mother said.

The man looked intently and his eyes lit up: "Isn't this the Hollywood star?"

"Yes, it's so good to be a doctor here, it's either rich or expensive."

After hearing this, the patients around me whispered: "I tell you, when I was hospitalized yesterday, I saw more than 20 parents of department-level cadres alone. It is amazing that I can be hospitalized now!"

"It's not easy for you to live in, right?!"

Hearing the patient's words, Zhou Rourou's mother smiled and said, "Yes, my son-in-law is really capable!"

When the man heard this, he immediately smiled happily.

The patient smiled triumphantly: "Did you see those foreigners? Not to mention the big stars, who are you, now Director Wu is not allowed to be hospitalized, and you can't live in!"

"Director Wu, good! He has backbone and principles!"


Before long, Zhou Rourou finished the procedures, and Huang Binhai gave the patients to the clinic.

He can barely complete the operation now, but he needs the guidance of a superior doctor.

After taking the medical history, Zhou Rourou couldn't help asking: "Hello, Doctor Huang, let me ask...Who will operate on my father?"

Huang Binhai smiled and said, "I'll do surgery!"

Zhou Rourou's mother couldn't help but smile flatly: "Doctor Huang, is it inconvenient for Professor Chen?"

Huang Binhai smiled awkwardly: "Professor Chen is very busy. Basically it is good to be able to perform one operation a day."

"But... I can apply for Academician Xue's guidance, don't worry."

Zhou Rourou's mother became excited when she heard of the academician: "Okay, thank you so much!"

At this moment, Zhou Rourou's family arranged a bed.

At this time, there was a voice outside: "Morning, Director Wu!"

"Director Wu, you are here!"

Huang Binhai's eyes lit up immediately: "You are lucky, I can ask our Director Wu to check for you."

Zhou Rourou's mother quickly asked: "Is Director Wu better than Academician Xue?"

Huang Binhai's eyes flashed: "Our director Wu is the personal foundation of Professor Chen. He is the second person in the world to master Parkinson's surgery!"

"It's a pity that Director Wu helped the children with homework recently. I thought Director Wu couldn't come. It seems that you are lucky!"

Zhou Rourou's family suddenly became excited.

And the son-in-law on the side stretched out a Yonghui supermarket shopping card and stuffed it calmly: "Doctor Huang~www.wuxiaspot.com~ never respected, this... Is it convenient to find Director Wu to perform surgery on my dad?"

"You tell Director Wu, there must be a lot of thanks!"

Huang Binhai quickly refused. He said, "Don't do this. I'll say something to your heart. Director Wu is very principled. You dislike Director Wu because of this, and there is a shortage of money from Director Wu!"

"The day before yesterday there was an American boss who didn't get the number listed. He wanted Director Wu to perform an operation on overtime work at night, and he would pay 500,000 US dollars. Director Wu didn't even go!"

Everyone was stunned as soon as he said this!

The son-in-law retracted the shopping card in embarrassment.

The family looked at each other, yes, how could a doctor of this level lack money?

At this time, Huang Binhai comforted and said: "Don't worry, Director Wu is very responsible for his work, a superb and good man, and he will help his children with homework after get off work every day."

"By the way, you go back to the ward first, and you will have a blood test tomorrow, and Director Wu will round the room!"

On the way back to the ward, the family couldn't help but sigh with emotion!

"These doctors are really rich!"

"Yes indeed!"

At this time, they saw the photos of employees hanging on the wall.

"Here are photos, come and see who is Director Wu..." Zhou Rourou said quickly.

While talking, the family came to this place, when they saw the only man named Wu on the wall!

Suddenly, the whole family was blinded!

Because they clearly saw that the man surnamed Wu, Director Wu, is no one else but "Wu Hui!"

At this time, a crisp sound rang behind him.

"Grandpa, grandma, mother!"



ps: Thanks to the two brothers "guoming" and "戦" for their 10,000 rewards, thank you.

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