When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1616: : This is a problem!

When Chen Cang chooses to activate [Deep Analysis]!

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly felt that his mind started to tell and work.

That's right!

This feeling is like stepping on the accelerator of a car, and the speed is straight up!


However, this feeling did not last long. Then, Chen Cang felt that there was a lot of knowledge about Parkinson in his mind that was originally chaotic.

Then began to be sorted into different categories.

This feeling is not so comfortable!

However, the help of this in-depth analysis also appeared.

This is an analytical method with teaching.

In the process of combing the knowledge, Chen Cang has a systematic and comprehensive understanding of Parkinson, the ventral intermediate nucleus of the thalamus, and surgery... etc.


Finally, Chen Cang heard a system prompt:

【Ding! Parkinson progress bar: 27%! 】

Chen Cang was overjoyed!

This progress bar is surprisingly familiar.

This is exactly the same as the progress bar of his current non-stop heart technique and cardiac arrest technique.

In this case...

This means that as long as Chen Cang reaches 30%, he will definitely have an unexpected gain!


How can I improve the progress bar?

Thinking of this, Chen Cang fell into deep thought...

Yes indeed!

Since it is Parkinson and he can make progress, it must be surgery!

The only thing Chen Cang can do right now is surgery!

Daguai upgrade!


No patient does it for himself!

How to do?

Chen Cang suddenly had an idea.

Yes indeed……

I dare not do it with two legs.


There are a lot of these four-legged mice.

Chen Cang felt that by engaging in rats and operating on the old Parkinson's model books, could the progress bar be improved?

After thinking of this.

Chen Cang seems to have found a way of no return to the wild experience...

Doctor, Chen Cang quickly got up and left, picked up the phone and dialed Xiao Runfang's number.

"Director Xiao, I need a Parkinson rat model..."

Xiao Runfang has also been thinking about it these days. After all, if Parkinson does this, this will definitely be a big plan!

Therefore, after hearing that Chen Cang took the initiative to contact him, Xiao Runfang was immediately pleasantly surprised!

Want a model of Parkinson's mouse?

It seems that Chen Cang is finally about to move!

Thinking of this, Xiao Runfang said quickly: "Okay, no problem, I'll let someone contact you!"

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Runfang called the contact immediately.

Looking around, the most suitable place is the Experimental Center of Union Medical College.

Union Medical College is also the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences.

The Experimental Center of Union Medical College has an experimental area in Fangshan District, which specializes in clinical animal experiments and research. Rotten Books

Qi Kai is the head of the experimental base here, and he is also engaged in clinical research.

After learning that Chen Cang needed a rat model, Qi Kai was naturally very concerned about this matter.

What's more, Dean Xiao said: "Regardless of the cost, we will fully support and cooperate! Feel free to contact!"

After listening to these sixteen words, people can instantly feel how much energy is behind them.

After thinking about it, Qi Kai still felt that it was more appropriate to talk in person, so he directly called Chen Cang:

"Professor Chen, hello, this is Qi Kai, director of the Fangshan Experimental Center of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. Minister Xiao asked me to contact you."

After Chen Cang heard about it, he nodded immediately: "Hello, Director Qi, this time I really trouble you."

Qi Kai smiled and said, "What kind of words are you saying? I've heard a little bit about the incident this time. Parkinson is a difficult problem, even if we build modules, it took a lot of effort!

If you can really figure this out, our work progress and the intense research on Parkinson can also be of great help! "

After Chen Cang heard it, his eyes lit up!

Yes indeed!

Parkinson's modeling!

What is experimental modeling?

It is to turn a normal experimental body, such as a common Wistar rat, into a Parkinson rat by various means!

This is the first step in animal experiments: modeling!

In fact, the cost of a successfully modeled Wistar rat is not low.

After Chen Cang thought of this, he suddenly thought about it!

The process of model building...Can you increase the progress bar?

Thinking of this, Chen Cang said directly: "Director Qi, I will pass now. I want to observe the process of animal modeling in detail. Is it convenient?"

When Qi Kai heard this, he did not refuse. It stands to reason that modeling is actually the core operation.

For example, an ordinary mouse only needs a few yuan, but once the model is successfully built, don't look at the mouse's disability, but people's worth will skyrocket, reaching hundreds of thousands of yuan is not impossible!

And the core process of modeling, this is the core secret!

After Chen Cang made such a request, Qi Kai did not refuse.

"Okay, when you are here, I will personally make a model for you!"

As Xiao Runfang said, it really does not count the cost~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At any cost, we fully support and cooperate!

Chen Cang did not expect that the other party would agree so decisively.

As for the surprise, I am grateful!

"Then... I'm so embarrassed, thank you Director Qi! I'll start now."

After hanging up, Chen Cang added Qi Kai's WeChat.

Follow the address sent by the other party and set off decisively!

This is an experimental park covering an area of ​​more than 400 acres.

The surrounding buildings are very new, and at first glance, the construction was completed soon.

After Chen Cang arrived at the door, Qi Kai was already standing at the door waiting.

After passing the access control, Chen Cang went inside the park.

This is a modern experimental base.

Chen Cang said to Qi Kai: "Director Qi, it really troubles you too much, and I have to keep your secrets... very embarrassing!"

Qi Kai smiled: "It's all about making contributions to the country, and what you share with me."

"Furthermore, the ultimate face of animal experiments is to help the human body and overcome diseases."

"So, this is what I should do, and it is also polite to say that those who are outsiders!"

The two walked together to the base of Parkinson's rats.

Qi Kai introduced: "Look, these are Parkinson's model rats that have successfully tremor paralysis!"

The driving girl looked at these rats obviously walking abnormally, moving slowly, and some with tremors of their limbs!

After seeing these rats, Chen Cang exuded his intense interest!

How did you do it?

Suddenly, Chen Cang asked: "Director Qi, the main symptoms of Parkinson's are: resting tremor, muscle rigidity, slow movement, and imbalance of body position."

"Can our model be accurate to the symptoms?"

In a word, Qi Kai was suddenly stunned.

He smiled awkwardly: "This... is a problem!"

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