When he arrived at the Health and Health Commission, Director Xiao waited for his own meal.

A familiar face was added to the company: Qin Yongyi!

"Good director Xiao, good third uncle!"

Xiao Runfang smiled: "Sit down, if you want to eat something, order it yourself, and don't say that our Health and Health Commission is not eating well!"

Suddenly, everyone laughed.

Chinese people like to talk about things at the wine table and dinner table.

Today is no exception.

Xiao Runfang said seriously, "Professor Chen, what are your plans for Parkinson?"

When Qin Yongyi heard these words from Xiao Runfang, he also sighed with emotion.

This may be the influence brought by strength!

He could see that Xiao Runfang was listening carefully and consulting Chen Cang.

What does this show?

In a sense, Chen Cang already has the same status as Xiao Runfang.

At the very least, it looks like this in Xiao Runfang's eyes!

Qin Yongyi really did not expect Chen Cang to grow so fast!

I thought that when I arrived in the capital, I would take care of this niece and son-in-law, but I didn’t expect...

Today, I had the opportunity to sit with the two directors of the Health and Health Commission for dinner, and it turned out to be tainted by Chen Cang!

Hearing what Director Xiao said, Chen Cang didn't conceal it, let alone circumvent it, and said directly:

"This thing... is a big thing! I want to find someone to do it myself, I don't worry about other people."

Xiao Runfang looked happy when he heard Chen Cang's words.

Chen Cang can say that she is very happy, at least there is not a lot of false and unreasonable snakes.

Xiao Runfang smiled and said, "Well, you have an idea."

"If you have any need, you can directly contact Director Qin or Director Deng. You are familiar with them. Don't be polite!"

"This matter, just like what you said, is a major event. Although I'm not a doctor, I haven't heard them less these days."

"The leaders above also attach great importance to this matter. Let me communicate and negotiate with you more. If you have any problems, solve them as soon as possible."

"We must make this discipline a world-class discipline!"

Chen Cang was naturally very happy when he heard Xiao Runfang say this.

To do well in this Parkinson's study is by no means an easy task, as it involves too many aspects.

More talents will be needed!

Chen Cang and his team alone cannot be satisfied.

"Thank you Director Xiao!"

Xiao Runfang nodded: "Eat first."

When Chen Cang left, Xiao Runfang suddenly said, "By the way, Director Qin, you have been working in the Health and Health Commission for a long time, and everyone can see your abilities and qualities.

But... I discussed it with Director Deng, and I think I should add a burden to you.

This year, the director of the Dongyang Provincial Health Commission is about to retire, and there is... the position of the director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. How do you think about it? "

Hearing these words, Qin Yongyi was stunned!

He raised his head and glanced at Xiao Runfang and Deng Gaoyuan, they both looked at him with a smile.

Qin Yongyi couldn't help being silent!

It is really a big temptation and choice.

You must know that the external department where he was originally employed is not a very important department at all.

But now?

Dongyang Provincial Health Commission, a real power unit.

However, the greatest charm of Dongyang Province is not because of the position in the main hall, but because Chen Cang is in Dongyang!

Now Dongyang Province's health system position is very sweet.

Anyone with vision can see that this is a potential stock!

If Qin Yongyi really went to Dongyang Province, Qin Xiaoyuan would be the president of Dongyang Medical University, Qin Yueming would be the dean of the Provincial Cardiovascular Hospital, and he would be the director of the Health Commission!

This is simply a family monopoly on Dongyang Province's health system!

This is not ordinary!


After hesitating for a long time, Qin Yongyi took a deep breath: "I... still consider the National Center for Disease Control and Prevention."

After hearing this sentence, everyone was stunned!

Even Chen Cang looked at Qin Yongyi curiously.

No matter what everyone knows, going to Dongyang means gilding. Needless to say, the future will be bright!

Moreover, the most important thing is to go to Dongyang Province to develop well!

This unique condition...

However, who would have thought that Qin Yongyi could choose the CDC! ?

This is a chore.

Xiao Runfang and Deng Gaoyuan glanced at Qin Yongyi. They were a little curious, but they all appreciated it in their hearts!

"This is really... it's hard work Director Qin!"

Qin Yongyi smiled: "This is what I should do."



When Chen Cang came back, it was Qin Yongyi's car.

The two just walked and talked.

Chen Cang asked curiously: "Uncle San, why did you choose the CDC?"

Qin Yongyi smiled: "We have all gone to Dongyang, which is not good for your development, and...no one is allowed to see that we are all in Dongyang. For a long time, this is actually a messy affair."

"The country now pays more attention to disease prevention and control. I am optimistic about this industry, and... I think I am a person who can do practical things ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I want to make a difference on this stage."

After Chen Cang bid farewell to Qin Yongyi, he returned to the department at about two noon.

At this time, everyone is still taking a lunch break.

But as soon as Chen Cang arrived at the duty room, he heard a burst of noise coming up!

Are there two people arguing?

Emergency quarrels are not uncommon, and sometimes they can be done with real swordsmanship.

This is not a big deal.


When Chen Cang passed by the duty room, he suddenly found something wrong.

This is not because the patient is arguing, but... Director Qiao Chengan?

When Lao Ma saw Chen Cang coming, he quickly stopped, and whispered, "Don't go there!"

Chen Cang couldn't help asking: "What's wrong? What happened?"

Lao Ma whispered: "Divorce!"

Chen Cang rolled his eyes: "Isn't it a month of trouble? Haven't left?"

The old horse nodded: "Well, who would say it is not! Old Joe, he is just so good-tempered. If you want me, I will leave!"

Wu Hui on the side couldn't help saying: "A couple of days are kind to each other in a day. For so many years, couples have feelings."

The woman's voice is loud!

"You just had an affair, Qiao Chengan, don't think I don't know!"

"Day by day, sneaky, often staying away at night, why did you go you think I don't know?"

It's okay if Director Qiao didn't listen. He heard the words affair and said, "My affair?"

"Huh! Well, you Guo Baoye! Do you really think I don't know your little trouble? Then I ask you, there is a courier that often delivers, what is Mr. Zhang! Who is he? Why do you often give you gifts!"

"Also, the bathroom is more than half an hour, every time I call is mysterious!"

The two talked more and more!

Lao Ma quickly pulled the two of them closer to the office: "Come in, they are coming out!"

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