When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1604: : Discovery of secret crooked nuts

This fluid.

Chen Cang's WeChat friends are not doing well.

Severe insomnia.

Slightly, it also meant to blacken Chen Cang.

But outside!

But Chen Cang exploded!

After all, the video of Chen Cang performing Parkinson's operation on Zhou Hongguang was posted.

These videos immediately caused an uproar.

Now, various forums of neurosurgery are discussing this procedure.

The video itself is just a screenshot of one of the videos, and processed and modified, but do not underestimate the ability of talents.

More and more neurosurgery experts began to discuss this video!

"This operation is based on stereotactic technology, but it has made significant progress. Professor Chen himself must be an expert proficient in mathematics. You see, traditional stereotactic technology itself does not have such a precise positioning function! But... Professor Chen used solid geometry data and passed..."

"This is not the most important thing, the most important thing should be where Professor Chen chooses the surgery area!"

That's right!

Only by finding the area of ​​Chen Cang's operation can we find the key to the successful treatment of this Parkinson's operation!

There is not much research on the mid-thalamic nucleus!

And Chen Cang only carried out the operation and research with the help of the system.

At this stage, Chen Cang's research on Parkinson's surgery is still in the first stage: data collection!

The entire hospital and everyone involved in this project are collecting data in a low-key manner.

Chen Cang is no exception.

This time the study is obviously not a simple operation.

And it is necessary to deeply study the physiological functions of the surrounding areas such as the mid-thalamic nucleus.

This requires cooperation with relevant agencies.

However, the more low-key Chen Cang and others are, the more fierce the outside world is!

not to mention!

Xu Ziming has just left from the award ceremony of the World Biomedical Research Center.

And it happened that Chen Cang was doing a research at the conference!

Everyone is not a fool.

Thinking about it carefully, it became clear that Chen Cang was conquering Parkinson's disease!

Therefore, the voice of the outside world is even louder.

Everyone is trying to contact Chen Cang!

Anyone with a discerning eye can see it!

Now is the time to hold the thigh.

However, now Chen Cang is not in contact with anyone.

He understands!

This time, Parkinson's research is completely different from before.

Especially after chatting with Ji Jianye.

Chen Cang discovered that the study of a disease is not as simple as a successful operation!

It involves many links including anatomical structure, physiological functions, pathological factors, pharmacology, etc.

Therefore, Chen Cang was serious this time.


Chen Cang felt that this might be the last big thing he did during his time in the capital.

At this moment!

Bertie, who was far away at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, also saw this short video.

After reading it, Bertie was dumbfounded!

He immediately gathered experts in neurosurgery together.

He started a crazy discussion.

Bertie was surprised how Chen Cang did it.

"Now, our research is very clear. To achieve Parkinson's treatment, Professor Chen must have found a target. Let's put aside the specific target first."

"I'm surprised how Professor Chen Cang used such a simple stereotactic technology to find the target!"

"Yes, everyone, look at this screenshot. Professor Chen chose the most common Bintian directional device. This kind of directional device... it is impossible to achieve precise control!"


The discussion was intense!

Everyone wants to figure out how Chen Cang did this.

After all, as long as they guessed Chen Cang's operation area, they would have the opportunity to study it!

Such an opportunity is rare in a lifetime!

Just at this time!

A Mayo staff member suddenly surprised the doctor: "Head! I have made a major discovery!"

After all the experts heard this, their expressions suddenly changed!

Qi Qi turned around to look at the staff.

The staff member hurriedly said: "I just saw a message on the Internet saying that the area of ​​Professor Chen's operation may not be too far away from the optic nerve!"

Bertie frowned: "Why?"

The staff hurriedly opened the video and said excitedly to everyone that they seemed to have found some special secret: "Everyone is staring at the patient's eyes!"

Although everyone frowned, why did they stare at it?

at this time!

Suddenly everyone was pleasantly surprised!

Because everyone discovered that the patient's eyes began to blink quickly!

Then the tears flowed down quickly and couldn't stop at all!

This discovery directly surprised everyone.

This may be a big discovery!

After all, there are only a few possibilities that can cause rapid blinking and tearing of the eyes!

The staff said excitedly: "So, in this way, we can focus the area on the route of the optic nerve to observe..."

Bertie's eyes lit up too.


I always feel something is wrong!

After much deliberation, I can't figure it out, so I can only study it like this first!

This discovery about tears ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ instantly became popular on the Internet.

Everyone seems to have discovered some ulterior secret.

For a while, the research on Parkinson seemed to have reached a white-hot stage!

Even foreign research is boiling compared to domestic research, so that occasionally there are bursts of applause.

At this time, Xu Ziming found Chen Cang with a copy of the information in his hand.

Chen Cang didn't know why. Every time he saw Director Xu, he couldn't help but feel like a misfortune, a tiger father and a dog son, hating iron but not steel!

"Sit down, what's the matter?"

Xu Ziming smiled slightly: "Teacher Chen, this...this is a big deal, you should take a look first!"

When Chen Cang heard the sound, his expression changed: "Please come back!"

Xu Ziming was taken aback for a moment, and he laughed: "No... it's not a big trouble, you can just open it and see."

When Chen Cang heard the sound, he became uneasy.

A little frightened.

But still opened the information in Xu Ziming's hands.

Take a closer look!

Suddenly stunned!

Academic heir?

In the medical field, there is a policy related to the cultivation and selection of academic successors!

In Chinese medicine, martial art is more important.

Therefore, apprenticeship needs to sign documents.

It is also recognized by the country.

Therefore, when you hear those who claim to be who they are, you can ask: How long will you sign this document?

In fact, there are people like this in many societies who take the initiative to come to the door, beg Bailai to follow these masters of traditional Chinese medicine for two days out of the outpatient clinic, and after they come out they bluff and deceive the disciples.

Everyone should keep their eyes open!

At this time, Xu Ziming came to Chen Cang to sign with this document!


ps: There is still at 12 o'clock, ask for a ticket!

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